Previously: Basically a giant PSA about sex and pregnancy, but it was actually pretty damned good.
Great XPectations
Kirsti: Capeside High library. Andie tells Jen that she knows applying for college is overwhelming, and suggests she start by looking at schools in New York, seeing as she lived there before and has been talking about going back. Jen’s all “I’ve been saying WHAT?” Yeah, turns out Drue’s been spreading rumours again. Asshole.
“‘According to him’ would be the key phrase. He’s the Dark Prince of Revisionist History…” Jen snaps. Best. Jack rushes in, totally out of breath. Andie asks what’s going on and he totally downplays it, being all “Oh, you got something in post. Totally not a big deal. But it’s from this school you might have heard of.” In short, Andie got a letter from Harvard. She flails, Jack and Jen grin. Then Andie freaks out about opening it because OH GOD WHAT IF IT’S A REJECTION LETTER. But it’s not. SHE GOT IN. Everyone screams and claps and Andie gets teary.
After the credits, Gretchen runs into Dawson at the music store. She makes music suggestions – a band I’ve never heard of, which sadly puts me in the same boat as Dawson Leery – then gets handed a poster by some shady looking dude advertising a rave. Dawson’s all “In Capeside?!?!?!?!?!”. Gretchen refers to raves as “a rebel subculture experience,” which is further proof that I’ve made the right decision in staying far way from raves. Dawson’s totally sceptical, and Gretchen tries to change his mind. He asks for a raincheck, which she reluctantly grants. Then she forces him into listening to the CD she recommended.
Meanwhile, Pacey and Joey are wandering along the main street, generally being adorable. He says that Capeside is totally boring, she suggests they turn themselves into Bonnie and Clyde. Not gonna lie, I would watch the shit out of that show. (C: As would I. In a heartbeat!) Joey spots Dawson and Gretchen sharing a listening booth in the music store and sad pandas.
House of McPheelings. Jerky McPhee is thrilled about Andie’s news and gives her his Harvard sweater from when he got in. Jack impersonates Jerky McPhee’s flailing and it’s totally adorable. Jerky McPhee laughs and says things will get REALLY exciting when the course book arrives and she can start picking her subjects. Really? Picking first year subjects is exciting?? Mine was more like “Hmmm, I guess I’ll be taking these two archaeology subjects that are compulsory if you want to continue with archaeology. And this English class where I get to watch movies for credit. This history subject seems mostly non-sucky. Aaaand I guess Ancient Greek?? DONE.”
Andie gets a little overwhelmed by all the attention and the pride and the flailing. Jack snarks that he wants the same proud-father speech when “I get into clown college.” Bless. Jerky leaves to go call all his old classmates, and Jack tells Andie not to get overwhelmed by all the pressure. She insists that she’s not freaked out, and says she should be happy, but instead she just feels empty.
She goes on to say that it’s probably just her medication because it evens out both the lows and the highs and she’ll probably be super excited in a few days. Jack says they should celebrate by going to the rave, which he inexplicably got an email about. Andie looks thrilled.
Meanwhile, Jen’s in the computer lab at school (hahahaha, remember those?!) looking up colleges in New York. Her email announces that she has mail, and it’s Drue emailing her about the rave. She tells him to fuck off because obviously he’s sitting right behind her and sending emails instead of using his words. He reminds her that she was all about the raves in New York, and insists that she’s a “pod person” because she’s, like, no fun any more
Chelsea: Also, how does he not get in trouble? Our high school would have suspended the guy emailing rave flyers.
K: My high school didn’t even have email addresses, so…yeah.
He mocks her for looking at college websites, then informs her that he went back for her and the ecstasy a couple of episodes ago but they were both gone, so clearly she has it. He insists that she’s afraid of admitting she wants to feel good, and says that if she’s planning on taking the ecstasy, the rave is the perfect opportunity. He walks away and Jen looks slightly teary.
Leery Manner. Dawson walks into the kitchen to find Gail and Mitch slow dancing and a bunch of “CONGRATULATIONS” balloons everywhere. After some typical Leery speechifying, it turns out they’ve decided to have the baby. There’s much hugging and flailing. They invite Dawson to join their romantic candlelit dinner, and he – unsurprisingly – nopes his way out the door saying there’s a thing he was invited to. Mitch tells Gail that the thing he loves most about Dawson is his ability to take a hint. Total segue, but one of the kids I work with? Lovely kid, CANNOT TAKE A HINT AT ALL OMFG. This kid walks in and we’re all “Nooooooooooooooo” because you know it’s going to be at least a 10 minute conversation. Sigh.
Chelsea: Ugh. We have several of these types at our library.
K: Meanwhile, Gretchen’s doing Joey’s make up and telling her about how awesome raves are. Because of COURSE the first 20 minutes of this episode would be “Here’s how everyone ends up attending the rave!” set up. Pacey says that raves are like school dances but a million times longer, which is yet another sign that I shouldn’t ever go to a rave. I went to my senior prom with my cousin and I cried while I was there. Extending that pain? LOL NOPE. Anyway, Dawson turns up and Gretchen’s thrilled he’s there. Joey and Pacey look hella awkward but Dawson plays nice and they all head out to the car.
Over at Chez Grams, Andie – who’s wearing a HIDEOUS crocheted shirt – tells Jen to hurry up. Jen says she needs to find directions to the map point, then has to explain that the map point is a buffer zone to keep undesirables away. So basically I’d never get into a rave anyway? Awesome. Andie says she feels guilty for persuading Jen to come, but Jen insists she wants to celebrate with Andie. Andie bounces off to use the bathroom and Jen stares moodily into the mirror before grabbing the ecstasy tablets from her dresser drawer and looking at them thoughtfully. But Andie returns to grab her lipstick and busts Jen. Fade to black.
After the Not Commercial Break, we’re in the Leery Mobile of Awkwardness. Gretchen babbles about how the last time they were all in a car together was when she was 14 and the others were 11. Joey gives total side eye to Dawson and Gretchen’s flirting. Pacey looks like he’s trapped in Hell.
Down by the waterfront, Jen and Andie are wandering and discussing ecstasy. (C: You know. As one does.) Jen says she never went to a rave without taking some, and she went to a lot of raves. Andie asks what it’s like, and Jen tells her it makes you feel like you love everyone and everything. It made her happy. Andie doesn’t think that sounds so bad. Jen’s all “Yeah, except then it goes away and you feel like shit again”. But also, it makes you lose all your inhibitions. She stopped because she didn’t know who she was any more.
Andie wants to see the tablets, and Jen hands them over after saying that Andie’s way too interested in this subject. Andie says she’s just interested in being happy. Jen’s incredulous because surely Andie’s happy after getting accepted to Harvard?? Andie doesn’t want to talk about her feelings because all she ever does is talk. She wants to have fun and forget about her problems for a while. Jen reaches over to take the ecstasy back, but just then Jack arrives from his endless soccer meeting. Andie quickly hides the pills and Jen looks nervous.
Leery Mobile. They arrive at the map point, and Dawson and Gretchen hop out to go get the details of the real location. In the backseat, Pacey asks when the hell Gretchen and Dawson became “going out together buddies.” Joey says she thinks this the first time. Pacey asks if it bothers her, and Joey says it makes sense for them to be friends seeing as apparently they’re the only people under 30 working at the restaurant.
Pacey says he didn’t ask if it made sense. He asked if it BOTHERED her. Joey shrugs and says it doesn’t. Pacey’s unconvinced. She says it’s bothering HIM and he wants it to bother her too. Then this bit of adorableness happens:
Meanwhile, Gretchen and Dawson grab their tickets – $5 each!! – from a sketchy looking guy who appears to be wearing a garbage bag as a shirt and who tells them to “follow the yellow brick road” to get to the rave. As they walk back to the car, Gretchen asks Dawson if he’s okay with the presence of Joey and Pacey. He says it’s awkward, but he’s in such a good mood that he doesn’t care.
He tells her that his parents have decided to keep the baby, and…dude. I know she already knew that Gail was pregnant, but I’m not entirely sure you should be telling people until, you know, SHE’S OUT OF HER FIRST TRIMESTER. But whatever. We all know everything is about Dawson Leery. Gretchen’s thrilled for him, and tells him he can always talk to her about it. The tinkly piano tinkles as he thanks her for telling him about her miscarriage, because it totally helped him see things from the right perspective.
Chelsea: BARF
K: I solidly agree.
Elsewhere, it appears that Jen and the McPhees have been able to bypass the map point and go straight to the rave? Jack dashes off inside, and Jen grabs Andie to ask for the ecstasy back. Andie cringes and says she kind of sort of took one. Jen’s all “Well, fuck” and says it’s really bad for her. Andie says she’ll pay Jen back, but Jen insists she doesn’t care about the money, she just cares about Andie being okay. Andie gets all “Awwww” and insists that she’s fine. She tells Jen not to say anything to Jack.
When the Leery Mobile party arrives, Drue’s at the door to greet them. He’s impressed that they’re there, and then gives Gretchen the once over, saying flirtily that they haven’t met. “I’m okay with that,” she replies. A+, girl. Jen, Jack and Andie arrive at the door, and everyone hugs Andie in congratulations. Drue shit stirs by telling Joey that Andie and Pacey totally hugged for too long. Shit stirring done, he walks away. Gretchen’s all “The fuck is that?” and Dawson asks if she ever met Abby Morgan. Awww. Abby. Good times…
Chelsea: Now I just want to read the AU fanfiction where Abby is alive and dating Drue and they make this perfect storm of horrible people being horrible.
They head inside and we rapidly learn that Gretchen is a Woo Girl. Andie starts petting Joey’s arm, and Jen tells her to slow her roll because she’s being a fucking weirdo and it’s really obvious. Jen tells Andie that she wants to keep her safe, so she’s going to need to stay close by. Andie’s all “Awwww, you’re the bestest!” and strokes Jen’s hair. Jen eyerolls and tells her to try harder to be normal. Drue appears, grabs Andie, and heads onto the dance floor. Jen tells Jack to keep an eye on them while she goes to get water. Jack begrudgingly heads after them and Jen sighs as we fade to black.
After the Not Commercial Break, Gretchen apologises to Joey for Dawson’s attendance. I’d apologise for his existence, but to each their own. Joey says that it’s fine because things between them all have been getting better recently. Gretchen’s thrilled and mentions that Dawson’s a great guy. Joey immediately asks if there’s something going on between them. Gretchen’s all “Whaaaaaaaat??”, and Joey wibbles about how Dawson used to have a massive crush on Gretchen when he was 12 but he tends to be a clingy asshole not give up on things easily, so he’s probably still secretly crushing on her. Gretchen basically eyerolls and walks off.
Meanwhile, Andie is twirling dreamily while Drue’s all “WOW YOU’RE SO HIGH RIGHT NOW!”. She says it’s a secret and Jen’s supposed to make sure she’s safe while high. Drue grins and says he’s much more reliable than Jen, and drags Andie further into the crowd on the dancefloor.
Further cementing the fact that he’s perfect, Intern Pacey is hanging out alone on a couch outside the warehouse. Joey finds him, and they’re all “THIS IS THE FUCKING WORST.” Pacey asks why they’re there, and Joey says “We’re trying something new.” They agree that they preferred the old, but at least there’s something mildly anthropological about watching their peers act like dickheads.
Chelsea: Damn, do I love Pacey. So, so much.
Joey reminds Pacey of a weirdass game they used to play – presumably on the boat?? – and then gives him a crown of glowsticks. Then she grins and says “Gives you that whole Caesar look again“.

Back inside, Dawson offers Gretchen a glowstick necklace. I’m sure other stuff happens, but I’m distracted by how full of flyaways Sasha Alexander’s hair is because the crazy disco lights make it stand out like whoa. Apparently no one had invented smoothing serum in 2000…
Anyway, Gretchen asks if Dawson’s there because he thinks there’s something happening between them, and he says that the thing happening between them is friendship. Blah blah blah, he lost his two best friends when Joey and Pacey left last summer, but he’s surviving by making new friends like Gretchen. He insists he has zero expectations, to which I say “HA. Be careful, Gretchen. He’ll be bitching about the friendzone in 3.8 seconds.” They head off to… bounce.
Elsewhere, Andie’s still hella high and now sucking on a lollipop. She and Drue run into Joey and Pacey (who’s still wearing his glowstick crown), and Andie gets all gushy and huggy. It’s all going fine until she tells Joey that she’s super nice apart from that one time she dumped Dawson for Pacey, and then tells Pacey he’s the love of her life and she’s not over him. Joey gives Pacey major side eye.
Drue smirks like an asshole in the background. He and Andie also rush off to bounce, leaving Joey and Pacey looking concerned. Jen finds Jack on the dancefloor and is all “Uh, where the fuck is Andie?”. He basically shrugs because he was too busy dancing to watch his drugged out sister. Jen drags him off in search of her.
The aforementioned bouncing turns out to be a bouncy castle shaped like King Kong. I guess it’s no less tasteless than the inflatable slide I once saw that was shaped like the sinking Titanic. Gretchen falls over and Dawson lands on top of her. After a tension filled moment of staring into each other’s eyes, he helps her up.
Andie and Drue join them, and everyone bounces happily for a minute until Andie starts tripping out. The lights spin and she complains of a headache before collapsing in Dawson’s arms. Obviously, Jen and Jack arrive just in time to see her collapse. Drue looks shifty and Jen looks terrified as Jack screams for help. Fade to black.
After the Not Commercial Break, Jack carries Andie into a medical tent. The paramedics ask what she’s taken, and Jack rattles off her antidepressants and anxiety medication. The paramedics look at him like he’s an idiot. Jen tells them it was ecstasy. They’re all like “Whoa, with her mental health prescriptions? BIG FUCKING MISTAKE.” They announce that she has to be rushed to the hospital like, yesterday. They load Andie into an ambulance, and Jack hops in behind her. Jen begs to go with them, but Jack snaps that she’s done enough. He yells that Jen should be the one in the ambulance, and the paramedic slams the doors.
Chelsea: Which, I’m not saying I don’t understand the anger, but I feel like this is super harsh of Jack to say; I mean, Andie bears responsibility in all this, too!
The ambulance speeds away into the night, sirens blaring. Jen stares after it sadly. Dawson asks if she wants to go to the hospital, but Jen tearily says she should probably just go home. Dawson nods judgementally and heads to the car with Joey, Pacey and Gretchen. Drue asks Jen how Andie’s doing. Jen tearfully says that she’s not good. Drue says he’ll drive her home.
Cut to Jen walking up the steps at Chez Grams, talking about how she should have noticed the warning signs. Drue says it’s not Jen’s fault and that Andie made her own decision. He tells her that no matter what Andie tells people, everyone in Capeside will see Jen as the big city troublemaker bad girl now. Secretly they want her to play that role, he says, because it makes them feel better about their own lives. Ugh. I never thought I’d say this, but can we have Henry back?! (C: Hey, I liked Henry! As much as anyone can like a simpering puppy, but still. Stupid football camp contrivance.)
Jen’s all “Wow, you’re fucked up.” He insists that she is too, and that’s why they need each other. Jen’s response is to say that she’s going to go and call the hospital to see how Andie’s doing. Then she slams the door in Drue’s face. GOOD.
Hospital. Jack comes into the waiting room, and the gang ask how Andie is. He tells them that she’s stable but she could have died because her antidepressants are basically a timebomb when mixed with party drugs. He breaks down, and Joey rushes over to hug him. Pacey looks teary. Jack says Andie has to stay overnight so they should all go home and come visit tomorrow. He heads back to her room.
Gretchen asks a still-tearful Pacey if he’s okay. He’s not. He blames himself for not realising something was wrong. Dawson assures him that there was nothing he could have done, even if he’d joined the dots. Pacey says he’s going to stay at the hospital overnight regardless. Joey asks if he wants company, but he insists that he doesn’t. She kisses his forehead and leaves with Gretchen and Dawson.
Sibling Beach House. Gretchen’s all “Welp, that sucked.” Dawson bids her goodnight and starts to leave. She calls him back to say that his friendship means a lot to her too, what with moving back to a super judgey small town unexpectedly. She heads inside. Dawson heads back to the car, where Joey’s waiting. They agree that it’s been a weird night. She says she’s not tired, and he asks if she’s hungry. They grin at each other and hop in the car.
Hospital. Andie’s awake and wearing a godawful dressing gown that would be very much at home in the Golden Girls house. She apologises to Jerky, and he says he’s not mad. Jack is though. A tinkly 90s female singer version of Sting’s Fields of Gold starts up as Jack says the three of them need each other and she can’t do crazy shit like this because their family’s already been through enough.
Andie cries and says she just wanted to feel something.
Jerky says it’ll be fine as long as they all communicate. He strokes Andie’s forehead and tells her that she can’t keep how she’s feeling from them any more. Pacey comes in bearing crappy coffee, and Andie gets teary all over again when she realises that he stayed. She mentions what she said, and he tells her not to worry about it. All that matters is that she’s okay. He holds her hand and she cries.
Female Sting continues tinkling away as we cut to Dawson and Joey standing on the dock, watching the sun rise over the water. They’re both freaked by how terrifying the night was. Joey says that the whole year has been crazy intense so far, and it makes you realise that anyone could die at any time for any really stupid reason. Does this count as foreshadowing for season 5? If so, LOLOLOLOLOL.
Dawson pines for the days when parties involved bowling because it was far less likely to kill you. Joey sad pandas a little about the fact that they’ll all be off to college in less than a year and they won’t be just a boat-row on the creek away from each other. Dawson smirks and tells her she should hand her boat down to Alexander because he’ll be giving his to his new sibling. Joey’s all “WHAAAAAAT?!?!?!” and hugs him.
Chelsea: Again, I feel like maybe Dawson needs to shut his big awful mouth and let Gail tell people these things!
Excitement over, they agree that this makes them feel old. Dawson, in typical old man form, says “Nothing makes you feel old faster than the next generation nipping at your heels.” STFU, Dawson. Joey turns the subject back to college, and says she can’t imagine the next stage of her life without Dawson in it. He snaps that she did fine for three months, and she insists that he knows what she means. He reluctantly agrees and they sit together quietly, staring out at the water as we fade to black.
This episode is… rough. Drue is basically a moustache twirling villain, and yet everyone still talks to him. Jen being all “Ecstasy is really fucking great!” was stupid. I continue to give zero fucks about Dawson and Joey mending their friendship, or Dawson’s relationship with Gretchen. And the highlight was Pacey wearing a glowstick crown, which doesn’t really say much.
Next time on Dawson’s Creek: Our broTP is having issues because drugs are bad in S04 E07 – You Had Me At Goodbye.