Previously: Faith woke up from a coma, recovered at Slayer speed, and immediately went to find herself a proper villain wardrobe.
Who Are You?
Sweeney: I wish I could tell you that I’m kidding when I say that I spent a good fifteen minutes debating how to name Faith/Buffy in this episode — whether Faith!Buffy would mean Faith in Buffy’s body or Buffy in Faith’s body. Obviously that would be the most insane, confusing thing ever. For the sake of this recap, they will be referred to by the character they are, not the body they are in, though I’ll occasionally clarify when I feel it’s necessary. That is, Faith-in-Buffy’s-body will be Faith and Buffy-in-Faith’s-body will be Buffy. Got it? Cool.
Outside the Summers home, Joyce and Faith-as-Buffy are being told by a detective (LOL Sunnydale cops) that they’re so glad they have “Faith” in custody because they’ve been looking for her. As Buffy-as-Faith is carted away on a stretcher, Faith makes a point to grab Joyce’s hand, so that Buffy can see. The detective says something about Faith being a kid and Faith’s all, “SHE’S NOT.” And he’s all, “No, she’s dangerous.” And Faith ominously adds, mostly to herself, “She truly is,” as the credits roll.
Inside, Joyce asks Faith-as-Buffy why Faith is like that, adding that she thinks Faith must be deeply unhappy. Faith jokes about how screwed up she is, in a rather un-Buffy-like fashion. Joyce chastises her, so she melodramas that she just can’t stand the thought of Faith hurting Joyce. Joyce hugs her and Faith makes the face that I want to make during 85% of all hugs.
K: YES. Right there with you, Sweeney.
Sweeney: She shakes off the hug and Joyce suggests that they spend some time together soon, because she’s missed her. Faith lets out an, “I KNEW IT.” She promises to spend time with Joyce, but first it’s bath time. By which I mean, “Look in the mirror in the bathroom and make faces that become some of the most gifable moments of the whole series.” Pretty sure I had half a dozen friends who used an image from this scene as their Livejournal picture when I was middle/high school. When I first watched last summer I got really excited: “OH HEY! I KNOW THIS MOMENT! NOW IT HAS CONTEXT! I LOVE CONTEXT! AWESOME!” Here, have an excessive number of gifs from this scene, because it is magical:
Lorraine: Agreed! I’ve seen that tongue-out picture of SMG a million times before while searching for other Buffy things. Placing it in context was great, just in addition to the entire scene being wonderful and fun. It is the first we get to see of what Faith thinks of Buffy, living up to some extreme moral code she (Faith) has never managed to live up to. I loved it so much.
Sweeney: Buffy-in-Faith’s-body is freaking out because Faith is with her mother and it takes a team of doctors and some sedatives to take her out. I mean, Buffy has absolutely taken on that same number of super strong vampires/demons by herself before, but sure. Whatever, show.
Willow is telling Tara that she’s worried and wonders where Faith is, due to them not knowing all the things we now know. Tara’s all, “Nobody will find you here since they don’t even know I exist.” Poor Tara. Lots of feels for Tara. Willow awkwards that as much as she wants Tara to meet them, she likes having something that’s just hers, and Tara swoons a little. As Willow stands, Tara adds, “I am, you know — yours.” D’aww!

K: 1430 for Lor. BRB, joining Team Feels.
Sweeney: Thank you for adding that detail about the Scoobies, because YES, it’s a really sad, telling fact about the current state of their little circle. DNW.
Back at Chez Summers, Faith is putting Buffy in proper villain attire, so that the audience doesn’t get confused. (L: Plus: Buffy Isn’t Herself Wavey Hair!) She finds credit cards and a passport, because she at least has the good sense to know that she needs to GTFO.
Lor: Back in Enemies, Faith gave a whole speech about Sunnydale being HER town, and how Buffy got the Watcher, the mom, and all the gratitude. She could’ve gotten out of Sunnydale as Faith. I think this speaks more to her desire to be Buffy, but be Buffy Faith’s way. She’s missing the point, which we will continue to see throughout the episode.
Sweeney: As she finishes reading off a credit card number, probably to buy a plane ticket, (International? I hope they bill The Council for that shit.) and Joyce enter-nounces that Giles calls and wants her to meet her friends at his place. Faith has some time to kill, because sticking around to gloat (albeit secret gloating) is the undoing of every recurring villain.
K: Apparently Faith learnt how to be a villain from the Big Book of Gloating by Ethan Rayne. With a foreword by Spike.
Sweeney: A+
Faith asks Joyce if she wouldn’t mind her stealing some lipstick. Joyce points out that it was the same one Faith picked and she makes, “Aw shit,” face before telling Joyce to burn it and walking out.
In the back of a cop car, Buffy is coming to and the cops are all, “HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE?” and then they crash into a red truck. Two men from the red truck grab her out of the back of the car and throw her in the truck, because she’s being taken into custody, by order of the Watcher’s Council.
At Giles’s New Wiggins Apartment, Faith arrives and starts naming off her friends who are all there, except she has no idea who Anya is so she’s all, “and…everybody.” When Giles asks about Faith, she asks if Joyce didn’t already tell them, though nobody notices that. She adds that the cops have her and its poetic justice and Anya’s all, “Uh, that doesn’t actually make sense,” what with it just being regular justice.
Giles tells everyone that the Watcher’s Council sent in a srsbsns retrieval team for Faith. (L: LOL at the Watcher’s Council having a task force. Sure they do. Sure.) (K: A+. Like, isn’t the SLAYER the Watcher’s Council task force?? Maybe they had to come up with an equivalent of the SAS after Buffy quit…) Faith starts crazy laughing a little, and she’s all, “Uh, you know, because of the evil!” and Willow chimes in that, “Yes, Faith is just the evilest.” Then Faith adds, “I forgot how much you don’t like Faith,” and adds that she knows what Faith would say to that and starts stabbing Willow! But no, it’s just a majorly crazypants daydream. See, evil people have lots of stabby daydreams.
Willow gives Faith a little WTF? face, on account of Faith having total murderface. She recovers, telling Willow that she’d never let Faith hurt her. Anya’s all, “Wait, so, everything’s fine? And you couldn’t just tell us that over the phone?” I feel you, girl. Complete lack of appreciation for phones around here.
K: As much as one of my least favourite things to do is talking on the phone, I hate leaving the house more. So I totally agree with Anya on this.
Sweeney: Agreed. NOBODY WHO KNOWS MY NUMBER SHOULD READ WHAT I SAID AS ME BEING IN FAVOR OF TALKING ON THE PHONE. I will continue to ignore your calls. In 2013, a text message totally would have sufficed in this situation. “NBD. Faith arrested. TTYL.”
Anya and Xander add that they have a romantic evening planned and Faith takes a jab at Xander, adding that it’ll take a whole seven minutes. Poor Xander.
K: Team Heartless Cow laughed at that. I also like that no one questions why Buffy would know that.
Sweeney: Faith tells everyone to lighten up, since they’re out of danger. Giles reminds her about the Adam situation and she asks what the deal is with Adam, but Giles reveals nothing useful. Faith then tells them all to go home and relax because she’ll be out patrolling 4eva and working hard. Cut to her at The Bronze getting her dance on with everyone there.
She stumbles off to the bar and runs into Spike, though she has no idea who he is. Spike tells her to go away and leave him alone, since he’s harmless and through Spike gradually making comments that it doesn’t really make much sense for him to make, Faith is able to deduce that he is a vampire — specifically William The Bloody — with a chip in his head. And then Faith goes on to win fangirl hearts with her rendition of Buffy by making all of this happen:

Okay, so: (1) THIS is chemistry. More than was in an entire Biley sex scene…
(2) The first part of this speech is Faith-as-Buffy saying this: “‘Cause I could do anything I want, and instead I choose to pout and whine and feel the burden of Slayerness? I mean, I could be rich. I could be famous. I could have anything. Anyone.” Faith is a slayer too! She’s young, beautiful and gifted. She, in essence could be rich, famous, have anything, etc, but she doesn’t FEEL that way. She continues to think that Buffy has something that makes her able to have these things but is also unwilling to go for them.
K: I have so much love for this scene. Like, fangirl flailing while quoting the entire thing in perfect sync kind of love. It’s phenomenal. Not only the chemistry, but that they literally had Spike go from “I hate you with a fiery passion” to “Excuse me, I need a cold shower” in the space of a minute.
Sweeney: Agreed. ALL THE CHEMISTRY. Aside from the fact that Spike is continuing to behave in a manner that SHOULD GET HIM KILLED by the (actual) Scoobies (though obvs not Faith!Buffy), it’s a solid, non-contrivancey place for Faith to tip her hand a bit, because he’s not part of the group. It’s similar to the mirror scene, only perhaps even more revealing because it’s her actually interacting with someone. As Faith walks away, Spike tells her that when he gets the chip out of his head, they’re going to have “a confrontation.”
Down in the sewers, some vampires are chatting when they come across Adam, who says he’s been thinking about vampires. The lead vampire orders one of his minions to kill Adam, (L: KILL HIM SAYS EVERYONE EVER.) as he is soliloquizing about things vampires fear and the misfortune of them wandering around in the filth of the humans. Adam easily kills the minion and adds that he sympathizes where their issues with belonging and concludes that they have a lot to discuss. Alliance of Evil time!
Buffy wakes up in the back of the red truck and wants to know who her captors are. They tell her that they’re with the Watcher’s Council and she tries to insist that she’s Buffy and they have the wrong person. The guy who seems to be in charge gives no fucks, because she’s just a package that he has to deliver. The other guy does care, and he spits in Buffy’s face, due to the fact that she/Faith polluted the Council’s good name, or some such bullshit.
Lor: This is one of a few moments that can be interpreted two ways. Lead guy in charge says he doesn’t care what’s in the package, but the other guy does, which may mean he cares if Buffy IS in there, because Buffy has polluted the Council’s good name. Just a thought.
K: Good point. Given that Faith a) got a Watcher killed, b) didn’t realise her replacement Watcher was evil, and c) got her third Watcher fired, and given that Buffy a) got her Watcher fired(ish) and b) quit, this is a valid point. If the Council is used to Slayers with years of training under their belts like Kendra who, much like Riley, just follow orders, then yes. They probably have polluted the Council’s good name.
Sweeney: Agreed. I left the Faith’s/Buffy’s there ambiguous on purpose, because I think it’s absolutely meant to be complex in that way.
At The Bronze, Willow arrives with Tara, who has never been there. They spot Faith-as-Buffy off in the corner, chanting “CHUG! CHUG! CHUG!” with a group of guys. Willow decides to go introduce Tara to “Buffy.” Faith is relieved that this is a person that Buffy has never met before. Faith is awkward and un-Buffy like. Willow decides to go get drinks and Faith quickly deduces that Tara and Willow are together. Then she is THE ACTUAL WORST because she taunts poor Tara with talk of how in lurve Willow and Oz were. Tara is stuttering and Faith mocks her for that too, because, you know, EVIL.
K: As awful as Faith is to Tara in this scene, I kind of love that she realises in a split second what the Scoobies – who see Willow every day – have failed to notice. This becomes increasingly apparent sometime in the next few episodes.
Sweeney: True — it also says a lot about how badly Faith wanted to be a part of that group (and actually be Buffy) that she is still able to to pick up on that so quickly.
Willow returns with news that she spotted a vampire. Faith’s all, “Yes. That is definitely a vampire.” Then she realizes that Buffy would absolutely go slay the vampire, so she does. The girl she rescues thanks her profusely and Faith has a moment of actual human feelings, before she goes back to the others. Willow has decided to take Tara home because she’s not feeling well, what with recently having been tormented for no fucking reason, and asks if Buffy will be home later or at Riley’s. The mention of his name gives Faith evil eye, because she falsely anticipates that he will be fun and not supremely boring.
In the random warehouse that they are keeping Faith in, rather than getting directly to the transport, because of REASONS (?), Buffy is making lots of noise and a third SRSBSNS Retrieval Team dude goes into her back-of-the-truck-cell to give her another sedative. She uses her slayer strength to get him in a choke-hold with her handcuffs. She then tries to threaten his life in exchange for her release, but the other guys give no fucks, because they go into jobs prepared for the possibility of death. Damn. Cold. They walk off and chat about how getting her across the border will be more trouble than it’s worth oh and also they should maybe call the Council to see about how that’s going to happen, because REASONS have dictated that they should wait until now to do that? I don’t understand. Buffy tosses the other guy out of the truck without killing him, because she’s Buffy and not Faith.
Riley is at his desk in the Bedroom o’ Balls when Faith arrives in his doorway with serial killer music in the background, as she “Hi baby”s him.
After the Not Commercial Break, Willow and Tara return to Tara’s magical dorm room and Tara tells Willow that she doesn’t think Buffy is herself, because Tara is an epic witch who could tell that Buffy’s energy was fragmented. Also she was mean. Willow fears it’s possession or perhaps hyenas, which would be the actual worst.
K: I may have clapped my hands with glee when she mentioned hyena possession.
Sweeney: Tara needs something of Buffy’s to do a spell to find her. The spell, however is mega intense and harder than any of their other spells and requires ALL OF THE TRUST. Willow trusts her, though.
Bedroom o’ Balls. Faith-as-Buffy manages to take all of the usual snooze of Biley and give it an actual ick factor. I don’t like him, but I never feel Kirsti’s brain bleach wishes — just general ambivalence and/or “Ugh.” This, however, has a total molestation vibe to it, as Faith is trying to be mega dirty, and Riley’s just not into that. Faith goes to storm off because Riley doesn’t want to “play” but he’s all, “No, I don’t want to play,” and then they kiss because it’s supposed to be all intense and Real Feelz and Faith doesn’t know about Real Feelz, so it’s deep and stuff.
Speaking of actual feelings, Willow and Tara are performing their spell and there’s lots of whispered chanting and weird lighting effects, that get bigger as they start panting and sweating. The spell scene has a heavy duty sex thing to it, which just kind of feels like a cop out to me. While I understand Willow taking her time with sharing that with others, I feel like we’re still tiptoeing around it, even when they’re alone. That being said, though, I feel like their treatment of Willow’s sexuality is, on the whole, one of the few things they do a decent job with this season.
Lor: This episode seems to be taking this from a “we hang out…at night… together” place to an actual confirmation of romantic happenings between the two. This scene was very, very much a magic-for-sex scene. I mean, they made a Big O with their hands, they kept saying “nether,” there was panting, sweating and touching, etc. I think the big thing to remember here is that this aired in 2000, when lesbian relationships on TV were not a norm. I think part of the dancing around the topic stems from that as well.
K: I think it also partly stems from “Oz didn’t leave that long ago, and if we make this happen too fast it will a) make the fangirls stabby, and b) make Willow’s relationship with Tara seem like a rebound fling, and we don’t want that.” But yeah, the “This is 2000” element is also valid.
Sweeney: All valid points. My complaint was actually longer at first until I remembered the whole “This is 2000” aspect. You’re right. But me, in 2013, wants them to be more blatant with the lesbian factor. But you are both right on all counts.
Bedroom o’ Balls, Riley is telling Buffy that he loves her during sex, and Faith freaks out. She stops him and hurries (CLAMBERS?) out of bed. “Who are you? What do you want from…her? This is meaningless.” Congrats, Faith-as-Buffy! Gold star for you!
She’s shaking, so Riley throws a sheet over her and asks her what’s wrong. She calms down a bit and says, “Nothing,” several times.
K: I love how well that was done. I mean, non-meaningless sex is something that Faith’s not even remotely familiar with – she even lists her dropkick boyfriends for Buffy at one point – so to have her freaking out over elements of normality was fantastic.
Sweeney: Down in the sewers, Adam is speechifying to the vampires that he’s the first demon-thing to ever set aside the great existential question of why they’re there. I mean, except that I think Angel is the only one we’ve met so far who gives any fucks about that question, but whatever. Sure. The vampires are totally drinking the koolaid and they want to know what Adam wants them to do. They are supposed to be his first, to let everyone know he’s coming. Then he asks them what the thing they fear the most is.
Faith is getting dressed in the Bedroom o’ Balls, wearing Riley’s shirt with her Bad Girl leather pants. Forrest stops her on her way out and gives her shit for not letting Riley rest and interfering with the mission. Faith tells him to mind his own business, adding that she’s been fighting demons since before he could shave. That’s probably not quite true, but close. She gets defensive when he uses the word “killer” but runs off when he asks if she really cares what he thinks, because, you know, no. Not at all.
At the Inexplicable Slayer Holding Warehouse, the guy I previously assumed was the leader (and I stand by it, because he’s wearing a black leather jacket, which is totally authoritative wardrobe) is putting a silencer on a gun, because the Council hasn’t secured them passage and has ordered the kill.
He puts the gun through the bars and Buffy grabs it from him with her feet before he manages to shoot her. She uses it to shoot off her handcuffs (I watched it and still I don’t understand how) and then the lock. She steals the truck.
Lor: Okay, fine, now I buy the Watcher’s Council with a task force, because they majorly sucked at their jobs. Keep up the good work, CoW!
K: Also, one wonders how much damage Buffy did to EVERYTHING EVER while driving. We established back in Band Candy that she’s the actual worst at it.
We get a quick shot of Faith at the airport, (L: Wearing Buffy clothes!) (S: Mood ring fashion!) ready to leave town, before we see Buffy arriving at Giles’s New Wiggins Apartment. She’s all, “DON’T MOVE, PLEASE LISTEN TO ME.” Giles is understandably suspicious when she tries to insist that she’s really Buffy and not Faith. Buffy urges him to ask her a question to prove it and his first question is, “Who is president?” and she hilariously responds, “We’re checking for Buffy, not a concussion.”
Then Buffy points out that he turned into a demon and she knew it was him (BARELY AT THE LAST POSSIBLE SECOND, THOUGH!) so he should be equally as intuitive. He asks her how that happened, and she’s all, “Oh! Right! Facts only I would know. DUH.” It was Ethan Rayne and she goes on for a bit until he makes her stop when she simultaneously references her psychic power episode and the episode where he had sex with Joyce. And it’s amazing.
K: “What’s a stevedore?” will never not be hilarious, especially when it follows that look on Giles’ face.
Sweeney: As Giles is trying to process all of this, Willow and Tara burst through the door. Buffy starts to repeat the whole, “It’s not what you think!” but Willow stops her because she knows what’s up. Giles and Buffy are both surprised, so Willow adds that it’s because Tara is a BAMF witch and oh-by-the-way, Tara, meet Buffy for realsies now. That’s a pretty great way to guarantee that your best friend will like your new significant other. “Remember that one time when she connected the dots to save you before she even met you?”
Willow adds that they conjured a magic glowing green thing that will do the switcharoo magic if they can get their hands on Faith-in-Buffy’s-body. Xander calls just then to tell them to turn on the news. There is a report of some men holding people hostage in a church, where someone has already been sent out with severe neck wounds. At the airport, Faith is watching the same news report and having a moment of responsibility feels, because of that Joyce hug and magic love sex with Riley.
Lor: And the THANKYOUFOREVER from the girl she saved at The Bronze!
Sweeney: And that. Inside the church, the head vamp from before is wondering what the shit he had been so afraid of, because there are all these tasty humans and God hasn’t struck them down yet. Outside, a member of Sunnydale PD (LOL.) is “reluctantly” yielding control of the situation to Riley, because a phone call to The Great Contrivance Spirit told him to.
As Riley is about to go inside, Faith arrives and he tries to get her to wait for the troops, but she’s not having any of that. She has to do this, because she’s Buffy. He adds that he was there already because he was just late for church, which I appreciate only because giving us actual explanations for things happens so rarely this season. Thanks, Whedon! When Riley tries to insist on going in with her, Faith pokes his injured rib and tells him to help any people that come out to safety.
K: Unless they have fangs.
Sweeney: Inside the church, head vamp says that he warned the cops that sending people in would lead to massacre. Faith says she’s not the cops and they won’t be killing any people, “Because it’s wrong.”A minion vamp tries to grab her from behind and she throws him at a wall. Head vamp realizes that she’s the Slayer. “The one and only,” she adds.
Lor: YOU GUYS. Some of this stuff is SO GOOD. The “because it’s wrong,” is so wonderful and brings the episode around full circle. What’s more, though, is that this is another one of those two-way-interpretation lines. Faith has always had a problem sharing the Slayer responsibilities and spotlight, which is a big part of why she defected to the Mayor. She may be saying that she, Faith, is the one and only slayer. But here is in Buffy’s body, and maybe this is her recognizing that Buffy truly is the one Slayer.
Sweeney: This whole episode is another of the rare moments that one can only assumed sucked all the awesome from episodes around it. It’s one of the magic rest areas on the long shitty highway through nowhere that is season 4. To your point: I think it has the multiple interpretation factor, though I see this as being more the latter.
Buffy, Giles, Willow, and Tara arrive on the scene, and a cop tries to tell them to stay inside. Giles then starts gesticulating wildly while shouting at the cop that they need to get inside, in order to allow Buffy to run off behind the big red truck. Zany Giles is fantastic. It’s not Ripper!Giles fantastic, but still nothing short of delightful.

K: Plus, Riley doesn’t deserve gold stars.
Sweeney: Faith loses the upper hand to head vamp, as he monologues how Adam has told him to fear nothing, just as he gets staked from behind by Buffy. Faith freaks out and goes to run away, and so they fight. She crazies that she’s not afraid of Buffy and is eventually on top of her, punching her for being a crazy disgusting murdering psychopants, just sort of beating out her feels on her own face. Buffy manages to clasp hands with her, holding her magic neon glowing thing.
Lor: Oh, Faith. She really does hate herself.
K: And it’s so great that Buffy knows it, because you can see on her face that she stops thinking of Faith as the enemy and starts to understand that they’re more similar than she would otherwise have realised.
Sweeney: Absolutely. They couldn’t get much clearer about it than having Faith literally punch herself in the face, and Buffy essentially give up on fighting back.
Back in their own bodies, Faith panics a bit, probably because her face hurts having been so recently pummeled. It’s a testament to Slayer-healing skills that she’s not covered in bruises. That and also contrivance. Faith gets up and walks out, and Buffy doesn’t go after her.
In the Bedroom o’ Balls, Buffy is hanging up the phone and telling Riley that Faith has just vanished and that the Watcher’s Council guys are gone too. Riley is confused by all the magic and then gets mad at himself for not figuring out that it wasn’t Buffy. I recall reading comments to that effect — that Riley sucks for not putting that together, but even in the Buffyverse, bodyswapping is a pretty random assumption to jump to. Not that I want to make a habit of defending Riley, but I can’t really hold that against him.
Lor: Plus, even though he’s faced all this demon-y stuff, it’s always been from a very militant perspective. He doesn’t have the supernatural, MAGICKS background to make that sort of jump plausible for his character. I don’t fault him.
Sweeney: Buffy realizes that Riley slept with Faith-in-her-body and she’s really uncomfortable. She says that she doesn’t think Faith will be coming back. “I guess she’s had her fun,” Riley adds, and since I’m having Faith feels, I irrationally hate him for this. “Yeah, fun,” Buffy mumbles. Segue magic (!) to Faith sitting in the back of some sort of farm-transport truck, brooding about how not fun shit is. Roll credits.
Faith’s BROODING is foreshadowing now, right?
Lor: I don’t know. But I do know that this episode effectively made me feel differently about Faith. I’m sure you all remember how much I was hating on her at the end of season 3. I still don’t forgive her, and she made a ton of bad decisions that aren’t erased, but man, she’s got a lot going on. I feel for her.
Sweeney: Sorry, by foreshadowing, I meant that I have seen Angel episode descriptions and know that she’ll be in LA shortly. I was making a very bad Angel joke. I had the sort of opposite experience this time around, in that I had all the feelings for Faith at the outset, and then I got really frustrated and confused as we delved into the worst of Faith and found it nearly impossible to defend her. As we’re coming back around to this side of her arc, I equally love and hate this show for my Faith-inspired feels roller coaster.
Lor: My bad. I didn’t read ahead in the episode descriptions.
Also, I must mention that I don’t consider Sarah Michelle Gellar to be OMG THE BEST actress ever, but she occasionally hits it out of the park, and she did a fantastic job playing Faith-as-Buffy. She got the mannerisms and speech pattern pretty down. A+
Sweeney: Agreed! I thought this several times throughout the episode, but her acting definitely improves a lot across the seven seasons of this show, and this whole episode was awesomely done on her part.
K: Meanwhile, I’m just gonna sit here and be glad that I too have read the Angel episode descriptions, and know that the truly horrific episode 18 (which I’ve been dreading having to cover for about six months now) coincides with Faith turning up in LA. It’s like a little gift from Whedon. Or something…
Next time on Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The context-less wonder returns and season four keeps doing its thing by being terrible in S04 E17 – Superstar.