Previously: Some terrible double dates led to some harsh realities for all. Also, Tobey continued to be kind of a dick.
A Winter’s Tale
Kirsti: It’s senior ski trip time! And therefore one of the Snark Ladies’ favourite episodes of this often terrible but weirdly endearing show. We open with Gretchen dropping Pacey and Joey off at school, and informing them that senior ski trip is usually batshit crazy – on her class trip, someone got pregnant, someone got arrested, and someone’s hair caught on fire. Joey gets “SAVE ME NOW” face. Pacey promises to watch out for her hair. As they turn to go, Gretchen pulls Joey aside and suggests she give Dawson a call over the weekend.
Chelsea: First off, SO. EXCITED. for this episode. Secondly – Gretchen, love. Let’s get real. Would YOU call your ex-boyfriend / ex best friend to see how he’s dealing with the existential nature of death while on your senior ‘lets all bone’ ski trip? Lastly – why the hell didn’t my high school have a senior trip!? That would have been way more fun than a ‘lock in’ at an indoor sports arena after graduation.
K: We didn’t have a senior trip either. Or that lock in thing. We had literally nothing. Womp womp. (Then again, I went to a girls’ school, so a senior anything trip would have involved far less boning than Capeside’s.)
Over by the bus, Jen is grumping that school trips always suck and that she should be staying at the hospital with Grams. Jack assures her that Dawson is on Grams/Mr. Brooks Patrol, and that they should focus on having fun. Jen insists that no fun can be had on school trips ever.
Pacey tells Joey that he thinks it’ll do them some good to get out of town, and they have a weird conversation about whether they’re the kind of people who benefit from getting out of town. The conversation is (thankfully) interrupted by a jock leaning out the bus window and yelling “Everyone who plans to get laid this weekend, get on board!” Jack and Jen exchange amused looks. Joey and Pacey look super awkward.
Chelsea: WHERE ARE THE TEACHERS?! I have a feeling that will be a recurring chorus this episode.
K: Pretty much exactly.
After the credits, Mr. Kasdan marks the roll as Jen realises that she has zero desire to ski and also no idea HOW to ski. You and me both, girl. Last time I went skiing was on year 10 camp in 1998. It was cross country, except for a small downhill section right at the end. I fell off my skis trying to do the cross-skis-brake-thing and smashed my right knee into a rock. It’s never been the same again.
Chelsea: Winter sports are for suckers. Snow is clearly for looking at/lightly tossing around in a romp-y way until the hot cocoa is served.
K: That sounds like MUCH more fun than year 10 camp…
Jack informs Jen that senior ski trip is less about the daytime skiing part and more about the nighttime drinking and sex part. Meanwhile, Joey and Pacey discover that Drue and Anna are being all snuggly in the row behind them. Also, Anna’s pretending to be a Capeside High student just to spend time with Drue. Anna. Girl. You can do SO much better than that cockroach. A literal cockroach would be an improvement on Drue Valentine…
Chelsea: Also, where are your teachers, Anna? Or your parents? Or ANYONE who could tell you how weird/bad an idea this is.
Jack grins that if he could make the weekend about sexual adventures, he totally would. “One word: Tobey,” Jen says. Jack eyerolls as much as I do. (C: BARF) Jen wants a legit reason why Jabey (Tock??) (C: I vote Jabey) can’t be a thing, and the fact that their names can’t make a decent portmanteau is definitely up there. Jack dithers a lot and finally says that Tobey is TOO gay and it’s a turn off.
Chelsea: As much as I hate Tobey (and oooohhhhh man do I hate Tobey), I’m going to have to say not cool to Jack on this one. Everyone expresses their sexuality different, dude. Even if it doesn’t work for you, there really isn’t such a thing as too gay.
Back to Drue’s Bus Seat of Evil. Pacey’s all “You won’t get away with this” about the Anna-tagging-along thing, and Drue gives zero fucks. He also takes the opportunity to take a dig at Pacey with a “How much would it suck to be the only guy not getting laid this weekend?” comment. Ugh. I just hate him and his stupid smug face so much.
Chelsea: I am a horrible person. When I did this rewatch and got to this line, my head immediately responded: ‘I don’t know, how does it feel to be the only person here who is hated by his mother AND father?’
Cut to Dawson at the hospital. Grams is thrilled to see a person who can actually talk, because Mr Brooks is in a coma on life support and therefore isn’t really up for a chat. Dawson asks what the doctors are saying, and Grams says that the life support is keeping him alive but there’s nothing more they can do. The tinkly orchestra tinkles. Dawson sad pandas, and Grams tells him that it’s in God’s hands, no matter what the medical staff do.
Meanwhile, the rest of the gang have arrived at the Spruce Pines Lodge. Pacey, weirdly, has all his stuff in a paper grocery bag. He offers to carry Joey’s mountains of stuff. She insists that she can do it, but he eye rolls and takes it all from her. It should be controlling but it’s adorable because it’s Pacey Witter. Mr. Kasdan announces that some nerdy student will hand out the room assignments, which will be same sex. He also says that the minibar keys have been taken away. THEN HE LEAVES.
Chelsea: WHY ARE CAPESIDE ADULTS SO AWFUL AT BEING ADULTS?! I mean, because contrivance, but still. What a dipshit way to hand out room keys.
K: SERIOUSLY. Nothing about this makes sense in logic land.
Obviously, Drue grabs the bucket of keys from Nerdy Student. He tosses a key to Pacey, announcing that it has a king sized bed. Joey gives Drue a raging case of bitchface, while Pacey grins a little. Drue tosses a key to Jack, saying that there won’t be any sexual complications with him and Jen sharing a room. He grabs a third key for himself, and dumps the bucket back in Nerdy Student’s hands because no one cares about the rest of the class. Jack grumbles about Drue’s douchiness and Jen tells him to ignore it because the weekend is about fun. Then she slips on some ice and lands on her arse.
Hospital. Dawson’s leaving when a doctor runs after him. Said doctor informs him that the legal document he signed for Mr Brooks was actually a medical proxy, and suggests that Dawson call his parents. Cut to all three Leerys and Grams sitting in the doctor’s office as he informs them that Dawson now has the final say over Mr Brooks’ medical treatment and life support, given that Mr Brooks has no living family. Welp. That’s why you read legal documents before you sign them, bro.
K: After dropping that bombshell, the doctor bails. Mitch is all “Weeeeell, the HUMANE thing to do…,” like Mr Brooks is an elderly labrador. Gail gives him bitchface and tells Dawson that he doesn’t have to make any decisions. Dawson insists that he does. He wants to know how he’ll know what the right choice is. “You won’t, son. It’s not that kind of choice…” Mitch says. Dawson gets teary and we fade to black.
After the Not Commercial Break, the snow shenanigans have commenced. Pacey assures Joey that their hotel room is no different to last summer, just colder and with less boat and hammocks and more…king sized bed. Joey’s panicky-walking around the room. Pacey suggests they spend the night with TV and junk food in the room. Joey eyerolls that that’s what they do every Friday night. Pacey says it’s totally different because the TV here has one more channel. He turns it on, and Joey gets super awkward because the extra channel is porn.
He asks if they can joke about sex yet, and Joey just wants to talk about something else because she doesn’t want the weekend to be the same awkward-tension-filled experience that the past week has been. Pacey assures her that he’s on vacation and super chill and that the weekend doesn’t have to be about sex, and Joey heaves a sigh of relief.
Chelsea: It’s right around this point that the juxtaposition of the fun teen-comedy-sex-romp ski trip and the literally life-ending decision and discussion of the dignity of death started to feel a little squicky. Also – let’s get real. This weekend be all about the making of the love, Pace.
Meanwhile, Jen’s got an ice pack on her bruised ankle. Jack insists that she’ll have fun this weekend even if he has to carry her around the whole time. She asks him to help her get undressed so she can take a bath, and Jack’s all “EW NO, GIRL GERMS”. Jen eyerolls and hobbles towards the bathroom. She pulls her shirt off and starts unbuttoning her pants and Jack’s all “OMFG STAHP”, and asks if she’d be comfortable if the situation were reversed. Jen just grins and Jack looks super awkward. Bless.
Mr Brooks’ House of Sass. Gretchen finds Dawson going over the movie for the seven millionth time and tries to get him to eat something. He sighs that he should be on his senior trip, not deciding when someone should die. Gretchen tells him that it’s never very nice when adulthood appears. Truth. He asks who the first family member she lost was, and Gretchen tells him about her sweet, adorable grandfather who died when she was eight. This sweet, adorable grandfather must be where Pacey gets his everything from, because it sure as shit wasn’t his parents.
Dawson says that his grandfather died when he was two, but he has almost no experience with death, and wonders why Mr Brooks thought he’d make the right decision. “You have better judgement than anyone I know, Dawson,” Gretchen says as the tinkly orchestra tinkles. I laugh so hard I fall off my chair, because ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS. That’s why Mr Brooks chose Dawson: he knew whatever choice Dawson made would be right. Excuse me while I hurl.
Chelsea: NOPE. NOPE. Nope nope nopety-fucking-nope. I don’t want ANY teenager making my end-of-life choices. ESPECIALLY one whose master is The Blonde Spider.
K: EXACTLY. Every single day, an eighteen year old thinks it’s a good idea to throw shoes/apples/school books/lunchboxes over the balcony down into the library. One day, someone is going to get hit by said random flying object, and it will probably be me. I sure as shit don’t want an eighteen year old making ANY decisions about anything to do with me.
Back at the ski resort, Joey and Pacey are staring awkwardly in the window of all the romantic restaurants. “Make way for the cripple!” Jack jokes from behind them. Jen glares a little. They invite Pacey and Joey to join them at a nearby pizza place with high school friendly prices, and the offer is quickly accepted. As they walk off in the direction of the pizza place, Jen dramatically falls on some ice again.
Somehow, Joey and Pacey end up sitting at a table with Drue and Anna and a bunch of jocks. Joey says that high school girls get no sexual satisfaction from keg party hook ups, and Anna chimes in with “Unless you’re doing it with a man who knows what he’s doing.” Excuse me while I hurl. Drue says that guys have it way harder than girls because there’s no performance anxiety (bitch, please), and they can get it whenever they ask.
Chelsea: I’ve got a rant in me on this one, but I’ll spare all of our dear readers. Sufficed to say: women CAN get it whenever they ask, as long as they’re willing to deal with the social judgement, scorn, and ridicule that comes kit and kaboodle with slut shaming. So, you know. Piece of cake.
K: Preach.
Pacey stares off into a corner, like he’s in The Office and there’s a camera there. Joey gets a raging case of I Want To Murder You face. So do I. Joey insists that not every guy carries a condom in his wallet, and Anna makes everyone present pull out their wallet condoms. Pacey awkwardly says that he forgot his wallet in the room. Later, as they leave, Joey asks Pacey why he didn’t want to show his wallet. He says he forgot it. She calls him on his bullshit and he reluctantly hands it over. Joey sadly pulls out a condom as the tinkly orchestra tinkles. Then she walks off, leaving Pacey to sad panda. (C: I’m with Pacey on this one. A failure to plan is a plan to fail, and that goes for sexy times, too.) (K: SERIOUSLY.) Fade to black.
Hospital. Dawson finds Grams in the chapel, because of course he does. He asks what she prays for, and she says she prays for those she loves and those who are no longer with her. Dawson says he hasn’t prayed since he was a kid, and even then it was more of a wish than a prayer. The tinkly orchestra tinkles as Dawson says he doesn’t know whether to pray that Mr Brooks gets better or whether to pray that he dies. He keeps waiting for his instincts to tell him the answer, but they don’t. Grams says they can wait together.
Sexy Ski Trip. A bunch of extras skate gleefully around an ice rink. Jack and Joey watch from the sidelines. Jack asks if the place has a “real John Hughes, 80s vibe“. She’s preoccupied by her problem with sex, and constantly trying to work out if it’s the right time. Jack tells her to stop thinking about it so much because there may not be a right choice or a wrong choice. Just a bunch of different choices. (C: Behold thou font of blessed teenage male advice! It’s so good!) Joey glares a little.
Jack tells her that there’s nothing to figure out: it’s just about what she feels. Joey admits that mostly, she feels fear. I’d say that’s pretty legit when you’re living with a toddler and don’t want one of your own right now. Also when your boyfriend lost his virginity to a teacher. But I digress. Jack tells her that the really exciting things in life require a leap of faith, and that sometimes fear is how you know something is worthwhile. Um. I don’t know how I feel about that statement. “Oh, you’re scared of sex? THAT MEANS YOU SHOULD HAVE IT” probably isn’t the greatest message…
Chelsea: True statement. However, I do think that fear of a thing means you need to look at why you have that fear, and that just because something makes you afraid doesn’t inherently make that thing bad. Man, I don’t remember losing my virginity being this angsty.
K: It’s Capeside, girl. EVERYTHING is this angsty.
Hospital. An old man shuffles into Mr Brooks’ room. “Well, you’ve won, you old bastard. You get to see her first...” he says. Dawson’s all “Uhhhhhh. Hi?”. It’s Mr Brooks’ nameless friend who stole the love of his life all those years ago. Nameless Friend assumes that Dawson is Mr Brooks’ grandson, and Dawson insists that he’s just a fan. Nameless Friend says that Mr Brooks wrote to him a month or so ago, saying that he was dying and asking for forgiveness.
He says that he thought about calling when their mutual lady love died, but decided it would be worse for Mr Brooks. He at least had a life with her. But Mr Brooks had “that part of her soul you give your first love“. Kindly fuck off, Anvil of Obvious Storytelling. I can see the Dawson/Joey correlations without your presence, thank you. (Also, giving part of your soul to your first love sounds a lot like making a Horcrux…)
The tinkly piano does its thing as Nameless Friend says that when Mr Brooks dies, he’ll get to be with Mutual Lady Love, just as it should be. He thanks Mr Brooks for writing and for hanging on until he could say goodbye. He turns to leave, and Dawson’s all “WAIT. TELL ME WHAT TO DOOOOOOOO”. Nameless Friend says he just needs faith, and quotes Miracle on 34th Street before saying that Mr Brooks thought that all the answers to life’s problems could be found in the movies. Dawson looks thoughtful. Dawson, sweetie? I know you’re a Spielberg fan, but Jurassic Park is not the answer here.
Chelsea: Disagree, Kirsti. A bunch velociraptors or a T-rex eating Mr. Brooks while being ridden by Jeff Goldblum would be the ideal way to make Dawson’s decision for him. And would make for a much more entertaining episode.
K: I take it all back. That DOES sound amazing. Although I’d prefer it if they ate Dawson and left Mr Brooks alone.
Ski Trip. Jack comes back to the room to find that Jen’s broken into the minibar and gotten drunk. It’s the most well stocked minibar I’ve ever seen. She says it was basically her only option in the absence of painkillers, and that a girl can accomplish pretty much anything with a hairclip and a lot of free time. Jack plops down next to her, and says that he’s sick of playing it safe and that he wants to do something reckless tonight. Like getting drunk and getting in a fight. “Tell you what: have a drink with me now, and I’ll fight you later…” Jen says, pouring him a tiny bottle of vodka. They clink glasses.
Chelsea: They’re the bestest! Also, slow down Lindley. You light-weight.
K: No kidding.
Meanwhile, a bikini-clad Anna knocks on Pacey and Joey’s door. When Joey answers, she says she just wanted to make sure they got the memo about the hot tub. Joey gives her raging bitchface and basically tells her to fuck off. Pacey smirks. (C: ABORT, PACEY. Do. Not. Laugh. at your vulnerable girlfriend when a hot blonde in a bikini is standing in your doorway. Also – not cool, Anna.) Joey snaps about his lack of a comment, and Pacey says that no matter what he says, she’d just take it the wrong way.
That leads to an argument about sex. Joey snaps that Pacey clearly wants someone like Anna, someone fun and experienced while she’s a neurotic hot mess. He tries to calm her down, saying that he’s not going to take the bait, and she says that she knows he wants her but she can’t for the life of her work out why. Pacey says that they both know he would never have lasted 9 months if he was only in this relationship for sex, then says “Look, Jo, I refuse to feel guilty about this, because the fact of the matter is, it’s not a bad thing when you want to sleep with somebody when you love them as much as I love you.” It’s possible I squeed a little bit.
Chelsea: It’s possible I might have…. something else-d a little bit. Is that weird to admit? Probably. The things we do for Snark.
K: *snort*
“But there IS something wrong with not wanting to!” Joey snaps. Pacey assures her that there’s not. It’s possible that I’m forming an asexual Joey Potter headcanon right about now. Demisexual, at the very least. Anyway, Pacey says he just wishes he knew what the SOMETHING was that’s freaking her out. He suspects it starts with D, ends with -awson and has a blonde spider on its head. Joey tearfully says it’s not fair to bring him up every time something goes wrong in their relationship.
Pacey gets a little teary himself and confesses that what he’s scared of isn’t that they won’t have sex, because whenever it happens, it’s going to be right between them. Instead, he’s scared of that little piece of her heart that belongs to Dawson, the part that always thought her first time would be with him and not Pacey. He’s scared of the part of her that doesn’t want to be with him. Joey tearfully asks why he stayed if that’s how he felt. “I’m just a glutton for punishment, I guess…” he says. He leaves the room, and Joey breaks down.
Meanwhile, Jen and Jack have drunk their way through the contents of the minibar. Jack apologises for being a sad, boring drunk. She says that being solemn and introspective while drunk can be sexy. He insists that she’s the sexy drunk because she gets brave and crazy. Then he confesses that he’s afraid he’ll always be someone’s friend or brother, but that he’ll never find a guy he loves as much as he loves Jen.

Chelsea: Time for another embarassing conversation: I made out with at least a half-dozen gay guys in high school. They were drawn to me like moths to a fat, funny, loud, introverted and ‘safe’ flame. But watching this? NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO.
K: Seriously.
After the Not Commercial Break, Joey’s on the phone to Dawson. She tells him how sorry she is, and he says he knows he’s doing the right thing, that at some point your brain can’t process things any more and your heart and instincts tell you what’s right. He says it’s terrifying at first, but ultimately liberating. “If we weren’t so afraid to let go, we wouldn’t feel so free when we finally did,” Dawson finishes. Joey looks thoughtful. Dawson tells her he thinks Mr Brooks was waiting to see his friend one last time, to say goodbye. There’s a long pause, then they say their goodbyes and hang up. The tinkly orchestra charges overtime for all the work they’ve been doing this episode.
Outside, Pacey walks past the hot tub just as Anna’s getting out in a remarkably dry bikini. She notices that he’s looking down in the dumps and says it’s only fair that she reciprocate the cheering up that he gave her last episode. (C: I’m assuming she probably means with a blow job.) Cut to Jen and Jack, who are now making out on the floor, with various items of clothing strewn around the room. This is a terrible idea, you guys. STAHP.
Thankfully, Jen hears me and calls a stop to things on account of Jack’s drunk and lonely and also super not into vagina. She says she’s going to get them some ice and a hell of a lot of water, and hauls herself upright. Jack, still sprawled on the floor, apologises. She crouches down and holds his hand.
Hospital. We watch as Mr. Brooks’ heartrate monitor flatlines and Dawson looks on tearfully. The doctor turns the machines off, and we pan around Dawson, Grams, Mitch, Gail and Dawson all looking suitably sad. Then everyone leaves Mr. Brooks and Dawson alone. “See you, Mr. Brooks…” Dawson says. Then he walks away.
Back on the ski trip, Mr. Kasdan busts Jen throwing out a whole stack of tiny liquor bottles. She claims innocently that she’s just recycling and bids him goodnight. Mr. Kasdan gets “I don’t get paid enough for this shit” face, which is legit. Cut to Pacey and Anna in the lodge. She says she knows he’s not ready to break up with Joey, but thinks it would be a waste to not have sex. Which, what the fuck? I DEFENDED YOU WHEN DRUE SAID YOU WERE DUMB, ANNA. FUCK.
Chelsea: Two things. One: THERE YOU ARE TEACHER MAN. Not in the sex-crazy pizza shop or the orgy hot tub. But here by the dumpsters! Two: WHAT THE FUCK ANNA?! I’m not one to slut shame, but damn. You’re being super slutty right now!
K: I just… nothing about Anna being here is okay right now.
Pacey, bless his heart, is all “WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU THAT IS NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN”. He says that not only does he not want to hurt Joey, but that it’s not about sex for him. It’s about “wanting to share the most intimate thing that you can possibly share with someone… No matter how long you have to wait.”

She does the patented Joey Potter half smile thing as he asks how long she’s been there. “Long enough to remember why it is that I love you,” she says. She kisses his forehead, and I die a little. As they walk away hand in hand, she tells him that he has every right to be angry and upset. He insists that he’s not angry with her. She tells him that he doesn’t always have to be perfect and that she doesn’t have to be so afraid. They kiss, then Pacey suggests they adjourn to their room for snuggles and book reading. Joey reminds him that they didn’t bring their book, and he smiles that he’ll make one up for her. They head to their room all snuggly-like and it’s adorable.
Chelsea: I will admit: even reading this recap is giving me all the ‘awwwwwww’ butterflies. It’s just so sweet and I just love Pacey so much and we haven’t even gotten to the best part yet!
K: Leery Manor. Everyone gathers around with popcorn and warm drinks as Dawson sets up the projector and says he’s pretty sure that Mr. Brooks would want to be remembered by everyone watching one of his movies. The tinkly piano goes into overdrive as they all sit back to watch the show. Except that Mitch and Gail just watch Dawson. The transcript I found says that they’re admiring “the man he has become.” I suspect it’s more “is our kid about to have a nervous breakdown because he basically just killed someone,” but whatevs.
Back at the ski resort, Joey’s in her PJs, brushing her hair in front of the mirror when Pacey comes out of the bathroom. He asks if he can brush her hair for her, and it’s possible I want Joshua Jackson to brush my hair for me every day. BUT I DIGRESS. Joey asks if he still has his wallet, and Pacey sighs a little as he says he thought they were done talking about that. Joey says that they are. He hands her his wallet and jokes about her throwing the condom away. She looks at him in the mirror and says she wants to throw away the wrapper.
Chelsea: This is probably the most awkward sex-initiating line out there, and one I may or may not have used in a drunken stupor in college. Man, y’all are learning all kinds of stuff about me today.
K: LOLOLOLOL. A guy once asked a friend of mine if she wanted to ride “the helicopter of love”, and I’d say that’s FAR more awkward than wanting to throw away a wrapper.
Pacey looks startled, and gets all “HEY WHOA NOT PRESSURING YOU DEFINITELY NO PRESSURE HERE”. Joey turns towards him and I have to give you the entire speech because it’s basically the epitome of Teenage Kirsti’s life and I screamed so loudly when this episode aired that I’m surprised it’s still not reverberating around the world:
Joey: Pacey… This is about how you carried my bag off the bus yesterday. This is about how… When we go to the movies and you go and you buy a popcorn you always make sure you bring back a napkin so I don’t wipe all the grease on my jeans. And this is about how just last week when we were at miniature golf you took all of the shots first so I would know the correct path.
Pacey: Well, that’s just…
Joey: You taught me how to drive. And last year at prom, you knew that the bracelet I was wearing was my mom’s. You kissed me first, sweetheart. The second time, you counted to 10 before doing it again just in case I wanted to stop you. You bought me a wall.
Pacey: I didn’t buy it so much as I…
Joey: We were alone on a boat for three months and you understood without a word why I wasn’t ready. Do you have to ask me now why I am? Pace. I’m gonna count to ten… And then I’m going to start kissing you. If you don’t want me to… Then you’re just gonna have to stop me.

Chelsea: THIS IS THE BEST PART. Not the speech, although that in itself shaped Teen Chelsea’s view of how romance worked for way longer than was healthier. But OH MY GOD JOSHUA JACKSON’S ARMS. To this day I am a sucker for a good pair of muscular forearms and well-defined shoulders. This is definitely the sexiest non-sex scene on TV for that exact reason (see also: David Boreanaz as Seeley Booth).
K: Excuse me while I scream forever because these two fictional idiots remain my OTP to end all OTPs.
Chelsea THE OTP forever! Normally I don’t do this, but I’ll say: Kirsti, you are a genius. When I signed on for Dawson’s recaps, I was heartbroken that I had the odd-numbered episodes for this EXACT reason. But you did a banner fucking job, m’dear. Now let’s go watch the next episode, which is about as horrible as this one is amazing.
K: Or we could just hang out here a little longer… Either way.