Buffy the Vampire Slayer – Best Of (Sweeney)

Sweeney: Now this is actually it, for me at least. It’s weird to think that this is the last time – in the foreseeable future – that I will be starting a Buffy post. I know I’ve gotten to about five rounds of THE END! nostalgia, but now it’s actually it. As such, this video is basically about how this show gives me all the feelings. It’s where we first declared our allegiance to Team Feels and that’s something of a subtitle to this video. “Fucking Brilliant, or TEAM FEELS FOREVER.”

Again, thank you all for watching and commenting this show with us. It has been a lot of fun and you all helped make that the case. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Another #snarkathon reminder! Saturday, March 8th @ 5pm EST. Join our internet party as we watch the Buffy movie!

Nicole Sweeney (all posts)

Nicole is the co-captain of Snark Squad and these days she spends most of her time editing podcasts. She spends too much time on Twitter and very occasionally vlogs and blogs. In her day job she's a producer, editor, director, and sometimes host of educational YouTube channels. She loves travel, maps, panda gifs, and semicolons. Writing biographies stresses her out; she crowd sourced this one years ago and has been using a version of it ever since. She would like to thank Twitter for their help.

Nicole Sweeney

Nicole is the co-captain of Snark Squad and these days she spends most of her time editing podcasts. She spends too much time on Twitter and very occasionally vlogs and blogs. In her day job she's a producer, editor, director, and sometimes host of educational YouTube channels. She loves travel, maps, panda gifs, and semicolons. Writing biographies stresses her out; she crowd sourced this one years ago and has been using a version of it ever since. She would like to thank Twitter for their help.