Previously: Doc and Wy buried Constance in a salt field. I’m sure that’ll be fine.
She Wouldn’t Be Gone
Marines: Waverly storms into the bar, with apparently no plan except demanding to know where Bobo is. A revenant grabs her, but Wynonna is right behind her, and she pulls out Peacemaker. Someone yells, “the heir!” and all the Revs draw their guns. Wynonna threatens them, but it’s Bobo who comes out and tells everyone to chill. Bloodbaths are bad for business. He’s wearing a hideous fur coat that he’s probably worn a lot, but I just noticed it and wow. Ugly.
Karina: Pretty sure he’s worn it previously, and it has also always been hideous.
Mari: Sounds about right.
Wynonna tells Bobo that he’s next on her kill list. Waverly accuses him of stealing the bar from Gus, grabbing a tip jar from the bar, saying all of this is theirs. But Bobo says he paid the asking price and the papers are signed fair and square. He says it’s good to know the bar’s favorite wench is still here, though. Waverly quits, and Bobo makes a smarmy comment about needing her Shorty’s shirt back and helping her take it off. (K: With knowing the future, this comment is even worse but also I don’t want to spoil anything so I should probably keep my mouth shut.) Wynonna wants to go, but Bobo says they barged in his business and drew Peacemaker. He wants a token of apology. He uses some sort of demon telekinesis to get the necklace off of Waverly’s neck. She says it belonged to Willa. Bobo smarms that now it’s his. Waverly says she can’t wait until Wy shoots him in the face and they leave.
Sheriff’s Office. Dolls has got headphones on. Wynonna and Waverly arrive and joke that he’s zoning out to Drake. Dolls is actually listening to the bug they planted at Shorty’s. I’ll admit that after the opening scene I was like “why did they just do that how STUPID,” so I’m legit happy they weren’t just being stupid. Cool little payoff right at the top.
We cut to a woman also wearing a long fur coat as she walks in the snow towards a gas station. The attendant sees her coming and his eyes glows red as he says that some days the meat just walks into your lap. Gas Baddie goes outside. Snow Woman asks if he’s got a phone, and he’s gross to her. Then, he notices something about her, asking what she’s got there. The camera turns to her, but we only see her face. She’s got markings over her eye. He changes his tune and tells her to get on to some other gas station. Snow Woman’s face falls, and she asks him to please just let her mom know that she’s sorry she ran away. “When she comes to collect me, can you just tell her that I love her?” And then we hear growling. Snow Woman turns to see a wolf behind her. Gas Baddie high tails in back in the station, and we watch Snow Woman get straight mauled.
Waverly is listening to the feed from Shorty’s, yelling in the way that people can’t hear themselves do. She tells the others that the Revs are talking about is how they think Dolls has a small penis.
Mari: Off to the side, Dolls and Wynonna are talking. He wonders why Bobo can use his telekenesis to grab a necklace, but not Peacemaker. He also thinks it was pretty risky for the Earp girls to go in there alone. Wy says they had an opening and Dolls was missing, so they did what they had to do. Dolls apologizes for not being there, but doesn’t get specific about why he wasn’t, even though Wy has noticed the cuts on his knuckles. For her part, Wy apologizes about not telling him about “stupid Bobo’s stupid powers.” They start asking them why Bobo would buy a bar and reason their way to it being a great cover, with the added protection of civilians. Wy and Dolls can’t go in there guns a blazing and get demon goo on the locals.
Shorty’s. One of the Revs asks why they are here, since it feels less safe than the trailer park. Bobo moodily asks if this Rev doesn’t think Bobo will protect them. Their conversation is interrupted when Gas Baddie storms in with the news that Lou is back. He tells them all about Snow Woman and how she bore Lou’s mark and then he mauled her. Bobo is pissed that Lou is back and threatens whoever says that name again, punctuating his point by grabbing Gas Baddie by the shirt. When he does, they start hearing some feedback, and Gas Baddie explains that he has a tin tooth that sometimes picks up radio frequencies.

K: My many amalgam fillings never produced anything aside from a slight tingle when chewing tinfoil. (I was a kid, we all do weird things when we are kids.)
Mari: Bobo finds the bug using Gas Baddie’s convenient tin tooth. He talks into it and tattles on Wynonna and Doc sleeping together, but makes it extra gross by saying that Doc is parking his “130 year old Mustang” in Wynonna’s paddock. Bobo kills the bug by throwing it into some beer.
At the Sheriff’s office, Wynonna is being super awkward now that Dolls knows she’s sleeping with Doc. She says they should focus on whoever this Lou is, since he rattled Bobo so badly. Dolls says he’ll do just that, and takes off to do “his thing,” telling Wynonna not to get distracted by Doc’s horse. Wy calls him back and hands him his phone, which he was forgetting. It’s so pointed you just know what’s going on.
Nicole pulls Waverly into the Sheriff’s office, but before they can start the kissing, Wynonna comes out to front desk area. She asks what they are doing in the Sheriff’s office and they are suspicious. But Wy doesn’t press because she’s here with her own news: she slept with Doc. This does not shock Nicole, but it does shock Waverly. Wav asks if Wy loves Doc, but Wy dismisses her, saying it was just sex. She walks away, and Waverly shouts after her that that’s not a no.
A man is tied up in bad looking chair/suspension get-up. He comes to, his face all beat up, and we see that it’s Bobo that’s got him. Bobo tells Jim that Black Badge has got a rat. The man, Jim, swears he didn’t tell Black Badge anything. Bobo knows, but wants him to start feeding them information.
Wynonna brings Doc Constance’s car. She figured if anyone should have it, it should be Doc. They joke about it being a pink car, and pink once being a masculine color, and then Wy blurts out that everyone knows about them and “the sex.” Doc is like “….okay? I remember the sex.” Wy unhelpfully adds that it isn’t like there is anything between them. Her phone pings and it’s tracking Dolls, who is on the move, so she takes off. Doc smokes and looks pensive.
Wy has tracked down Dolls, finding his car parked in front of a warehouse. She kicks the tires to set off his car alarm and waits. A beat later, he comes out of the warehouse, gun drawn, shocked that she tracked him here.
Inside the warehouse is the Rev in the Suspended Chair [RitSC]. It’s possible I should’ve recognized him from another episode and remembered that Dolls had him captured, but I didn’t. Listen, it’s taking me a long time to get through these episodes and the world is on fire. SORRY.
K: Never apologise, I also didn’t remember. Wy says time moves differently when you’re held captive but also when you’re in a global pandemic; at this point, what even is time?
Mari: Unclear.
RitSC’s eyes go all glowy when he sees that the heir is here. Wy asks what Dolls wants with RitSC, and he shares that Dolls just keeps jabbing him with needles, not really asking any questions. Wy says Dolls isn’t much of a talker, but she’s got a question: who’s Lou? Dolls finally joins them, having managed to get himself out of the cuffs. He wants to hear the answer to the question too, though. RitSC shares that 100 years ago, Lou and Bobo were thick as thieves, but Lou didn’t understand why they had to hide instead of making humans their slaves. When he eventually left, he took something very powerful with him. Dolls asks if it’s a weapon, and RitSC’s vague “something like that” doesn’t inspire much confidence. Wy asks where Lou is now, and RitSC says he hasn’t been seen in years, so she encourages a better answer by putting Peacemaker on his chest and letting it sizzle. RitSC yells that he’s in the Pine Barrens. Wy rewards him with Peacemaker to the face.
Sheriff’s Doll’s Office. Wy is laying out maps for Pine Barrens as she exposits that there was a chemical spill there a few years ago and now there are rumors about the trees being haunted. Dolls thinks that RitSC gave up that answer too quickly, so it’s clear he’s lying. Wy chalks it up to the kindapping and torture, but Dolls clarifies what he’s doing: taking samples of RitSC and sending them to the Black Badge Powers That Be. That and trying to figure out how Bobo & Co. got hold of pretty high level Black Badge intel. Wy asks if he thinks she’s the mole, and he returns a question: would he tell her all of this if he did? She does an adorable little faux-hair flip and admits that this whole time she thought Dolls was disappearing because he was sick. He gets sick sometimes. Dolls quietly says that he’s not sick… exactly. But they move on back to Lou.
K: I like how Dolls can look behind Wy’s mask and knows her well enough to remind her of her humanity because sometimes, she has to do things and represent a certain job/destiny which doesn’t agree with the soft parts of your soul and heart. It reminds me of Buffy (I guess there are a bunch of parallels but this is where we’re at right now) who goes through so much trauma and Wynonna does too. And sometimes we all need someone to take a second and remind us that we’re not our jobs or our trauma it’s okay to be human and to feel things.
Mari: Yes, and we keep seeing how this job and destiny are hardening Wy. These check-ins are great.
They get to the Pines and banter. Wynonna is armed with lots of snow survival knowledge and Dolls is armed with hostile environment and intel knowledge. Great, off they go.
Doc is considering the Pinkmobile with a sledgehammer. He winds up to cause some damage and then thinks better of it. Waverly exits the homestead and asks what he’s doing. He explains about the perplexing gift Wynonna gave him, which opens the door for Waverly to bring up their sex life. Doc won’t kiss and tell and really just wants to know if he should beat the crap out of this car. Waverly suggest he… learn how to drive. He considers this like huh, yeah.
Wynonna and Dolls are still walking around in the awful snow. Wynonna is just starting to think there’s nothing here when we hear an ominous caw. It turns into a whole bunch of cawing, and Dolls is clearly freaked out. He turns back to Wynonna, but she’s not there anymore. She calls for him, but it now look she’s in an entirely different creepy woods. They each start hearing voices in their separate creepy woods and their visions goes blurry. Wynonna drops Peacemaker.
She wakes up in a house wearing a Pretty White Virginal Dress, surrounded by other women wearing the same with added furs. This episode is very big on furs. (K: Ohmygosh I had totally forgotten about this part. Thank the snarky heavens we already have a tag for pretty white virginal dresses.) One girl steps forward and helps Wy up, saying she’s been reborn and soon she will meet Yiska. A girl named Eve asks Wynonna who she is and Wy lies that her name is Courtney. Yiska comes forward now, a skinny bearded white man, no one is surprised. Yiska asks if Wy has come to them seeking liberation from mind control of radio waves and phone towers. Wynonna plays along, but not very enthusiastically, and even less so when Eve throws her cell phone into a fire.
Yiska says he senses darkness and deceit in Wynonna, but Eve reminds him that he’s the one who says the light never lies and it chose her. Yiska says that Wynonna is safe among her sisters. She’s like, “okay, but who are you?” He creepily grabs one of the girls by the back of the head while saying that he offers guidance to those that need to be led. Wy replies that she’s not much of a follower. More like a fighter. Yiska says they have room for those, too. Oh, and her bath is ready. Margo and Eve lead her to the prepared bath in front of everyone and she climbs in with her Pretty White Virginal Dress.
Just then, the other sisters bring in a man they are zapping with cattle prods: Dolls. Yiska tells Dolls they are peace-loving and he’s like excuse me, you kidnapped me. Dolls sees Wy, but she gives him a little shake of the head so he won’t react to her. Yiska comments on the number of visitors they are receiving today.
Cut again to Eve walking Wy to their camp beds. Wy asks if Yiska is his real name. Eve says of course not. (K: Am I the only one concerned about all the linen and candles/flames? Just me? Cool, cool.) He’s hiding out from outsiders. Wy next asks what Yiska is doing with the man that was captured. Eve shares where he’s being kept. Eve shares a little more about her first night here and how much she cried. Wy uses this story-time distraction to use a provided bed pan to whack her over the head.
Wynonna finds Dolls and releases him, bringing him a blanket to help keep him warm. It’s a small snow detail, but also smart and nice. Unfortunately, Wynonna and Dolls just walk straight back into Yiska/Lou with all his acolytes, just as they are talking about Bobo. Lou smiles a bit and asks if Bobo finally figured out that his stupid fur coat won’t protect him. Eve asks who the heck Bobo is and Wy answers that he’s a common enemy. Lou grandly pronounces that he has no enemies. Then his eyes go all Rev as he adds “who aren’t in pieces.”
Captured once again, Wy and Dolls are brought back inside the compound. Lou says they are no longer welcome. He marks them across the eye with ash, the same way that Snow Woman was marked in the cold open. Wy tells all the sisters who she is, an Earp. Lou is surprised to hear that Wynonna is the heir, but then chalks it up to fate, irony and inevitably boredom. Wy and Dolls are made to drink something and then they both get white bags over their heads.
A van skids to a stop and Wynonna is pushed out of it. She stands, grunts, and finds something in her pocket.
We see what that something is when Wynonna makes her way back to the Sheriff’s office: a list of girls that have all been found dead, tortured to death… but by a wild animal. Also, the marks on Wynonna’s eye won’t come off. Also, Dolls isn’t back yet. Wynonna figures that Eve must’ve convinced the other to drop her in the middle of town so she could investigate this list. And that must mean that Dolls is alone in the woods.
Wy takes off, leaving Waverly to half-explain what’s going on to Nicole. And then they both hear a call come over the radio about a Pinkmobile driving erratically on the highway.
Dolls is yelling for Wynonna once he finally gets back to his car. He opens up a briefcase and frantically injects himself with something, his eyes going glowy yellow. He grabs his spare gun from the glove compartment, and tries to get the car moving, but the engine won’t turn over. And suddenly, a wolf jumps up on the car and growls. Dolls is appropriately freaked, but even more so when he notices that Peacemaker is hanging from a tree nearby.
Nicole pulls Doc over and give him a ticket.
Wy is walking through the forrest yelling for Dolls. He grabs her and tells her to SHH because the wolf will hear her. Also, he’s got Peacemaker for her. She’s happy he’s okay and that she’s got her gun back. Dolls wants to go, but Wy takes off in the opposite direction because she’s going to save the hippie chicks.
Waverly is lightly berating Doc for trying to leave Purgatory without saying anything. They need him. Wynonna needs him. Doc says that Wynonna has Dolls. Waverly asks him to try, like she’s trying with Nicole. Doc says the difference is that Nicole adores her back. He tips his hat and drives away.
Mari: Yep.
Compound. Yiska is marking all the sisters, saying that they have to disband and purify so that they can rebuild after their compound has been sullied. Eve announces that he’s lying, and gets smacked across the face for it. And she gets the wolf mauling mark, too. As Dolls and Wynonna run up to the compound they exchange information: girls being murdered by animals, Yiska in Navajo mythology being a Skinwalker. It seems that Lou has a Skinwalker in his thrall. I know he’s the bad guy, but to be clear, white man piloting Navajo woman is disgusting, and I hate it.
Inside, all the girls are standing around, scared. Lou left them and while Margo is still spouting the brainwash stuff, Eve knows that if they leave, they’ll be wolf chow. On cue, they all hear wolf growls. Dolls tells Wy to take Eve and go after Lou. The only way to stop the wolf is to kill Lou. Wy is on it. Dolls stays with the rest of the girls, getting them upstairs to hide.
Wy and Eve track Lou down, but he’s cocky, and very not afraid of Peacemaker because he’s got a giant bear. The bear knocks Peacemaker out of Wy’s hand and then growls at her a lot, buying Eve time to grab the gun and use it to shoot Lou. I thought Peacemaker was only supposed to work for Wynonna, but it works well enough. Lou goes up in flames and the bear turns back into the Navajo women. Eve is shook by everything she’s seen.
Back at the station, we get more backstory on Lou: his wife was the real Skinwalker. We watch as people pick up some of the girls from the compound, families reunited. Wynonna is getting teary as she looks at Eve and… OH. OH!! Peacemaker DOES only work for the Earps and it worked for Eve. IT’S WILLA! I DIDN’T EVEN THINK TO SUSPECT.
K: HELLS TO THE YEAH! I was wondering if I should say something or not…but you got there in the end! YAY!
Mari: Oh man, I love this development.
Dolls is trying to caution Wynonna, assuage her guilt over never looking for Willa, and comfort her all at once. Wy just approaches “Eve” and tells her that she’s coming home with Wy.
Wynonna drives up to the homestead and Waverly comes out to meet her, ready to share her story about Doc. Wynonna says not now. She introduces Eve as one of the girls she helped today. Gus comes out, telling them to get their butts in from the cold, but she stops in her tracks as soon as she sees Willa. She recognizes her immediately.
Hot damn.
Next time on Wynonna Earp: Bobo’s planning something again as the Earps welcome home their sister in S01 E11 – Landslide.