Previously: COMA.
The Earth Girls Are Easy
Catherine: Seth and Ryan are at a gas station while Seth is simultaneously washing bugs off his windshield and being interrogated by Ryan.
Ryan is asking what’s going on and Seth snarks that it’s New Year’s Eve and they’re on their way to Las Vegas. Ryan’s all like, “I know,” but I’m like silly Ryan, that wasn’t for you! That was for us, your loyal viewers. Good exposition, show!
Apparently what Ryan was really asking was why the girls are acting so strange. Seth kinda verbally shrugs and Ryan says he thinks that he’s lying. They fight a bit about Seth hijacking Ryan’s NYE plans and it’s all intercut with shots of Summer and Taylor in the bathroom panicking about how much time is left on something and talking about pee.
I’m not sure if we’re supposed to be guessing what they’re talking about but they’re obviously talking about a pregnancy test. This is the third episode of this show I have ever seen and even I can tell that.
Before we get the results of the test suddenly the show rewinds and we’re taken to a shot of a beach and the words, “SEVEN HOURS EARLIER.”
WHOA! UNEXPECTED! That was some positively Spielbergian filming techniques.
Damn, this episode has already got me extra snarky.
Okay, so seven hours earlier, Ryan is bringing Seth coffee and Seth comments about how it’s his “last coffee of ’06”, but, like, we’ve still got a day or so left, so calm down, Seth. Ryan starts talking about his itinerary for the Vegas trip and it’s all breakfast with Taylor and then pack and lunch and then off to Vegas and hang on a second…
Ryan is dating TAYLOR now?! Creepy, big-eyed, Marsha Brady lookalike Taylor? The last episode I watched Taylor was trying (unsuccessfully) to reunite Seth and Summer and now she’s dating Ryan after I turn my back on her for, like, a second? What in the Effie Trinket does she think she’s doing dating my boyfriend, 2006 Ben McKenzie? We are gonna fight.
Whatever. Anyway, back in The O.C. (don’t call it that) that back-stabbing bitch Taylor is chatting with Summer about how Ryan has planned something for NYE but hasn’t told her anything and she wants to do something for him and blah, blah, blah, Summer isn’t listening and neither am I.
No, really, Summer isn’t listening. Taylor accuses her of as much and Summer admits that she’s just “still waking up.” Which is what I tell all my annoying friends, too.
Taylor is planning to surprise Ryan with lingerie, because that’s the kind of thing that’s still a present when you’re 18 and fit af, but she’s freaking out that it’s too soon for lingerie (…okay?) and worries Ryan’s gonna think she’s “some kind of kinky, sex-starved divorcee.” Which would be a weird insult. Only on you, show.
Seth warns Ryan that people go to Vegas and come back married. I know that must be true, ’cause Britney Spears did it, so.
Ryan asks Seth what his plans are with Summer and it’s intercut with Summer admitting that if it’s like a typical night for them than she can expect “some Korean cinema, manga, and making new friends on Myspace.” I don’t believe this boy actually has a girlfriend. Seth tells Ryan that he hasn’t made any plans and I REALLY can’t believe this boy actually has a girlfriend. Make some damn plans, ya lazy!
Ryan leaves to go catch up with Taylor and Summer takes her cue to go catch up with Seth and I guess they were having these conversations, like 3 feet from each other? Seth and Ryan were in some type of shop where Seth seems to work and Summer and Taylor were just outside it. How did they not overhear each other? I am only 3 minutes into this episode.
Taylor hands Ryan a present and he opens it to reveal the lingerie she was so nervous about while, on the other side of the soundproof walls.

I have a lot of questions:
1. How does this boy have a girlfriend?
2. Why does these people seem to think that New Year’s Eve is a present buying holiday?
3. How does this boy have a girlfriend?
Please answer in the form of a pre-paid letter to the insane asylum in which I currently reside.
Summer figures out that Seth hasn’t made any plans for them and throws the present back at him with saying that she’s done babysitting him.
Looks like Summer and Seth are on the rocks again, gang! I’ve never actually seen them have any level, grassy areas!

After the credits, Taylor is packing in her bathroom and finds her tampons. Her face goes blank and she immediately fishes out her calendar to thumb through it. I think we all know what that means. She’s wondering if that fruit she bought at the Farmer’s Market last week has gone bad. Been there.
Oh no, wait, I guess she’s wondering when her last period was and if she might be pregnant. She ends the scene looking distraught.
In the next scene, Julie is on the phone with someone at her desk in a place called ‘New Match’. Okay, bear with me, and keep in mind I only watch episodes of this show every once in a while like an eclipse.
Julie is whispering to some guy on the phone about delivery boy sex fantasies and whether or not they should be paying for the pizza. The guy rationally points out that, “You’re running a male prostitution ring, Julie. Pizza’s the cost of business.”
Okay. Now. What? Is she really? Or was that more of this show’s youth humor that keeps zinging over my head? Julie is a pimp now? I thought this show was about teenagers in Orange County. This storyline honestly sounds like something I would make up in jest just to get myself through an episode. What is happening?
I’m just gonna have to keep holding on to the shopping cart and letting God steer here. The guy Julie’s talking to, who looks a bit like a skinnier Andy Samberg, is sitting in a cafe and he’s talking loud enough to draw the attention of the god’s themselves. And by that I mean that muthafucking Hercules is sitting nearby and listening in. It’s actually Kevin Sorbo, but whatever. Muthafucking Hercules.
Julie casually asks what Skinny Samberg knows about money laundering so I gather that she is keeping her pimping a secret from Kirsten who is in the next room. Good call.
Julie hangs up just as Kirsten comes into the room and says that Jimmy was on her phone and he’s supposed to call Kaitlin at midnight. I have no idea who either of these people are.
Kirsten says that Jimmy is hosting a party on his boat and to have Julie tell Kaitlin that he might be out of cell phone range. Julie says that Kaitlin doesn’t show it but she thinks she misses him. Time for my reminder that I have no idea if any of this is relevant and I’m just reporting the facts.
Kirsten asks if she can help with anything and says that she appreciates Julie handling the bookkeeping but that she (Kirsten) probably has more experience. “All the more reason for me to learn. What if you get hit by a bus or something? God Forbid,” Julie waffles. Haha. I missed you, Julie.
But Julie does say that Kirsten could go get her some more coffee.
Gordon comes in (check me out, looking up names) to drop off an invite to his ‘soiree’. He asks Julie when she wants him to send a limo and she evades him a bit and says she has to shave her arms and whatever so she doesn’t know if she’s gonna be able to go.
Gordon gets pissy and says that when he bankrolled this operation he thought he’d see her more, not less. He also calls her ‘hot cakes’. I don’t think I like him. He grabs the receipt book she’d been looking through while she was on the phone and asks if he can at least get a ‘bean counter’ to help her keep track of the money.
“Wow, you girls sure eat a mess of pizza,” he comments.
Julie panics and takes the receipts away from him but idk why she thinks he’s gonna figure out that she’s running a brothel based off of the fact that she’s ordering a lot of pizzas. Does she think that’s a surefire sign? Does she think that most prostitution busts go down inside of pizza parlors on 2 for 1 Tuesdays? Does she think that these places are know for their pizza parties at the end of a tough fucking quarter and that the girl with the most tricks gets the first slice and a gold star on the sex board?
Whatever, god bless you for keeping an itemized receipt book for your prostitution ring, Julie Cooper. I love you a lot.
Julie tells Gordon that she appreciates the gesture but that she wants to do this business on her own. He agrees and asks her again if she’s coming to the party. She relents and says she will if she can. He leaves with a “damn, woman.”
Back at Cohen manor, Sandy is on the phone when Seth comes in and asks if he’s working on New Year’s Eve. Sandy admits that he is, “one of your homeless guys from Thanksgiving attacked a parking meter. He couldn’t remember his name but he remembered mine.”
………WHAT IS THIS SHOW ABOUT?!?!?! I feel like I’m getting farther from an answer, somehow?
Seth and Sandy snark at each other for a minute before the script direction tells Seth to look sad so he does. Sandy asks him what’s up and Seth tells him about his Summer problems. Sandy has to actually instruct this kid to put some thought and effort into making plans with his girlfriend. Ugh. I can’t. Sandy tells him to make his plans personal and Seth immediately rips off Ryan’s plans and starts packing for Vegas.<
Back over in The Crimson Petal and the White, Spencer gets into Julie’s car and basically tells her that the book that he was keeping with the names of all their clients is missing. These two are so good at being pimps.
Julie rolls her eyes and says that this has to be a sign. She tells Spencer about Gordon wanting to saddle her with an accountant and says that they need to shut this down now. Girl, you needed to shut this down before it began.
Spencer convinces her to go ahead and do tonight because they’re going to make 40 grand each and they both need the money. Julie agrees on the provision that they will burn everything tomorrow. This isn’t foreshadowing at all.
In a hotel room, Hercules is looking at covert, black and white pics of Julie that were obviously taken without her knowledge. Super creepy, Herc. Gordon shows up and they small talk a little before Hercules asks him for a job. “You serious?” Gordon asks. “Don’t be jerkin’ the bullet around.” Lol. He’s won me over. I just love Gary Grubbs too much.
Gordon says that knowing Hercules, he’s already picked something out and Herc says he wants to work at the dating service. Ah, so it’s a dating service then? That explains a lot. Gordon turns that down and mentions that Julie runs the place and she wants to do it all herself. Then he gets a phone call and the director must have told him to act like he’s never held a phone before in his entire life ’cause he kinda does that.
Over at Summer’s house, she’s inexplicably petting a bunny when Taylor comes in. Summer tells her she looks terrible (fuck you, Summer, damn) and asks what’s wrong. Taylor asks if Summer can keep a really big secret. “I think you might be pregnant,” says Tay-tay.
Okay. Twist.
Summer correctly points out that if she were pregnant, that would be her secret, not Taylor’s and she’s only late, not pregnant. And also how the hell did Taylor even know that? Summer asks this more diplomatically but I added the spice ’cause I don’t want other people all up in my menstruals.
“Okay, when I went to visit you in Providence, I remember that you had your period which means you should’ve had it again a week and half ago. But the box of tampons that you bought two weeks ago hasn’t even been opened. Summer, have you had unsafe sex?” Taylor Marsha Bradyies.
Holy crap. Why? Why does Taylor know so much about Summer’s cycle? Why? I mean, I love close female friendships, I have a few, but I have never been nor wanted to be that close with another human being. This girl is SUPER creepy.
Which we already knew.
Summer, who is not nearly as creeped out and set on witch burning as she should be, admits that she did have sex with Seth in an unsafe manner. I mean, it was in the vagina, presumably, but in an unsafe vagina. Taylor gets really judgey and rolls her eyes and scoffs. So feel free to tell her all your menstrual secrets, ladies.
“I didn’t want the pharmaceutical companies playing slum lords with my eggs,” Summer defends. That wins the award for the best sentence with the most backwards reasoning I have ever heard. Summer further admits that she doesn’t like to use condoms because “latex smells funny.”
“So do diapers.” Lol Taylor. Good one. You’re still weird.
Summer insists that she’s not pregnant and Taylor pulls out a pregnancy test and asks her to prove it. Summer bats it away like it’s a snake. Which is what she should’ve been doing with that Cohen peen. *high fives self*
Just then Seth comes into the room (just like that time he came into Summer GET IT?) and the girls get all freaked and shove the pregnancy test back into the bag. Seth tells them all that Ryan is waiting outside and they’re all going to Vegas. Because, apparently Ryan gets to plan the trip and drive the whole way but not get the satisfaction of actually telling his girlfriend about it.
Seth tells them to pack and Taylor tries to vamp about Summer needing to go to the bathroom first but Summer blocks her by being all YAY! TRIP! And kissing Seth. Taylor pretends that the bag in her hand has toothpaste in it and that she’s going to have to bring it to Vegas with her so she and Summer can try it out there even though no one asked. Summer tells Seth to help her figure out what to bring and the scene ends with him hesitantly handing her a teddy bear and a pink lamp. I hate to see what he brought.
On the road to Vegas, Taylor asks Ryan to stop at the next rest stop and gives him a little shoulder squeeze when he agrees that makes him look genuinely terrified. I can’t tell if any of them actually like this girl or if they’re just scared of her.

Taylor whispers to Summer that she needs to tell Seth about the possible baby. And Summer denies that and says that he can’t handle it. Taylor asks why she thinks that just as Seth announces that he forgot his toothbrush and he’s gonna have to use his finger. Hawt. He snatches the bag out of Taylor’s lap and asks what kind of toothpaste they brought, opening it as the girls protest from the backseat. Seth pales a bit when he looks in the bag and sees a pregnancy test but Taylor takes it back and lies about it being hers.<
Ah, the pieces are all coming together.
Seth gives Ryan a dazed and terrified look but Ryan doesn’t notice and Taylor signals for him to shut his mouth. Summer mouths ‘Thank you’ at Taylor and Taylor nods and they hold hands. So I guess we’re just gonna forget about her weird period knowledge.
Kaitlin and Gordon sneak into Julie’s house and they seem to have been on a shopping trip to find Julie something to wear.
Full disclosure, I still have no idea who Kaitlin is but apparently she’s Julie’s daughter? Since when? Where did she come from? Listen, I know The O.C. like Taylor knows Summer’s menstrual cycle and I have never seen this child before in my life. This seems like a Dawn Summers situation all over again.
Or she just wasn’t in either of the 2 other episodes I’ve seen.
Kaitlin points out that Gordon seems to like her mom a lot and he admits that he does but that she hasn’t been paying him much attention, basically. She tells him to ignore her mother. And he’s like huh? “She refused your help, so ignore her. That’s what I always do,” Kaitlin says. Gordon smiles and hands her some money. She asks what it’s for and he says it’s in case she wants to come to the party but it’s clearly a reward for that awful advice. I want a job where people give me money for giving bad advice.
Back on the road to Vegas, the gang pulls up to the gas station that they were at in the beginning of the episode. We’ve truly come full circle. Ryan stops Taylor on her way to following Summer into the bathroom and apologizes for Seth hijacking their trip. He tells her that at least they’re getting a hotel room so they’ll be alone. Her eyes go wide and she starts trying to subtly back out of any sex that was gonna happen. She’s clearly freaked out by Summer’s pregnancy scare and I can understand that. A friend having a pregnancy scare is enough to turn you into a nun in, like a second.
Seth pulls Ryan aside and asks if he’s positive he hasn’t had sex yet with Taylor. “Not even in a ‘I feel guilty about this ’cause you’re kinda wasted but how did that happen’ mistake?” Wow, Seth. So…… rape, then? That’s what you’re asking? I’m confused. That’s how that question sounded.
Ryan obviously doesn’t know what Seth’s talking about so Seth tries to pretend like he didn’t ask anything and points out a woman dressed as a green alien that has just pulled up next to them.
In the bathroom, Taylor is reading the instructions to the test to Summer. The alien comes into the bathroom and Taylor calls her slutty despite knowing literally nothing about her.
Back at the whorehouse, Hercules is sitting at Julie’s desk when she comes in and she asks who he is. Gordon comes out of the bathroom and tells her that Hercules is her new accountant. Julie shoots daggers at everyone in the room and reminds Gordon that she told him not to do this. Gordon says he was advised to ignore her and hustles her out so they can go to the party. Before she leaves, Hercules tells her it was nice meeting her and Julie says it was nice meeting him, too. There’s obvious sexual tension there. I think. Or they are just both very attractive people.
Back at the gas station, we are instantly transported back to the montage of Ryan grilling Seth and Summer and Taylor waiting for the pregnancy test results that we saw in the beginning of the episode. Summer starts having a panic attack and Taylor makes her breathe into the paper bag. Taylor asks Summer a lot of heavy questions about whether or not she wants to go into the new year as an adult or not and it’s all cover so that they will be looking at each other instead of Taylor’s bag which is slowly being slid out under the stall door by the green alien lady.
Oh, and the pregnancy test was in her bag. Because of reasons.
Outside, Seth has obviously told Ryan that he thinks Taylor may be pregnant. Ryan is confused and wonders if she cheated on him.
Meanwhile, the alien lady hops into her car and peals away. Taylor and Summer chase her out and tell Ryan to follow her. Seth asks why they can’t just cancel Taylor’s credit cards and buy her a new purse and she and Summer vamp a bit about how Taylor has some special medication in that purse that she needs to take before midnight. It’s a dumb lie, made more so by the zany fact that everyone in the car already knows about the pregnancy test.
They follow the green alien lady to some type of dope, kickin’ rave out in the desert. On the way into the party, Summer wonders if anyone got a good look at the alien’s face and Seth points out that it would be hard to lose an alien in a crowd. Of course, they walk in and everyone at the party is dressed as an alien. Did they think this woman was just randomly dressing as an alien to go to a perfectly normal desert rave? I guess they did. Go figure.
Over at Gordon’s fancy rich people party, Julie notices a lot of half-schnockered, handsy women pawing at indulgent, good-looking young guys. It turns out that Spencer paired all these women up with escorts from their ‘dating agency’ and was unaware that they were all coming to his father’s party. He asks if she thinks that Kirsten’s gonna figure it out and Julie says that she might because she knows those women are their clients. Spencer points out that she might not notice. “Isn’t she an alcoholic?” “Recovering, unfortunately.” Lol Julie. I missed you.
Julie asks Spencer about Frank (Hercules). Apparently Spencer was researching Frank and he found out that he 1. Is a friend of Gordon’s and 2. has no history. Or appears not to. Spencer posits that Hercules might be CIA or Special Ops. I think he’s just an alien that got lost on the way to the desert rave but I’m not a prostitute detective or whatever. Julie asks if they can bribe him and I respect her strategizing. But Spencer says that his dad is big on loyalty, so probs not. Bummer.
Back at the coolest rave in the galaxy, Taylor has been asking around to find out if there’s a coat check or anyone in charge and of course not, Taylor. Do these people seem like the type to bow to authority? That’s why they left their totalitarian home planets. The more I talk about this rave with a bunch of different aliens the more I want to watch that show instead.
Anyway, out of nowhere, Ryan tells Taylor that he knows about the pregnancy. He also tells her that he’s not mad about her obviously sleeping with someone before they got together, just about her not telling him about the baby. She gets pissed that he’s insinuating that she slept with someone else in between her annulment and her kissing him at Kaitlin’s party. It’s all very confusing and not just because I have only barely watched this show but also because it seems like this fight isn’t really about anything? I mean, she’s not really pregnant. So what does she think she’s fighting about?
Back at the adult New Year’s party, things are getting more adult by the second as Julie spots one of her clients dry humping her escort. Kirsten, who is definitely not as much of an alcoholic as we’d all hoped, asks Julie why all their clients are there and why they all look like they’re dating college students. Julie evades her questions a bit before Hercules shows up to rescue her, handsomely.
Julie introduces Hercules to Kirsten and tells her that he is their new accountant or whatever. Kirsten asks how that’s going and Julie panics for a second before Hercules says that everything is adding up well and that business seems to be booming.
Back at the rave, the young people are dancing and smooching and tripping the light fantastic, etc. Seth asks Summer why they are looking for a purse when they should be freaking out about Taylor’s pregnancy and Summer lets him know that the pregnancy test is in the purse. Seth remembers that there was something he wanted to ask her for when he found out that the test was Taylor’s and not Summer’s. He puts his hand up for a high-five. Summer is disgusted, probably not just because it actually is her test but also because Seth is a child.
She walks away and he goes after her only to be stopped by one of the alien’s, a sweaty nerd who apparently saw Seth at Comic Con last year and loves his comic? I guess? Does that sound right? He wants to take a picture with Seth, and when he does, Seth notices the alien lady from the gas station slip by.
Old people party: Hercules comes up to Julie and tells her that he didn’t want to embarrass her in front of Kirsten, but he knows that the dating service isn’t really a dating service and is really more of a mating service. She asks what she has to do to keep him quiet and he gives her the key to his hotel room. OH SNAP.
Sandy shows up the the party and Kirsten asks him how his client is. “Daryl? Well, he’s better off than the parking meter he beheaded. I sent him to a shelter.” Why are we not following Sandy around this episode? His adventures sound amazing.
Sandy bumps into Hercules and introduces himself. Kirsten tells him that he’s their new accountant or whatever. Hercules quickly excuses himself but not before Sandy’s eyebrows make as much movement as they’re probably capable of. He tells Kirsten that he feels like he knows Hercules from somewhere. I’m assuming he watched ANY T.V. In the 90’s.
Julie is sneaking out of the party when Kaitlin stops her and asks if she’s going to meet Hercules somewhere. Julie says she is but it isn’t for the reason she thinks and she cannot tell Gordon about this. Kaitlin says that she won’t. Before Julie leaves Kaitlin tells her that she does miss her dad sometimes. Julie says that she knows and that they’ll call him tomorrow.
Young people party: Ryan finds Taylor dancing with some rando alien and she’s clearly half drunk. She tells him that if he thinks she’s a whore than she’s gonna act like a whore. He tells her that he doesn’t think she’s a whore but that she shouldn’t be drinking ’cause of the whole baby thing. He takes her drink away and the rando gets pissed and it gets all macho and fighty for a second before Summer steps in to dispel the testosterone.
Ryan says he’s mad because Taylor is pregnant and he was the last one to know. Summer confesses that the test was really hers and that she wants to know before midnight whether or not she’s pregnant but now she’s not gonna get to because there’s less than a minute left. Ryan turns to look at the countdown and Summer snatches the keys out of his hand.
“Happy New Year, Ryan,” she says, mournfully as she leaves with Taylor. Seth catches up to Ryan and confirms that he knows that the test was Summer’s from her reaction to the high-five. I guess she didn’t want to hit that twice. GET IT? They make it out to the parking lot just as Summer drives off, stranding them.
After a NOT!Commercial break, Ryan flips his super awesome flip phone shut and tells Seth that the nearest cab company is in Baker. Which I assume is far. Seth is understandably distracted by his possible fatherhood. Ryan notices the elusive green alien lady hurrying up the stairs behind them and they chase after her. She is like the white rabbit, this green alien lady.
In the car, Taylor, who is suddenly oddly sober tells Summer that they can stop at a 24-hour pharmacy to get another test. Summer tells her that it’s not necessary and they can just do it in the morning. Summer starts agonizing about how she went from being an “ivy-league Al Gore in the making to a knocked-up college dropout whose boyfriend forgets to pack his toothbrush when he travels.” Taylor cheers her up by telling her it’s a new year and they can all choose to be who they want to be now. I got some bad news about the upcoming economic crisis, but okay.
Back at the rave, Seth and Ryan following the alien lady up to a room where she’s having alien sex with the guy that Taylor was grinding on earlier. He’s asking her to say his name and then spell it and apparently it’s Zurk-nog so she can’t. I don’t even have a sassy comment for this.
Seth sneaks into the room so he can steal back the bag.
Back in the car, Summer realizes that it was kinda mean leaving the guys at the party with no car. Taylor agrees and asks to borrow Summer’s phone so she can call them. She left her own phone in her purse. She’d have realized that ages ago if this was 2015. Of course, her phone starts ringing just as Seth is stealing the purse back so Zurk-nog and the green alien lady realize what he’s up to and chase him out of the room.
Outside, Seth and Ryan once again bump into the sweaty nerd that he was talking to earlier and jump in his car for a fast get away while the green alien lady has the balls to yell, “He stole my purse!” after them. She is gonna end up autopsied and none of us are gonna even do anything about it.
Old people party: Sandy still can’t shake the feeling that he knows Hercules from somewhere. Kirsten points out that knowing Gordon, Hercules could be from anywhere. She asks Sandy if he’s gonna follow her home and he says that he wants to stop by the homeless shelter first to check on Daryl, the homeless man that I know a surprising amount of information about now.
In the sweaty nerd car, Ryan tells Seth that no matter how scared he is, Summer is probably much more scared and that the needs to remind her that he’s there for her. Seth says that everything depends on what’s in the purse. They haven’t bothered looking at the test results yet? I would’ve been all over that shit the second I got in that car. Ryan asks if the results really mean anything and whether it’s gonna change if he wants to be with Summer. Seth says it won’t.
“There’s your answer,” says Ryan.
Old people party: Kaitlyn tells Gordon that Julie left early because she had a headache. She offers to let him teach her the Texas Two-Step to cheer him up.
Taylor is already in bed somewhere when Ryan shows up and reassures her that he does not think she’s a whore and that her divorce doesn’t bother him. Phew! I’m glad that Non!Fight is over. I was worried. She flips back the covers to reveal the lingerie she’s given him earlier and says that she can be a whore if he wants her to be. It’s not as sexy as it sounds.

Summer is back in her room when Seth shows up and shows her that he got the bag back. But before he gives it to her (AGAIN!) he has to tell her that the test isn’t gonna affect whether or not he wants to be with her. He sits down on the floor with her and pulls out a ring.
“Is that gonna, like, squirt out invisible ink or something?” Summer asks. “No, but it will make you engaged to me.”
Summer asks him if he’s crazy and tells him that he can’t take this back. He says he knows. She asks if they should look at the test first but Seth says that he doesn’t want her to spend the rest of her life wondering if he only proposed because she was pregnant. Which is kinda stupid logic since he already proposed and this whole thing only came up because he thinks she might be pregnant.
Anyway, she says yes.

Julie shows up at Hercules’ hotel room. She tells him upfront that she’s not gonna have sex with him and he tells her that that’s not why he brought her there.
Cut to Sandy’s office, he pulls out a file and it appears to be on Hercules, aka Frank. It’s a laundry list of different charges against him. Drunk and Disorderly, Breaking and Entering, all the illegal ‘ands’.
Frank tells Julie that he brought her there for information about the Cohen family. She asks him why. “Because I’m not who I say I am,” he says, helpfully. “And who are you?” Julie asks. Just as Sandy flips the file closed to reveal the name on the front: FRANK ATWOOD.
“I’m Ryan’s father,” Hercules says.
Fade to black.
Holy shit, ya’ll!
I have no idea what this means…