Kirsti: It’s been a long time coming, friends, but we FINALLY finished season 4!! Admittedly, this probably would have rolled around a lot sooner if 31 Days of Twilight hadn’t stolen all our time, but WHATEVER. Totally worth it.
Oh, and before I forget, let’s have our obligatory end-of-season dance party:

I know I spent a lot of time complaining about this season, but I actually really like season 4 and the direction change that the show took. It’s just that a lot of the time, the episodes don’t really stand up to being watched over three hours…
ANYWAY. Without further ado, I present to you my rankings for Supernatural season 4:
- Lazarus Rising – A really great way to start the season. The viewer is as much in the dark as Dean about how he’s back, it brought a healthy dose of feels, and that ending was A+.
- It’s a Terrible Life – I’m sure a lot of people feel differently given that this was wedged in at the end of the season, but I loved the idea that even if you take away all their knowledge and their relationship, the boys will still end up hunting things. And I loved that the Ghostfacers were included.
- Monster Movie – This episode is totally silly (*cough* Dean in lederhosen *cough*), but I still found it really enjoyable. Not just because it’s silly or because it plays off monster movie tropes or because it’s in black and white, but because it brings up the idea of a shapeshifter who’s made to feel so inhuman by those around them that they relate more to movie monsters than anything.
- Yellow Fever – Look, this was always going to fall into the “good episodes” category for me, solely because it gifted us with Jensen Ackles playing air guitar on his leg while lip syncing Eye of the Tiger. There were elements of this that were pretty squicky at times – killing the ghost of a developmentally disabled man in the exact same way that he was killed? EW – but seeing Dean be afraid of what’s essentially his everyday life? Fabulous.
- In the Beginning – Sure, it was a little heavy handed with the Back to the Future references at times. But learning that Mary was a hunter and that her father was
Walter SkinnerMitch Pileggi and that everything ties back to Azazel? That was a game changer. - The Monster at the End of This Book – It may be like 75% fan service, but it was also a hell of a lot of fun. I mean, you can’t not laugh at the idea of the Winchester Gospels having those totally awful shirtless dude covers.
- The Rapture – This was a little heavy handed at times, but it was pretty fascinating to see how the whole angel vessel thing worked. And Jimmy gave me a lot of feels.
- After School Special – Really, this is only in the top ten because of the Teen Winchester flashbacks. I love seeing how things really were for them growing up, rather than through Dean’s rose coloured “our lives were awesome” anecdotes. The rest of it – a ghost getting revenge on bullies by possessing the bullied and basically ruining their lives – was kind of eh-tastic.
- Heaven and Hell – The search for Anna’s missing grace was actually pretty interesting, and there was a lot of good stuff in here about Dean’s guilt over what happened to him in Hell.
- Are You There, God? It’s Me, Dean Winchester – Mostly I like this episode because we got to see Meg and Agent Henriksen again. But it was also a good introduction to the sixty six seals and what breaking them will lead to.
- I Know What You Did Last Summer – I like Anna, but this wasn’t really a great introduction to her. Plus, it introduced us to Alastair, and I just…ugh. That said, I really liked the idea of someone who can hear the angels being an inadvertent pawn in an angel/demon war.
- Lucifer Rising – Really only this high because of Ruby’s big “TRICKED YOU!” moment, which I really enjoy. The rest of it – especially Sam and that angel-changed voicemail – was a bit…crap, to be honest.
- Death Takes a Holiday – I loved the CONCEPT of this. The execution, however, wasn’t great. We’ve spent four seasons being told that it takes spirits decades to get so angry that they start lashing out at people, and yet here we’re given a kid who’s been dead like a WEEK who has sufficient control over his angry ghost powers to teach the boys? Yeah, no.
- Jump the Shark – Another one with a great concept and mediocre execution. I kind of hated that the boys never got to ACTUALLY meet Adam, instead just meeting the ghoul wearing his face.
- Criss Angel Is A Douchebag – Kind of interesting but ultimately forgettable.
- It’s the Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester – I honestly don’t remember anything that happened in this episode other than the girl boiling to death bobbing for apples.
- Wishful Thinking – Look, this had plenty of entertaining moments. But the whole “I wished for her to want me, so she did” thing was SO FUCKING GROSS that I just can’t get past it. And the suicidal teddy bear being played for laughs was icky. So NOPE.
- Sex and Violence – The unexpected twist on sirens was interesting, and I loved Bobby saving the day. But there was SO MUCH DOMESTIC VIOLENCE in this that I just can’t. I can’t.
- When the Levee Breaks – Look, it was fine. I just…didn’t care about any of it. And then Dean being all “Don’t even THINK about coming back!” at the end? Oooof.
- On the Head of a Pin – Yes, let’s make Dean confront his PTSD about Hell by having him TORTURE THE DUDE WHO TAUGHT HIM TO TORTURE. Genius.
- Metamorphosis – This was just really fucking gross. I have issues with anything that involves cannibalism, so this was never going to be enjoyable for me. Add in some heavy handed “Sam relates to this dude’s situation” crap and it’s a big fat pile of no for me.
Marines: I find it difficult to really pin-point my issues with this show. Sometimes I think it’s because I jumped in a bit late in the game, after the show assumes you’ve got some feelings built up for these characters and their journey so far. Then, I started to really like Sam and like one episode later that was over and as of right now I truly dislike him. Have I mentioned? Stupid Sam.
As Kirsti said, though, and as we are fond of pointing out pretty much every recap: this is not a show that is standing up against the test of recapping. This is a show best consumed quickly. Maybe you should even be kind of drunk or half asleep. I’m mostly kidding about the last part. I don’t think that “best fast” thing is entirely plot based either. I mean, we’re not getting any worse plot holes here than what we find over on Doctor Who, if we’re being objective. What’s missing here for me is something a little more feelings-based. The characters, problems, mythology and world all ring a little bit hollow, especially when considered so closely.
So, this season? All of the above sprinkled with some super intriguing elements. In fact, the season started in a really great way. I watched a lot of those episodes back to back because I was pulled in by all the shiny, new things. Later on in the season, it sometimes felt like we were juggling too many things but I felt like we ended in a way that pulled most of it together.
To end, I’ll say that I like this whole lot better in retrospect and now seeing the big picture. Revisiting the episodes this way, I’m surprised to find that I really did like a lot of them or at least some elements in all of them. I think because we also dragged it out so much, it was easier to focus on the negative things (…sorry) when really, I enjoyed this season overall.
- Lazarus Rising – I knew Dean wouldn’t stay dead and this still managed to be a gripping episode and Castiel’s introduction will probably be one of the most memorable moments of the series for me.
- Are You There God? It’s Me Dean Winchester – Together with the the season premiere, this episode sets up the season so well. I was intrigued by the angels and the apocalypse and pretty on board for the new things this show was trying out.
- In the Beginning – I don’t even care that there was time travel. Dean having to see how things went down for his grandparents and parents was excellent information to fill in and I enjoyed Mary as the hunter.
- It’s a Terrible Life – I like how this was placed in the season and everything it gave us to think about about Dean, Sam and the eventuality of their lifestyles, especially when you consider where they both end up at the end of their story archs.
- After School Special – I went back and forth with putting this before or after Monster Movie/Yellow Fever in my list. I’m still not sure but I thought this was memorable and a good way to show us Sam really reaching the end of his rope. Plus, this list is showing me I dug flashbacks this season.
- Heaven and Hell – Firstly, excuse the long comment but I had this to say about Ruby in this episode’s recap: If she has an ulterior motive, I have no damn idea what it could possibly be, and the show would have to try real hard to convince me of it. I WAS SO CUTE. This does get a wee bit loosey goosey with the plot, but I liked it and Anna. I ended up rating this above the next two because it felt more important to the season.
- Monster Movie – We rarely do something so “fun” during a Supernatural episode. I say fun because of costume choices because there was still death and monsters here, but you know.
- Yellow Fever – Probably tied with Monster Movie and in the same vein of dark funny. I think the episode overplayed its hand with the ghost sickness thing, but scaredy Dean is still a favorite.
- When the Levee Breaks – I appreciated having an episode dedicated to the implosion of the Winchesters, especially considering how much they set that up.
- Lucifer Rising – Tied with When the Levee Breaks. I thought it was a good payoff and the end left me really wanting to keep watching. There were brighter spots this season, but I dug it.
- The Rapture – Angels are jerks, man.
- The Monster at End of this Book – I wasn’t sure what to do with this one so I’m sticking it in the middle. I loved this as a single episode but didn’t like what it added to the canon.
- I Know What You Did Last Summer – First parts are always hard to rate and review but I’ve got positive associations because ANNA.
- On the Head of a Pin – I think this is definitely one I appreciate more in context. At the time, I was frustrated with the pacing and hated the contrivance that brought Dean to this torture-y place. However, this definitely stands out from the next half of episodes as being being more impacting and better acted.
- Jump the Shark – This was a strange episode to drop into this particular season but we can say that this was another way we got to see the differences in Sam and Dean.
- Death Takes a Holiday – We meet the worst (best?) Alistair of all but Pamela dies. Sigh.
- It’s the Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester – How much cheating is it if I copy exactly what K said because I honestly don’t remember anything about this episode except hot water apple bobbing.
- Sex and Violence – Interesting take on sirens but nothing incredible.
- Criss Angel is a Douchebag – I’m sorry, I just didn’t care about the old people.
- Wishful Thinking – I would’ve liked this more if the message weren’t “you can’t get what you want” instead of “if you force people to do things, that is awful and when sex is involved, that’s rape.”
- Family Remains – MEH. These were ghosts right up until they were not.
- Metamorphosis – I said in the recap that I didn’t hate this as much as K did, but I also remember nothing about it.
So that’s it! Let us know in the comments what your favorite and least favorite moments were throughout season 4! Hopefully with some added help in season 5, it won’t take us nearly as long to get through it. Fingers crossed.
Next time on Supernatural: We start season 5 with the devil in S05 E01 – Sympathy for the Devil.