Previously: RIP Shorty.
The Blade
Marines: We start the episode with Doc offering to tell Wynonna the tale of the last time he saw Wyatt Earp.
Flashback. Doc is sick in bed, coughing up blood. Wyatt comes in with news that he’s going to Purgatory to see about a corrupted lawman there. Doc’s heard of Purgatory, and about the particular corruption of that there Sheriff. Wyatt doesn’t want to hear this “hoodoo-voodoo” talk. There are no such things as devils, just men, and the good and evil they do. Wyatt asks if Doc has enough breath in him for one more fight, ignoring the fact that Doc is like sweating death over here. Doc says this is farewell. Wyatt says he’ll see the Doc on the other side. It seems a little cold for BFFs. HUG HIM OR SOMETHING. I mean, I guess he’s highly contagious so maybe just get out of there faster, Wyatt.
Present. Wynonna isn’t sure that this man is even Doc Holliday. She wants a demonstrations of his skills, since Doc was known for his fast draw and sharp eye. Doc shoots a lot of things real good, and she’s like “wow, you’re Doc Holliday??” She asks what he even is then. He’s not a revenant, so is he a ghost? Doc puts Wy’s hand against his chest so she can feel his beating heart.

House, somewhere. A woman begs another (Sam) for forgiveness. She didn’t mean to do something. Sam tells her (Megan) that she needs help and leaves. Megan cries that she does need help. She calls out for help and a creepy voice coming from a mirror answers. Megan grabs a nearby scarf and throws it on the mirror. She cries that she needs more time but Monster Mirror tells her that her time is up. The scarf comes off the mirror and we watch as a hand comes out of it with a razor and stabs Megan.
Dolls and Wynonna are at the crimes scene, which now includes “Repent Sinners” written in Megan’s blood on the Monster Mirror.

Sheriff’s Doll’s office. Waverly is sad about Megan because she always loved her. Wynonna says that Waverly didn’t know her as well. Dolls asks about the whole “repent sinners” thing. Wav thinks it sounds an awful like Revenant Father Robert Malick, a hellfire revivalist minister with a thing against women. Dolls suggest they flush this guy out so Wy can have her chance to shoot him in the dong. Waverly wants to come along too, but Dolls says not this time.
When Wynonna and Waverly are alone, Wy springs the news that Henry is Doc Holliday. Of course, Waverly already knew this, and also she doesn’t think Doc is going to be awful helpful, on account of that one time he shot at and threatened her.
Cut to Wynonna slamming Doc up against a wall for threatening her sister. Doc confesses only to playing poker at Revhead Quarters to make money. He was trying to steer Waverly away. Wynonna is interested in the part where Bobo is hiding revenants in the trailer park. Doc says that’s hypothetical. Wynonna is like “well, hypothetically, should I look for Revenant Father there?” Doc says yep.
Revhead Quarters. Apparently, Wynonna and Dolls are just gonna march right in there, huh. Brave. Wynonna wants to just shoot Bobo in the face, but Dolls points out they are outgunned (outmanned, outnumbered, out planned). They are going to handle this his way.
Bobo comes out of his trailer and looks rather surprised to find Wynonna. He extends his hand for a shake, but Wynonna refuses. Bobo starts pushing all her buttons, bringing up Waverly, her dead dad, and even her time in the ward. Dolls pulls out his badge. Bobo seems less than impressed by it and by Dolls’s back-up: one crazy girl. Wynonna reminds him that she has a very big gun, but Dolls restrains her. He tells Bobo that with one phone call, he can bring on a world of hurt. Bobo had friends in Maldito, so he knows Dolls means black choppers, Tomahawks and a steaming crater.
Dolls gets back to the point: they want to talk to Reverend Father. Bobo says they can, but if they hurt Reverend Father, threats and death and stuff. He points them in the direction of the stink, and Wynonna threatens that they’ll see him again. “Time will tell,” he replies. “Tick, tock, tick, tock.” Which is what the Monster Mirror said to Megan before murdering her. Dun dun idk what it means, but there you go.
Stinky tent. Wynonna says that they are here to talk about Megan. Revenant Father says she sounds like a whore. Mostly because all women are whores. Lovely. Wy hands over a picture of the crime scene, and Revenant Father says she was struck down by her own guilt. Revenant Father says he isn’t the killer as he’s always in his tent, ever since they took his legs. He pulls back the sheets to reveal that he’s missing the bottom portion of both legs. Dolls thinks that even though Revenant Father didn’t murder Megan, he knows who did. Revenant Father just says threatens some more and screams “whore!” one more time for good measure.
Dolls and Wynonna get back to the office and park. Wynonna looks out the passenger side mirror and sees a weird, ghosty man in a dirty lab coat holding up a razor. Wynonna jumps out of the car, but finds that no one is actually there. She explains to Dolls that she saw a creepy man with a razor– someone she recognizes as one of the seven. Wynonna flashes back to his face on the night her family was killed. Wynonna babbles about going crazy and whether or not Dolls believes her and whether or not revenants appearing and disappearing is even possible.
Dolls gets a message. Neighbors saw someone leaving Megan’s house just before she was killed. Haught ran the plates and they belong to Samantha Baker. Wynonna is less than thrilled, as this was another high school mean girl.
Samantha Baker says that she barely spoke to Megan after high school, but she got a call from her today, freaking out, saying she needed to confess. Wynonna asks to what, but Sam takes a minute to be snarky about anyone giving Wynonna Earp a badge. Dolls ignores this and asks again what Megan needed to confess. Sam says in 11th grade, she got home from a party one night to find that her father was killed in a hit and run. They never caught the culprit. Well, that’s what Megan needed to confess. Megan was responsible. She begged for forgiveness, like her life depended on it, but Sam refused. Some people you can’t forgive, no matter how hard they try.
Shorty’s. Doc greets Waverly, but she ignores him. He tries to order a drink from Gus, but she says that management reserves the right to refuse service to jackasses. She’s management. He’s the jackass. Drinkless, Doc sees a man at a nearby table, brooding, but also he’s got a bottle of alcohol. Doc asks about Broody’s woes and helps himself to Broody’s whiskey. Broody says that he’s made the same mistakes over and over. His wife can’t forgive him, so he deserves what’s coming, but it’s going to hurt. Doc says they’ve all made mistakes. He was given to obsessing over his own, until it dawned on him that it was the wrongs done to him that really messed him up so now he’s on a mission of vengeance that shall be Biblical. Broody finishes his drink and just leaves. Doc thinks he maaay have said too much. Way to read the room.
In the bathroom, Broody is washing his face when he hears the Monster Mirror voice: tick tock, tick tock, forgiven or not? Broody decides to hid in the bathroom stall, but soon, Razor Revenant unhinges the entire freakin’ door to get to him. It was a pretty bad hiding place.
Wynonna is having a rough time. She never wanted to come back to Purgatory because of people like Megan who used to fill her locker with entrails every Friday. That party Sam mentioned? Wy was there. She was hooking up with Megan’s boyfriend Brad as payback. Megan found them and was devastated. She grabbed Brad’s keys and left the party, except that Megan didn’t know how to drive. And now Wy finds out that Megan killed someone that night. Dolls tells Wy that she was only 16. Everyone makes mistakes. This isn’t what she expected to hear from Dolls.
Shorty’s. Doc walks into the bathroom and finds a dead Broody, “repent sinners” written in blood on the mirror. Doc sees Razor Revenant in the reflection and pulls out his knife, but of course, no one is really there. Waverly walks in to find the dead body and Doc, still holding his knife.
Later, Dolls and Wy are checking out the scene. Wy IDs the man as Jay Novak, her probation officer. Dolls asks why “Henry” would want to kill him. Wynonna says Henry didn’t. The killer has to be a revenant, and Henry is not. Waverly says she still doesn’t trust Henry. Dolls wants to know wtf the deal with Henry even is, but neither Earp will talk. Dolls says he’ll just have to find out himself.

Dolls joins Wynonna on the other side of the one-way glass. He asks her when she was going to tell him that she was kicking it with the ghost of Doc Holliday. Wynonna says technically, he’s not a ghost. He’s got eternal longevity. They are interrupted because Broody’s wife wants to speak to Wynonna.
Mrs. Broody is not thrilled that Dolls is there with Wynonna, but she tells her story anyway. It all started when her husband confessed that he was a big time drug dealer. Wy knew this, because Broody would use his parolees to deal drugs. Wy got caught doing it, didn’t snitch, and got sent back to juvie for the third time. Before his death, Broody was going on about a specter, and then the specter appeared to Mrs. Broody. She’s only got minutes left before he comes back.
Dolls and Wynonna figure out the the specter is using mirrors, so they rush around the house trying to cover all the reflective surfaces. Mrs. Broody admits that she was the one who called in the anonymous tip that got Wynonna arrested. Her husband asked her to do it so the police would get off his trail. Mrs. Broody begs for forgiveness, but Wyonnna doesn’t think she can. Tick tock, Razor Revenant says. Wynonna shouts that fine, she forgives Mrs. Broody, but Razor says she doesn’t really. Not in her heart. Razor appears in one of the mirrors. Wy shoots the mirror with Peacemaker, but nothing happens. In fact, Mrs. Broody gets good and murdered with Wynonna standing just feet away.
Razor tells Wynonna that she’s next. She needs to find forgiveness in two hours. Two hours isn’t even enough time for a good nap, damn.
Sheriff’s Doll’s office. Dolls is trying to reason out what happen. Wynonna shot a reflection, not the actual revenant. He’s pacing and thinking until he thinks of an idea: they have to transmorgify the revenant, make him flesh and blood. Dolls has tried this ritual before, and it didn’t quite work, but he thinks he’ll get it right this time. That’s plan A. Plan B is that Wy find everyone she’s hurt and begs for forgiveness. He needs the name of their killer and for Wynonna to meet him back here in 90 minutes with some extra hands. Wynonna asks him how bad this is. Dolls says he’ll find everything they need and smiles.
It feels like they let Dolls have more feelings and less 1 note this episode. I appreciate the effort.
Shorty’s. Wynonna runs in and finds some guys playing pool. This is Pete, a guy she dated like a million years ago. Wynonna reminds him of that one time she left a party early claiming cramps. Turns out, she actually left with another guy. His brother, in fact. Pete chases his brother out of the bar as Wynonna yells for them to forgive her.
Her next stop is the bar for a big swig. She gives Waverly the tl;dr version of the episode so far, and asks her to try and find the human name of Razor Revenant. She hasn’t given Wav much info to go on, but Wynonna has to go out there and beg for “stupid forgivenesses” from an entire town that hates her.

Doc reminds Waverly that she promised to release him. She thinks she should ask Dolls first, but Doc convinces her to let him out so they can talk to him together. Dolls totally won’t mind.
Cut to Dolls, Wy and Doc all yelling at each other. Waverly has to yell at them all to shut up and get it together.
Dolls sets up his ritual while talking about all the awesome old artifacts Black Badge has. He hands over an old book to Waverly since she studied ancient languages, a fact Wy wasn’t aware of.

Waverly starts the ritual, but the first voices we hear are calling for Xavier. Dolls tells Waverly to keep going. And then he gets POSSESSED and it involves black eyes and levitating and NOPE NOPE NOPE. I hated all of this. I skipped ahead. From what I gathered, someone used a taser on Dolls to end the possession and now he isn’t breathing. Also, I think Wynonna gets a shot at Razor Revenant, but it doesn’t work. Listen, I did my best.
After a not!break, Wynonna is performing CPR. Dolls gasps awake, and Doc cocks his gun just in case. It’s really Dolls, though, and we can tell because he immediately starts talking about work again. They need to regroup. Waverly doesn’t get how Razor lived through being shot. Dolls says that he was never made flesh. Razor was messing with them. Dolls coughs up water, and Wynonna notices some watery footprints. She thinks maybe Razor is trapped in water and is using that to project himself. Wynonna feels very smart right now. Dolls wants to get moving, but he’s still half-drowned. Doc says they’ll go. Dolls threatens to end Doc if he messes this up and lets Wynonna down.
Doc knows of a lake where certain men of questionable character would make problems go away with an anchor and a chain. What if someone was paid to dump August Hamilton there?
Cut to where the lake used to be. Most of it was emptied for fracking, but there is still some water. Razor Revenant comes super jumping out of the lake with a chain still attached to his ankle. Wynonna finds she can’t move and soon, Razor has his razor to her throat. Doc says that Razor really wants him, not Wynonna. He was the one that secured those chains and dumped Razor in the first place. Razor says that Doc is indeed the guiltiest of them all, but he feels no remorse. Razor likes Wynonna better because she does. He nicks her neck as he asks her to really think on who she’s hurt the worst. Wynonna figures it out, looking at her little sister.
Wynonna says she’s sorry for killing their father. She says she’s sorry for letting them take Willa. She’s sorry for leaving. But none of that is really why Waverly is hurt. She cries as she says that she should be the heir. Wynonna says she’s right. She should be the heir. Wy apologizes. Waverly screams that she forgives her, but Razor Revenant doesn’t buy it and still goes in for the kill.
But! Now Wynonna can move? She elbows the rev and whips out Peacemaker. “Guilty, sinner, forgiveness… just another dude telling me what I’ve done wrong. But now? I’m about to do some right.” She cocks the gun, shoots, and Razor Revenant gets sucked into hell.
Wynonna drives Doc somewhere. Apparently, he’ll be sleeping out in a field now. She asks if he’ll be okay. He says he will be and returns the question. Wynonna had a hell of a day. Doc says that he’s wronged many a-people and has been wronged in turn, but his one regret is never apologizing to Wyatt. Wynonna thought they were on good terms. Doc doesn’t remember telling that particular lie.

Homestead. Wy finds her little sister for feels talk. She brought booze for the occasion. At first, Waverly tries to play it like she didn’t mean what she said about the heir thing. She eventually opens up. She researched the revenants for years and got a degree in ancient languages and cultures by correspondence so that she might be the one to break the curse. And here comes Wynonna who never tried to be good at anything, and she’s the heir. Wy points out that everyone loves Waverly, though. And Waverly loves her, despite the million ways she’s messed up. Things aren’t solved between the sisters, but they are better.
Loner Camp. Doc has a flashback to being in bed with two girls. Wyatt walks in and dismisses the girls. He can’t believe Doc claimed to be too sick to go to Purgatory and is now carrying on with the womens. Doc says it’s a miracle! He’s cured! Wyatt knows something devil-y happened here and is v upset about it. He used to think that was all fairytale, but demons walk among them and they mean to end the Earps. Sounds like Wyatt saw some things in Purgatory. Wyatt can’t forgive Doc for his use of devil things. He breaks up with his BFF.
In the present, Doc starts a fire and burns a US Marshall badge.
It feels like something are finally starting to settle. This is the best version of Dolls so far, to me, and I obviously love any and all sister stuff. There are still some weird little plot holes in every episode. Why was Wynonna suddenly able to free herself and elbow Razor in the face? I don’t know and I don’t think this episode cares. That’s fine, too. It’s like an episode of Doctor Who where the explanation is often SCIENCE. Here? MAGIC.
Next time on Wynonna Earp: Wy has a sister-themed nightmare in S01 E05 – Digging Up Bones.