Previously: Kilgrave uses Luke against Jessica.
AKA Smile
Jessica: Holy cow guys this is it, the finale! We’ve come through so much and it’s been a fantastic ride and it’s about to get a whole lot crazier. Let’s get to it.
We pick up right after the events of last episode, in which Jessica SHOOTS LUKE IN THE HEAD because he’s being controlled by Kilgrave to attack her. We see her carry Luke into a hospital, shouting for help. As orderlies run to assist her, we hear Jessica’s voiceover: “Pain is always a surprise. I try to avoid land mines, avoid caring. I can even see it coming. But until it hits, you have no idea what pain is.”
She follows the gurney, telling the docs that Luke was knocked out. They note no scratches, but gunpowder. She knows better than to talk about that, and they have her go back to the waiting room. She looks distraught.
In the next shot she’s completely disregarded the waiting room order (obviously) and we see her walking up to Luke’s bedside, in a room with lots of patient beds separated by curtains. Along the way, in the foreground, we see ROSARIO DAWSON helping another patient, otherwise known as Claire, whom Daredevil fans will recognize as their resident badass nurse and an amazingly cool character.
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J: Right now, Jessica watches on as a doctor and a nurse attempt to treat Luke, but are stymied by his impenetrable skin as the needles bend. The doc throws out the male nurse, who claims it’s not his fault, and yells for a competent nurse. The Marvel universe’s most competent nurse Claire steps in and we all breathe a sigh of relief because if she’s here, maybe things will be all right.
The doc even goes for a drill to the head but Luke’s skin remains unblemished. “Okay, he’s one of those,” she says, looking disconcerted. She goes off to get a consult from all the chiefs of staff. Meanwhile, some police come in looking for Luke, and Jessica pulls the curtain closed. She tells Claire that Luke is a good man who was being used “by an evil prick” and she needs to get him out of there. She confesses that she was the one who put the shotgun to his head, but that she didn’t have a choice – or rather, her choice was to survive.
Claire tries to wash her hands of this, saying moving Luke might kill him, and watches while Jessica easily lifts his large body into a wheelchair. Jessica says that they may scare her, but that Luke is a good man. Claire angrily responds that she’s not scared, and they are not her first “others” that she’s seen.
Claire escorts them to the elevator, saying she has a car in a parking structure across the street. She wants to know where Jessica’s taking Luke, because she can’t take him to her (Claire’s) place – “been there, done that, lost my lease.” Jessica decides on her own place because it’s nearby.
“Is he going to die?” Jessica asks. Claire sighs and says she doesn’t know, throwing out some ideas to reduce the swelling, but basically, “it’s a crap shoot.”
Then she tells Jessica to stop blaming herself because guilt makes people act stupidly.

Jessica says she’s not guilty, but you can tell she doesn’t entirely believe that. She’s saying the words out loud, but at least that is a step for our girl. She says she knows it’s not her fault, and Claire says when it’s her, she wishes everything was her fault, because that would at least mean she has some control. When Jessica says she isn’t in control, Claire rolls her eyes and says “obviously” but it at least helps keep her hopeful of affecting positive outcomes for the people around her.
“You’re in total control, you’re responsible for all of this and I blame you,” Jessica says in total deadpan and it’s amazing.
I really like this elevator conversation, as it gives Claire and Jessica time to themselves, even just a few moments, to interact and get on the level with each other. And it really does make sense that they would like each other, and their growing respect for each other is one of my favorite things.
Mari: It was perfect. Crossovers can feel cheap, and I don’t know if this is or isn’t, because I was just too happy with these two ladies sharing space. So, you know, well played.
Jessica: This may be the best crossover ever. Just saying.
As Claire stops right at the exit to grab some medical supplies, the secretary at the desk asks, “Jessica Jones?”
“Why?” Jessica replies, suspicious, and the woman asks if that’s who she is. She holds out a phone and says that Jessica has to take this call. Jessica knows, we know; we have seen a Kilgraved person before. Claire looks confused and tries to talk to the woman but is ignored. Jessica gives Claire her business card with her address and asks her to take Luke there. Claire looks confused, but doesn’t waste time asking questions and heads right on out with Luke. Damn, I love Claire.
After Claire leaves, Jessica takes the phone and angrily says, “What?”
Kilgrave is a bit peeved she’s not even surprised it’s him, and she sasses him. He’s expanded the reach of his powers, but not yet to her. As he talks on, she mutes him and asks the receptionist where the security center is for the hospital. She takes note of some nearby cameras.
Back off of mute, Kilgrave says he regrets meeting her, and she snarks that they finally have something in common. We see that Kilgrave is in the security center, watching all the hospital monitors. They trade some insults back and forth, and then she calls him evil, which he equivocates about, saying he’s not really like, evil evil, in that he takes no pleasure in killing, blah blah, and we see that Jessica has left the phone dangling. I love that she says something to bug him and knows he’ll just prattle on about it and be distracted for a few moments. (M: She knows all his favorite subjects.) (J: Probably because she had to listen to him uninterrupted for so long, smh.)
She’s managed to switch the call to her cell phone somehow (?) and is on her way to the security center. She reaches it just in time to see him running away on the monitors. Like, super fast running away, and it kind of made me laugh a little.
Jessica goes to give chase, but a Kilgraved security guard sees her and fires shots. A pursuit happens until Jessica hides in a patient’s room.
As she awkwardly shares a look with the elderly woman in the room, Kilgrave makes an announcement over the intercom, telling the hospital that Jessica – whose face appears on nearby TV screens – is patient zero of a deadly virus and they must stop her on sight. She speculates that he can’t control the whole hospital, can he? …. Apparently he can, as the woman starts throwing things and tries to get out of bed. Jessica stops her from hurting herself, when an orderly comes in and sees her and attacks. Jessica easily beats him up and we cut to a group of hospital personnel hunting for Jessica through the hallways.
Everything has stopped in the hospital as every single person hunts for Jessica Jones. Jessica emerges from the room in scrubs, with a surgical mask over her face. She does an all-right job of blending in until a patient, also walking the halls and searching, keeps staring at her. Jessica shoves her into a wall, and she bounces back and pulls down the mask, shouting “Jessica Jones!” Everyone turns and tries to grab her. She jumps her way through, but manages to get slashed in the leg by a scalpel on her way out.
Jessica’s apartment. Luke is prone on the bed. Claire tends to him, putting ice around his head to help reduce the swelling. There’s a closeup of Luke’s hand, and his fingers twitch, and we’re all excited for two seconds, until we realize that he’s having a seizure or something. (M: Rude with the fakeout, show.) Claire jumps on top of him just as Jessica returns, and yells at her to hold Luke’s head still. Claire determines that she has to slide this GIANT ASS NEEDLE along Luke’s optic nerve in order to drain spinal fluid and it’s just like, super gross guys. Eye trauma people, look away now. Look away!
Claire extracts a bunch of fluid, and the thrashing has stopped. They won’t know if he’s ok until he wakes up.
Mari: I’m going to guess his eye’s gonna feel weird? IDK.
J: Jessica says she needs a drink, and asks Claire if she wants one too. Claire responds that it’s 5 in the morning, but that means nothing to Jessica.
Claire notices that Jessica got sliced and orders her to take off her pants.
“I usually like a little more romancing,” Jessica quips. “Don’t we all,” Claire quips right back at her.
And while Trish and Jessica are my favorite duo, Claire and Jessica are a verrrry close second. Can we do a show with all those three ladies in it please? (And don’t say The Defenders did that because no, not really.)
As Claire stitches Jessica’s leg, she learns about Kilgrave. When Jessica says he controls minds, Claire hardly bats an eye, but makes a quip about his name and have I said she’s the best yet?
Jessica’s plan is to trace calls Luke was making on his cell phone – which is currently charging – to try and get a bead on where Kilgrave’s base is.
Claire says she has a friend like Jessica and Luke, who she could reach out to for help in taking down Kilgrave, but Jessica demurs, saying she can’t risk anyone else getting controlled. (M: One more person she’d have to fight off.)
Another building. Kilgrave paces back and forth, furious that he couldn’t stop Jessica, and blaming his father. Albert is still alive! He tells Kilgrave he’s more powerful than ever. Kilgrave wonders what would happen if he took the entire dosage of enhancers that Albert has made. Albert speculates that there’s a 40% chance it would make him super ultra powerful, and a 60% chance it will kill him. Kilgrave knows what he prefers, and asks his dad. Albert says he hopes it kills him, and Kilgrave does not look surprised. “His own son,” he says to two men – obviously the homeowners – who are looking super nervous and chopping vegetables nearby.
Kilgrave orders his father to prepare the whole thing to give to him. Then he wanders onto the balcony to villain monologue about what he’ll do to Jessica when she’s helpless and under his power again. He’s super creepy and terrible and just goes on and on, then decides he might just kill her instead – time will tell. He walks purposefully back inside, declaring, “Let the experiment begin!”
Jessica’s apartment. Jessica stares at Luke, still unconscious on the bed. She goes up to the bed and snuggles herself in under his arm, lying down next to him. She talks to him, telling him she thought of him, of them doing normal things like dating, bowling. “You’re the first person I ever imagined a future with,” she says. “You’re also the first person I ever shot in the head.” (M: Relationship status: It’s complicated.) She starts to say “If,” then corrects to “When you wake up” – and tells him she won’t be around to screw up his life anymore, probably because she’ll be dead, but maybe, hopefully, Kilgrave will be dead too.

From the other room, Claire yells that his cellphone is finally charged. Jessica tells him that he’s still helping her, even while unconscious, and gives him a kiss, saying she would have liked that future. Then she gets up and goes into the next room.
Kilgrave apartment. Kilgrave puts his head down on a desk for Albert to give him the injection. Albert’s hands are shaking, and the two men whose apartment this is look on in fear. Kilgrave starts moaning in pain, which turns to screams. He turns his face up into the air and screams while the veins in his neck turn purple.
Jessica’s apartment. She’s going through Luke’s phone and gets a hit on an address. As Claire prepares to leave, Jessica pleads with her to stay with Luke. “You help people,” she says, and while other nurses at the hospital can help, only she can help Luke. The amazing Claire we all know and love gets that look like, ‘oh shit, here I go again with these superheroes’ and Jessica says that while Claire doesn’t know her, she can still help. Claire responds that she does know her, since she’s seen her with her pants down. Seriously, I love their scenes together! Claire gestures grandly for the door and Jessica leaves, calling Trish for a ride on the way out.
Now we’re looking up at the building we know is Kilgrave’s base. Jessica talks to Trish in the car, saying if she goes up there, she might not come back. So she wants to know what Trish came over to tell her the other day, when Trish found Jessica and Luke at Alias Investigations, before they knew he was Kilgraved.
Trish tells her that the medical group IGH, that funded Simpson’s drug trials, might be connected to Jessica and how she became super powered. Jessica compliments Trish for her iron will, for pushing for answers even though they kept hitting brick walls. As she gets out of the car, Trish starts to get out too. Jessica insists she stay, and wait until she needs to be called in for backup. Trish wants Jessica to text her, but Jessica says she won’t know if she’s “a minion of evil.” Trish says they need a code word like pickle juice, – which yes, thank you, it’s about time someone thought of this plan – a word or phrase that Jessica would never say.
“Something I would never say,” Jessica says, looking grim. “Like, ‘I love you.’” She gets out and walks away.
Mari: Too many sad goodbyes.
J: Hallway. Jessica approaches the end door, which is partially ajar. Entering, she finds a dead body on the ground – one of the men we saw earlier, who apparently has injected Draino by syringe. She checks his pulse, but nothing.
Around the corner, she discovers Albert, lying in a blood-soaked circle, both of his arms cut off with a nearby hacksaw. (M: THE SOUNDS I MADE WHEN I SAW THIS.) In the kitchen, the remaining homeowner is blood-spattered, trying to shove one of Albert’s arms down the garbage disposal. Jessica runs up to him and pulls him away. He tells her he has to “remove Dad from the face of the earth, and then we have to kill ourselves,” and it’s just, so sad. She knocks him out and drags him to a nearby closet, locking him in.
Walking back to the living room, she sees a framed photograph of the two homeowners in front of a yacht, named Goldfish. It’s obviously been placed there as a “come find me” message from Kilgrave. She approaches Albert’s body and looks at him sadly.
Squatting down, she pulls a photograph out of his bloodied shirt pocket – a family photo of Albert, his wife and little-boy Kilgrave. She replaces it, and as she does Albert splutters. He’s fucking alive!! (M: OH MY GOD.) Jessica gasps as Albert says, “He’s stronger. Don’t listen. Don’t look at him. He’ll make you kill.” She asks where he went, but that was all Albert had left, as he now expires for real. Jessica stands, looking purposeful.
Taking a quick break, the brutality of this scene was just insane. Kilgrave his been ramping up in evil this whole time, but this scene is just so bloody and brutal and awful, and really hard to watch, even knowing it was coming. It just cements for us what Jessica already knows – this dude has to die.
Mari: It’s hard to measure how far Kilgrave has fallen when he started as an evil rapist murderer, you know? The show has done a great job cranking it up by degrees, and this episode so far, from Kilgrave ranting to himself to this awful, bloody, heartbreaking scene is bringing us over the edge.
J: Trish is waiting by the car outside. Jessica texts “Penthouse. I love you.” Trish gets the message and drives off.
Jessica’s apartment. Claire is on the phone, telling the hospital that she has a personal emergency and she can’t come in to work today. Malcolm looks through the broken glass of the front door and asks who she is. They introduce each other: neighbor, nurse. Malcolm’s worried Jessica is hurt, then sees Luke. Malcolm has a lot of questions that Claire really can’t answer.
He asks her if she’s a “special nurse” and she says she isn’t special, she just keeps running into special people.
They bond over that a little bit, and chat about how powers aren’t needed to be special or to help. Claire says that people like Luke and Jessica need people like her and Malcolm for that human connection. Malcolm asks if that makes them sidekicks, but Claire feels very strongly about that. “I’m no one’s sidekick,” she declares.
Malcolm offers to take over watching Luke, so Claire goes to the couch to rest.
Mari: Okay, but, here’s how you know that you have a show full of really strong characters: you can pair them up with anyone. I love Claire and Malcolm bonding over being everymen.
J: Yes! All these folks are interesting to watch together, because we have such a strong sense of them and the writing is strong enough to make it all believable, even on people who haven’t spent a lot of screen time together, for example, Trish’s reactions to meeting Luke in the last episode – perfect.
Fancy Lawyer Office. Hogarth sits at her desk, taped up hand – from when a Kilgraved Wendy went all stabby on her – held close to her chest. She receives a call from Jessica, who is incensed. Turns out she found fetal tissue and biological material labeled ‘Hope Schlottman’ at Kilgrave’s apartment – they were using that to make the serum that increased his powers. Hogarth said Kilgrave made her tell him where it was, but it’s useless anyway. Jessica disagrees, as it’s made him more powerful than ever. Hogarth complains that she’s lost everything she cares about, Pam is facing murder charges and won’t see her, and her partners are trying to force her out.
“Don’t let them,” Jessica says, surprising both Hogarth and the audience. She tells Hogarth that she’s the sharkiest shark out there so she better out-shark those other lawyer sharks and fight them (or something to that effect). Then she’s going to represent Justin Boden (the remaining surviving homeowner) pro bono after he’s charged for murder. Hogarth wonders what Jessica’s doing next and Jess says she’ll text her the info, and drops a little piece of advice – doing something good helps with the self-loathing. Hogarth looks thoughtful as Jessica hangs up.
Mari: Okay, I know that was brusque and mostly self-interested but also it was a little, little bit kind. Right? It was probably nicer than Hogarth deserved.
J: That’s as about as nice and sentimental a “goodbye” as Hogarth could hope to get from our girl. I love Jessica’s brand of brusque caring, because it has sincerity behind it to make it not just another “tough person with a heart of gold” that we see so much of in movies.
Jessica and Trish discuss the yacht picture that Kilgrave left for her. Jessica knows where it’s docked. He wants her to meet him there, because he’s feeling confident.
“At least now it will end,” Jessica says, shrugging into her black leather jacket. “One way or another.” The zoomy cameraman closes in on her grim expression as ominous music plays in the background.
Hudson ferry terminal, where the boat is docked. We see the inside of the terminal, New York style with lots of columns. It’s dark, deserted, with the ominous music continuing from the last scene. The camera does a close up of boots walking in, and we switch from the ominous musical score to a rock song with lyrics, as the boots keep walking. The music cuts as we see Kilgrave appear at the other end of the room. He starts villain monologuing, and asks if Jessica is afraid to look him in the eyes. The figure keeps advancing, hooded, in black leather jacket. As Kilgrave continues to talk, the POV switches back and forth from him – with his dialogue – to the hooded figure – with the rock music. Kilgrave shouts an order and a ton of armed policemen surround the figure, guns drawn, “just in case Dad’s potion doesn’t work,” he says.
He starts to monologue some more when suddenly a fire alarm sounds. The figure straightens and throws off the hood, revealing Trish, with headphones on.

Kilgrave looks super irritated. “Oh, for god’s sake, it’s Patsy!” he exclaims in frustration.
Meanwhile, Jessica is on the second floor, in the shadows, and goes to leap, but Kilgrave spots her and points – making this whole switcheroo plan basically moot (but still a cool intro I suppose, so maybe it evens out). (M: I also think it’s super important that Jessica let Trish help.) His men fire and Jessica ducks to take cover. As the men continue to fire, Kilgrave shouts, “Goodbye Jessica” and walks away. She huddles down, but the men keep firing and are now rushing up the stairs. She waits for a break in the barrage, as they stop to reload, and does this dramatic leap off the second-floor balcony, sailing over the shooters’ heads, and landing on the other side of the building. It’s a rough landing, but she jumps up and runs, managing to not be shot, and pulls a grate closed behind her, locking it by bending a crowbar through the handles.
We’re now out on the docks. Jessica runs by Trish, who is startled, waiting just outside. Trish still has her big headphones on. They walk a few more feet and are confronted by a crowd of regular looking people, civilians, standing there, staring back at them. There has to be at least 20 people, just standing there. It’s reminiscent of a zombie movie and very creepy.
Kilgrave is on the other side of the group of people, ordering more folks to get the yacht ready to disembark. He sees Jessica striding toward him. We also see Trish sneaking along the side of the building. Kilgrave shouts an order: “Start killing each other… now!”
And all the people start attacking each other, including some construction guys with sledgehammers and a very unfair advantage. Jessica wades in, pulling people off of each other and knocking them out. Trish also jumps in, trying to keep people from injuring each other. In the fray, Trish’s headphones get knocked off. (M: Heart immediately drops.)
Looking around dismayed, Jessica locks eyes with Kilgrave through the fighting people. She starts marching purposefully toward him again, ignoring the people all round her, focusing just on him.
As she approaches, he sets his feet, readies himself and screams, “Stop!”
The people stop fighting and look over at him, dazed, including Trish.
We pan over to Jessica, who looks down at her feet, then up toward him, a look of dismay on her face.
Kilgrave accuses her of faking, and says she must have a plan, or she would have jumped over everyone and killed him. She replies that she wanted him to make them stop fighting. When he argues that killing him could accomplish that, she counters with the fact that he’s never died before.
There is a marked difference between her banter with him earlier in the episode at the hospital, and now, where she’s answering in a rote voice, like someone obeying an order to speak. Her tone and stance are stiff, and she still hasn’t moved.
Kilgrave still isn’t convinced. Then he looks over and sees Trish. He formulates a new plan. He says that he wanted Jessica to love him, but she isn’t capable of love, with one exception. “Come here, Patsy.”
Trish walks over to him and he takes her by the hand. He caresses her head and gets all creepy, saying Jessica would do anything to protect her. He taunts Jessica, saying that Trish will be his plaything, throwing back Jessica’s words about wanting to die inside when she was under his control, and that that’s how Trish will feel.
He starts to walk away with Trish, towards the boat. Jessica doesn’t move. Kilgrave stops to threaten, saying that if he sees Jessica, or even anyone who looks like her, he’ll have Trish cut her own throat, calling it “the ultimate contingency.”
He orders Trish to kiss him, deeply, and she does. He watches Jessica out of the corner of his eye, and Jessica still doesn’t move, though her face is utterly dismayed, and a tear rolls down her cheek.
“Oh god, it’s true, isn’t it?” he says, pulling away from Trish. “You would let me take your beloved sister? My god. It’s finally over.” He leaves Trish behind, walking back toward Jessica, relief pouring through his tone, talking how it’s all over, no more fighting. He walks right up to her, and starts in again on that same line about how he knows, however long it takes, that eventually she will feel the same way about him. “Let’s start with a smile.” Jessica smiles and he laughs. He almost touches her face, but doesn’t quite. He whispers in her ear, “Tell me you love me” and steps back. Jessica tilts her head, so she’s looking at Trish, and says, “I love you.” Kilgrave’s smile starts to fade as Jessica’s hand shoots up and grabs him by the jaw, holding his mouth shut. He stares at her, eyes bugging out in fear. She holds him there a moment, then says, “Smile” and reaches around and SNAPS HIS GODDAMN NECK! His body drops to the ground.

Trish puts her hand to her mouth, back to herself again. Jessica stares down at Kilgrave. We pan from his very dead face, up and away, as the survivors behind seem to be comforting each other, or walking around dazed.
She did it! Holy shit Kilgrave is dead!
Mari: As much as I was expecting it, I STILL WASN’T EXPECTING IT. TV teaches you that the right thing is to put the guy behind bars but she just SNAPPED HIS NECK.
Wow, wow, wow.
J: Closeup of Luke’s face, as his eyes open. He sits up in bed and grunts in pain, waking up Claire nearby. She counsels him to get up slowly, and introduces herself as a friend of Jessica’s. He asks where Jessica is, and learns she’s been arrested for murder. At first, he’s worried. “He got to her.”
No, Claire tells him, it’s the other way around – she got to him, and Kilgrave is dead. Luke lets out a sigh of relief. “She did it.”
Luke is still obviously in pain, having trouble standing up. He’s worried the cops are looking for him but Claire says that between the scene at the hospital, and on the docks, the cops have bigger worries than looking for him. His secret is also safe with her.
Luke asks for some water, and Claire leaves the room, still talking to him, but when she returns, he’s gone. She’s not too surprised through, and just drinks the water herself. This is not her first time around the block, folks.
Police interrogation room. Hogarth is sitting next to a handcuffed Jessica, speaking to the police. The police are trying to explain away the dock brawlers as a drunken booze cruise gone awry, but Hogarth shuts that down, insisting that they were mind controlled. Then she adds that she has more than enough testimony to prove that Kilgrave forces Jessica to break his own neck. She posits that he committed suicide because he was remorseful about all the pain and damage he had caused. Jessica looks surprised but says nothing.
Jessica does a voice over about being heroes and villains as she and Hogarth walk out of the police station. They exchange a look, but no further words as Hogarth walks off. Jessica walks over to Trish, waiting for her, and they embrace. At first Jessica is passive, then one arm, then two, go into a real actual hug.

Voiceover and music transition us into Trish’s apartment, where she is receiving a box delivery from her mother – more files on IGH, that Trish starts going through.
Jessica approaches her broken door, and enters her apartment. The bedroom is empty and she stares at it for a moment before walking into the living room. Malcolm is in the kitchen, cleaning. They share a look, then Jessica goes over to her desk. As she pours a drink, she charges her cellphone, and starts listening to messages, of people who are calling, asking her for help after hearing about the incident on the docks. She starts to delete the messages of people all asking for help, asking to be saved. She tosses the phone on the table, and it starts to ring, as we pan out through the broken door. Jessica VOs that maybe it’s enough for the world to think she’s a hero, and if she really thinks about it, maybe she could fool herself into thinking it too. As the phone keeps ringing, Malcolm walks into frame and picks it up. “Alias Investigations. How can we help?” (M: Beautiful.)
This is such a good show! Every rewatch cements how much I love it. And this episode did not disappoint. I LOVED meeting Claire and only wish that we had met her earlier so we could have more Jessica/Claire interactions, or heck, even more Claire/Malcolm interactions. That scene in the Kilgrave murder apartment was awful, and Jessica’s plan to trick Kilgrave with Trish backfired pretty badly, but in the end, we got that satisfying snap. It was an episode chock full of tension, but we did get a mostly happy ending, and I just love all the characters (except Kilgrave, obviously) so much. I love this show and I hope season 2 can hold up to the excellence that has been season 1.
Mari: I’ve heard mixed things about season 2, but I think this is probably one of the best seasons of TV I’ve ever watched. It’s not easy to watch, for sure, but there was so much here to appreciate. It made me feel so many things. The actors all did great jobs. I felt for every side character not named Kilgrave. Jessica’s PTSD and trauma were portrayed in a way that broke my heart and gave me a little hope. This was a satisfying ending from neck snap to how much Trish was involved to Malcolm answering the phone at the end. Beautiful.
Next time on Jessica Jones: We’ll start recapping Season 2 after all the other stuff that comes in the Netflix MCU first. See you a bit, kids!