Previously: We had high hopes for Dollface and it let us down.
Sweeney: It’s the holidays! Time for family – or, if you’re us, it’s time for some found families. YOU SEE WHAT WE DID THERE? This is episode 98 (!!!) of this podcast and we have mentioned a few hundred times that we love a good found family, so this was a truly inevitable trope episode for us.
Equally as inevitable is our inviting our good friend Ceri Riley to talk about them with us, as she is both a member of the Snark Squad Family and has been our incredibly reliable pal for trope chats and – as we discussed on this episode – quite a few pieces of media with found families. You can find her all over the internet, but good places to start are Twitter, Cooler Than Homework, and SciShow Tangents.
Hear all of our thoughts about family, choosing who to be, and some storytelling choices that we deem Not Cute:
We’d love to hear your thoughts about this episode! What are your favorite found family stories? You can leave a comment below, find us over on our Twitter, or you can come talk to us about this episode on the Discord, which is an added bonus of signing up for our newsletter or joining us on Patreon.
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As always, this podcast is produced by Nicole Sweeney and Marines Alvarez, edited by Nicole Sweeney and the delightful theme music is by Stefan Chin.