Previously: Veronica uses her college fund to check her mom into rehab.
Kanes and Abel’s
Lorraine: Veronica is still sitting in front of her computer, reminding us that Abel Koontz has a daughter and Clarence Weidman knows she knows. V believes Jake Kane bought a dying man’s confession, since his family needed a fall guy. She uses to search for Amelia Delongpre. She needs to find Amelia before Clarence does. Her search reveals that Amelia lives in LA! LA is where all the mystical relics are always conveniently located, so I don’t have a hard time believing a key witness would be there.
Sweeney: A KEY witness in the land of mystical relics? IS AMELIA DELONGPRE A KEY? IS SHE RELATED TO DAWN SUMMERS? I have so many questions.
Democracy Diva: Be careful, Veronica! The monks created Amelia out of a swirly ball of mystical energy for you to protect!
Lor: Our ability to keep the shows we cover separate is non-existent.
A co-ed is in bed, studying when there is a knock on her door. It’s Clarence Weidman. He asks for Amelia but the girl says she left with a tiny, blonde, cute as a button friend about five minutes ago.
Cut to Veronica leading Amelia through the campus. Amelia is hesitant, but Veronica claims to have been sent by Cliff, Abel’s lawyer, as new evidence suggests that Abel is innocent. Amelia is struggling with this information, especially when Veronica brings up the payoff. Amelia’s mother told her the money was coming from an out of court settlement. Veronica repeats that it’s a payoff for pleading guilty. Abel is innocent.
Sweeney: V’s all, “You’re in danger because you know about the payoff. You know, the payoff that you didn’t know was a payoff until I told you, thus putting you in potential danger? Now that I’ve endangered your life, come with me.”
Lor: Cut to the Ocean Beach Hotel. Veronica lets Amelia into a room, and apologizes for its less than ritzy appearance. Amelia doesn’t mind because she’s studying for final exams anyways, and no one sees the sun during that time. Veronica reminds her to call her mother and ask her to overnight the Kane settlement documents, using cash and a fake name, in order to prove that Abel is being paid to take the fall. Veronica leaves Amelia with an untraceable cell phone. Amelia says she is going to have to take calls from her boyfriend, but no one else.
Before Veronica leaves, Amelia asks if Veronica has seen her father in prison and how he is. “Dying,” VVO answers. “But if you know that, it’s doubtful you’ll help me.” Out loud, Veronica says Abel is doing fine.
Veronica walks down the main hallway at Neptune High and Voice Overs that it’s midterm time. VVO calls it an “orgy of tension.” Ugh, okay.
In a classroom, a girl wearing some sort of green paisley cardigan is showing a teacher a phone-sex ad in a newspaper. The girl in the ad has her face badly photoshopped onto someone else’s body. People were calling her house all night and they couldn’t disconnect the line because her father is a doctor (…who gets emergency calls on his land line? KAY.) Dick is in this class and he fake-coughs, “I’ve been bad.” The class laughs, but Excuses, Excuses is undeterred. She says someone also let the air out of her tires that morning. The teacher is sympathetic to Sabrina’s plight. The guy sitting behind Dick protests, as this teacher usually has a too-bad-so-sad policy when it comes to tardiness. The teacher tells Mr. Cho that when he gets personally attacked they’ll talk. As Sabrina leaves, Cho leans forward and tells Dick that he’s sure that if his mom were school board president, the teacher would be sympathetic to him.
Diva: I mean, all that stuff Sabrina went through sucks, but that shit does not get you out of an exam where I come from. I’m surprised my high school didn’t pull a Principal Rooney and demand to see the corpse of a family member if you wanted to like, skip class to go lip-sync “Twist and Shout” in a parade, or whatever.
Lor: And who doesn’t want to do that instead of math class, right?
Sabrina stomps into the the girl’s bathroom where Veronica is washing her hands. “I heard this was kind of like your office,” she says with a little snoot in her voice. (D: It’s okay, V. The men’s bathroom was The Fonz’s office, and he was cool.) Sabrina tells her about the flat tire. She thinks it’s her ex-boyfriend Caz Truman, as he’s been harassing her ever since she broke up with him. Every night when she’s trying to study, there is some new catastrophe. Sabrina tells Veronica to do something to make him stop. Veronica tells her she has mid-terms of her own to take, but Sabrina offers payment. VVO thinks about it, because she’s recently extra broke and now paying for Amelia’s motel room. Sabrina gives Veronica $100 up front and offers $400 more when V proves that Caz is behind the harassment.
After school, Veronica finds Caz, who we’ve seen before. (1) – He’s played by Zachary Ty Bryan and (2) – Meg thought he might be her secret admirer for a hot second. It used to be that Zachary Ty Bryan only reminded me of Home Improvement, but now he reminds me of that one time on Buffy he rejected Michelle Trachtenberg and we were all, “LOL. NO.”
Sweeney: Zachary Ty Bryan playing Caz is extra fitting, then, because he’s the epitome of that guy who peaked in high school…
Diva: Everyone else is way better at remembering exactly what this guy is from. My notes just read, “that guy from all late ’90s-early ’00s things who maybe was also already on this show??”
Lor: None of that is incorrect!
Caz denies his involvement in Sabrina’s woes and says that he would jump off the roof for her. He’s late for the gym, though, and has to jet but he’s interested in knowing who is bothering Sabrina so he can throat punch him, or something. Caz hops in his car and VVO wonders, “why is it that the Cazs of the world are forever in transit between romantic failure and the gym?”
Mars Investigation. Veronica has some sort of dedicated desktop to the Lilly murder investigation. It has a handy title announcing it as such, a picture of Lilly and Veronica and files assigned to any and all suspects. (D: The picture of Lilly and Veronica almost made me cry.) In the hours before Veronica has to be at Sabrina’s house, she’s going to prepare her case for Amelia, proving that Abel is allowing himself to be executed so she can be wealthy.
The phone rings and someones asks for Keith, but Veronica informs that person that he’s in a meeting. In that meeting, a woman is asking Keith to find a call girl for her husband. Keith asks if maybe this lady was looking for a pimp but stopped at P-I in the phone book. LOL. Not quite. This woman is basically asking to help set her husband up. She gets a settlement and Keith gets a bonus. He says it sounds sweet except for the part where it’s entrapment and against the law. She says she’ll go to Vinny Vanlowe who probably isn’t interested in pesky laws. Keith wishes her well, but warns her that she might end up getting the Vinny classic, in which he gets the money shot, goes back to the husband with it, and asks him for double the price to keep quiet about it. Without another word, Mrs. Entrapment leaves.
Veronica goes back out to her desk to find Logan at her LILLY KANE MURDER INVESTIGATION RIGHT HERE LOOK AT ME laptop. (D: If you have secret murder investigation files on your computer, Snark Nation, be sure to make them password-protected!) (L: Snark Squad advice saves lives!) She rushes over and shuts it close as Logan says he saw a file on Duncan.

Also, this whole exchange goes back to a point Sweeney made in the last post about Veronica actually being a great friend… to Lilly. They were best friends but I think that because of Veronica’s isolation soon after Lilly’s death, she’s clinging onto that friendship and thus this case even more. She can’t drop it, she says, and I believe her. At the same time, this case and her loyalty to Lilly continue to drive a wedge between her and the land of the living.
Sweeney: Precisely. It gives me extra feels for her during those times that she’s being a lackluster friend to the actual live humans around her because her grief is so much a part of that. Now, at least. Worse still, though, is that this is a pretty key developmental stage in terms of learning how to relate with other human beings and all of this would have to do a number on her long-term capacity to do that.
Diva: As the resident Snow, I was paying a lot of attention to Veronica’s relationships with the living, forgetting that all of this was to serve her best friendship, the one she had with Lilly that ended decades too soon. So I appreciated the reminder that Veronica’s not abusing her relationships with people like Wallace and Weevil and even Officer Mumblers because she can – it’s because she has to, because this is the only way she can “save” Lilly by putting her case to rest.
Lor: Logan leaves and and VVO, ever the pragmatic one, asks who is going to pay for Amelia’s hotel room now.
Cut to said hotel room where Amelia is studying and hilariously, she has Clash of the Titans, starring Harry Hamlin himself, on the TV. (S: BEST.) (D: Didn’t notice it, but that’s awesome. And it still works within the show because Aaron Echolls is a famous actor!) Veronica is just concerned if the movie is pay-per-view. Anyway, Veronica explains to Amelia about Lilly’s shoes being photographed at the crime scene and then magically appearing two months later on Abel’s house boat. Amelia asks if Veronica is sure the Kanes are the ones who set him up, and Veronica replies with a question of her own: who else has the money and influence to pull it off? Plus, all three of the Kanes falsified their alibis.
Diva: You should have led with that part, Veronica. That’s way more persuasive than, “they did it because they’re rich.”
Lor: Amelia reminisces about a time when her father was just a normal dad. And then Jake Kane pretty much robbed him of millions and he went crazy. I’m with Abel on that one. (S: MILLIONS! Abel was robbed of a life free of the tyranny of obligatory pants!) Abel dedicated his time to trying to invent something that would put Kane out of business. He hit his wife when she spilled coffee over his work. Aw man, Abel. I was with you for a second, until the domestic abuse. (S: Womp.)
Veronica gets to Sabrina’s house and notices a beat up yellow truck driving slowly past it. Inside, Sabrina is studying with her mom, listing the kingdoms of life. When they notice her, Sabrina says she agreed to tutor Veronica so her mother leaves. Veronica sits down and explains that she put a tracker on Caz’s car, but otherwise they just have to sit and wait until something happens. Sabrina is confident it will.
Diva: There’s also a lot of speaking Italian and computers and charts everywhere to show how involved Sabrina’s mom is in her education. Like, too involved.
Lor: Later, Veronica looks outside the window and sees the beat up yellow truck rolling by again. The phone rings and it’s someone asking for “Miss Sabrina.” Veronica makes quick work of the call, and the yellow truck rolls by again. Veronica sees an old school baby carriage in the room and an idea is born. (#punny)
Outside, the yellow truck drives by and a baby carriage rolls out in front of it. The driver slams on the brakes and Veronica runs up to the passenger door with a flashlight. It’s Caz.
Inside, Sabrina yells at Caz that it’s over. Caz maintains his innocence even when Veronica tells him he was lurking. “The innocent rarely lurk.” Hey, here, have another Buffy tie-in:
Caz says that he was just worried and was watching the house, figuring he could catch the guy and be the hero. This romantic failure moment is interrupted by a knock on the door. There are a group of kids there ready to party, because someone was handing out party flyers at Sultans of Acid with Sabrina’s address of it. Veronica slams the door in their face.
Veronica visits Amelia and brings her food. Amelia has finally got in touch with her mother who is sending the settlement paperwork. Amelia asks if Veronica can set up a visitation with Abel, and Veronica lies through her teeth as the VVO makes sure we know that.
Mars Investigations. Keith asks Veronica if she shouldn’t be getting ready for her “achiever dinner.” A man leans into the door and Veronica greets him as “Mr. Vanlowe.” It’s Vinnie! (S: HELLO VINNIE!) (D: HELLO KEN MARINO! Loved you in Wet Hot American Summer!) He skeeves a bit about Veronica coming to work for him, and how straying husbands tend to go for blondes. Keith exits his office and asks if Vinnie has any hair advice for him. Vinnie is actually there to thank Keith for the referral of Mrs. Entrapment. He smarms his way through a whole speech about how he has so much business and will kick some over to Keith for a small fee. He flips some business cards onto Veronica’s desk and leaves. Keith again tells V to go get dressed.
It’s a dinner Veronica has been dreading, as it’s held at the Kane Estate. The top 5 ranking juniors and seniors are invited and told about the scholarship offered in Lilly’s name. Veronica rings the door bell and VVO tells us it’s been a year and half since she last stood there and watched them wheel away her best friend’s body. Mr. and Mrs. Kane come to the door and there is some hesitation when they see Veronica.
Sweeney: “Hey, it’s been a while! Like, a while in which our daughter was brutally murdered and your dad accused us and also a lot of other secret stuff that we don’t talk about. Great, so, come on in!”
Lor: Sabrina, Duncan and Cho are already inside. Veronica’s attention is fixed on where Mr. and Mrs. Kane stand aside and chat animatedly. Being here, in this place, Veronica can’t help but wonder. For instance, Celeste Kane has plenty of reasons to hate her. How about if before she died, Lilly knew at least one reason why.
LILLYBACK! Lilly is lounging poolside. Her mother comes over and yells that “she” cannot come back here, ever. Lilly tells her mom to chill out. “That’s no way to treat your step-daughter,” she says. (D: First I thought she meant daughter-in-law, but DOES SHE KNOW HER DAD IS VERONICA’S DAD TOO?! Why wouldn’t she tell someone and stop that incest?!) Celeste starts to walk away, so Lilly stands and follows, saying that she thinks Duncan has already slipped Veronica too much Kane hospitality. Celeste smacks her. Lilly smacks her back. Celeste grabs what looks like a big ash tray and uses it to whack Lilly over the head. Celeste whimpers as she looks at Lilly bleeding out from the head.
Diva: OH MY GOD. I had to rewind and watch this scene again because I broke my capslock button the first time. My completely nonsensical notes involve approximately ten “OH MY GODS” and end with, “IS THIS A FLASHBACK OR IS THIS HAPPENING IN V’S HEAD?!” But with way more punctuation marks.
Jake’s voice takes us out of that and into the present, where he is talking about giving a scholarship to this year’s valedictorian. Jake wishes the juniors luck for next year. VVO says that he doesn’t look like a killer, but you don’t get to run a Fortunate 500 company without a killer instinct.
We cut into what we can now assume aren’t LillyBacks, but scenarios Veronica is considering. (D: Whew. I can finally stop abusing the capslock button.) Jake stomps out to where Lilly is lounging by the pool, but this time she’s on top of Weevil. Jake is pissed and yells at Weevil as Lilly tries to grab her dad’s arm. He pushes Lilly away hard enough that she smashes her head against a table. Jake grabs Weevil and threatens that if he breathes a word of it, he’ll take the fall.
Dinner time. Veronica hears Lilly’s voice and when she looks she sees a Phantom Lilly running past, out to the pool. Veronica walks out there. Phantom Lilly is lounging by the pool, but when she sits up, we see one side of her face is smashed in and bloody. (D: Very The Sixth Sense. I hope Veronica hasn’t really been dead this whole time.) Lilly asks what Veronica is doing at nerd-fest. V admits that she had to come back because something is wrong. They are hiding something. Lilly rolls her eyes and says her family has their faults, but they are hardly murderers. Veronica asks Lilly who did it and she just smiles.
Duncan joins Veronica outside and Phantom Lilly goes away. (D: DUNCAN KILLED HER AN EPILEPTIC RAGE BLACKOUT! Why else would he appear just as Veronica asks who did it?) He asks who Veronica is hiding from, and she starts to explain, but he’s just joking. He gets it. He admits to coming out here to think about Lilly too. At first, he wanted his parents to sell the house, but now he thinks it’s peaceful. He feels connected to his sister when he’s out there. Duncan tells Veronica to come inside.
Neptune High for Bs are For Losers. Sabrina is complaining about a B over her AP Bio exam. She’s lost her spot as valedictorian. Veronica knows that Caz isn’t behind the attacks, so she asks who is #1 now. Sabrina points to Hamilton Cho.
Sweeney: The fact that she didn’t even refer to him by name but a bratty little finger point was so obnoxious. Girl, your sense of entitlement is showing. It’s not cute.
Lor: Cho’s Pizza. Because there is always a poor kid and a rich kid. Veronica strikes up a conversation with Cho as she waits for her pizza. She congratulates him on getting into Oxford, which he says would be awesome if he had the billion dollars to go there. Veronica mentions the Kane scholarship now that he has the lead in the valedictorian race, over Sabrina. “The Teenaged Witch,” Cho replies. He doesn’t like her. Veronica says she’s had it pretty tough, but Cho don’t care. She once got AP credit for a trip to Rome and her mom is the school board president. Meanwhile, he works part time and has no tutors. The conversation ends as Cho has to go deliver some pizzas.
Sweeney: Preach, Cho. Preach. Also, thank you show for teenagers, for that excellent summary of one way privilege can work.
Lor: VVO agrees that the world is unfair, which is why she tells us she feels bad for putting a tracker on Cho’s car.
Plush Poor Apartment. Keith is exiting the shower and notices that someone is jiggling the front door knob. He opens the door and finds Clarence Wiedman. Keith sarcastically says that he didn’t hear Clarence knocking, but invites him in anyway. Clarence says he’s looking for someone and shows Keith a picture of Amelia. Keith is mock flattered that a big head of security would come to a little PI for help. Clarence clarifies that he thought Keith might’ve already known who Amelia was, and might even be stashing her. Keith invites him to take a look around and swears he has no clue who that woman is. Clarence doesn’t move so Keith asks if they are done, and does that awesome thing where he opens the door and stands by it. I really want to show someone out that way, one day, but I think it’s a thing that only happens on TV.
Veronica returns home from walking Backup, and Keith is waiting for her on the couch. We’ve seen him do this a couple of times, and each time, Veronica has been in trou-ble. Keith asks V to guess who stopped by. “If you say Josh Hartnett, I’m gonna be so bummed,” she jokes, because she doesn’t know she’s in trouble yet. Alas, it was Clarence Weidman.

I can imagine everything that Keith is feeling here, but I think a portion of it is professional jealousy, for lack of a better term. His seventeen year old daughter is getting further with a case than he did– a case that ruined his professional and personal life.
Diva: I didn’t think about that, but that’s an excellent point. He’s also protective and worried and angry and all the other things, but that is definitely a part of it.
Lor: All of that is forgotten, though, as Veronica says that Clarence is looking for Abel Koontz’s daughter. Keith jumps on that piece of information and puts together that she’s the one receiving the payoff. Keith jumps back into papa bear mode and asks Veronica if she has any idea how dangerous this is. V says she’s protecting Amelia but Keith wants to know who is protecting her. The Kanes would do anything to make the evidence go away. (S: Word. Veronica knows she’s investigating a multi-million-dollar cover-up. Clearly these people aren’t fucking around. This is a total, “At least let someone know where you are!” situation if ever there was one, V.) Keith says if Amelia is willing to give up three millions dollars for three moths of her father’s life, she must really love him. Veronica is shocked that Keith already knows that Abel is dying.
Keith says it’s a new game and new rules now. He asked her to stop investigating but Veronica won’t and he gets that now. He’s instead asking her o be more careful as he doesn’t want any more surprise visits from Clarence Wiedman. Veronica promises. In exchange, Keith shares with her that he thinks Jake Kane called Clarence Wiedman after he discovered Lilly’s body. Veronica asks what for, and Keith says to do whatever needed to be done.
Veronica sits in her car with Backup as she goes through a file on Clarence Wiedman, ex-Army Intelligence, ex-FBI. “Probably a good man in a bad situation.” (S: Does he know Paul? Did Paul move to Neptune after he went into hiding and being a ghost or whatever?) We cut to another possible scenario, with Jake crying over Lilly’s dead body, calling Clarence. We cut to him arriving, carrying a bag of ice to manipulate the corpse’s temperature. He sends Jake for the other bags and says they need to decide who discovered the body.
Veronica is outside of Cho’s Pizza. She gets a call from Sabrina complaining about a car alarm going off right outside her window. It stops right before the police get there. Veronica thinks this rules out Cho, because she’s been watching him all night. She sends Sabrina to find the car and take down the license plate number.
Neptune High for Pushing People Into Suspiciously Empty Classrooms For Private Chats. Veronica pushes Logan into a suspiciously empty classroom to ask if he’s going to tell on her ongoing investigation. Logan says something’s been bothering him: how come Duncan never told him about his epilepsy? Veronica figures that he or his parents didn’t want anyone to know about it. The epilepsy can manifest itself as fits of laughter or uncontrollable crying or even blind rage. Veronica asks if any of that sounds familiar. Logan scoots closer and says he’s only telling her this, but last year when Logan was over the Kane’s house, he heard screaming from another room. He thought someone had broken in but when he got there, he just found Duncan on the floor, his hands around Jake’s throat. Logan tried to pull him off and all of a sudden he went limp and he was Duncan again. Jake didn’t say anything and Duncan wouldn’t talk about it after. All this happened the week Duncan broke up with Veronica.
Lor: Mars Investigations. Veronica looks up the plate for the car that was torturing Sabrina, or whatever. It’s registered to Debra Villareal, who was once married to Vinnie Vanlowe. Veronica calls Sabrina and asks to borrow some of her spirit week stuff.
Vanlowe Offices. Veronica cheerily asks the front desk lady if Vinnie has a second to see her and also asks her to buy some spirit week cookies. One of them appears to be some sort of Thin Mint, so I understand the front desk lady’s enthusiasm to buy them. She says she’s buying two for the free pin deal, but let’s be real: one box is for now, one box is for later with no pants on.
Diva: I hope the spirit pin is secretly a recording device!
Lor: Vinnie comes out complaining to his ma about his tuna sandwich. He stops when he sees Veronica and lets her into his office. Veronica says she’s there to formally turn down his offer of working together, but to offer him a pen as a consolation prize. (D: I hope this and every other random object on this show are also recording devices!) Next, she asks him who hired him to harass Sabrina. Vinnie plays dumb, even after Veronica brings up his ex-wife’s car. He basically tells her to leave. But first:
This is the gif we used when Ken Marino showed up in Angel. IMDB tells me that Ken is also in the upcoming, live-action Goosebumps movie, which might be one of the best Traumaland crossovers yet.
Veronica gets into her car, where Sabrina is waiting, and turns on her laptop. The pen she left was a bug. (D: DUH, because everything on this show is!) Then, we hear him start singing Private Eyes.

Diva: I laughed my ass off at this scene, and then thought, “I bet his secretary’s pin still works!”
Lor: Sabrina asks what now, and Veronica asks for a little more credit. She taps a few other keys on her laptop and now we have video feed courtesy of the spirit pin ma is wearing. BECAUSE VERONICA MARS IS SMARTER THAN YOU. (D: BUT NOT ME. #BOOYAH #goodatTV) Vinnie asks his ma to get Jim on the line and his mom responds, “you want a pizza?” Vinnie says it’s business and Veronica realizes who did it.
Diva: Ken Marino is flawless as Vinnie. And the fact that the secretary is actually his mom? Absolutely perfect.
Lor: Cut to the Kane estate. Jim Cho explains to the Kanes and Vice Principal Clemmons that his son never had a fair chance. Jim swears that Hamilton didn’t have anything to do with it. Jake says that under the circumstances, if Hamilton and Sabrina finish 1-2, they can split the scholarship money. Mama Fuller says absolutely not. (S: WHAT A STUPID BITCH.) (D: YOUR KID DOESN’T EVEN NEED THIS FUCKING MONEY.) If Hamilton removes himself from the valedictorian race, and she won’t press charges. (S: I mean, I get that her daughter was harassed and she’s a mother and she’s right to be angry, but UGH. This is like when the other dragons got locked up for what Drogon did.) (D: Cosign.) Vice Principal asks if that’s really the only way, but Hamilton quickly agrees. Veronica says they can’t force him to do that, but they just did. Veronica follows the Chos out and asks what he’ll do: work two jobs, take out loans, state school and one day Sabrina will work for him. He smiles and generally has a good attitude about the whole thing.
VVO says that life is fundamentally unfair, and Hamilton makes unfair look cool. I don’t know if that’s a good thing. Part of me would like to make unfair look as unfair as possible.
Sweeney: +1. But also, this is an interesting reiteration, in Veronica’s own case-working life, of a point Keith tried to spell out for her back in the Aaron Samuels Cult episode: this is a line of work that often has to follow the money over what is actually right. Keith has good reason to fear for what Veronica’s exposure to that will do to her – and to want her far away from it.
Lor: VVO continues that Hamilton Cho is proof that kids can love their dads no matter how royally they screw up. Veronica is banking on that kind of love from Amelia.
Cut to Amelia calling Veronica because she’s got the settlement papers. Veronica says she’ll be right over to make copies, but we also see Clarence at Amelia’s college, stopping a young man and asking to use his cell phone. Amelia gets a call from her boyfriend, so hangs up with Veronica. When she answers, it’s Clarence who tells her that Veronica isn’t who she says she is.
WOMP. Because that’s the truth.
Veronica tells her dad that Amelia has the settlement papers and they head off together.
Unfortunately what they find is Clarence in Amelia’s room, packing up some paper work. He says Amelia was very sad to find out her father was dying, information Veronica never shared. (D: I’m glad that bit her in the ass. Omitting that information was a fucked-up thing to do, and she should learn from that.) She demands to know where he took Amelia, but he insists she took herself, with all her shiny new money, as she finalized her settlement with Kane Software.
Veronica sits in the dark at Mars Investigations near Keith’s safe. He finds her and she’s about to start her excuses but he cuts her off, telling her to take a chair while he opens the safe. The Marses go over the files together. Veronica asks what made Keith think the Kanes were involved in covering up Lilly’s death. Keith was the first one at the scene. We flashback to that night. Keith asks the Kanes how long they were home before they discovered Lilly’s body. Jakes says 5 minutes, maybe 10. He went out to check for the kids by the pool. Keith asks where Duncan was and Celeste answers that he was showering.
A buzzer goes off in the background. Keith asks if they are doing some laundry. The Kanes look at a loss for words. Keith’s voice over says the Kanes had two full times housekeepers and probably hadn’t done a load of laundry in years. Keith found a soccer uniform in the dryer.
Present. Veronica is overwhelmed. VVO tells us that Duncan and Lilly were so different, but they loved each other. He would never kill her… unless emotional turmoil caused by the epilepsy turned him into someone else. Possible scenario: Lilly lounges by the pool. When she looks up she sees Duncan standing over her with that ash tray thing, and he brings it down on her as we cut to the end credits.
Diva: OH MY GOD SO MANY FEELINGS. I mean, this can’t be the end of the story, or necessarily even the real story, because it’s not the season finale yet. But it makes sense that both Duncan’s parents would be involved in covering up him murdering Lilly, and it fits with the fact all three of them falsified their alibis. So I DON’T EVEN KNOW WHAT TO THINK AND I LOVE IT.
Lor: The Sabrina stuff was sub-par compared to all of the Lilly case stuff, even if I am entertained by Vinnie. I loved watching the little possible scenarios and super loved the pooling of resources between Keith and Veronica. This is an especially cool episode to watch as a non-Snow because I picked up a couple of hints and nudges in the direction of the final answer, some more obvious than you would think. I’ll stop now, for the Snow, but good episode is good.
Diva: This was my favorite episode yet. Vinnie is hilarious, and you know all I ever want is Lilly backstory, so I ate that shit up with a spoon. I’m always looking forward to the next episode, but this is the first time I feel on the edge of my seat, wishing I could binge-watch this. #snowproblems
Next time: Veronica is kidnapped while investigating some bomb threats in Veronica Mars S01 E18 – Weapons Of Class Destruction.