Previously: Ryan wrote terrible poetry.
The Groundhog Day
Savannah: I am back, babyyyyyyyyyy.
I also want to preface this by saying that as of now, I am on season 2 episode 5 of The OC. While last time I posted I hadn’t seen any of it, so I’d say I’m making a solid effort here folks. And once again, the “previously on” was v helpful but in the opposite way because I don’t know who half of these people are. ALSO, CHRIS PRATT????? I was so oblivious, y’all.
Well we start this heavily-titled episode with Taylor doing some light spy work over an off-screen Ryan. As she is Nancy Drew-ing it up, she gets a phone call from Willa Holland (poor man’s Misha Barton). Taylor is acting very suspicious and cagey and is completely failing at “giving Ryan space.” Their call turns towards Kristan’s party later on that night. The last episode I actually watched was ‘The SnOC’, and much like that episode we’re gonna be hearing about this damn 40th Birthday party till we can’t effing stand it.
Marines: Even after 4 seasons, they don’t know how to plot without a party.
Savannah: Taylor ends up being found out by mall security. They ask her to leave because of her threatening presence. Let’s also not forget that she’s be in the same spot for SEVEN (countem’ SEVEN) HOURS. With binoculars no doubt when she’s MAYBE 50 feet away from Ryan. I haven’t seen Taylor’s character in a while so this is very shocking to me tbh.
Cut to Julie Cooper and Willa Holland in their house(?). Julie is strapped for cash and that means store bought oven baked lasagna for the kids, which Holland aint buying. It’s nice to see a familiar face in this episode, even though it is Julie. Holland is very explicit that Julie should have stayed with New Match but I’m assuming Julie opted out probably for something crazy like she’s too in love with Kirsten to function.
Mari: Honey, if only. She was running a prostitution ring instead of a dating service, as one does. (S: SAY WUTTTT.)
Savannah: The camera work in this scene really hones in on Julie taking a call from a “mysterious lover.” Which she also sets up my burning question for the night: who the hell is Che? (I usually watch episodes with subtitles because that’s just how I do, and when Julie said “Che” the subtitles noted that it was Summer’s boyfriend. So I was naturally I confused for the rest of the episode.)
Cut to upstairs(?) and Che is doing an interpretation of some kind of spiritual journey in the middle of Summer’s bedroom. From the “Previously, on…” we know that Che believes that Seth is his soul mate because apparently they took some peyote together and the sun and the moons have showed him the otter to his heart. Summer is cool, calm, and collected when she just suggests to Che to spend some time with his “soul mate” aka Cohen aka her boyfriend. I also want to note that Che is planning a black ops mission to free Newport Chuck from being a puppet in this year’s groundhog festival and here we have the central plot y’all.
A sigh of relief as we cut to the Cohen’s house. Casual family walk and talk though the foyer as I see the adorable faces of Sandy, Ryan, and Seth getting kicked out the door by Kirsten. Meanwhile, she takes a v serious phone call to her doctor at what seems like 11 at night. Naturally there’s two options for this phone call, and the writers leave us hanging for more, as the dummy’s in the car explain their birthday surprise for her.
California here we come etc.
We cut to sleepy little burrito Cohen in bed, and what’s better than waking up to Summer? Apparently not Che, when Seth gets a not so good morning surprise. Immediately Che starts looking for his soulmate’s answers, and Cohen, like every person with a heart, objects to the imprisonment of animals. And so we begin the Love Adventures of Seth and Che.
We’re then brought to Holland’s v early 2000’s bedroom with her and two unknown extras dissecting an email to Julie’s once boyfriend. “Two big handful’s of butt” is a direct quote from this scene and it is apparent why s4 isn’t so well received. (M: “There was a shared coma dream,” she will continue repeating forever.) Holland is emailing Bullit and impersonating her mom as a way to make her happy? I guess, I’m not understanding what she’s trying to do here. She concludes this two sentence heartfelt email with, “I miss your butt. Love Julie Cooper.” Hello, C-plot.
We move on to Ryan contemplating life in the pool house when Sandy invites him to the mall for a “let’s buy my wife her present the day of” kind of outing. Sandy can feel the overwhelming sadness in Ryan and brings up Taylor to only confirm that he is definitely not okay. As Sandy walks away, Ryan stealthily pulls out a bright red scrapbook that only fuels his heartbreak more.
Speaking of Taylor, she is getting help from a therapist or her “emotional crisis manager,” which is a very healthy thing to do and I’m happy that they’re showing this side of coping. Taylor’s cadence in this scene felt very familiar, you could even say it’s very Gilmore Girls. There’s an easily brushed over Idi Amin reference that reminded me of how Lorelai Gilmore is known for her Mussolini humor. This scene also gives us the real meat and potatoes of what’s going wrong with her and Ryan’s relationship at this point: her self sabotage.

Julie and Holland have a heart to heart over some not so attractive paintings she’s selling, as Holland mentions Bullit and also let’s it slip that he still probably most certainly believes they are together. Julie naturally panics because they “haven’t talked since last month when he went to Dubai,” and we as the audience all know Julie has someone on the side which will be revealed eventually. Julie leaves while Holland and Bullit exchange a disaster of a phone call where she encourages him to propose, which will most likely blow up in her face.
Let’s cut back to a very uneasy Kirsten waiting in her doctor’s office. As she explains her symptoms, it’s almost obvious where this plot line is going:
- Feeling weak
- Nausea
- Light Headedness
(There is almost an obscene amount of cutting back and forth between characters in this episode which is making it hard to keep up.) (M: Recapper whiplash, I know it well. Alcohol helps. Not really, but that’s what I tell myself.)
Which brings us back to Newport Chuck (sounds like Parks and Rec inspo to meeee). As everyone gathers around his play pen, Seth seems hesitant to remove the groundhog from his cushy gig of free carrots and attention. By now Che has almost lost faith in his quest for love, but Cohen complies and the plan (and love) is back on. I’m not sure how much attention is brought to the background music for the show, but they use a lot of similar ones to Six Feet Under and it feels so out of place probably only to me!
Summer (finally) appears back on screen with Taylor in support of getting rid of her Ryan Box (another Gilmore parallel?). Taylor convinces herself and Summer that what she is doing will spare both her and Ryan heartbreak, so pushing him away now will make it better I guess?????
In this episode Summer is quite possibly the most level headed person and I have some mixed emotions about it as well. It doesn’t seem like she was once one of the main players on the show. She feels like a background actor or 2nd friend to the lead now. Her personality seems so down and it makes me sad.
Mari: It’s weird, yeah? Summer has very much grown as a character but because she isn’t Marisa’s airhead BFF any more, it’s almost like they don’t know how to use her. It’s a shame.
Savannah: Ryan catches up with Holland (Kaitlin, I’ve finally learned her name. Thanks Ryan!) at the mall and naturally Taylor is the only thing on his mind. Ryan finds some comfort in the way Taylor has been acting weird lately and he and Sandy leave trying to reckon Kirsten’s “lost” gift.
Kaitlin and Bullit meet up to talk ring shop, and he buys her the biggest TV rock I’ve seen. His grandiose proposal is also on Kaitlin’s mind and she is determined for him not to fuck it up. But apparently all he wants to do is serenade her with a Persian love song and dance. *Sighs heavily into the universe*
Mari: Girl, just be glad you weren’t recapping when Kaitlin’s main subplot was dating Chris Brown. She is also a character the show didn’t really know how to use once everyone else was out of high school.
Savannah: I. AM. SHOCKED.
SOMEHOW, Che has the blueprints to City Hall where Newport Chuck is being unjustly imprisoned, and he has a an almost fool proof plan to scale the building and Mission: Impossible his way in. This character seems like a very early work of Andy Dwyer, let’s be real.
Cohen being Cohen takes the elevator down to Newport Chuck’s pen, while Che being Che decides to repel down one story to further intensify his contribution to the cause. Let’s not forget they’re both in head to toe black with balaclavas on as well. After securing Newport Chuck, they race up to the roof and in the most not punk rock move, Che forgets the ropes to repel down the building. Leaving all three stranded on the roof of City Hall. Being that this is Che and Seth’s third night together, Che is ready for the soulmate talk. But they are rudely interrupted by the sheriff, who is clutching their ropes and questioning their sanity.
Remember that Ryan Box I mentioned earlier? Well part of Taylor’s therapy is having her therapist (or emotional crisis manager) deliver said box to Ryan as she sits in the car almost directly in front of him. When Ryan tries to confront her about all of this, her doctor explains that she can’t have any direct contact with him, and Taylor tries to speak to Ryan through her. And Ryan’s puppy dog eyes almost work on her too, but Taylor is very serious in no contact. This is one of the weirdest scenes I’ve ever seen in a show, and I wish I was making this up.

Kaitlin not so subtly gets Julie back to the house with claiming her appendix doesn’t feel good. When Julie comes home she is shocked to find Bulliit there and ready to get down on one knee. Kaitlin hits the Persian love song, and he launches into his heartfelt proposal. Most of it had to do with money, which is something they both have in common. Julie is almost speechless, and is clearly trying to dissect what the hell is going on. Bulliit cites their hot and heavy emails and Kaitlin’s plan is found out (at least by Julie).
Taylor is starting to doubt her actions with Ryan from the pervious day but Dr. James insists that what she did was difficult and brave. The Doc is all about self care love, but it goes flying straight to the ocean when Taylor spots Sandy and Ryan in the park. She knocks into a man in a groundhog costume, and the look on her face screams “I’ve got plan.”
Che ends up calling Summer from holding and explains that it is up to her now to save Newport Chuck. Reluctantly she sees how unhappy an animal in captivity is and is determined to set him free. While backstage, she gets the inside scoop on who’ll be on the main stage with the groundhog, and her plan is set.
Julie now confronts Holland and claims is all because she’s sick of eating poorly. Kaitlin’s retort involves the Mystery Man we heard about before. Julie of all people explains that “there is more to relationships than money” and is set back when Holland reveals she cares about Bullit like a father figure. She knows Julie deserves love and she tried to help that move along more. Julie tells her daughter she needs to set him straight, and that she needs to decide if she’ll say yes.
Kirsten comes home from her 2nd doctor’s visit more distraught than Julie was earlier. She then gets a call from Julie about her impending engagement and Kirsten is the opposite of caring for Julie’s shit. She’s about to reveal her Mystery Lover when Kirsten is just D-O-N-E, she’s not done soaking in the news from her doctor’s visit and is not contemplating what to do next.
As Sandy and Ryan mull over Kirsten’s gift, Taylor has commandeered a groundhog costume and is spying on Ryan from a tree, 10 feet away from him. Ryan explains the situation from the day before to Sandy as Taylor creeps closer, and closer. As Sandy leaves the bench to make a call, the camera view is from the inside of the groundhog’s costume mouth with Ryan directly in the line of vision. He senses a giant presence behind him and whips his head around to Taylor’s shock. In her escape she trips, falls, and is ultimately face down in the grass apologizing to Ryan then running away.
In almost true Parks and Rec fashion, we get news coverage of the whole ordeal that went down with Newport Chuck. A woman in a groundhog suit made her way to the stage and made a mad dash with Chuck in hand. We pan out to see that Che and Cohen are watching it all unfold in the holding cell and are elated. Che understands now that the animus he was seeing in the sweat lodge was not in fact an otter, but a groundhog ya see. And at this moment Che locks eyes with the beauty who rescued Newport Chuck and they click immediately. Even though Sandy posted bail for the two of them Che refuses and cites “I can’t leave until both of us as free.”
After picking up Seth from jail, Sandy and the boys head to the yacht club in anticipation for Kirsten. When she finally rolls up, Sandy is ready to make his entrance as he rounds the corner in an older model mail truck with ahuga horn and all. (I’m assuming this is supposed to tie back to something but I don’t get it.) (M: I swear I’ve watched all these episodes but I don’t get it either. It’s been a long journey.) BUT, his actual gift is an around the world first class tickets for the two of them. Kirsten is more than certain she can top this surprise as the two of them walk inside to talk alone.
As the two sit, she explains her trip to the doctor’s earlier in the day. Sandy is woeful to ask if she’s sick and she says only in the mornings. He’s flummoxed but she confirms they’re having a baby. Cool cool cool cool cool I guess.
Mari: I hope the baby has Sandy’s eyebrows!
Savannah: Inside the club at the actual party, Kaitlin apologizes for the emails, as Julie looks on with compassion for a man that her daughter has an attachment towards. Julie turns the proposal down but, is willing to date Bullit more and is also open to loving him in the future. Very mature Julie Cooper.
The basic reaction to the baby news is:
Seth: Oh my god.
Ryan: Oh my god.
Sandy: That’s what I said.
No hugs, no yelling, just ohemgee. And with all the sharing going on Seth casually drops in that he was arrested and ya know no big deal.
Seth and Ryan walk away to go pick up Summer and for Ryan to announce his love to the world for Taylor.
Cut to Summer’s room and she is handing over Newport Chuck, well I guess just Chuck now, to Che and mystery groundhog woman. They’re leaving to the mountaintops to release Chuck and spread their love.
Ryan pulls a creepy breathing phone call to Taylor, which she says is “the most romantic thing anyone has ever done” for her and I am unsure what the fuck her past relationships were like. They agree that “space” is not what they need, and they play talk about her “play” stalking him to Kirsten’s party. They kiss and all is well with them now, I guess.

Savannah: This beautiful episode filled with the ideas of animals in captivity, light stalking, and catfishing wraps up with Julie making a call to her mysterious lover. She explains she’s back with Bullit and its the best thing for her family. And it’s revealed it was FRANK. And he was gonna PROPOSE as well! What a twist!
I have no idea who Frank is so I hope this was a surprise and was worth the wait at the time???
Mari: Sorry, but I’m laughing a lot at the fact that this whole reveal was building up to Frank and you have no idea who Frank is. I’m sorry. I love you. Thank you for doing this. Frank is Ryan’s dad.
Savannah: OMFG! Ha! That IS huge!
Other than that, what a filler episode this was. I don’t know how I made it through this episode four times. Judging by the title of the next episode I’m assuming shit is going to go down! Until next time, thanks y’all!
Next time on The OC: Ryan and Taylor set Julie up in S04 E13 – The Case of the Franks.