Previously: Wynonna helps Revenants find peace.
Constant Cravings
Marines: Wynonna and Dolls are training, and he keeps besting her and knocking her on her ass, telling her to wake up and pay attention. This goes on for a while, with a lot of punch kicky flippy and sexual tension. Dolls taunts that the Revenants are going to win and everyone is going to die, and Wynonna finally manages to knock him of his feet. She celebrates, loudly. It’s very cute and 100% how I would react if I ever, in my life, did anything like knock someone over on purpose. I am frail and weak.
Karina: I understand this is choreographed fighting and it’s basically like learning a dance routine but damn, I want to be able to fight like that. Had to do some very small-scale fighting stuff for theatre once and it looked not even close to this cool. Also, yes, her glee is so nice.
Mari: Dolls notes that Wy has “limbered up.” She awkwardly says it’s yoga, but Dolls thinks it’s something else. I guess ’cause sex in the woods makes you different? (K: Can I insert a Patriarchy eye-roll here?) Dolls says that yoga fosters serenity and she’s got none of that. Wy replies that she’s got too much left to do, looking at a photo of the Seven. Dolls suggests getting Waverly to look at the photos to try to identify the final two Revs. Wy invites him to dinner with her and Waverly, but Dolls begs off. Wy tells him he should loosen up and leaves. Once she’s gone, Dolls stretches out his hand and winces. He’s shaking.
Somewhere else, some dude is making a lot of bad choices. 1. He’s out in the snow. 2. He’s walking alone in the snow. 3. He’s got music blaring in his headphones so he isn’t even aware of his surroundings. 4. He hears chuckling and snorting and decides to go investigate. Obviously, he gets hit by some sort of fast bear-looking thing. All that we see left of him is a bloody scalp. (K: Such careless behaviour. He must not be from around Purgatory.)
After the credits, Doc is upset because he didn’t find Clootie where Bobo said she’d be. Bobo thinks he did plenty, giving Doc her last known name and address. He thinks Clootie ran because of Doc, which Doc is like “yeah, obvs, because I want to kill her.” Doc reaches for his gun to illustrate this point (?) and all of Bobo’s henchmen take a menacing step toward Doc. Bobo goes all demonic and threatens Doc, who manages to get his gun up against Bobo’s side. Bobo lets him go, claiming to be bored now. He tells Doc to “go get dead,” and I think he needs to work on his one liners. Doc isn’t impressed either because only one death scared him and it didn’t take.
Doc leaves. Bobo talks to his henchmen, who are also construction workers of some kind, idk. Bobo asks Head Henchconstruction Worker where the rest of the team is. They all skipped work, so Bobo thinks they need motivation. He waves his hand and all of a sudden Head Henchconstruction Worker’s drill starts? He has telekinesis now? Which seems like a nifty power he should’ve used before? Instead he uses it to drill Head Henchconstruction Worker in the face.
Diner. Waverly gets a text and Wy grabs her phone to snoop. It’s a dick pic from Champ, apparently.

Mari: I feel it on a surprise penis level.
Wy tells Waverly that there is more to life than good sex, but the way she describes good sex makes Waverly suspicious. They are interrupted by the waitress, who kind of snottily notes that she hasn’t see Waverly around a lot. Wynonna fails to charm the waitress and talk pivots quickly to the Seven. Waverly looks at pictures of one of the remaining Seven and identifies the tattoo on his neck as an old cattle brand. She knows who can help them, but says that no one goes out to see them unless they really, really have to.
We cut to Dolls and Wynonna with coffees going to see The Blacksmith, an artist, loner with a lot of information about the Triangle. Unfortunately, as they get closer to The Blacksmith’s place, Wy steps on a land mine. Dolls helps hold her still as The Blacksmith walks out with a red hot poker. Dolls pulls out his gun, and The Blacksmith pulls off their helmet. It’s a girl! I’m saying it like that because it’s played like a reveal. Also this actress is beautiful. (K: She totes is, I’ve seen her in Rookie Blue before because like in the UK, Canada has apparently a very limited amount of actors.) The Blacksmith hates people, especially Earps, but Dolls tells her there are worse things than Earps out there. It convinces her to help. And the land mine is a fake.
Inside her forge, The Blacksmith gets to identifying the cattle brand in the picture. It belonged to the Tate family, though to her knowledge there are no Tates still around. The Blacksmith says that she can feel that Dolls is in pain. Something about a battle in his soul, which does indeed sound painful. She offers to make him a salve, but Dolls shoots her down and they leave.
Champ is helping Waverly unload some of Curtis’s stuff from a truck and is also being annoying.

Karina: For reals, it’s both disturbing and adorable. Mostly adorable.
Mari: Doc shows up and asks for a word in private with Wy. They go into the barn, where Wy is very awkward, clearly trying to head off any kind of post-sex relationship talk. But Doc is just here to ask her to set up a meeting for him with Dolls.
Sheriff Dolls Office. Dolls is giving off some major junkie vibes right now. He’s on the phone with someone, while holding a vial, saying he needs more. It appears whoever is on the other line says no. After Dolls ends the call, there is a knocking on his door. He takes a second to collect himself and opens. Wy says Doc wants to speak with him and then goes to help herself to a Sheriff’s office donut.
Doc wants Dolls’s help finding Constance Clootie. Dolls will only help if Doc gives him evidence that Bobo is a bad dude. They shake on it, and Doc rudely comments on Dolls’s sweaty hands.
In another creepy farmhouse, another creepy man is butchering a ton of meat.
Outside, Dolls and Wynonna arrive, and Dolls is still acting mega weird. He wants to take this Revenant alive, as proof for TPTB, so they’ll keep providing resources. Wy scoffs. What freaking resources? Dolls gets all growly and yelly. Wynonna is like FIRST OF ALL the last guy who talked to her that way got a nail gun to the ‘nads. And second of all, the Revenant they came to find is on the porch, looking at them creepily.
Tate hurls his meat cleaver at them, but he’s not very light on his feet and Wy catches him easily. She whips out Peacemaker. Dolls tells her to put it away so they can arrest this demon, which makes a ton of no sense. (K: I mean, it kinda does when you have the benefit of knowing the future.) Tate starts taunting Wynonna, so she can’t help herself! She pulls the trigger. Dolls freaks out more about the resources TPTB won’t send him, and then stumbles across a severed human hand. We hear some distant screeching and Wy realizes that before he died, Tate said “leave us alone.” Who is we?
Dolls and Wy are looking through Tate’s home and find a scrap book of people Tate has killed.
Doc is on Bobo’s construction site, undercover and sneaking around. He breaks into a shed where he sees the bones of the two people Bobo’s putting back together. Bethany startles Doc when she sneaks in, but she’s here for sexy times and offers to tell Doc more of what Bobo is up to, if he’ll give her a ride. And then she just tells him anyway that Bobo is finding all the bits and pieces of these dudes for Constance. Doc is super rude to her and also like threatens to shoot her, so she leaves.
Sheriff’s office. Dolls is examining the hand they found while Wy is going through the timeline of Tate’s kills. She figures out that he attacks people when there is an heir active. Dolls says that something sucked all the marrow out of the bones they found. He takes a cast of the bite marks in the hand and thinks they are looking for a woman.

Shorty’s. Waverly is trying to make sense of the poem Curtis left.
Tate Farm. Dolls and Wy try to figure our where Tate was running before Wy shot him prematurely. They find a not-so-hidden door in the ground and climb down to investigate. They find a weird, dusty little… living room? But like more muder-y. Wy remembers that back in the diner, she saw a picture of Hetty’s mom sitting in this very chair. They hear someone coming. Wy looks up and sees a man standing over the trap door. She takes off after him.
Shorty’s. Waverly figures out that she’s meant to play a tune on the piano– the song Curtis used to sing her as a kid. The notes unlock a secret compartment in the piano. Waverly pulls out the box and finds a skull. Hmmm, I know someone collecting bones! (K: DING! DING! DING!) The note says that she is now the keeper of the bones, and she shouldn’t tell anyone her secret, besides the Blacksmith. Except Champ is here and I don’t trust him. Champ is not impressed with the skull box, but Waverly has feelings about Curtis trusting her. Champ makes a bone(r) joke, but Waverly is over it. She’s got bigger and better things to do. She tells Champ it’s over. (K: FINALLY!)
Woods. Wy and Dolls are chasing the mysterious person who is dressed just like Tate was. Dolls gets knocked the heck out by that shadow-y, zoom-y figure. Wy catches up to Mystery Person and they fight a bit until Wy manages to pull down the bandana from her face. It’s Hetty, the only other new character we met this episode what a coinkidink. Wy pieces everything together: she killed Herman, Hetty’s brother, and Mama Olive is the person eating people. I thought we figured this out already because of the whole chair thing, but okay. Mama Olive has Dolls.
Waverly goes to the see The Blacksmith with a cheap bottle of wine and the skull.
Hetty and Wynonna head back to the murder living room, but it’s locked. They need to find the key.
The Blacksmith is doing a spell on Waverly and her skull. It’s a joining spell for the Keeper of the Bones and the Stone Witch’s Son. The Blacksmith freaks out because when she did this joining for Curtis, the spell never told her who the skull was. Now, Constance will be coming for her. And Waverly.
Dolls comes to in the murder living room, and Mama Olive is waiting to eat him.
We cut from there to Wynonna and Hetty in the house, looking for the key to the cellar. Between the two scenes, we get the story of Mama Olive. Basically, they fell on hard times during a rough winter and she took to eating the guests in the hotel she owned, up until Wyatt Earp came into town. Herman thought they needed to protect their mom. Hetty got stuck in the crosshairs and got turned into a Revenant when all she wants is to live like a normal girl.
They find the keys and rush to get Dolls. Mama Olive takes a bite out of him but then is like

Wynonna gets the door open and calls for Dolls to toss her some cuffs. He does and she cuffs Hetty to the cellar door. She jumps down into the murder living room. Mama Olive says “she” was the one who wanted to kill Wynonna’s daddy. Now, Olive is going to kill Wynonna. Except, Wynonna just easily kills her with Peacemaker.
Hetty yanks the door clean off and goes running. I mean, she doesn’t get very far because she’s dragging a door, but good try. Wynonna says Hetty almost had her with that sob story. Hetty swears it’s all true. She only wanted Wyatt Earp dead because her mom got super hungry whenever an Earp was around. The curse won’t end until the Earp is dead. Wynonna says she feels the same way about Hetty. “Make your peace,” she says, a line she practiced earlier in the episode. And then she shoots Hetty. Dolls tells her she did a good job. IDK why he isn’t super mad they didn’t arrest this one.
That night, Dolls meets someone for smuggled drugs from the lab. His provider says that whatever Dolls did to get cutoff? He better undo it. Dolls takes his drugs and runs.
Back at his office, Doc is waiting, but he doesn’t have the proof Dolls wanted. Dolls tells him to go away. Doc calls him on his junkie behavior, and they get into a pissing match about Wynonna and who is going to get her killed. Doc’s acting is like 75% mustache waggle. (K: LOL)
Wynonna is lovingly sitting and caressing her new bike. Doc finds her. She asks if he got what he wanted from Dolls. He says he got something better, even though he doesn’t really trust Dolls. Wynonna says she does. Doc asks if she’s getting what she wants. Wynonna replies that even when she does, she isn’t any happier. Doc thinks happiness is a myth, but Wy knows it’s not. She’s had it before and it’s worth fighting for. Doc smiles and says he was very happy with her not too long ago. Wy returns his smile and says that kind of thing is fleeting. But friendship is not. Doc offers to go with Wy, wherever she’s going, but she wants to go alone. For now.
Sheriff’s office. Dolls gets his smuggled drug into an injection gun and shoots it into his thigh. His whole body shakes and we zoom in on his eyes as they go cat-like. And as we all know, cats will eat you.
Next time on Wynonna Earp – Waverly throws a party in S01 E07 – Walkin’ After Midnight.