Previously: Kara got fired.
Marines: Kara and Mon-El are watching Game of Thrones, which we know because she makes a comment about how winter hasn’t come, six seasons in. Mon-El notes that her queue has gone way down since she lost her job. Kara admits she’s taking full advantage of her funemployment. He suggests they watch a musical next, which makes Kara super happy. She suggests Funny Face, and Mon-El gushes about how cute she is. Kara says she’s just happy. Cheesy, dopey happy. Mon-El is happy she’s happy. They are very happy, in case you don’t get it. (S: *yawn*)

Of course, nothing happy lasts lololol. A scrambled broadcast starts up and is it me or does National City’s TV get hijacked, like, a lot? This time the message is for Mon-El of Daxam’s captors. They demand his release or else they will attack. Alex, Hank J’onn, and Jimmy (remember Jimmy?!) all watch the broadcasts in their respective places, but we end back at the Superpad, on Mon-El’s shocked face.
DEO. Hank J’onn explains that when the transmission came through, a spacecraft entered the lower atmosphere. Supergirl asks what these guys want with a lowly guard from Daxam. Mon-El does not use this opportunity to tell the truth. He also denies that the spacecraft looks familiar. (S: Boo, Mon-El. Why do you have to be like this?) Hank J’onn calls for Winn, but he isn’t there. Where could he be?
Cut to Winn and Lyra giggling and kissing outside of a museum at night. Winn points out that you usually come to museums in the morning when they are open, but Lyra wants to break in. Winn is unsure, so Lyra convinces him with sex.
Back at the DEO, Supergirl says it’s probably time for her to welcome their new guests. Mon-El wants to come with her, but she’s like um that’s what they want so maybe no? He doesn’t not use this opportunity to tell the truth. Instead, he tells Supergirl to be careful.
Samantha: This is so stupid. He luuuuurvs her but he won’t tell her the truth, thereby sending her into a situation she’s not fully prepared for with potential enemies. Fuck off.
Mari: Supergirl flies up to the alien ship and gets shot at. She tries to laser-eyes their weapons, but they’ve got a shield in place. They next shoot her with a bubble trap (?) that causes her to fall from the sky. Hank J’onn and Mon-El want to go save her, but Supergirl says she’s got this. She punches herself out of the bubble trap in time to land safely. She flies back up to the ship and they’ve got a bunch more weapons ready. Mon-El panics and calls out to the ship (?) and somehow they hear him (?) that he is Mon-El of Daxam and he relinquishes himself. The invaders stand down.
Supergirl goes back to the DEO and asks Mon-El WTF he’s doing. They could just kill him! Mon-El says maybe, but he’s the one they want so it’s his decision. He does not use this opportunity to tell the truth. Hank J’onn says they’ll have back-up ready should he need it. He and Supergirl kiss goodbye. Mon-El is then beamed up, but before he completely gets transported, Supergirl runs into the light with him and gets beamed up, too.
When they reach the ship, Mon-El asks why tf Supergirl followed him. What if he wanted to be beamed up alone? Supergirl asks why he would want to be and he does not use this opportunity to tell the truth. (S: Title of this episode, yeah?) Supergirl notices that everyone on the ship is bowing. “Are they bowing to us,” she asks and honey. No, the people who tried to bubble trap you out of the sky are definitely not bowing to you. Mon-El sees that Teri Hatcher and Kevin Sorbo are here and he greets his mom and dad, surprising absolutely no one.
After a not!!break, Teri hugs Mon-El. He says that he thought she was dead. But nope! They are definitely not dead. Kevin Sorbo apologizes for their earlier fire as they were just protecting against attack. Supergirl is like okay funny, because you attacked me first? Teri Hatcher tersely asks if they should go through all of Krypton’s bloody history. Mon-El interrupts with an introduction: This is Kara Zor-El. Hero of Earth. Aw. That’s kind of sweet. And then he introduces Kara to Queen Rhea and King Lar Gand of Daxam. I’m 100% not going to call them that, just FYI. Kara is shocked. Mon-El wants to say goodbye to his parents quickly but they insist on spending more than one minute for the child they searched the stars for, or whatever. They also want to get to know Kara. They have a lot to talk about. With a forced smile, Kara says they have no idea.
DEO. Winn is singing annoyingly. He gets a call from Maggie and gets a little worried when she asks him to swing on by his local police station. We cut there, and Winn is eating donuts, nervously. Maggie lightly asks him about being at the art museum, and he tells her everything. He broke in with Lyra! Maggie pulls out a picture of “Starry Night” and says it went missing from the museum last night. Winn is like, “wow, I didn’t see anything!” Maggie plays him the security footage and it shows Winn, stupidly prancing around the art museum, with no Lyra around. She isn’t showing up on the footage. Maggie asks him if he knows what this looks like. Winn asks for his one phone call and keeps stress eating donuts. It looks like a very good, chocolately donut and now my big takeaway from this episode has become how much I want one.
Samantha: Donut sidebars are important sidebars. Also, has anyone else ever met Lyra? I can’t remember but omg what if she’s just a figment of Winn’s imagination? Lol.
Mari: Daxam Ships. Tense family dinner. Kevin Sorbo asks what’s wrong with Mon-El’s appetite. Isn’t he happy to see them? He says he is, but he says it with misery. Teri Hatcher asks if maybe he’s been distracted by Kryptonians in capes. Dude, Teri, she’s siting right there. Bad table manners.

Mon-El asks how they found him and things get really awkward as Teri Hatcher starts talking about that one time Mon-El and Kara freed slaves on Slaver’s Moon. Kara tries to explain how slavery is wrong, with a smile, but Teri and Kevin keep talking about how good they treated their slaves. Mon-El brings up the thing where he thought they were dead again. Kevin and Teri says that they got off planet in time, they found him, and now they are ready to go back to “make Daxam great again.” Wooooooooow.
Samantha: Excuse me. I have to go throw up the donut sidebar.
Mari: It seemed like such a good idea.
Mon-El says that Daxam was never great. Teri blames Kara for this bad influence and before things get even more heated, Kevin suggests that they stop talking about worlds of old and start talking about how Mon-El survived. Kara says she would loooove to hear this story.
Flashback. Lots of death and destruction on Daxam. Someone comes into Mon-El’s room where he’s in bed with a woman. The guard tells Mon-El that they have to evacuate him ASAP. The woman in his bed begs to be taken with him, but his guard tells him to leave her, and they do. The palace falls all around them and they ignore a lot of people dying. The guard finds a Kryptonian Emissary trying to jump into a ship, kills him, and lets Mon-El get in the ship instead. He flies away.
In the present, Teri tells Mon-El that he was super brave and toasts to Prince Mon-El. Kara’s had enough and excuses herself to attend to business on Earth. Mon-El says he has to go, too. They both get back to the DEO, and Kara is pissed. She’s pissed that he lied. Mon-El says that he tried to tell her (right.) and that this changes nothing. Kara is like, “well apart from you being a liar, it also means that you weren’t just born on a cruel planet, you led it.” She asks if he even feels guilty about that Kryptonian emissary who died. Mon-El says of course he does. Kara can’t even look at him.
Samantha: Honestly, legit. This should have been Bella’s reaction when she found out Edward murdered a lot of people.
Mari: Yeah, cool! At least this is better than Twilight!
Police station. Alex and Jimmy arrive. Alex says it would’ve been nice to have a heads up that Maggie was going to arrest Winn. Maggie says that’s not how this works, and she knows it. She catches them up to speed on her theory that Lyra framed Winn. He admits that he’s been trying to call her all day, but her phone is disconnected. Maggie’s partner wants his 30th arrest and without proof that Winn wasn’t involved, it’s going to happen. Jimmy and Alex promise to find the proof, but they need Winn. Maggie hesitantly agrees to release him for 24 hours.
DEO. Hank J’onn and Kara tell Winn that his girlfriend, a Valyrian, can’t be seen in photographs or in video. (S: Dang. I liked my theory better.) She used Winn to break into the museum to steal the painting, and this is the third time she’s pulled this particular trick. The only lead they have is the alien bar. Kara gets super excited about investigating this with her friends. Jimmy asks if they should get Mon-El, but Kara says decidedly not. Alex sends the boys ahead so she can have a word with her sister. She thinks maybe Kara should sit this one out. Kara is very enthusiastic about getting her Nancy Drew on, so Alex tells her to stop deflecting. Kara admits that she hates Mon-El right now. Alex gets that, but tells her to go talk to him. He might be an evil prince or he might be someone who is ashamed of his past and looking for a new start. OR he might be so boring that none of this really matters. (S: He probably should be ashamed of his past. I do not feel as ready to forgive and forget.)
Teri Hatcher beams down to the DEO. Every agent pulls their gun, but Hank J’onn yells at them to stand down. Teri tells Kara she needs to speak to her.
Alien bar. Alex is roughing up the bartender maybe? IDK. Someone. They ask questions about Lyra, and the guy wonders why he’d share information with them. Winn asks him to name his price and he thinks about it for a second. “Hamilton tickets,” he says. “Orchestra.” Okay now, Supergirl. Slow down on the Hamilton jokes. (This one is way funnier than the cheesy costumes and stuff of the last one…) Alex agrees, and the guy says that Lyra’s kind hangs out at a certain trailer park. As they walk out, Winn asks how she’s going to get Hamilton tickets. Turns out the guy playing King George is an alien.
Alone, Teri thanks Kara for taking care of her son. But also she needs her help. They are looking to rebuild Daxam, and Mon-El is the face of their future. Teri wants her to convince Mon-El to go home, instead of sticking around here and finding out by degrees that he’s not good enough for Kara. She already despises him for being Daxam royalty. She already think she’s better than him. Kara can’t deny most of that, and instead asks what makes Teri think Mon-El will listen to her. Teri says that he’s under her spell, and he doesn’t know how unforgiving her people can be.

Whatever, colonizer. WHY IS THIS SHOW MAKING ME HATE TERI HATCHER? (S: It’s a cruel cruel twist of fate.)
Trailer Park. Lyra tells Winn he shouldn’t be there. Winn asks why she waited so long to dupe him. She’s like hellooo, long con. Winn tells her to say that while looking in his eyes, that he was just some mark. She gets up in his face and says it real slow. He was just a mark. Winn leaves, but outside, Guardian is waiting. Lyra thinks that’s cute, but she has back-up too, and they kill.
Guardian starts fighting the other aliens. Lyra runs and Winn takes after her like wtf is he gonna do?
Alex shows up to give Guardian some back-up (where was she? like damn, Guardian got punched a lot while you took the scenic route). They best the aliens, but then a getaway van rolls through. The alien bros jump in and they get away. Alex grabs the stolen painting, but Lyra runs up yelling. She tells them they have no idea what they’ve done.

Toiletless cell. Lyra sulks. Winn stomps in and asks again if he was just some mark. (Bro, yes. Stop asking.) Lyra says her brother is as good as dead thanks to Winn and his friends. IDK, Lyra. I think this whole thing is on you. Winn kind of says that, when he explains that they can’t know things she LIES about. She gets all intense about her tragic past and tells Winn she had to use him. Winn is a sucker. (S: FFS. Why are all love stories on this show stupid and annoying?)
Back in the pit, Winn helps them find the art buyer, and there is a whole alien gang thing happening. That’s as much detail as you’ll get from me. Winn wants to go in, guns blazing, to help Lyra’s brother, but Hank J’onn won’t, on account of danger, and also because Lyra is a lying liar who lies. Winn ~believes her~ though, and while the other agents go off to do their investigating, Winn goes back to the toiletless cell to let Lyra out.
Kara finds Mon-El in the med bay. He wants to talk about how to fix things and get Kara’s forgiveness. She doesn’t want to forgive him and guilts him by bringing up her own dead parents and lost planet. Mon-El’s been given a second chance and his parents love him. He should start acting like a prince. This is very presumptuous of Kara, based on one awful meeting with Teri Hatcher. What has she seen or heard that would convince her that his parents love him or that they are worth forgiving?
Winn and Lyra deliver the stolen painting. The client arrives, money is exchanged, and the bad guys bring out Lyra’s brother. The Alien Client checks out the painting, though, and sees that it’s a fake. He gets very angry, but Guardian arrives again to be really bad at fighting. Winn and Lyra are held at alien gun point. Winn steals a gun so then it’s a standoff. Guardian is still getting his ass kicked. (S: Lol.)
Suddenly, DEO agents drop in from the roof. Very quickly it’s all over. See? This was the plan all along! Winn conned the con. Lyra and her brother are reunited.
After a not!break, at the station, all the alien art thieves are in custody. Winn hands over the real “Starry Night.” All is well until Winn puts his hands on Maggie, and she tells him to GTFO.
DEO. Lyra says she’s going to leave, but Winn wants her to stay. He isn’t mad at her. They kiss, and she goes back into the med bay to look after her brother. Kara watches Winn watching Lyra. She asks if he’s just gonna forgive her. Winn says that Lyra lied to him, yes, but it was in service of someone she loved. That’s a woman worth forgiving.
Samantha: Eh??????? I feel like they’re comparing this to Mon-El, except he just lied to serve himself and on a much grander slavery and dickishness scale.
Mari: Additionally, I’m not sure he’d be singing the same tune if he were in prison right now, but okay.
The point is that Winn tells Kara you can lie for good reasons. She’s pensive.
Superpad. Kara walks in and Mon-El is there, waiting. He has a few things to say before he loses her forever. He tells her that he was a spoiled prince until he met her. He loves being a hero because it means being by her side. He loves her with everything that he has. Kara says she deserves better than being lied to. Mon-El apologizes and hopes she can still see the good in him. She asks if he was ever going to tell the truth. He doesn’t know. Kara thinks Mon-El wants everything to be easy but being a hero and falling in love are hard things. They hurt sometimes. Mon-El says he would never purposefully hurt Kara. She says he won’t because it’s over. She opens the door to see him out. Mon-El cries and leaves. Alone, Kara sobs.
Samantha: Do I have to switch to Team Heartless Cow if I think this was the right call? Like, I feel feelings for Kara’s pain but also, yeah dump his lying selfish ass.
Mari: You know, we all have our turn on Team Heartless Cow.
Mon-El beams up to his parents’ ship. Teri Hatcher is a little too happy and smug when Mon-El announces that Kara dumped him. Mon-El yells about how he’s not going to Daxam. He hated it there, and he’s a better person now. Whether or not Kara dates him, he’s a better person when she’s around. He wishes his parents well and then demands that they send him back home.
DEO. Winn asks Supergirl how it’s going, because he has great news. He’s repaired some sort of doo-hickey that I’m not sure I should recognize? Like… was it from the beginning of this episode? Another episode? No idea. It’s meant for interdimensional travel. Hank J’onn tells everyone to look sharp because they have a special prisoner arriving (?). And then it’s Darren Criss. (S: What! Hey, dude! What are you doing here?) He’s happy to see Supergirl and she’s like, what? Me? Darren Criss says yes, duh. He pretended to be captured to find her. His eyes go all hypnotic flashy and Supergirl gets hypnotized. (S: Ohhhh, I see, nefarious deeds. Carry on.)

Mon-El jumps down to her defense and all of the agents pull their guns as Darren Criss breaks out of his cuffs. He grabs the interdimensional doo-hickey, opens a portal, announces that he has to go catch the fastest man alive, and jumps through. (S: Flash!)
When he’s gone, Supergirl faints. Mon-El catches her and calls her name. That fades us into Supergirl’s dream, in which she is dressed all old-timey like. A man tells her that she’s on and she’s like ON WHAT?
She’s pushed out on stage and takes a very deep, alarmed breath.
A title card tells us that this is TBC on The Flash. Which I’m not currently watching. So, thanks for nothing.
Samantha: Yeah, crossover episodes like that always bother me. They’re so damn pushy and manipulative to get ppl to watch a show they’re not into.
Mari: Sucky payoff for a sucky episode.
Next time on Supergirl: Mon-El thinks his parents are sending people to attack Kara in S02 E17 – Distant Sun.