Previously: Superman saved Kara’s life and she hated it.
Catherine: This episode, a Thanksgiving episode, was supposed to air next week but because of the similarity between the Paris attacks and the content of this week’s episode, CBS apparently switched the order. This happens occasionally and I consider it a credit to the shows writing if it’s actually noticeable that the episodes are out of order. Usually it’s not.
I don’t normally like to refer to someone’s face as ‘messed up’ but this episode opens on an alien with a face that’s totally messed up. (M: That’s basically how this show lets us know someone is an alien. Thanks for making it easy, show.)
Messed Up Face Alien is being led down a hallway by two DEO agents when they break free and use super strength to throw a bunch of DEO guys around the room. Suddenly Supergirl shows up! I’m not sure why I was surprised. Her name is on the show.
She quickly dispatches Messed Up Face Alien while Alex calls her on her earpiece and asks her where she is. Supergirl says that she’s busy fighting an escaped alien prisoner and Alex reminds her that she promised to be there. We’re not told where ‘there’ is yet. It’s a bit annoying to see Alex, who knows Kara’s secret doing this whole ‘where are you?” thing. Like, take a guess, Alex. (S: Cosign, yo.)
Supergirl knocks the alien prisoner out and all of the remaining DEO guys who weren’t knocked out rush in to re-handcuff them. Hopefully with stronger cuffs this time. Supergirl tells Henshaw that the prisoner was tough calling them a ‘he’. Henshaw corrects her and calls them a ‘she’.
“Oh. Respect,” Kara says.
I hate to get started with the mean comments so early in the episode but here we go.
This whole ‘She’ ‘Respect’ thing was obviously included to act as some kind of trans inclusive statement and while I appreciate the sentiment it, like most of the feminist statements so far was handled like a little kid trying to make a deck with a shoe for a hammer. I feel like the writers of this show have heard of the LBGTQ and feminist movements and know that they’re something that the youth of America is into but they know literally nothing beyond that. And maybe they heard about them from a mailman or an older neighbor or even a dog who is on medication.
What I’m saying is, they seem like they want to include these great messages of equality and support (in this case for trans people) but they don’t know how to do it without poking fun instead. They haven’t done their research.
Having an obviously male actor play a character who throws people around and is about 7 feet tall turn out to be a woman and reveling it through a throwaway line with a joke at the end is not inclusion. It’s a joke.
Mari: It was so misplaced too. Hey, look, people who make things: yes inclusion is important but no one is asking that you take time in your material, point at a person, and go “that person is different!” and move on. You are doing it wrong. People want fleshed out characters who also happen to represent different minorities.
Anyway, this was weird.
Samantha: I can’t really add anything beyond what my brilliant cohorts have already stated. But, yeah, it was another cringe worthy “why is this even happening?” moment. I’ve said it before, it’s 2015, you do not get points for half-assed effort anymore.
Catherine: Back to the show.
Supergirl jets back to her super pad and Alex is there to apologize about bothering her. Okay, Alex, it’s not enough but it’s a start. Alex tells her that she’s freaking out.
“Last year she was mad at me for you not dating enough. I can’t even imagine what she’s gonna do to me for you coming out as Supergirl”.
Again, we’re not told who ‘she’ is but it’s pretty fucking obvious that it’s they’re mother. Also, apparently she’s bringing pie.

Catherine: I think she just means that she came through 12 different galaxies when she came here? But the show is trying to be cute and funny and INACCURATE.
There’s a knock on the door and Helen Slater is there! Yay! I went over this in my review of the first episode but Helen Slater, who plays Alex and Kara’s mother on the show, also played Supergirl in the 1984 movie. It’s genuinely terrible and I have seen it many, many times. (S: I smell a #snarkathon.) (C: Yes please!)
Because of this she looks a lot more like the actress playing Kara than the actress playing Alex, who is supposed to be her biological daughter. But we’re just gonna ignore that, I guess. (M: Alex gets her looks from Dean Cain?) (C: Sure *shrug*)
Her name in this show is Eliza, so I will be calling her that ’cause it’s easier than typing out ‘1984 Supergirl’ all the time. (S: And I will quietly be singing Hamilton songs every time you do.)
Eliza tells Kara that she looks great and tells Alex that she looks a little tired and asks if ‘the lab’ is working her too hard. Ouch. Then she says that she had a rough flight and Kara awkwards a bit about her rough flights and almost accidentally spits out something about the DEO but stops herself in time. Eliza says that she’s doing great and Alex is all ‘really?’ like she’s nervous. She sighs in relief when Eliza says ‘of course’.
So, obviously there’s a dynamic here that we haven’t seen before. Alex feels unsure around her mother and is desperate for approval, primarily about Kara.
Back at Cat Co, in a dark office a woman is doing a radio broadcast about Supergirl. Well, mocking Supergirl. Unfortunately, she goes straight to making fun of Supergirl’s outfit and sex life and whether or not she’s a lesbian. Because girls, amiright? We sure can’t make any valid points about a super hero’s impact on a city’s infrastructure and what it means for the future. No, no, we only like clothes and boys. (S: And tearing each other down because it’s all a giant GIRL COMPETITION.)
This is all played over a montage of all of the main characters listening in their respective offices/homes. I wasn’t aware anyone even listened to the radio anymore let alone all at the same time but okay. This may be the least believable thing I’ve seen on this show. (M: And we’ve seen a yellow sun on Krypton at night, guys.)
Finally the montage ends with Cat turning off the broadcast in her office just as the broadcaster starts to question whether or not Supergirl has human genitalia.
Outside Cat’s office, Kara and that butt itch Winn are talking about Kara’s breakfast with her mom. Kara makes sure to remind that Eliza is her foster mom.
Now, this is obviously done to remind the viewers and not so much Winn but I don’t really have a problem with it. Maybe it’s Kara’s way of keeping the memory of her biological mother alive (as opposed to the hologram of her mother that is actually alive in a basement) maybe it’s whatever. I don’t care because they both seem happy with it, it doesn’t come up as an issue and I’m not about to tell anyone how to run their family.
Samantha: I totally agree, that’s fine, but it felt so clunky to me. And she always just refers to Alex as her sister. Maybe, because she didn’t have any biological sisters it’s not a memory thing, like Katy suggested? I dunno. It’s totally fine but felt clunky. I just wish everything didn’t feel clunky.
Catherine: I think we all wish that.
Kara asks that stubbed toe, Winn, what he’s doing for Thanksgiving.
“Yeah, orphan Thanksgiving. Literally, Thai food and an Orphan Black marathon.”
Ugh. I bet Winn ships Beth and Mark. He’s such a turd.
Kara asks him about his family and friends but he doesn’t have any because he’s a dickhead. She gets upset and insists that he come to her family Thanksgiving. He refuses on principal but agrees quickly and is clearly pleased. ‘Haha, yeah, I’m totally gonna fuck this girl on top of a table filled with Thanksgiving food while her mom and sister watch’.
Winn is the human equivalent of a Vuvuzela and I hate him and you should hate him too.
Mari: Your Winn hate is spiraling out of control and I can’t look away.
Samantha: It’s beautiful. I’m eating popcorn.
Catherine: Enjoy it now because it’s eventually going to destroy me.
Back to the plot, Kara notices that Leslie Willis, the radio shock jockey (har har) is in Cat’s office. She wonders why. Winn reminds her that she has super hearing REALLY LOUDLY so that everyone around them who doesn’t have super hearing can make sure to hear that she’s Supergirl.
Cat is telling Leslie that she warned her about going after Supergirl but Leslie blows her off and says that Cat’s always warning her about something. Cat does the whole ‘I discovered you I can destroy you’ thing. For once this show actually gets it’s feminist soapboxing right as Cat points out that Leslie is ‘going after a young girl, insulting her body, how she dresses, her sexuality’. ‘Lack of sexuality‘, Leslie cuts in as if that were a thing that mattered even at all. (S: A+ you and show.)
Leslie says that usually Cat doesn’t give a shit who she goes after as long as she gets ratings. She asks why Supergirl is different. Cat basically says that she’s trying to cultivate a relationship between Supergirl and Cat Co and that if she could legally adopt her, she would.
Kara, who is listening from her desk, smiles at this.
Leslie stands and questions why Cat’s own article was so hard on Supergirl. “Supergirl is off limits. Effective immediately“, Cat says with finality.
Leslie tells her she’s a hypocrite and Cat tells her she’s finished. She’s can’t fire her but she’s re-assigning her to the Cat-Copter. Which is apparently a traffic copter but the name reminds me of that horrific taxidermied cat that that guy made into a toy helicopter.

Samantha: No! Is this real? No!
Catherine: It’s real! It’s the future!
Leslie stares Cat down as she storms out.
Over at a random restaurant, Kara picks up takeout. As she’s waiting she sees Jimmy and makes small talk about the weather. He tells her that it reminds him of the weather in Metropolis. Yes, Jimmy, you lived in Metropolis. We get it.
Kara sits down across from him and tells him that if he’s not going home for the holiday he’s welcome to come to Thanksgiving at the super pad. She calls it ‘Friendsgiving’ which is adorable to me.
Jimmy thanks her but says that Lucy and he are headed to Ojai. Apparently it’s only a few hours away. So I guess National City is in California? (S: I have forever been asking for a map of DC cities.)
He says that if Supergirl needs anything she can give him a call. Kara tells him that she’s more worried about her family and the situation between Alex and Eliza (S: I’m sorry, I’m sorry, but this sentence is trolling the Hamilton out of me.) (C: LOL. I’m calling Hamilton and telling them I want my friend back immediately.)
At that point Lucy comes in and Kara makes her exit. Kara is obviously hurt by them dating and the fact that she’s not getting to hit that instead but she’s being pretty adult about it and not flipping Lucy off secretly like I would be doing. So good for her.
Alex runs in to this random restaurant and tells Kara that she thinks that their mom is furious that Kara came out as Supergirl but she’s pretending not to be. Alex is clearly grasping at straws so Kara rolls her eyes and asks her if she’s considered the fact that Eliza might not be angry at all. Kara asks Alex if maybe she should come out to their mom, too.
“You want me to tell her that I’m a DEO agent?” Alex asks, incredulously. AND LOUDLY. IN THE MIDDLE OF A RESTAURANT. Although, I guess since no one knows who the DEO is that’s probably more forgivable.
Kara says that if Eliza is mad Alex can tell her that she’s doing all of this to protect Kara. So…I guess Kara believes that now? Cute.
In the Cat Copter, a storm hits as Leslie is covering traffic. The helicopter gets hit by lighting and starts to lose altitude. Luckily, Kara and Alex see this from the ground outside the restaurant. Kara tells Alex to clear the sidewalk while she runs off to change into her costume and save the helicopter.
The pilot falls out and Kara has to catch him and go back up to get Leslie. She tells Leslie to take her hand but just as they touch a lightening bolt hits Kara and goes through her to Leslie.
In many, many adaptations this is a way of giving Superman or Supergirl’s powers to a normal person and then we get a whole preachy thing about how not everyone can be a superhero after the normal person uses the powers to rob a bank or pee on the moon or whatever. (M: FYI, this did happen on Lois and Clark, so.) (C: It also happened on Smallville. Not the peeing on the moon thing but we can’t have everything.)
But that’s not what happens so don’t get excited.
After a commercial break we’re taken to the hospital where Leslie is recovering. Cat is pacing around and asking when they can leave. Apparently she’s ‘intensely germ-phobic’. We’re shown Leslie lying in bed unconscious and that her hair is totally silver now which Cat calls, ‘very Katy Perry’. In a bad way.
Kara points out that if she didn’t care about Leslie she wouldn’t be paying for the hospital room. She also says that Supergirl must feel terrible.
Cat asks why and says that Supergirl managed to save the pilot, the Cat Copter and Leslie, even if she is in a coma. Cat then says that she was the one who assigned Leslie to traffic.
Cat’s pretty fabulous in this episode. Not gonna lie. (S: Jump aboard my Cat Love (mostly) train! There is booze in the caboose!)
She tells Kara that that’s long enough and she (Cat) has a company to run. But after Kara leaves Cat quietly tells Leslie that she’s tougher than a bolt of lightening and to get up off her ass. In a nice way. It’s hard to describe.
And then after SHE leaves Leslie wakes up and we’re shown that her eyes are totally black. So she got a nap and a makeover? Yay!
We cut to a news broadcast and it’s Perd Hapley again! Yay!
Perd tells us what we already know: Leslie is in a coma and she would’ve died if not for Supergirl.
Alex is the one watching the broadcast and Eliza tells her to turn it off. Alex smugly tells Eliza that she knew she was mad about the Supergirl thing.
Eliza tells her that she doesn’t know how Alex could’ve let Kara come out as Supergirl like this. Alex counters that Kara has done amazing things etc. Hilarious since just a few weeks ago Alex was arguing with Kara about this exact same thing on the opposite side. Now she’s acting like a crazy cult follower or something. Whatever, Alex.
They argue a bit about Kara being an adult and how Eliza thought she could count on Alex to watch over Kara and blah, blah, blah. (S: At this point I was like, bad parenting is bad?)
Then we get a flashback and it’s Dean Cain everybody! He’s back! (M: I’m so over this show that this is like half as exciting as it was just 3 episodes ago.) (S: I’m still pretty pumped! Woop!) (C: I”ll be neutral then. Just to balance you out.)
Dean Cain, who probably has a name in this but I don’t care, is looking through a telescope when Eliza comes out and tells him that both Kara and Alex are in bed. He marvels that they haven’t killed each other yet and we get a little exchange where they call each other ‘Dr. Danvers’ as they head back inside the house.
Meanwhile, Kara and Alex as preteens are sneaking out and Kara wants to fly but Alex tells her that she’s not supposed to. They end up flying off and giggling.
Back in the present, Leslie is somehow out of the hospital and wearing leather. So she did get a makeover? I was right? Cool. She’s freaking out about the fact that her hands keep glowing and shooting electrical currents.
This seems like as good a time as any to give you the comics comparison.
So, Leslie Willis is Livewire. They’ve kept basically to the same story line she had in the comics where she’s a shock jockey who gets hit by lightening and gains the ability to manipulate electricity only in the comics it was originally Superman that saved her.
Also, she looks a bit different:
But still like Katy Perry. So it’s fine.
Back on the show, Leslie is walking around marveling at her new powers when some bargain bin creep comes up and says it’s his lucky day and he thought Halloween was last month. Leslie blasts him away. Suddenly she looks happy about her new power. (M: Because murder.)
At the super pad, Friendsgiving is well under way. Eliza asks Kara to give the turkey a quick blast with her heat vision because apparently her oven sucks.
Eliza notices that Alex is drinking a lot and slurring her words a bit and pointedly says that she should eat something. Trying to defuse the tension, Kara asks everyone to go around the table and say what they’re thankful for.
No one else wants to go first so she awkwardly takes the wheel. She’s grateful for everyone there. Including Eliza who raised her.
Winn is up next and he stands, even though no one asked him to even be born. But just as he does Kara’s phone starts ringing and it’s James. Winn looks bothered. Who gives a fuck?
Kara leaves the table. In another room we find out that Jimmy’s holiday isn’t going so well and he just called Kara to talk, basically. Kara thanks him and tells him to have a wonderful time with Lucy. It’s pretty obvious that he just called her because he missed her.
Back at the table Eliza is bragging to Winn about Alex being in the same field (bio-engineering) as her. Alex finally snaps and tells her about the DEO and what they do. Eliza is pissed. She asks how Alex could do this and Alex defends that she’s just watching over Kara again which, ugh. Whatever. I hate this argument and I’m not on Alex’s side at all. Alex wonders how Kara risking her life to help others makes her a hero but Alex does the same and she’s in trouble. I mean, you’re in your 30’s, Alex. You’re not ‘in trouble’.
After she storms out, Kara asks their mother how she could say those things to Alex. She wonders why Eliza was always so much harder on Alex than she was on her and before Eliza can answer Cat texts Kara that there’s an emergency at Cat Co.
Another flashback: Preteen Kara and Alex get back from their nighttime flying adventure and their parents are waiting for them. Dean Cain is mad. He lectures Kara about using her powers where people could see her and Eliza tells Alex that she’s disappointed in her.
Uh-oh. ‘Disappointed’ is mom-speak for mad.
Eliza basically says that Alex is supposed to watch out for Kara and that Kara is new to Earth and younger so she doesn’t expect as much from her. Whatever. We’ve heard this ‘you’re supposed to watch out for Kara’ speech 500 times in this episode already. I’m tired of it.
There’s a knock at the door and it’s Henshaw. The Danvers’ look worried. End of flashback. (S: But is he red eyed Henshaw yet?) (C: No? Maybe? My Magic 8 Ball just says ‘ask again later’.)
Back in the present, Kara gets to Cat Co and Cat tells her that she has a last-minute conference call and none of her technology is working.
While getting to work fixing it, Kara tells her that it’s a sign that she shouldn’t work on Thanksgiving. Cat says that she loves to work on holidays and she doesn’t have anyone at home anyway. Her son, Carter (who I don’t think has been mentioned before but is in the comics) is with his dad and her mother ‘won’t eat a flightless bird’.
Kara decides that they need Winn’s help.

Just after Kara says this suddenly the lights go out and they hear Leslie’s voice. Her face appears on the huge number of screens that I never realized were behind Cat’s desk before. She calls herself Livewire and says she’s Leslie 2.0.
Livewire warps into Cat’s office and blasts them with her electricity, only just missing them. Because of course.
Kara and Cat manage to escape to another office while Livewire teleports around zapping in their general direction. Luckily bad guys can’t aim.
Cat tells Kara to go get security 20 floors down, giving Kara a perfect excuse for a wardrobe change. She shows back up just as Livewire is going to blast Cat and Supergirl takes the blast instead. She tells Livewire that she doesn’t have to do this and tells Cat to get out of there.
For some reason, Cat decides to take the elevator even though electricity is zapping around everywhere and technology is malfunctioning all around them. Of course the elevator starts to plummet and Kara has to save her. She rips open the door and says ‘you’re safe now, Ms. Grant’.
I may be starting to ship Kara/Cat now. Don’t judge.
After the break, Perd Hapley shows back up to tell us that National City is having blackouts.
Henshaw and Kara are watching. He tells Kara what we all already knew– that her getting hit by lightening while touching Leslie is what caused her to develop powers. Apparently Kara is ‘Element X’ and when normal static discharge passes through her body it picks up a bunch of Kryptonian junk and turns out all wonky. That’s basically what he says, trust me. (M: I wouldn’t dream of questioning/paying closer attention than you have.) (C: Who could, really?)
Henshaw also reminds Kara that when Livewire isn’t zapping around as electricity she can be punched. Good tip, G-man. Cat walks in and asks agent ‘Mulder’ (Henshaw) if the FBI is going to reimburse her for all the damage they’re doing to her building in combing over it trying to find Leslie. Henshaw tells her that they’d be doing less damage if she’d allow them to relocate her to a safer location and Cat says she didn’t get where she is by running from fights. She also says that tomorrow is Black Friday and she wants Cat Co to be back up by then. I’m not sure why a serious news organization would really care about Black Friday? But okay. (S: I WAS SO CONFUSED! ARE THEY HAVING A SALE ON SHITTY EMPLOYEES?) (C: All I could picture was a really big page of coupons.)
Henshaw tells Kara that there’s a trap that the DEO used to restrain a prisoner who runs on pure energy and they may be able to modify it to use on Livewire. For once he’s actually genuinely helping and not being an ass about it. Progress!
Mari: Whatever, he’s got red eyes. I don’t buy a thing this guy does.
Catherine: That’s all it takes to garner our suspicion. Red is the color of the devil, ya’ll.
Cat calls Kara back in and tells her that she can leave if she wants to. Kara tells her that she’s not that eager to get back to her family and talks about Alex and her foster mother getting into a fight.
“You have a foster mother? That’s mildly intriguing,” says Cat.
Kara only sort of lies and tells Cat that her parents died in a fire when she was 13. She tells Cat that Eliza was really there for her but she has a different relationship with Alex. Kara and Cat bond a bit over mother-daughter relationships and how Cat’s mother pushed her too much and still isn’t satisfied with where Cat ended up.
Then she segues into how she should’ve pushed Leslie to be better and stopped rewarding her for being so awful on air. Cat feels guilty for having a hand in creating Livewire. She says that she needs to get in touch with Supergirl and assumes the FBI knows how to contact her. Kara suddenly jumps up and announces that she is gonna go home after all. Subtle, Kara.
Back at the super pad Alex and Eliza are lighting candles in the blackout while a sultry, sexy cover of Hozier’s ‘Take Me To Church’ plays. An even more sexy version, I mean. For a mother daughter scene it’s a weirdly sensual song choice. It’s it just me?
Mari: Uh, no. I Tweeted about it because it was WEIRD AS HELL. And the candles were arranged all sexily and not survivor-y. Trust me, if you saw the scene, that makes sense.
Catherine: I mean, I felt like they were about to get down.
Eliza asks Alex to sit down and then tells her that she’s sorry for what she said earlier. Alex asks why she was always so much tougher on her than Kara. Eliza points out that Kara had massive PTSD from her entire planet dying so she felt like she had to treat her a bit differently. Fucking duh, Alex.
They make up while crying and Eliza says that she needs to tell her something but, as is becoming a theme in this episode, Alex gets a text and has to leave.
Over at Cat’s apartment (I guess?) Cat is drinking on her roof when Supergirl flies in. This EXACT scene usually plays out as a very sexual tension filled interview with Lois and Superman, just sayin’.
Cat asks for Supergirl’s number. Well, she asks for it so she can contact her without having to go through other people but I chose to look at it a different way and you can’t change that. Cat tells Supergirl that she wants to go after Livewire and they should team up.
Over at the DEO, Henshaw and Alex give Supergirl the trap they devised for Livewire. Apparently it’s supposed to dampen electricity once you spring it.
Cat broadcasts from Cat Co’s radio station and tells Leslie to meet her ‘where it all began’. Which is apparently a street outside. Okay. I’m almost done here so I’m not gonna even question it.
Livewire shows up and asks Cat where her ‘bodyguard’ is. Cat tells her that she didn’t think Supergirl was necessary. Leslie tells her that she wanted one of them to watch the other one die.
“Oh, Leslie, you and I got through you not supporting Hilary in 2008 we can get through this.”
Livewire says that the only thing Cat has that she wants is her skin and there’s only one way to skin a–

Samantha: Random, but as someone who grew up with Green Eggs and Ham jokes abound, this was my favorite thing ever.
Catherine: Cat asks her if they’re going to talk or not and Livewire says not and blasts her with electricity.
Cat just manages to duck behind a car. Supergirl shows up and distracts Livewire.

“Then I’m finishing you off,” Kara uses her distraction to jump up and uses one of the cities underground water pipes to hose Livewire down.
“Water and electricity. Never a good match.” It took them 40 minutes to figure that out, apparently. That’d would’ve been my first thought! Why am I not a superhero again?
Supergirl thanks Cat for her help and she says ‘you’re welcome’ in a genuine way.
Samantha: Is Leslie dead? Did they just kill her? I mean, okay, but usually there’s more “I don’t want to kill” in superhero stuff.
Catherine: This happens SO often in superhero stuff. They need to get rid of the villain without killing them so they leave it ambiguous and we are just left confused. In Batman, she would now be in Arkham. In Supergirl, who knows? They haven’t really told us where the naughty villains go yet.
The next day at Cat Co, Kara brings that used bandaid Winn a bunch of leftover Thanksgiving food as a thanks for putting up with her family. Winn says that he didn’t get to to tell her what he was thankful for and it’s her. Quelle fucking surprise.
He also tells her that his dad’s in prison and that ‘he’s a pretty bad person and he deserves to be there’. Which is the first intriguing thing he’s said ever. I’m calling it now, Winn’s dad is a super villian of some kind. IDK what kind. But some kind.
He gives Kara a kiss on the cheek and she breezes by him when she notices that Jimmy and Lucy are back. For some reason they came back and then went straight to Cat Co? They still have their luggage and everything. (M: Idiots.)
Lucy says she has to go back to work and leaves. Does she work there? I’m confused. (S: Probably a continuity thing we missed in the axed episode.) (C: Oh right.)
Jimmy asks Kara how she’s doing and she says shes glad to have him back.

Mari: I think Cat Co owns a newspaper and a magazine. So the answer is both.
Catherine: Cat decides to go with none of the pictures and instead run a piece on soup kitchens and shelters and what they did over the holiday. She says that Liberals love to feel guilty and they should use that. So she clearly learned a little something. I doubt that it will carry into the next episode (the one that would’ve originally aired after this one) but hey.
Before Kara can leave Cat thanks her for sharing with her about her parents death (sort of) and then sends her off for coffee and anti-anxiety meds with a ‘chop-chop’, lest we think she’s completely changed.
Back at the super pad, Eliza is hugging the girls and telling them that she’s proud of them. But she tells Kara that there’s room for improvement with Supergirl. Kara is taken a bit off guard by the critique and Alex says that it’s the best thing that’s ever happened to her. Again, I have to question why Kara thinks she and Alex are friends. It doesn’t seem that way?
Mari: I’m beyond questioning the characters and into the realm of thinking the writers have no idea what they are doing.
Catherine: Eliza tells them that she still has something she needs to tell them. She promised their father that she wouldn’t but apparently their father, Dean Cain wasn’t actually a doctor and he didn’t really die in a plane crash. He worked for the DEO.
In a flashback we see Henshaw at the Danvers’ house gearing up to take Kara to study her. Eliza is furious and tries telling him that he can’t. Henshaw tells her that since Superman refuses to work with them they are going to study Kara instead. Seriously? They’re going to take a little girl from her home and put her under a microscope because they can’t get a grown man to cooperate? And where is Superman in all this? Why wouldn’t the Danvers’ call him and say that someone was trying to take Kara away? (S: Cause he would have been like, “Oh. Rough. Gotta go blow dry my hair.)
Dean Cain tells Henshaw that he doesn’t have to take Kara. He says that he will work for the DEO and that he, being Superman’s doctor, knows everything there is to know about him.
I gotta say, hearing Dean Cain say ‘Superman’ again made me giddy. (M: It made me so sad he’s dead in the present. THIS SHOW DOES ONLY BAD THINGS.) (S: This line made me SQUEE but yeah, sad rage at present day death status.) (C: Okay, but what if he’s not REALLY dead? I’m just guessing. I have no idea.)
Henshaw accepts his proposal and they shake hands.
Back in the present, Eliza tells them that Dean Cain died working at the DEO for a man named Henshaw.
At DEO HQ, Henshaw is congratulating Supergirl and she and Alex are standing by being really subtle and not at all obvious that something’s wrong. He asks if somethings wrong (because it’s very obvious) and she says no. Once he walks away Kara tells Alex that they need to find out what happened to their father.
Alex agrees and the episode ends.
Like I said, I really enjoyed Cat in this episode. She was funny and brusque and in charge while showing that she has a heart. I love that she doesn’t consider Winn a human. Neither do I.
And as one last note, I will say that my prediction a few episodes ago about Superman not even calling Kara on Thanksgiving was 100% RIGHT. He didn’t. We never saw him at all in this episode. He’s getting cold mashed potatoes for sure.
Next time on Supergirl: The episode that got preempted because of terrorism in S01 E05 – How Does She Do It?