Previously: Wynona and Officer Haught went missing.
Two-Faced Jack
Marines: We start back at the moment when Doc finds the empty, bloody Sheriff’s car, still playing creepy, old-timey music. Doc hears rustling coming from the woods and draws his gun. It’s all good, though, because it’s a horse. And he could use a horse.
Karina: Doc also finds a playing card on the windshield of the car, which I don’t remember if it has any significance but I guess we’ll find out.
Mari: Wynonna wakes up in a hospital room with a Twilight-blue filter. She tries to sit up, but Dr. Ninja (Wynonna remembers him from a previous episode but I definitely don’t) tells her to just relax. The last thing Wy remembers is zombie strippers.

K: This is so freaking terrifying. I remember first watching this and OMG what is going on???
Doc runs into Sheriff’s Dolls’s office, yelling about Wynonna’s abduction. Dolls comes out of his office, and Doc shows him the Jack calling card (significant!) so they can look at each other very dramatically.
Back at the hospital, Wy is freaking out about her paralysis. She asks wtf the Doctor is even giving her in the IV. Dr. Ninja asks if she feels hungover. It was a lucky thing she didn’t kill anyone. Wy says she wasn’t drunk anymore, and Nicole was driving. Something fishy is going on here. Wy asks Dr. Ninja if he’s a full on doctor. He explains that morgue duty (ah ha, he was the morgue dude) is just part of the rotation. Wynonna jokes about wanting to go to medical soon. Where did Dr. Ninja go? “Princeton Medical School,” he answers. As the doctor creepies about a new brain surgery he’s pioneering, Wy bends the IV line so that she won’t get anymore medication. She’s onto him. Princeton doesn’t have a medical school. He’s a revenant. Now that the cat is out of the bag, Dr. Ninja ups the creepy factor by a million and even whistles a creepy tune as he leaves. From the bed next door we hear another woman groggily call, “hello?” Wy pulls back the curtain. It’s Bethany.
K: Do Americans just randomly know which universities have medial schools and which not? Or is this just a very special Wynonna skill?
Mari: Wy definitely has one up on me, but at least now I know Princeton doesn’t have a medical school.
Dolls says he’s going to call for backup. Waverley is freaking out. She wants choppers and jets and drones and cruise missiles pointed at Bobo’s head. Doc says Bobo didn’t do this– the Jack of Knives did. He drops the backstory: Doc was sweet on a girl named Sally who disappeared. He and Wyatt tracked her down to a cave where they found her body, and three others, with all their insides pulled out. The killer called himself the Jack of Knives in the letters he sent to the papers. Wyatt and Doc hunted him down, but didn’t find him before Doc got sick. Waverly figures that Wyatt eventually did kill Jack, or else he wouldn’t be a revenant. Dolls takes out a picture of the Seven and the last dude is holding a knife, which they connect to Jack.
Waverly is ready to go rescue her sister, but Dolls tells her she’s not going anywhere with a “broken wing.” (K: Ooooooh, I get it. Or maybe this is not foreshadowing, and I’m seeing meaning where there isn’t any.) Dolls asks Doc if he thinks he can track Jack again, and Doc is surprised he wants to work together. They leave the station, just as the Sheriff is arriving with the news that they’ve found Officer Haught. She’s barely alive. Dolls wants to talk to her, and the Sheriff says he can on two conditions: if the doctors tell him to leave, he has to, and if he finds Jack, he needs to make sure no one else does.
Creepy Hospital. This episode has taken me a long time to recap firstly because the site went on a little bit of a hiatus but also because this creepy hospital thing is like really creeping me out. (K: Seriously, this is such a creepy setting.) Escape soon, Wy!
Wy asks Bethany how long she’s been there, and she groggily replies maybe a week. She’s not seen anyone but Dr. Revenant. Wynonna breaks the news that Dr. Revenant isn’t a real doctor and this isn’t a real hospital. Bethany starts freaking out, which, legit. Wynonna says they are going to get out of here, but Bethany needs to get her a wheelchair. Of course, their plans are waylaid but Dr. Revenant, who returns, still whistling his creepy tune. Wy tells Bethany to run, but she just lays back down, crying. She says she isn’t brave. Dr. Revenant comes in and says it’s time for the doctor to go to work. He helps Bethany into a wheelchair and wheels her away.
OH NO JESUS. There is a surgery room full of blood. Bethany wakes up and then we pan down to see that her whole chest is open, and Dr. Revenant is taking organs out. Bethany freaks out and flatlines. Wynonna hears her screams but still can’t move her legs. Dr. Revenant loses his shit because Bethany is dead, but he tries to calm himself down. He can fix the next one. He can fix Wynonna.
Mari: Yeah, have I mentioned that this is a really tough episode so far? It’s too much. It’s bloody and I hate hospitals and it’s violence targeted at women and AHHHH.
As if the episode knew I would have this breakdown, we head to a regular hospital to check out Officer Haught. The Sheriff is being more difficult now that he was a hot second ago, but Nicole is awake and says she’s fine. And despite this being totally ridiculous in the context, SHE IS FINE and she only has TWO SMALL CUTS on her face, bless. I couldn’t take more blood or injury.
There is also a joke about the fact that her cat doesn’t like men and the sheriff asks who does.

Mari: Nicole recalls her last memories: Waverly smiling and waving goodbye (K: awwwwwwwwwww), someone flagging them down from the road, and then nothing until she woke up freezing in the woods. Doc coaches her through remembering other things, even though she was either blindfolded or drugged. She finally remembers that the place she was kept smelled like gasoline and spoiled fruit. And that Dr. Revenant kicked her and told her she was the wrong kind. Dolls says that serial killers often have a type. Waverly tearfully asks what that means for Wynonna, and Dolls unhelpfully says that Wy must be the right type. Nicole apologies to Waverly who tells her it’s okay, and she’s glad she’s okay, before running off. Sister feels. Right in the chest.
Wynonna hears Dr. Revenant screaming. She disconnects her IV and pulls a full Kill Bill and tells her toes to move.

Mari: Wy gets her toes to move, so she’s like GREAT and flips herself off the bed. She drags her body to the nearby surgical tray.
Waverly is sobbing in the hospital hallway and it is… not the best acting I’ve seen. It’s fine, though, because the sister feels still prevail. Doc comforts Wave, telling her that Wy is real tough. Waverly counters that Dr. Revenant has a fuck ton of knives, but Doc reminds her that Wynonna has them. Dolls interrupts this to get down to business: traces on Nicole’s clothes had ethyl alcohol, which Nicole remembered as a gas smell. Doc reminds them that she also smelled fruit, so they connect the dots all the way to moonshine, like the bootleggers used to do it.
We cut to Waverly rolling out a map and explaining about some tunnels the city discovered that were used by bootleggers during prohibition. Doc is like prohi-what? So Dolls quickly explains that the US once thought it was a good idea to ban alcohol. Doc is almost thankful he sat that one out in a well. Anyway, the point is that Dr. Revenant is probably keeping Wy in the tunnels, though Waverly doesn’t know where they are, but she does know of one revenant who would know. Of course, Doc knows the dude they are talking about. He runs a highly illegal operation in town.
Cut to a fight club, where the first rule isn’t that you don’t talk about it, but that you never bring the law. They watch a fight and Doc explains that “Whiskey Jim,” the revenant in charge, adds revenants to the fight without humans knowing for extra guaranteed profit.
And here comes Whiskey Jim, asking if Doc has the money he owes. Of course, Doc didn’t mention the whole owing money thing. Dolls completely ignores rule number one and flashes his badge, asking if there is somewhere he can talk to Whiskey Jimmy.
Serial Killer Tunnel Hospital. Dr. Revenant comes to check on Wynonna, who has managed to lift herself back into the bed and it seems like she’s hooked back up to the IV. She’s got a scalpel tucked under one hand. Dr. Revenant wants to talk about her medical history, but Wynonna is mouthy, saying she’s not going to tell the last of the Seven a damn thing. Dr. Revenant picks up a surgical wrench and starts squeezing on Wynonna’s big toe please make it stop. She doesn’t flinch, though, and Dr. Revenant squeezes on into the commercial break.
K: This is too much. I don’t like it.
Mari: I, in fact, hate it.
We come back to the same scene and once Dr. Revenant is convinced Wy is still paralyzed, he stops. When he’s got his back turned, we see her blink back the pain. Dr. Rev injects more meds into her IV while asking what happened to her after she killed her father. Wynonna says she was committed and every time she told the truth, she was given shock therapy. Dr. Rev asks if it worked and Wy snarks that it made her good at poker and now she doesn’t have to shave her left leg. While noting that Wynonna uses humor to deflect, he finds her necklace on the floor, away from the bed. Wy asks what it’s doing there. Dr. Rev holds it up and tells her to tell the truth so that he can fix her. Wy notes that he did a bang up job fixing Bethany and also wonders why psychos like to refer to themselves in the third person. Dr. Rev yells that he’s not psycho and Wy pacifies him: “You’re not psycho, you’re not psycho. You’re delightful.” Wynonna agrees to answer whatever if he would just put her necklace back on her. She gets ready to strike, but the Dr. fakes her out and turns, saying she’s not in a position to bargain.
Undead Fight Club. Whiskey Jim doesn’t want to say where the tunnels are, because the only other person who knows is someone with sharp blades and Bobo’s backing. Since Whiskey Jim is a business man, though, he decides that they only way he’ll help is if Dolls and Doc fight each other and one of them has to bleed a lot. Doc choose this moment to share rule number two of Undead Fight Club: don’t come if you ain’t willing to fight.
Dr. Rev is back, but this time when he checks on Wynonna, the bed is empty.
Undead Fight Club. Dolls is gearing up and Doc looks nervous. It’s great.

We watch as bets are collected. Dolls tells Doc that they should make this look real, and Doc says it totes is real. Doc gets a sucker punch in and then Dolls decks him.
Serial Killer Tunnels. Dr. Rev checks on Peacemaker, and Wynonna sneaks up behind him with the scalpel. Dr. Rev tells her to reconsider this, or else she’ll never find Nicole. Wy thinks maybe Rev already killed Nicole, but then notices that the Doctor is bleeding red. He’s human. Just then, Wy is thrown back by some magical force. Someone throws a knife and kills um, not Dr. Rev. His name was Reginald. He was truly just Dr. Tool (In the Hands of Evil). Jack makes his grand, evil entrance.
K: Jack’s entrance makes this whole thing even creepier than it was when I still thought Morgue Guy was the evil doc.
Mari: Truly, layers of creepy here.
Dolls and Doc fight on and by that I mean that Doc gets beat up to a soundtrack and some slow motion scenes. In the middle of the fight, Dolls asks what happened to Doc’s shoulder, and he snits that he’s surprised in wasn’t in the reports. Dolls immediately knows that something fishy is going on and asks (with punches in between) who gave him the report. Doc gets a cheap balls shot in. Doc says Wynonna would never forgive Dolls for turning Doc into the authorities. Dolls says that Doc didn’t help Wy when it counted, which is why she’s with Jack now. No wonder Wyatt left him. Doc screws up his anger and delivers an upper cut that knocks Dolls out. It’s all cheers and celebration until Whiskey Jim checks Dolls and announces that he’s big dead.
We cut to them throwing Dolls’s body into a dumpster. Whiskey Jim says he’s going to make himself scares since the Black Badge division will be sniffing around, looking for their missing agent. Whiskey Jim hands over the info about the tunnels and the keys he pinched from Dolls’s body.
Serial Killer Tunnels. Jack rolls out his own tools. Wynonna is on a table and next to him is Dead Dr. Tool. She realizes that Jack needed a human to handle Peacemaker. Jack uses his demon claws to decapitate Dead Dr. Tool.
Doc is in Dolls’s car, but he has no idea how to work this thing. Thankfully, if somewhat predictably, Dolls is NOT dead. He jumps in, says Doc is definitely not leaving without him, and warns him to never touch his stuff again.
K: Yeah, I saw his supposedly-dead body breathing; it wasn’t a big surprise Dolls isn’t dead after all.
Mari: Wynonna is chained to the table, nose bleeding. Jack notes that Wyatt’s nose bled that way when they first met, too. He goes through his villain monologue of how alike he and Wynonna are (working with a team because they have to, not want to) and how he actually really loves women, but loves staring at their organs most of all. He’s going to keep Wy alive long enough so she can look at her organs, too.
Doc and Dolls have a showdown. Dolls was trained in fooling people into thinking he was dead by controlling his pulse and breathing. Doc is still mad about the writing a report about donating him to science thing, but they agree to shelf it until Wynonna is safe.
Inside, Wynonna buys time before dying to ask why Bobo sent the Seven to kill her daddy when he could’ve just done it himself. Jack says they didn’t kill Wyatt, she did. Wyatt, in fact, made a pact with Bobo. They agreed to work together in some way. Wynonna refuses to believe it, but her time’s up. Jack gets ready to cut, but the boys are here. Doc shoots Jack, for all the good it does, but he’s mostly a distraction so that Dolls can both untie Wynonna’s hands and run and find Peacemaker. Doc pulls out the Stone Witch’s knife, but Jack easily knocks it out of his hands. Wynonna, now loose, grabs the knife and as Doc and Jack fight, stabs Jack in the back. Dolls comes in with Peacemaker and Wynonna is thrilled.

As soon as she’s gone, they draw guns on each other. Doc asks why he wrote the report. Dolls admits that her either had to turn in Doc or Wynonna. Doc puts his gun away and tells Dolls he should’ve done what he does best: fight it. Dolls simply says okay.
Wynonna finds a wheezing, nearly dead Jack. She grabs the knife knife out of his back and rolls the body over. Jack asks her to consider what’s going to happen when she kills him, the last of the Seven. She’ll have to deal with Bobo next and he’s big time. Wynonna reminds him that he attacked her home and killed her sister. Jack tells her to slow down and savor the moment. She did it. She solved the mystery, succeed where Scottland Yard failed, and all by her lonesome. Wy’s had enough. She’s not interested in what he has to say. And she’s not lonesome. She just prefers to hunt alone. Peacemaker glows, Jack’s face glows and she shoots. The ground opens up and swallows Jack.
Doc and Dolls find Wynonna sitting on the floor, Peacemaker on her lap, crying. She throws the knife their way when she hears them enter.
Later, at the Homestead, Wy lights a picture of the Seven on fire as Waverly looks on. Wave asks what now, but Wynonna just walks away.
Also later, Doc checks in with that Boss Lady. His newest report is about how Wynonna possibly got rid of a serial killer but they can’t prove it without a body. Oh yeah, and he’s withdrawing his report about Doc Holliday because the real Doc Holliday is for real dead. Boss Lady is disappointed, right until Dolls opens the trunk to reveal that he’s delivered Whiskey Jim instead. He’s going to use Jim to find out who Bobo’s mole is.
I made it. It was easier toward the end of the episode, but woo boy. That was a tough one. Our poor Wynonna has been through a lot.
Next time on Wynonna Earp: Constance vs Bobo and a new assignment from Black Badge in S01 E09 – Bury Me with My Guns On.