Previously: Matt got beat up and it brought us Rosario Dawson.
Rabbit in a Snowstorm
Catherine: The episode opens in a bowling alley. A happy, smiley guy comes in and asks for a lane. The lady behind the counter tells him that they’re closing. Smiley points out the one guy still playing. The lady tells him that “Mr. Prohaszka plays when he wants” because he has a deal with the owner. I’m thinking the deal is that Prohaszka plays when he wants and the owner gets to keep his kneecaps.
Jessica: Mr. Prohaszka is like, you know what I use my bad guy status for? BOWLING. So what?
Marines: Gotta appreciate a bad guy who enjoys the little things, you know?
Catherine: Smiley guys asks if he can bowl with Mr. Prohaszka and the lady says that he can ask. He does ask, politely and Prohaszka tells him to buzz off. He tells his henchmen to get Smiley guy out of his face and before the henchmen can lay a hand on him, Smiley guy turns into punchy guy. He beats up the henchmen and then pulls a gun on Prohaszka. Cut to black and the words ’36 hours later.’
Very Bad Man from episode one is back and he’s looking over a crate of new guns with Smiley man. Also, his name is Turk Barrett. He literally says that, since we were wondering. Anyway, he tells Smiley that he loves new guns. Whatever makes you happy, Turk. As long as you’re not hurting other… oh.
Annie: Super awkward. I mean, he just wants to be a very bad, heavily armed, man. What’s so wrong with that?
Mari: He should get a hobby like bowling.
Catherine: Back in the bowling alley, Smiley is fighting Prohaszka and it’s actually a fairly evenly matched fight until Smiley picks up a bowling ball and bashes Prohaszka’s head in. He looks up to see that the lady behind the desk is calling the police (while standing up and in full view of him, for some reason?) but she bolts when they make eye contact.
Smiley stands up, stores his gun underneath the pinball machine and waits with his hands behind his head for the police to come in. He tells them he wants a lawyer. I know just the hot dumb idiot for the job!
Wax justice credits.
Matt is sitting outside the church when Father Lantom finds him. Lantom recognizes him as Jack Murdoch’s kid. Matt starts to get up but Lantom reminds him that everything he confessed to him is a secret. He tells him he could have killed 10 people and Lantom couldn’t tell anyone. Good news. (A: Super convenient.) (J: Or Matt could just… not tell anyone?) (M: Nah.)
Matt tells him he has to get to work and Lantom tries to ask him in for coffee but Matt, who was clearly there because he had something on his mind, chickens out and leaves.
Outside the city, two men meet in a clandestine way. One of them is Ben Urich, the reporter. The other one is an older man who tells Ben that he and his buddies used to feel like kings of the city. Ben points out that kings don’t usually have bodies in their trunks and they laugh. So the guy is a former mobster that Ben has been using as an informant for a long time. The guy tiptoes around talking about a new threat in town. He’s retiring to Florida because someone is taking out high profile mafia guys.
Jessica: Not sure you’ll be safer in Florida, friend, but at least it will be prettier!
Mari: It’ll be hot. It’s summer and that’s all I have to say on the matter.
Catherine: He tells Ben that he’s grateful to him for the fact that, though Ben has dragged his name through the mud before, he’s one of the only reporters that did it without mentioning Mobster guy’s kids. He tells Ben to stay out of the new threat story because it’s too dangerous.
Nelson and Murdock offices. Or office. Because it’s tiny. Foggy is groggy. He tells Karen that next time they go out drinking they should skip the eel. He asks if they should get a sign for the door and Karen points out that they already have one. But it’s made of paper and not terribly inspiring for clients. Karen says they should get some clients so they can afford one and that they can barely afford to pay her. Foggy reminds her that she said she’d work for free and she’s like yeah, I did… for that day. Fair.
Matt comes in and Foggy jokes about Karen not working for free until they both notice that Matt has a black eye. He tells them that he wasn’t paying attention to where he was going and fell.

Mari: I’m guessing the dog’s primary purpose would be “seeing-eye” but “crime-fighting” is a good side-gig.
Catherine: Suddenly there’s a knock at the door. Everyone freezes like they forgot they had a door. Finally, Karen answers and it’s creepy suit guy, aka Wesley. He asks if they do walk ins.
Wesley tells them that he represents a company called Confederated Global Investments. Which sounds like the most evil evil company name that anyone has ever come up with ever. But he won’t tell them his actual name. Which is suspicious as fuck. But I know it and I’m gonna use it because typing ‘Creepy Suit Guy’ through the whole episode is too much. (M: He’ll always be creepy suit guy in my heart.)
Anyway, he wants to put them on retainer and he knows all kinds of shit about their pasts and stops just short of giving them their underwear sizes. Of course, Matt is suspicious as fuck. He offers them a BIG OL check which sways money hungry Foggy but not Matt, who hates money and only loves justice.
Jessica: Which would obviously be the name of his dog.
Mari: Either Justice or Ew Money.
Catherine: Then he asks if all of their clients end up working for them after they get them off for murder or if it’s just the pretty ones. Aw HELL no. (J: Ew.) There’s a beat of silence before Matt asks Karen to step out of the room. She looks super uncomfortable but complies. Wesley apologizes for upsetting her. Matt takes that cool, collected, ‘I’m a ninja’ voice into action and asks how he knew about Miss Page since she was never charged. Wesley tells them that they can review one of the companies cases before they decide on anything and then tells them they have 38 minutes to get to precinct 15. Foggy is flabbergasted. Matt just sets his jaw like he fucking knows this suspicious ass man’s game.
Mari: And with the confidence of someone who can beat up suspicious men easily.
Catherine: After Wesley leaves, Foggy and Matt argue about Matt being rude to the obviously shady guy. Before Foggy can say much, Matt says he’ll meet him at the precinct and takes off.
Of course, Matt follows Wesley and hears him get in a car and tell someone who he calls sir that ‘it’s been taken care of.’ The car, plus two others, drives off. Matt looks pained and puts his hand inside his jacket, coming away with blood. He realizes that he can’t follow them and regretfully turns around.
Annie: Because you were stabbed, guy. Like a LOT. And your superpowers do not include speedy healing, so maybe slow your roll. Because you’re getting justice for no one if you’re dead.
Catherine: Over in precinct 15, Foggy talks to the Smiley man who we learn is called Mr. Healy. He’s pleading self-defense, saying Mr. Prohaszka threatened his life. Foggy asks how he was threatened, verbally or physically? The man asks ‘which sounds better’ in a creepy way, proving that he, too is suspicious as fuck. He puts his normal human mask back on and tells Foggy that they threatened him verbally and physically. But Foggy is clearly uncomfortable. He starts to tell Healy that their firm might not be the right fit for him when Matt comes in. Matt steamrolls over Foggy and tells Healy that they would be happy to represent him. Foggy looks pissed.
Mari: Absolutely legit. Matt does a lot of steamrolling and it sucks.
Catherine: Ben’s office. He’s arguing on the phone with someone about getting an extension when his boss comes in. Ellison tells him to drop the new threat story because it’s not sexy. He’s not as douchey as it sounds like he would be about it. They argue a bit more before Ellison tells him that he wants him to be on a fluff piece about the subway. Ben reminds him that they used to report like, actual news. Ellison says that everyone they know has moved on to work for blogs and make twice as much working from home in their underwear. Hey! I think he’s talking about us! Holllllaaaaa! (A: Hey, guy, hey!)
He tells Ben that they can’t afford to rock the boat since print media is dying yada, yada.
Jessica: Don’t print interesting or useful stuff because our industry isn’t doing well. That seems like a sound business practice. #sarcasm
Catherine: Back at precinct 15, Matt reminds Healy about the attorney/client privlege and that anything he tells him will stay in that room. “Just like church.” Healy says, and Matt looks kind of sarcastically somber for a second.
Matt starts basically interrogating Healy about his connection to Evil Company LLC. Foggy asks WTF that has to do with anything but Matt tells him he’s trying to build a connection between Healy and Westley ’cause it might prove his innocence. Foggy’s like, how?? And Matt fumbles for an explanation about providing character witnesses. Healy continues to be all disaffected and sociopathic. Foggy asks to speak to Matt in the hall. Foggy tells Matt that Healy is a ‘shark in a skin suit’ and that they shouldn’t be defending him.
Matt goes back into the room and tells Healy that they’re going to wave some procedure thing so that DA will have more time to come up with a charge or something (look, I don’t know).
But Healy doesn’t want that. He wants to be indicted and go to trial asap. He also refuses to testify. He tells them that all they need to know about the man who hired them is that his check is gonna clear.
Annie: It’s not unusual for a defendant to choose not to testify. Something about not knowing what the other side has on you and being tricked into doing something stupid on the stand. I don’t know all the ins and outs, but I know about that because my husband went to school for law. If Healy wanted to be unusual, he should’ve pushed to testify. Anyway. Dude continues to be shady AF.
Catherine: Speaking of, at the murder bowling alley, Westley goes to the pinball machine where Healy stored the gun. Some guys who are probably too old to be playing with a pinball machine, or at least taking it this seriously, tell him to wait his turn. He leaves the bowling alley, cheerfully greeting two kids as he stuffs the gun into his coat pocket.
Nelson and Murdock. Foggy asks what the f is going on with Matt and why he’s so Katy Perry hot and cold. (J: LOL, love it) It seems that they’ve switched arguments. Matt says they are gonna have to take some less than innocent clients sometimes. Foggy says that they have to make these decisions together. Of course Foggy forgives him and they make up. More lawyer-ey stuff. Foggy says the “shoe girl” that is, the girl behind the counter at the bowling alley, didn’t actually see the fight. Which might help them win the case. Also, the victims have refused to give a statement, which is weird. But not if you’re a mobster, probably. Matt says to ask Karen to research Evil Company LLC. Foggy looks over and realizes that Karen isn’t even there.
Over at where Karen is. Some neck in a suit is asking her to sign a waiver saying that she won’t talk about Union Allied anymore and they won’t sue her. Karen is confused about the suing part, since all she did was uncover illegal activity. But it turns out that since she went to the newspaper with that illegal activity and not the police, she’s fixin’ to get sued. Unless she signs the waiver. Also she’s being offered a bunch of money. Karen is mostly indignant and offended that she’s being bought off. The scene changes before she signs.
Annie: If only she had some lawyer friends that could look over any agreement before she agrees to sign something…
Mari: I had the exact thoughts, which probably means that everyone did, EXCEPT FOR KAREN.
Catherine: At a hospital. An official hospital lady tells Ben that private rooms are hard to come by and he’s lucky they’re covering him. He starts talking about an extension. He says that there’s some paperwork they can fill out and appeals to Official Lady’s not sucky nature. Official Lady says they aren’t throwing “her” out on the street and Ben says that pretty soon they’ll bump her down to where she is basically out on the street. He just wants to make sure that “she” can rest so that she can get better. Official Lady gives him a piece of paper that will buy him five more days so they can get started on the appeal. Ben thanks her with a cheese blintz. Which I assume is some type of city cheese dessert?
Outside her office, a nurse stops him and tells him that “she” had a good day and that she asked about him. Ben goes to “her” room and it’s clearly his wife, since they show a wedding ring on the table next to her. She’s asleep and he sits next to her.
Nelson and Murdock. Matt and Foggy are complaining about the wifi. Foggy goes back to his whole ‘lets make money’ thing but it’s halfhearted. (M: Wow, #growth.)
Karen comes in to tell them that the wifi is down and Matt ignores that and asks if she found out anything about Evil Company LLC. She tells them that it’s a shell company, like they thought but Wesley’s check has already cleared. Karen starts to leave and Matt tells her not to take anymore long lunches until this case is over.
Courtroom. Healy is on trial. Foggy opens by reminding the jury that it isn’t Healy’s job to defend himself, but the prosecution’s job to prove that he wasn’t justified in self-defending that guys brains in. Matt listens to the jurors heartbeats and realizes that one woman seems super nervous and gets even more so when Wesley comes in and sits down.
That evening, that woman walks out onto a dark street corner where she meets a criminal type who tells her that she needs to keep it together until the verdict. He says that they’re basically doing a favor since she doesn’t want “something like that floating around.” The woman looks like she’s about to cry and walks away. Just as the criminal type is lighting a cigarette. Daredevil shows up and punches him a bunch. He tells the guy to stay down like, 3 times and the guy keeps getting back up. This is why you’re a henchman, guy.
Mari: I’ve been calling him Matt instead of Daredevil, even though I always call Kara Supergirl when she’s in costume. I’m 97% sure the reason for this is Matt’s sucky costume. But I guess, wow, you have a sock on your head. You’re Daredevil, whatever.
Catherine: Daredevil asks what they have on the juror. Apparently she made some “mistake” when she was 19 and pretty and now it’s on a tape that they have. I guess it’s a sex tape or something. She doesn’t want it getting out. Daredevil tells him to get rid of it but the guy says it won’t matter. He twists the guy’s arm (literally) trying to get a name of who he works for but the guy says he doesn’t know any names, they just give him jobs if he walks by a certain building and the light is on in a certain room. Somewhere, there’s another light in another building. Basically, he’s only a henchman and doesn’t know who runs Evil Company LLC. Daredevil tells him to get the juror to excuse herself from the jury for personal reasons. Also, the guy needs to leave town because if he flakes on his assignment the company is going to kill him.
In the courtroom, the juror lady is excused and replaced by an alternate juror. Matt makes his closing argument. But when he gets in front of the jury he stays quiet and listens to their heartbeats for so long that everyone in the room gets weirded out. The judge tells him to get a move on. Matt gives a closing speech about good and evil that is so obviously something a vigilante would say that I’m shocked no one is noticing. He says that it doesn’t matter if his client is good or evil and all that matters is the facts and the fact is that the prosecution wasn’t able to prove that Healy wasn’t acting in self-defense. He also adds something about how Healy may face “a judgement of his own making” outside of those walls. Which is not something a normal defense attorney would say. Cool it, Matt.
Catherine: Anyway, the jury is pretty captivated by Matt and his abs.
Mari: They can’t even see them, Catherine.
Catherine: Somewhere Else, Wesley is driving around with LeLand who is pissed that they can’t meet with the shadowy boss man that no one knows the name of. Apparently he’s indisposed with art. Like, paintings art.
LeLand thinks that everything is spinning out of control since they lost the juror lady. Wesley tries to calm him. LeLand asks why they don’t just kill Healy and apparently it’s because they’ve been killing too many people and eventually someone they haven’t paid off is going to notice. Wesley defends Matt and Foggy by saying that since they just opened their firm they are totally clean, crime-wise and that’s basically all that they needed. I mean, they aren’t clean anymore though. Since they took your payoff. But yeah. (A: Semantics.)
LeLand wants to move on Prohaszka’s holdings and he can’t do that till everyone shuts up about his murder. So I guess we know who ordered the hit.
Karen approaches a woman who is loading a U Haul. It’s the wife of the guy that she was almost arrested for murdering. Mrs. Fisher says that she knows who Karen is and she scoffs when Karen says that she knows this whole thing must be hard for her. She starts to walk away but Karen tells her about the agreement and the waiver that Union Allied wants her to sign. Karen asks if they offered her the same thing and she’s silent. Mrs. Fisher tells her to let it go but Karen is still pissed that Union Allied is getting away with murdering Danny.
Danny’s wife tells her that right before he died, she told him to go with his gut about the embezzling thing and look into it. Then he got stab stabbed. She already signed the paper because she’s not into making waves anymore. She tells Karen to let it go again. (A: Shady, lady. SHAAAAAADY.)
Ben’s office. He’s on the phone thanking the Official Lady for getting the extension to go through. Karen comes in and tells him that she read his article about Union Allied. She tells him that there’s more to the story and Ben looks intrigued.
Courtroom. The court comes back in to hear the verdict. Matt hears Westley come into the room and he knows its him because his watch ticks a certain way… I guess. (J: Even his watch is audibly evil!) Then he realizes that one of the jurors, an old lady who is the foreman, has an elevated heart rate like she’s been threatened.
Apparently the jury is hung. Foggy says that this means the DA will retry him but Matt says that they won’t “will they, Mr. Healy?” Healy cockily tells him that he gave a hell of a speech.
Outside in a random crime alley, Healy is putting a duffel bag in his car (never a good sign with these types) when Daredevil attacks him and they fight. (M: Yeah, pretty sure you are still stabbed, my dude.) Healy picks up a lead pipe and tries to beat him with it but Daredevil hears it coming and manages to dodge. He strangles Healy but Healy gets out of it.

Finally Healy, who hasn’t shown a single crack in his creepy veneer this entire time admits that the big boss of Evil Company LLC is called Wilson Fisk.
Matt lets him go and tells him to get gone like he did the last guy. But Healy knows that Fisk is gonna murderlate him for giving up his name. Not only is Fisk gonna super kill him but he’s literally going to find everyone that this dude has ever cared about and murder face them too. Because crime.
So anyway, Healy runs himself into the pointy fence post to kill himself. After he calls Matt a coward of course. Rude. Daredevil just looks at him in horror.
Annie: Legitimately. That was gross.
Mari: All I could think about was a commenter from last post telling us about how inefficient all those spin kicks are. But Daredevil loves him some spin kicks. They are probably just fun for him, like some light torture and justice and declining money. (Probably not bowling, though.)
Catherine: Fancy piano music starts to play and we’re taken to an art gallery. A woman in a maroon dress approaches a large, bald man who is looking at a completely white painting. She tells him there’s an old children’s joke where you hold up a piece of paper and asks what it is. The answer is ‘A Rabbit in a Snowstorm’. 3 minutes left and they said the thing in the thing.
She asks him if he’s interested in the painting and says people ask how they can charge so much for gradations of white. She tells him that the artist’s name doesn’t matter.

Mari: That last scene was kind of like looking at a completely white “painting.” Namely: HUH?
Next time on Daredevil: Fisk sends some bad dudes after Daredevil in S01 E04 – In the Blood.