Previously: Luke and Jessica hook back up just before he finds out what happened to his wife.
AKA Top Shelf Perverts
Annie: We open on Kilgrave, riffling through drawers and files, at Alias HQ. He takes a piss, then he keeps skulking about. Ruben knocks on the door and Kilgrave answers. Ruben tells Kilgrave that he’s brought Jessica banana bread because he loves her. Oh, man. Ruben is so dead.
Marines: No one should die over banana bread. 🙁
Annie: Drunk Jessica is getting tossed from a bar. Well, as she drunkenly tells the bouncer, she was leaving, he didn’t kick her out. A homeless made lounging in the pile of garbage bags where Jessica lands tell her that she stinks. Jessica tells him that she’s a piece of shit, and that shit stinks. He asks if she has a dollar. She gives him a rewards card, that is two punches away from a free sub.
Just then Wendy (soon to be ex-Mrs Hogarth) comes out of a building across the street. Jessica follows her. She catches up with her on the subway platform and tells her to sign the divorce papers. Wendy is not about to sign divorce papers, so Jessica grabs her.
Jessica threatens Wendy, dangling her out over the tracks. Jessica is clearly in full-out self-destruct mode and it doesn’t look good on her. She asks Wendy about shame, and goes back to the shit analogies. She’s really not doing well.
She accidentally almost gets Wendy killed, dropping her on the tracks just before the subway arrives. Oops? Jessica stands there on the tracks for a moment as the speeding subway car comes towards her, then leaps out of the way at the last second.
Mari: There was a moment in this sequence when I thought that Jessica was feigning being drunk in order to keep tabs on Wendy, but by the time she dropped Wendy on the tracks, I was pretty sure she was actually drunk again.
Annie: Yup. That’s very much like me when I’m drunk. I drop my phone, I drop my glass, I drop the people I’m threatening on the train tracks. Superheroes are just like us!
The next morning, Malcolm finds JJ passed out in the elevator. Malcolm asks her how long she’s been there. Jessica ignores the question and asks about his outfit instead. He helps JJ up and into her apartment.
Malcolm rummages through Jessica’s kitchen to find her something to deal with the hangover. Jessica flops into her bed and then rolls over to discover Ruben’s body. Kilgrave slit his throat and left him there for her to find. Malcolm comes into the room, dropping the glass he was carrying. Jessica notices a bloody footprint. Kilgrave’s.
Jessica says she can’t do this. Malcolm tells her to breathe, that she hasn’t killed anyone, and he’s going to call the police. Jessica says she can’t go to the cops, because this is the third dead person connected to her and that’s going to start looking suspicious.
She decides she’s going to have to ‘take care of it’ herself, and she formulates a plan to get herself locked up. At her computer, she’s clicking through information about supermax jails. Malcolm asks why supermax and JJ explains it’s because supermax prisons are high tech, maximum security and it will draw Kilgrave out. That he’ll have to come and use his powers and it will all be caught on film.
Mari: IDK, seems risky, and also you are still drunk.
Annie: Malcolm also thinks this is a very bad idea and could wind up leaving JJ in jail forever, but Jess needs proof. She’s going to use Detective Clemons, the person on the Schlottsmen’s case, because he’s already suspicious. She tells Malcolm to go, to hide. JJ says she needs a lawyer and needs to tie up some loose ends before Clemons comes on duty at 8pm.
Trish and Simpson are boning and ignoring Jessica’s phone calls. Trish tells Simpson not to talk and silences another call from JJ.
Simpson wants to know what’s going on and Trish jumps up out of bed in search of food. Simpson wants to know what Trish is up to, especially if it involves Kilgrave. Trish tells Simpson that she’s not going anywhere near him, but she does have a plan. She’s discovered Kilgrave’s new security team and wants to use them to get to him. Simpson wants to just kill Kilgrave, problem solved. But Trish isn’t here for that life. She wants Kilgrave to suffer and be locked up and alone and hated FOREVER.
Honestly, Simpson seems to have the better idea. Seems like a major liability to keep Kilgrave around and alive with all of his scary mind-control powers, but okay, Trish. (M: It reminds me of keeping Magneto in a plastic prison. Sorry, I recently rewatched X-Men (2010)).
Jessica is hanging out on the steps of the court house, waiting for Hogarth. Jessica tells Hogarth that she needs a lawyer. Hogarth is too busy, with important Other Cases. Jessica tells Hogarth that Wendy’s ‘decided’ to sign divorce papers, and she’s suddenly got some time for Jessica. Jessica wants to know what she has to do in order to get locked up in supermax. Apparently, it’s not for stealing candy from the local bodega. You’ve actually got to commit some pretty major crimes. Like mass murder, cannibalism or something. Hogarth says it’s no place that JJ wants to be. JJ tells Hogarth to meet her at the precinct at 8pm. Hogarth reminds her that it’s her job to keep people out of jail. JJ tells her not today.
Back at Alias Investigations, creepyass Robyn spots Malcolm leaving Jessica’s apartment and wants to know what he’s up to. Malcolm tells her that he’s looking for booze, but didn’t take any. Robyn wants to smell Malcolm’s breath because she’s fucking weird— I mean, because she knows addicts lie. She does and it’s weird. She calls him QTip and tells Malcolm that she suspects something going on between her brother and JJ. Malcolm tells her that Ruben was hanging around because he and Jessica were a Thing. Robyn isn’t happy about this fake news, because JJ is a sexual predator? Okay, lady. Calm down. (M: Right, because incest?) She thanks Malcolm for being honest. Malcolm tells Robyn that JJ isn’t a bad person. This flares Robyn’s anger up again and she says she doesn’t know what spell JJ puts on men, but that Malcolm needs to stop doing her bidding, that he’s better than that.
I almost feel sorry for her. Almost.
Luke’s Bar. Jessica shows up looking for Luke. She wants to see him before she gets her go to jail, do not collect $200 plan underway. He’s not there. Instead, she finds sassy old bar tender. He tells her that Luke’s taking some time off. He thinks JJ is there because she wants him back or whatever, and he says he’s heard it all before. He tells JJ that the only woman Luke has ever missed is his dead wife. Jessica asks the bar tender to tell Luke that those who deserve to be punished will be and that she isn’t looking for him to forgive her. The bar tender asks Jessica if she knows what happens when you burn a bridge. He tells her you have to learn to swim or fly.

Jessica visits Stars & Tykes Talent Agency. She walks in and eyes all the kids and their mothers who are lined up to audition for a cola commercial. Jessica takes a seat.
A woman enters and calls the name of a kid but her eyes fall on JJ. She looks less than happy to see Jessica. She invites JJ into her office.
In her office, Patsy Walker tells Jessica that she looks good. And she keeps calling her Jessie. JJ asks how much all Trish’s money it took to create the agency. Jessica tells Patsy that she’s there to talk about Trish, and that no, Trish hasn’t touched drugs since JJ hauled her away from her mom. Patsy points out that she took in orphan Jessica, so that has to count for something. Jessica tells her that she didn’t do it for the right reasons. She took in Jessica for the good press. Jessica wants to ensure that Patsy stays far away from Trish while she’s locked up in supermax, because Trish has no defense against her mom. Jessica tells Patsy that if she hears that she has been in contact with Trish, she will come for her and it will hurt. As Jessica is leaving, Mrs Walker tells Jessica that taking her in was one of the worst decisions she’s ever made. She’s sweet, isn’t she?
JJ’s apartment. Trish answers her phone, and it’s Simpson. She asks about Kilgrave’s security detail. Simpson tells her that he’s been following them all over the city, but it doesn’t look like they’re up to anything. Is she sure they’re Kilgrave’s guys? Meanwhile, he’s parked outside the house that Kilgrave bought, watching the crew move furniture in under the supervision of Kilgrave.
Trish knocks on the door of Alias Investigations and Malcolm answers. He thanks her for coming, and asks if she told Jessica anything. Malcolm tells Trish that JJ hasn’t done anything, but that she’s going to make a huge mistake. Malcolm isn’t going to let that happen. He tells Trish he’s going to show her something and asks her not to freak out. He then shows her dead Ruben. Trish freaks out and pulls a gun on Malcolm. Malcolm explains it was all Kilgrave’s doing and that JJ really needs their help.
Mari: I like that Trish’s reaction to a dead body is to threaten to make another one. Like, “oh no, I hate this! PULLS OUT GUN.”
Annie: Streets of New York. Jessica and her cab is caught up in traffic. She tells the cabbie to pull over, but he says he can’t. She tells him she only has 56 minutes of freedom, so she’s willing to take her chances. She gives him some cash and gets out of the cab. Jessica climbs to the top of the Manhattan Bridge. VO Jessica says that she hates goodbyes, but this one deserves one last look. We get an amazing shot of the NYC skyline, and Jessica looking over it from the top of the bridge.
Back at her office, Jessica finds that Trish and Malcolm have been busy. Malcolm is gone and so is Ruben’s body. Trish tells JJ that she’s lost it. And that they’re convinced that there is a better way to get Kilgrave. They’re not about to let Jessica go to supermax to catch him, but Jessica doesn’t believe there is any other way to get Kilgrave.
Trish tells Jessica that she has a lead on Kilgrave. JJ is horrified that Trish and Simpson are looking for Kilgrave without telling her. Jessica thinks this is the best way for Simpson to get dead. She doesn’t want anyone else to die because of her. Jessica tells Trish that she isn’t the hero Trish wanted her to be.

Mari: I’ve got to imagine it’s worked for someone, which is why TV people keep trying.
Annie: Kilgrave’s Creepy House of Horrors. One of Kilgrave’s brainwashed goons shows him a Mickey Mouse phone that he’s found. He’s excited because it’s just like the one in the photo. Kilgrave tells him to put it in the bedroom, then goes to get into a car. Two more of his goons get into the driver’s seat and front passenger seat and they drive off.
Simpson stakeout. He’s just sitting there in the car, looking weird. He glances at his phone. Trish has been trying to reach him.
By the river. Jessica finds Malcolm. She asks where Ruben is, and Malcolm just tells her that a coroner will see that the wounds are self-inflicted. Jessica says that she’ll take care of it and dives in after the body.
Police precinct. Jessica is soaking wet, walking through to Clemon’s desk. Without looking up, he waves her off, saying she’ll have to wait. Jessica dumps Ruben’s head out of the plastic bag she was carrying and onto the desk, saying she’s done something terrible.
Jessica is handcuffed and wondering what’s taking so long. Hogarth arrives and asks Jessica if she actually did it. Jessica is insistent. Hogarth tells Clemons that Jessica is going to plead insanity. That will keep her out of supermax and land her in a psych ward instead. Jessica waives her right to a lawyer. Hogarth starts to tell Clemons that clearly Jessica has no idea what she’s gotten herself in to, but JJ argues she’s of sound mind and wants to represent herself. Clemons tells Hogarth to leave.
Jessica starts pleading her case to Clemons. She tells him that she’s dangerous and she belongs in supermax. She’s a top shelf pervert. …Did she just say the title? Does she deserve a Snark Star?
Mari: 1- It’s perverts and she said pervert. Sorry. 2- We’ve given them out for this show before but they are weak because all of the episode titles officially start with AKA.
Annie: Clemons seems suspicious that she wants into supermax instead of regular jail. Clemons starts questioning Jessica, because he’s not convinced. She tells him that she’s killed before, but didn’t mean to. She tells Clemons that she’s super strong and only supermax can hold her, that she tore off Ruben’s head with her bare hands. NO THANK YOU, NOT AN IMAGE I NEEDED IN MY BRAIN.
Jessica gets up and starts trashing the place to show Clemons how dangerous she is. A cop comes in to tell Jessica she’s free to go. He takes the cuffs off her. Jessica thinks it’s Hogarth again, pulling strings, but when Jessica enters the main room of the precinct, she knows immediately that it’s Kilgrave. Out in the precinct, everyone has drawn a gun either on themselves or someone else.

Mari: Once-an-episode reminder that Kilgrave keeps defying everything we know and getting CREEPIER.
Annie: A phone rings and Kilgrave asks who’s phone is ringing. It’s Clemons’s. Kilgrave takes it out of his pocket and throws it at the wall, telling them all that the next person whose phone rings has to eat it. He has a little freak out because all these people that he’s holding hostage are ruining the moment!

Jessica calls him a deranged prick and tells him that he has no idea what love is. This hits Kilgrave’s rage button and he screams in Jessica’s face. He catches himself and explains that he didn’t realize how unsatisfying it was to get whatever he wanted until Jessica left him to die after the bus accident. He tells her that she is the first person that he’s wanted that has walked away from him and that made him feel feels. Jessica says that he has her now, but he disagrees. He hopes that she’ll choose him once she figures out that they’re inevitable.
Kilgrave asks a guy at a desk if he’s finished deleting the security footage. Kilgrave says he can’t delete memories, but he can erase security footage. He says he’s getting rid of all proof that he or Jessica were ever there. He holds up the bag with Ruben’s head in it, laughing about how she’s full of surprises. He tells the hostages in the precinct that in 30 seconds, they’ll all think this was a big joke and that they’ll let Jessica leave.
Kilgrave tells Jessica to look for the present he left her in her apartment and tells her that when she’s ready, he’ll see her at home. He’s referring to the creepy JJ childhood home that gives me all the NO FUCKING THANK YOU feels.
Kilgrave leaves. A few seconds later, everyone in the precinct start laughing and it is disturbing. Jessica looks around and then walks out. When she hits the street, she breaks into a run and speeds back to her office/apartment. She turns the place upside down, searching for Kilgrave’s ‘gift’. She sits down on the floor in front of her bed, and spots a small black box with a handle on it that gives her a flashback to seeing the box during her time with Kilgrave. (M: Specifically the box she dug out before she killed Luke’s wife.) Jessica gets up and grabs the box. She opens it and finds a diary with a sticky note stuck to the front that reads ‘Start at the beginning’. She opens the diary. It’s hers, from 1996-1999.
After the not!break, it’s brighter in JJ’s place, maybe the next morning? She’s packing a bag and adds the diary to it. She opens the door to her office and runs into Robyn. Robyn bursts in to the place, looking around for, and asking after, Ruben. Jessica tells her to leave, but Robyn continues shouting and goes into Jessica’s bedroom, where she takes a shoe out of the garbage, and sits on the edge of Jessica’s bed and asks her to tell Ruben that she’s sorry about the zoo, and that Ruben was super sensitive about his neck.
Jessica tells Robyn that Ruben isn’t coming back. Robyn tells Jessica that he can’t take care of himself, and then she starts crying. Robyn tells Jessica that it’s all her fault, and she goes to leave. Robyn chases after her and asks if Jessica can help find Ruben, that she can hire her as a PI. Jessica locks up her apartment and walks away from Robyn, who’s freaking out.
Jessica takes a cab, and the camera zooms in on the street signs: Birch Street and Higgins Drive. The cab lets Jessica out across from her childhood home, and we get a flashback of a young Jessica, frantic to find her old journal, and Patsy telling her that she’ll just get her a new one. Young Jessica gets into the car, where young Trish is already waiting.
Back to present day, Kilgrave comes out of the house and stands in the driveway.
Simpson is still watching the house, and watches Kilgrave and JJ.
Jessica crosses the street, and walks over to him. He opens the door for her and they go inside. Jessica looks around.
End of episode.
I just can’t get over how incredibly great David Tennant is at being a creepy, scary psychopath. I honestly had to take a David Tennant break after I watched this the first time. Still, this is my favourite Netflix Marvel show.
Next time on Jessica Jones: Jessica lives with Kilgrave in S01 E08 – AKA WWJD?