Previously: The Punisher kidnapped Daredevil!
New York’s Finest
Marines: We are looking at a window out of focus. A woman tells Matty to stay down and don’t get up, so we know we are out of focus because it’s a flashback. Also the woman is a nun, and she’s caring for Matty and mopping up a ton of blood. Hey, speaking of blood, we join the present where Daredevil comes to, chained on a roof. He struggles while Punisher sits nearby, casually sipping from a thermos.
Catherine: He also seems kinda grossed out by whatever is in the thermos. Which seems kinda low priority when you’ve kidnapped someone, but what do I know?
Reyes, the DA lady who kind of hates our heroes, and another guy I probably forgot, stand on a roof looking at the police as they swarm the area where the Punisher laid a trap out for them. Reyes is on the ground now, giving orders about keeping the press out. Her ADA (will I ever learn his name?) says that Karen and Foggy want a word.
Karen stomps over and yells about how Reyes lied to them. She used their client as bait. Reyes bites back: their firm is small time and it wouldn’t take a lot to sell this story as being about their incompetence, which endangered their client and the NYPD. Karen can’t believe it.
As Reyes and ADA leave, Karen next starts yelling at Foggy because he didn’t back her up. He tries to tell her that they have to play it their way, for now. He knows how these people operate. Karen is upset because Matt promised and she promised to protect Grotto. Foggy says he’s going to call Matt right now. Karen says she’s going back to the office.
Roof. Punisher (Frank) is now stitching up his own bullet wound and waxing poetic on the bullet that kills you. Hilariously, Matt listens to him and then after a pause, desperately tries to scramble out of his chains. I mean, it’s not funny, but it’s kind of funny when you think about him being like “what the hell is this guy talking about HELP.”
Matt can’t get anywhere. Frank tells him he can bash against his chains all night, but the only way he walks free is if Frank wants him to. This show is so stressful. I always forget until, um, five minutes into an episode. Matt asks why Frank didn’t unmask him. Frank doesn’t give a shit who Matt is. Matt is like “okay, well, why didn’t you kill me?” Maybe don’t remind him about the killing? Seems like a good survival skill.
Frank stands and reveals that he’s been sitting on a crate full of bullets. Matt senses it (?) (C: Smells it. It sounds like I’m joking probably but I’m not.) and identifies it as military grade hardware. He says that Frank sure does carry himself like a soldier. What does he plan to do with all this stuff? Frank vaguely says he plans to do what’s necessary.
Hospital. Foggy walks into the ER mayhem following last episode’s events. We stay there for a bit, truly getting a sense for all the injured probably-criminal element. He’s looking for Claire, and she shows up soon enough, sternly explaining to someone that he lost 3 fingers and it’s his own fault for attacking a rival gang. Foggy calls out to her. She gives a half-whispered “shit,” and motions for him to follow.
Nelson and Murdock. Karen is doing some research when the phone rings. It’s Grotto, and he’s pretty pissed. Karen apologizes and tries to convince him that they didn’t know what the DA was planning. He is still very angry, but also worried because he knows that this whole mess was Punisher’s doing. He won’t stop killing and maiming lots of people to reach him. Karen tries pleading one more time, but Grotto tells her to go to hell. He’s got his own plan now.
Roof. Punisher is watching and waiting for something. Matt asks if they are here for another one of his missions. I don’t know what Matt’s gameplay is here, but he keeps asking questions and assuming things about Frank, who just quietly assembles his gun, right until Matt tells him he can just walk away. Frank is like WALK AWAY?

Mari: A bell starts tolling. Matt asks if that’s midnight, which is a weird question because he could just count the chimes. Frank answers “St. Matthews,” which is a weird answer because Matt was asking for the time. Matt is instantly interested and asks if Frank is Catholic, which again, weird conclusion seeing as how he just named the nearby church. Anyway, Frank curtly says he was once Catholic and once from New York. Matt asks if he still goes to mass, but Frank warns him to quit digging.
He probably is, too, but also we know Matt and we know what it would mean to have this fun house mirror version of himself also be Catholic and from New York. Matt keeps rambling, this time about how very few people are actually from New York. Those who are can’t leave because the city is part of them. Until something changes, and they have to leave. Maybe they… enlist… Matt asks where they sent Frank. Frank asks if Matt is a shrink, turning the questions on him and what he is when he isn’t “wearing the long johns.” Matt insists he’s just a guy. Frank asks if he’s ever fought in a war. Matt says no. Frank basically tells him to stfu then and not talk about things he doesn’t know.
Matt, not shutting the f up, says he has been in some fights. Like, you know, recently with the whole falling through a skylight thing. Frank tells him that’s trading punches on a roof. War is some shit he hasn’t seen and can’t know a thing about. Matt goes for the super profound reply of, “I know one thing. War changes people.” Great, thank you, Matt.
You can see Frank just getting more and more annoyed as Matt goes on and on about how war changes people. Was this episode… written to make me… side with Punisher…? Frank turns the tables and analyzes Matt for a hot second: he runs around the city in his pajamas and mask, goes home at night and takes off the mask. Maybe that way, he can pretend it wasn’t him who did all those things. Soldiers don’t wear masks. They don’t have the privilege of pretending.
And here comes Matt with the lousy reply: I think you are still at war. Was it the heavy artillery that tipped you off, bro? Frank is like FOR CRYING OUT LOUD. DO YOU CHARGE BY THE HOUR?
Matt finally asks the real question: why is he here? Frank kind of answers. I think Matt is there for a sort of demonstration. Frank says that what Daredevil does out on the streets doesn’t work. Matt is like okay murder pants, and your way works? He kind of snaps.

Mari: Frank angrily puts ammunition in his gun as he says that we don’t get to choose what makes us feel whole after loss. Well, sure, I guess, but I’m pretty sure we do get to choose whether or not to kill people. I’m pretty sure.
Frank asks what kind of name “the Devil of Hell’s Kitchen” even is. Matt says he didn’t ask for that name. Frank replies that he isn’t exactly running from it. Matt says he doesn’t do this to hurt people. He doesn’t kill people. Frank asks if that’s why Matt thinks he’s better than him. I mean, yes? Not murdering people is like distinctly better than murdering people. Frank doesn’t think so. He thinks Matt is a coward who does half the job, one bad day away from becoming just like Frank.
Matt hears something and warns Frank. It’s an old man. Matt tells Frank not to hurt the guy, but Frank will if Matt makes a single sound.
Hospital. Claire doesn’t really have time for Foggy, but he’s looking for Matt. He follows her around as she stitches up gang members. Claire hasn’t seen Matt and does her old song and dance about how she can’t be involved in this. Foggy begs, but before we know if Claire will help, one of the gang members breaks the hospital bed he’s chained to and attacks another patient.
Roof. Old Man asks Frank what he’s doing on the roof, and he bullshits about looking for a place to smoke in peace and escape from his crazy sister. Matt is still struggling against the chains, and the Old Man hears it, but then he and Frank bond over serving in the armed forces. The Old Man leaves and tells Frank to smoke as much as he wants up there.
Matt continues to berate him for threatening and killing people, and Frank is upset that Matt doesn’t get it. I think to him, this is supposed to be a demonstration that he isn’t a bad guy. That he’s killing people who need killing. This argument is seriously going on forever. I’m not going to repeat it. City, bad. Matt, no kill. Frank, kill a lot. Matt finally calls Frank insane, and Frank knocks him out.
Karen visits the ADA, Elliot James, (C: Karen heard your pleas and said his name.) and basically shows him proof that Reyes has thrown all her past employees under the bus. She’s not trying to blackmail him, but show him that he’s not on the same side as Reyes. Karen wants the files on Punisher. Elliot makes a big deal of saying no way, no how, but then hands her the files with a significant looks and says goodnight.
The standoff continues in the hospital as the two gang members threaten each other with sharp objects. Foggy steps in and basically appeals to their selfish natures, pointing out that doing crime in a hospital in front of a bunch of witnesses and cops is guaranteed jail time. His no-nonsense lawyer talk works, and both dudes drop their weapons. It’s a good Foggy moment.
Catherine: It’s SUCH a good Foggy moment. There are a lot of moments like this throughout the show that make me feel that Foggy is the real MVP here. Even for just putting up with Matt.
Mari: Jesus Christ, the roof again. Matt comes to and finds that Frank has duct taped a gun to his hand. It’s got one bullet, and a shot to Frank’s legs or arms won’t work, because he’s suited up. It will have to be a head shot to take him down. Matt says he’s not gonna kill Frank, but Frank thinks he might.
Frank grabs a tied up Grotto and throws him in front of Matt. Frank found Grotto trying to steal a car to skip town. Matt is yelling for Frank to stop. Grotto is begging for his life, saying he only pours the bad guys’ drinks and drives the bad guys’ cars. Frank says that isn’t entirely true, and beats him up until Grotto admits that he killed someone, but he swears that he had no idea there was an old lady in the house. The old lady saw his face, and Grotto killed her, too. Matt is Torn™. But he won’t do it. He won’t kill Grotto. Frank says he will, unless Matt kills him. Matt struggles against his chains.
Claire searches the hospital database to see if Matt has been admitted anywhere. He hasn’t. Foggy guesses this is as good a news as he’s going to get. Claire tries to reassure him that Matt is gonna be fine. They bond over how thuggish Foggy is and how complicated Matt is.
Roof. Frank is yelling for Matt to make a decision. Shoot someone. Matt decides: he shoots his chains. Before Matt can tackle Frank, though, Frank shoots Grotto. Matt tackles Frank and punches him into unconsciousness. Grotto calls for help. Matt tries to help, but it’s too late. Grotto is big dying.
Frank is up again and back to trying to murder more folk. He gets a shot off that hits a motorcycle parked in front of a bar and causes an explosion. Matt heads back to him and they start fighting again. Meanwhile, the dudes in the bar all start grabbing weapons. More fighting. How is Matt still alive, honestly.
Karen reviews the pictures in the files the ADA gave her. They are gruesome.
The bikers make it outside. Frank throws on a flood light and takes aim. Matt is back up again.

Catherine: Real life depiction.
Mari: Matt uses the chains that are still attached to his hands to fling a tool at Frank’s head and then grab him and choke him. As always, the choreography is amazing. Frank says that the bikers are coming, and unless Matt grows wings, they’ll find him up there. Matt smashes his head into the wall and knocks him out.
Karen has got all the pictures in the file out and is taking notes.
The bikers rush upstairs toward the roof. We see Matt making his way through the building, carrying Frank. He almost makes it to the elevator and his escape, but two things happen at once: the bikers are here and the old man from earlier steps out of his apartment at the wrong time. Matt can’t leave him there. He grabs one of the bikers and holds the (empty) duct taped gun to his head, buying the Old Man enough time to get back in his apartment and lock the door. Matt uses the chains to bust the overhead lights and starts taking down the bikers with relative ease. My biggest complaint about this episode so far has been the repetitive nature of the roof scenes, but honestly, anytime they want to give me Daredevil in a hallway fighting his way through lots of men? Yes.

Mari: The fight spills into the stairway. Honestly, it’s all fun and games (?) but then I start noticing how much more violent this fight seems? Matt isn’t just disarming, he’s getting a few extra punches in, slamming heads in doors, dragging men down stairways. At the very end, though, he just sits for a second and breathes. He’s tired. He’s been through a lot.
At the bottom floor, three (maybe four) huge dudes are waiting. Matt cracks his neck and jumps in. The guys are big, though, and one in particular lands so many punches it hurts me. The Huge One grabs Matt and bends him backward, pulling on him like he’s going to snap his back. Matt again uses the chains to grab onto another biker and uses the momentum and the wall to flip over the Huge One. He slams Huge One repeatedly into the floor and knocks him out.
Outside, the bikes are still on fire and sirens can be heard in the distance.
Karen sighs over her research. She opens one final envelope and pulls out an X-ray of Frank’s head. It appears he’s got a bullet lodged in his brain. But also, the X-ray itself is, you know, THE PUNISHER.
Next time on Daredevil: Karen’s research continues and someone is after Frank in S02 E04 – Penny and Dime.