Annie: Have you had enough Twilight yet? Well, that’s too bad, because we decided to have a Twilight Snarkathon. Let’s get right to it.
The movie opens with a shot of a forest and a deer being chased by some unseen creature. This thing pounces National Geographic station style on the deer.
Next, we get a Bella voiceover explaining that she’s moving to Forks. In the film version, Bella tells us that she’s moving to Forks because her mom and her minor leaguer step-dad are going on the road, and she doesn’t want to. Bella’s carrying around a cactus in a small pot at the start of this scene and it’s fucking ridiculous and hilarious and can we just talk about how much I’m shipping these two?
The voiceover continues, as Charlie drives her home from the airport. Bella’s talking about the rain and the clouds, and we get some awkward non-custodial father with his miserable teen daughter dialogue.
Choppy cut to my two favourite characters being introduced in the same scene! Jacob’s wig and the Wow. Free. Truck. Billy Black is there, too. We get the explaination on where the truck comes from and we get the background info on Jacob and Bella’s relationship all in one scene. Lucky us.
Bella gets to school, meets Eric and she’s all ‘I’m misunderstood’ but so far, not nearly as terrible as she is in the book. I can’t believe I’m saying this by someone portrayed by Kirsten Stewart, but… there you go.
Bella meets Mike and Jessica in gym class, and at lunch, we get to meet some of the other supporting characters whose names I don’t remember. Then we get to the moment: when the Cullens show up, Bella asks about them.
Next, we get the biology class that has so generously gifted us Snark Ladies with the Bella smells gif that we love so much.
Edward acts weird, bails on class and then goes to beg out at the guidence counselor’s office.
And here, unlike the book, we get a look at some potential plot. Some guy is running down a staircase at a warehouse, chased by some unseen thing. He gets murderfaced.
The next morning, Bella falls on ice and runs into Charlie who’s coming back from the investigation at this plant where someone was murderfaced by ‘some animal’. Do we get to do ‘some animal’ shots for the movie? I say yes. Bella goes to school, Eddie isn’t there for a few days, so she’s a sad panda. When he reappears a few days later, his eyes are a different colour, which he poorly explains as being bad lighting. WHATEVER, EDWARD.
Outside, after school, Bella nearly gets squished by a van, but unfortunately for us, Edward saves her. This part of the movie highlights some of the terrible CGI and acting. At the hospital, we get to meet Dr. Cullen for the first time and see the first glympse of Rosalie’s dislike for Bella. Girl, I am so with you there. She’s the worst.
We get the awkwardy written scene where Bella tries to ‘confront’ Edward about how he was across the way and then magically at her side.
The next morning, the kids are at school getting ready to board a bus for a field trip, and I wonder if this is a substitution for the kids’ trip to the beach, because, god that would make sense. That trip sounded like a field trip, not a group of teenagers heading out to the beach with no supervision. But no, this scene is orchestrated to have a lot happen in a short amount of time, because film adaptation.
Mike tries to ask Bella to prom, she says no, she’s going to Jacksonville the weekend of prom (a lie she makes up on the spot), and then pushes Mike to ask Jessica to prom. Edward, who had been nowhere near them when she’d had the prom conversation, asks Bella why she’s going to Jacksonville and tells her they shouldn’t be friends, because RED FLAG.
Back at school, Bella gets invited to the beach field trip outing with the gang, and she drops her apple and we get the whole Edward catching the apple using his foot that made all the teens swoon.
Bella questions Edward about his weirdness, he refuses to answer her questions, but instead goes on about how they shouldn’t be friends, even though he keeps stalking her. He asks her instead to tell him what she thinks and she talks about kryptonite or something. He tells her he’s a bad guy and she is all ‘noooo, I trust you, you’re not’ cuz she’s the dumbest. She invites him to the beach, but he refused to come because reasons.
The movie decides the teens should be a bit more believeable on this outing, so they’re surfing and having a bonfire. Jacob, Jacob’s wig and friends show up, and Jacob tells his scary story about how the Cullens are vampires and Jacob’s ancestors are werewolves, without ever using the words vampire or werewolf. Still, Bella is stunned and confused and asks Jacob what the Cullens are, and Jacob laughs it off, because it’s just a story.
After Bella uses Google a bit to research Jacob’s scary stories, the girls make plans to go on a road trip to Port Angeles for prom dress shopping. Bella comes along because she wants to go to a Port Angeles book store to buy a book on werewolf and vampire legends.
In Port Angeles, the girls are trying on dresses in front of a floor-to-ceiling window and some men walk by, cat-calling them. Bella bails on the girls to go to the bookstore. Legit, I hate those shopping trips where you’re dragged along to give your ‘honest opinion’ about how something looks on someone else. It never ends well. On the way back from the bookstore, the cat-callers from earlier find her, but Edward and Volvo Sparkle save her. Edward’s crazy driving and anger is so much more terrifying in the movie. Like holy shit, Bella. Where is your sense of self-preservation? He takes her to the restaurant where she was supposed to meet up with her friends, who have finished dinner. Eddie insists on Bella eating something, so they have dinner and talk about Edward’s psychic ability or whatever and he’s just such a dick. Like, even a bigger dick in the movie.
After researching vampires using Google, Bella walks past Edward and up into this forest behind their school. He’s a stalker, so of course he follows her. And that’s where we get the big vampire reveal. She tells him she knows what he is, he shouts at her to say it and then we get the ridiculousness of the Bella-as-backpack, the ‘you’re my heroin’ and ‘I could murderface you’ all in one scene.
We get treated to a montage of the two of them together, and at the end of it get ‘the kiss’ where Edward demands Bella display no sexuality whatsoever, and then freaks out when she does.
Eddie takes Bella to meet the folks. Rosalie’s mad, Esme thinks it went well, and we get to see Edward’s bedless bedroom, with the music. At one point, Bella tells Edward that she doesn’t dance and he tells her he’ll make her, because of course he will.
More plot shows up, with Charlie, some cops and tracker dogs find a human-ish looking footprint while searching for this ‘animal’ that’s killing people.
Charlie gets introduced to Edward. Bella tells her dad that they’re off to play baseball.
As the vampires are playing a very weird version of baseball, the nomad vampires appear to ruin all their fun. These scenes are just so much more ridiculous when you see them on the screen. I just…. I don’t know what else to say about them.
The Hale-Cullens go on their ‘save Bella’ mission, splitting up to hopefully throw tracker James off the trail. Bella, with Jasper and Alice head to Phoenix to hide out for a while. Esme and Rosalie are watching out for Charlie… We’ve just recapped the book, so this is all pretty much the same.
James draws Bella out with the fake phone call from her mother, she slips away from Jasper and Alice and goes to the ballet studio where James tries to murder her face, and ends up biting her. The Hale-Cullens come to save the day, Carlisle talks Edward through saving Bella from the vamp bite.
The scenes in the hospital are fairly similar to the book, too. Bella’s mom is there, then peaces out the second Bella wakes. Edward wants Bella to go to Jacksonville to be with her mom, and she’s all ‘nope’.
Back in Forks, Edward takes Bella to prom. They don’t spend a lot of time at prom, and go outside to be alone. Bella dances on Edward’s feet and they debate whether or not he should turn her into a vampire.

As the movie ends, there’s a chick watching Edward and Bella, because of course. The angle of the shot moves and we see that it’s Victoria.

Hello, plot set up for the next movie, is that you?
Fade to black.
The film adaptation of Twilight had 65% more plot, but they had to. Otherwise this would’ve been completely unwatchable. Oh, wait.
Surprisingly, I found Bella to be a bit more tolerable in the movie version and hated Edward so much more. Jacob’s wig and Charlie are still the best parts of this movie.
On to the fantastic tweets!
Is this an action version of Bambi? #snarkathon
— Dallas G (@TheDallasVlogs) October 24, 2015
Deep voiceover narration in murder woods. Here we go! #snarkathon — Reem Aly (@reemealy) October 24, 2015
Deep voiceover narration in murder woods. Here we go! #snarkathon
— Reem Aly (@reemealy) October 24, 2015
They change Bella’s reason for moving to Forks that her mom wants to “go on the road.” That’s even more negligent. #snarkathon #Twilight
— Mari (@mynameismarines) October 24, 2015
So was she holding that cactus the whole way? #snarkathon
— Ryan G (@meatloafbandit) October 24, 2015
lolololololollololololololololool taylor laughtner’s wig #snarkathon
— Democracy Diva (@democracydiva) October 24, 2015
— Mari (@mynameismarines) October 24, 2015
My two favourite supporting characters have arrived in the same scene. Look, it’s the Wow. Free. Truck AND Jacob’s wig. #Snarkathon
— GFM (@girlfrmmars) October 24, 2015
This is more excitement than Wow. Free. Truck ever got. #snarkathon
— Ryan G (@meatloafbandit) October 24, 2015
I dunno. Did K Stew read the book? She’s showing way too much enthusiasm and emotion to be Bella. #snarkathon
— Samantha Ania (@SamanthaSpice91) October 24, 2015
Aw, Mike and Jessica are so cute and bubbly. RUN, YOU CRAZY KIDS. RUN. #snarkathon #Twilight
— Mari (@mynameismarines) October 24, 2015
Aw, Mike and Jessica are so cute and bubbly. RUN, YOU CRAZY KIDS. RUN. #snarkathon #Twilight
— Mari (@mynameismarines) October 24, 2015
The music that starts up as the Cullens walk in is HILARIOUSLY BAD. #snarkathon #Twilight
— Mari (@mynameismarines) October 24, 2015
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha this is so bad are we in a nineties teen something? #snarkathon
— Samantha Ania (@SamanthaSpice91) October 24, 2015
As a kid, I found him so cute as Cedric Diggory and yet as an adult I am physically repulsed by him as Edward Cullen. #snarkathon
— Democracy Diva (@democracydiva) October 24, 2015
I mean, this scene is ridiculous but guys. It’s just interpreting what Stephenie wrote. #snarkathon #Twilight
— Mari (@mynameismarines) October 24, 2015
It’s just so bad, you guys. His makeup, the directing, the acting, the…. WHY?? #snarkathon
— Dallas G (@TheDallasVlogs) October 24, 2015
I hate every single makeup choice that was ever made in this movie. Truly gorgeous people look repulsive. #snarkathon #Twilight
— Mari (@mynameismarines) October 24, 2015
Look at you, movie, adding plot where there is none! #snarkathon
— Ryan G (@meatloafbandit) October 24, 2015
“I saved you, NOW LET ME BITE YOU” was what I thought Edward was thinking in this rescue scene. Such a gentleman. #snarkathon #Twilight
— Ale❤ (@BookishUnicorn) October 24, 2015
Kirsten Stewart catches a lot of slack but so far she’s made Bella 1000% more likable. #snarkathon #Twilight
— Mari (@mynameismarines) October 24, 2015
MAGIC EYES, YOU GUYS. Have yet to see the careful eyes, though. #Snarkathon #31DaysofTwilight
— GFM (@girlfrmmars) October 24, 2015
Bella says she doesn’t like cold, wet things and Edward laughs, probably thinking about his penis. #snarkathon #Twilight
— Mari (@mynameismarines) October 24, 2015
I just for real cackled out loud when he Pratt-kept that car from hitting Bella. #snarkathon
— Democracy Diva (@democracydiva) October 24, 2015
God, Edward is a fucking asshole. Pattinson has the condescending tone down. #snarkathon
— Samantha Ania (@SamanthaSpice91) October 24, 2015
“Well nobody’s gonna believe you” is the rapiest thing Edward’s said so far. I’m sure it’ll get much worse. #snarkathon
— Democracy Diva (@democracydiva) October 24, 2015
“Can’t you just thank me and get over it?” Edward Cullen is a tremendodouche. #snarkathon #Twilight
— Mari (@mynameismarines) October 24, 2015
I would watch this movie if it were about Jessica and her friends slaying the vampires who live in their town. #snarkathon
— Democracy Diva (@democracydiva) October 24, 2015
Haha Bella lecturing about strong independent women #twilight #snarkathon
— Gibhatch (@gibhatch) October 24, 2015
She went on Google to find a book of information rather than finding the information? What is happening?! #snarkathon
— Reem Aly (@reemealy) October 24, 2015
There is so much more PLOT in the film adaptation. #Snarkathon #31DaysofTwilight
— GFM (@girlfrmmars) October 24, 2015
There is so much more PLOT in the film adaptation. #Snarkathon #31DaysofTwilight
— GFM (@girlfrmmars) October 24, 2015
IT’S SPARKLING VAMPIRES HAHAHA how the heck did this ever get so popular #snarkathon
— Ryan G (@meatloafbandit) October 24, 2015
Bah, no. I quit this movie. I’ll keep reading everyone’s tweets tho😂 #snarkathon #Twilight
— Ale❤ (@BookishUnicorn) October 24, 2015
“I like watching you sleep”. SAID THE MURDERER IN CRIMINAL MINDS. #snarkathon
— Melbourne on my Mind (@melbsonmymind) October 25, 2015
Bella’s little freak out when Edward tells her to leave is like a preview of New Moon. #snarkathon
— Catherine McGinnes (@CatherineJane91) October 25, 2015
— Melbourne on my Mind (@melbsonmymind) October 25, 2015
I’m so sorry I made all of you do this. #snarkathon #Twilight
— Mari (@mynameismarines) October 24, 2015
Oh thank goodness. It’s over. #snarkathon
— Rebecca (@whymermaids) October 25, 2015