Previously: An invasion, an almost wedding, and Cat Grant is back!
Marines: It’s taken us a long time (on brand), but I actually can’t believe we’ve gotten through two seasons of this show? I’m proud of us.
Samantha: Go Team!!!!
Catherine: Honestly, it feels like more. But that could be because it took us like 5 years to get here.
Mari: Yep, lol.
If you’ll recall, Superman has been hijacked. He says that this is his planet and his people, and proceeds to punch Kara a bunch. Kara punches back and asks Teri what she did. She explains that green Kryptonite wasn’t the only kind that rained down on their planet after Krypton died. We see in flashback as Superman marches onto the evil ship to confront Teri Hatcher, but she’s ready for him. Silver Kryptonite.
Samantha: So there’s a whole rainbow of Kryptonite and they each do a different thing? Which color is for perfect naps?
Catherine: None of them. But there is one that turns you into a dragon! Basically, there is a type of kryptonite for almost every color in the rainbow and the effects of each color tend to vary by continuity. Silver generally causes hallucinations. Kinda boring. Not like red. Red causes fucking anything to happen like turning into a dragon or excessive hair growth as pictured here:

Anyway, Teri Hatcher literally sits back on her throne to watch and narrate the fight. See, Silver Kryptonite has caused Superman to hallucinate Supergirl as his mortal enemy, Zod. Superman tackles Supergirl and they go flying off the ship and crash through a building, scaring the hell out of a mom and her kid. Supergirl tries to assure them, but Superman keeps coming for her. Their fight heads back outside, in the middle of downtown, crashing into cars and pavement and finally a fountain.
At the DEO, as everyone is scrambling to get things there back in order, the computers pick up a major Kryptonite signature in downtown. Maggie and Alex run outside to see.
The entire first 6 minutes of this episode are truly just the large Super vs Super set piece. They fight, explosions in the background and in that fountain, with the water splashing around them. Sometimes the fight goes into slow-mo so we can really appreciate the super punches. Sometimes Supergirl has the upper hand and sometimes Superman does. Finally, though, Supergirl lands a punch under the chin that totally knocks Superman out.
Samantha: I didn’t hate the fountain fight. I appreciate a water ballet, okay?
Mari: Synchronized Swimming is the shit. This also looked cool.
Title card.
Supergirl wakes up to find Mon-El looking at her, but this isn’t a nightmare. In fact, it’s washed in the warm glow of A Dream. She cuddles up to him and asks if they can just stay here a little longer, like maybe until tomorrow. Mon-El asks about the pretty necklace she always wears, and she explains that her mother gave it to her right after she’d watched Kal-El yeeted into space. (C: I don’t remember that happening, but again, 5 years.) She asks again if they can stay here longer, but Mon-El tells her she isn’t here. She’s in the Fortress.
Supergirl wakes up for real. She’s laying on a slab of ice in the Fortress, where they should really look into some air mattresses or something. Alex is there. Supergirl asks what happened, and Alex explains that Supergirl passed out, woke up, flew them here and then passed out again. Supergirl is still feeling a bit sore from her super fight. Superman wakes up next, but he’s his normal self. They hug.
Luthor Corp. Lena is drinking. Lillian comes in to be mean about the fact that Lena fell for Teri Hatcher’s tricks. Lillian says she taught her to be a scientist and question everything. Lena is like “no, you taught be how to be abandoned by my mom and to fall for substitute mom speeches.” Even Lillian has to admit that’s pretty true. She apologizes to her daughter, and admits that whenever she was faced with a choice between Lena and something else, she always picked something else. Lillian doesn’t pass up a chance to point out, however, that she was right about an alien invasion. She just backed the wrong kid to stop it from happening. Lillian pulls out a silver box, explaining the it’s from Lex’s vault and it was meant to boot Superman off Earth. Maybe Lena could adapt it?
Samantha: I don’t trust it.I think Lillian is hoping it accidentally boots Kara off Earth or something.
Mari: Superman is processing this whole Silver Kryptonite thing. He says it didn’t weaken him, though. He was fighting at full strength and Supergirl beat him. I love that they put that in here just to assure everyone that Supergirl is the best.

Supergirl, Superman and Alex get back to the DEO. Mon-El and Supergirl hug. Winn is star struck by Superman, and even more so when Superman actually remembers him. Superman says Mon-El must be the guy dating his cousin. And he’s like, “yes sir, Mon-El of Daxam, but not the kill-y ones” so everyone is being real smooth today.
Alex asks for an update. Winn says that Hank J’onn is still in a “I Play Two Characters” coma and they got all the Daxam soldiers out of the building. Supergirl says they found out a way to get rid of the Daxamites: Dakkam Ur. Mon-El is like NO WAY, but Supergirl thinks it’s the only chance they’ve got.
Alarms start blaring. The Daxam ship’s cannons are charging up. Supergirl tells Winn to call Teri Hatcher. On the evil ship, we watch as Supergirl does call Teri Hatcher and invokes Dakkan Ur. Teri accepts the challenge. They duel in 4 hours. At the DEO everyone is like, “what just happened?” like they didn’t catch any context clues at all like “duel” “challenge” “my life” and “champion of Earth” and stuff.
After a not!break, Mon-El is arguing with Supergirl about this. This is a barbaric ritual, and if Teri Hatcher wins, Supergirl will have to standby and watch as she tramples Earth. Mon-El asks what about Superman? Isn’t this his fight too? Superman is there to add that it is everyone’s fight, but Supergirl just defeated him so she’s Champion of Earth now. Way to get out of your chores, man. Supergirl tells Mon-El that she doesn’t have time for him to be afraid right now. She needs him strong. (S: Big ask. Mayo can only do so much.)
Alex is at Hank J’onn’s bed side. She tells him to wake up soon. They need him. She walks away, but someone else grabs his hand, maybe in his head. It’s M’gann. Hank J’onn opens his eyes, M’gann tells him that his friends need him. The great fight is coming. Hank J’onn says he doesn’t think he’s strong enough to help his friends, but M’gann says everything will be fine. She kisses him and tells him to wake up. He does.
Alex runs back to his side. He asks where M’gann is. Alex tells him he’s been out for days and must be confused. M’gann is on Mars. Hank looks around and asks what happened here. “Everything,” Alex says. Are we going to address why he was in a coma or why he came back out? No? Okay, cool.
Catherine: Space reasons.
Mari: Supergirl is pacing in front of a bunch of TVs covering the fact that Supergirl and Teri Hatcher are going to fight for Earth. Hank J’onn joins everyone at the pit and they are excited to see him. He tells Supergirl that he’ll get her everything she needs for the fight, but also she probably should think about not fighting in front of a bunch of innocent civilians.
Cat Co. Cat is sitting at her old desk, barking out orders, while the offices are being cleaned out. Clark and Kara arrive together, and Cat gets all heart-eyed when she sees Clark. There’s even a jab at Lois for being too boring for Clark, excuse you Cat. There is no need. In start contrast, Cat starts in on “Kee-rah” for not being out there reporting the big fight. S: Sigh.) Kara and Clark say that’s why they are here. They scored an exclusive interview with Supergirl in exchange for Cat toning down the whole “fight of the century” coverage. Cat doesn’t want to because the people are finally fighting back, but Kara explains that Supergirl doesn’t want any civilians getting hurt. Clark adds in a bit about how no one cares about the people more than Clark, so she gives him more heart eyes and agrees. Cat sends a message to Supergirl with them that everyone is rooting for her. Clark leaves first, but Cat calls Kara back to skeeve on Clark some more and how he must be a tiger in bed when he takes off those glasses. Kara fakes a laugh but then says “I hope Rhea kills me” under her breath as she leaves. Why would you make a comment like that about someone to their cousin? Like excuse you, we are RELATED.

Catherine: I was wondering the same thing to the point that I actually went back and rewatched the part in the first episode of this season where Clark first interacts with Cat. You’ll both be relieved to know that Kara didn’t actually tell Cat that she and Clark were cousins. She just vagued about them being friends through Jimmy. So Cat just thinks that they are friends.
Mari: I’m glad we were all the same level of skeeved out. Thank you for doing the research.
Kara gets a message that someone wants to see them, so we watch Supergirl and Superman fly together and land on Lena’s balcony. Lillian is there too, being snarky as ever. Turns out, Lex once developed a weapon for dispersing Kryptonite into the atmosphere so the Supers would become allergic to Earth. (C: And give everyone cancer??? Smooth move, Lex.) Lena thinks she can adjust it to disperse lead, harmless to humans, but enough to eject Daxamites from the planet. Even Mon-El. Lena asks Supergirl if she knew that Kara was dating Mon-El. Lillian gives her A LOOK. Supergirl just looks tense and tells Lena to prepare the weapon. It’s wild to me how excited I got at the prospect of Mon-El leaving Earth and never coming back. lol (S: Big same.)
The Supers get back to the DEO and report what the Luthors are up to. Mon-El says that they should use the weapon if it comes to it, because he won’t be the reason Earth suffers. Supergirl says that while she told the Luthors to work on the weapon, they won’t have to use it because she’s definitely going to win. Hank J’onn sends Winn to help the Luthors. Mon-El wants to be with Supergirl when she fights his mom. Superman thinks this is a good idea. Supergirl asks him to help her with sparring.
We watch as Supergirl does a flippy move and puts Superman in a chokehold. He tells her she’s a quick learner. He himself learned that move on Warworld. This is all great but Supergirl is sad. Superman asks what’s wrong and she gets in her feels about how she has everything she’s ever wanted, including Mon-El, and if she beats Teri Hatcher, she gets to keep all of it. It doesn’t feel like that’s possible. Superman tells her it is possible to have everything she wants because she worked for it. When he fights, he always fights for Lois and keeps her in his heart. He tells Supergirl to keep Mon-El in hers. It’s fight time.
After a not!break, Teri and Supergirl are fighting. First Supergirl has the upper hand. And then Teri Hatcher does. Mon-El gives Supergirl a solemn nod, so then she regains the upper hand. In fact, she punches Teri real hard and knocks her down on the ground. Teri just looks up to the sky so that we all see that the Daxamite ships are dispersing again to cause more destruction. Teri Hatcher laughs because of course she wasn’t just gonna stand here and play fair. Supergirl is like “STOP! THIS ISN’T FAAAAIR!!” and Teri Hatcher is like “duh.” Basically. I summarized. Supergirl tells Mon-El to get out there and go be a hero. He gives her another solemn nod and takes off.(S: No. Personality.)
Back at the DEO, Superman was watching the news coverage and sees that Supergirl is alone now. He wants to go to her, but Hank J’onn tells Superman that she’s got that handled. They need to go help the people in the building that is being attacked. Hank J’onn sheds his Hank skin and he takes off with Superman, leaving Alex in charge. Right now, Alex is just standing at the table in the pit looking worried. Maggie tells Alex she has her back.
Back with the rooftop battle, Teri goads Supergirl into punching her a bunch. Supergirl superpunches Teri and we see that it splits her skin… but she’s bleeding Kryptonite. Teri stands and tells Supergirl that since her people, you know, committed genocide, Kryptonite is now part of her. Supergirl falls to her knees.
The Daxmites keep pew pew pew-ing everything.
Winn is helping Lena put the finishing touches on the weapon. The second they are done, Lillian grabs the weapon to turn it on, but Lena smugly says that Supergirl has the remote. I honestly don’t think Lena should be this smug considering the mass destruction that is happening outside, which they are letting continue to happen, because Supergirl is sad her boyfriend will eventually get yeeted from the planet.
Meanwhile, Teri Hatcher is throwing Supergirl through the building like a rag doll. When Teri sees Superman taking out her ships, she sends her second to go get him. Jimmy (where has be been??) (S: Seriously, that is so weird, aren’t he and Clarke bffs?) and Cat are watching the city be destroyed when suddenly, Superman and Second come barreling in through the building. More punching, more destruction of building, until Superman chucks Second through the window.
Martian Manhunter finishes off the last Daxamite soldier but then a bunch more materialize. And next to them, M’gann appears! I honestly remember next to nothing about her storyline, but I was still pretty jazzed she appeared. She’s also brought White Martians with her, who quickly start knocking out Daxamites.
Catherine: She brings a bunch of white martians and she’s all “They’re here to help! I’m not the only one that regrets what our species did in the past.” But like, they enslaved J’onn’s people and tried to commit genocide. So.
Mari: Yeah, probably gonna take a bit more than punching a few Daxamites for everything to be cool.
Supergirl is still trying to fight, but she’s weak. Teri Hatcher says that National City is just the beginning because she’s going to destroy all the cities. This gives Supergirl a righteous second wind, despite the Kryptonite, because this is her home and she’s going to protect it.

Mari: Supergirl super punches Teri, but she says that it doesn’t matter if she dies because the Daxamites will keep coming. Mon-El lands on the roof and gives her the third solemn nod, so she knows this is true and it’s time. She pulls out the remote control and after a long few seconds, turns on the lead weapon. It disperses the correct amount of lead to cover all of National City and maybe the Earth, but not be harmful to humans. Amazing. (C: Again. Cancer probably.)
We watch as Daxamite soldiers start coughing immediately and abort mission back to their ships. Teri Hatcher also starts choking and she asks Mon-El to save her, but he refuses to, on account of all the murder. Teri Hatcher turns to lead dust. I don’t know why she didn’t just go back to her ship, but okay. Bye Teri Hatcher!
Mon-El has been okay up until now, but he starts coughing, his “living on Earth” immunity already gone. Supergirl calls to Alex in the DEO to ask what they can do. Alex says there’s nothing to do. Supergirl cries as Mon-El tells her it’s okay, but she isn’t ready to see her boyfriend turn to dust. She asks Alex for a favor.
We cut to Supergirl helping Mon-El to a single-person ship, I think the one she arrived on Earth in. (C: Correct!) Mon-El tells her that no matter where he ends up, he will be a better man because of her. And he promises to be the man she thought he could be. Kara cries as she says that Mon-El made her so happy. She tells him she loves him, and that she should’ve said it sooner. He says he loves her, too. Kara gives him her mother’s necklace to protect him. Mon-El climbs in his ship and flies away.

Samantha: I am sad for Kara and for sandwiches everywhere.
Catherine: I fully do not care about this relationship, and I’m convinced that the writers didn’t either. Both of the actors are trying so hard to sell this touching, tragic goodbye but it’s based off of NOTHING because we barely saw them interact and when we did it was about toilet seats and pizza. Mayo Man is so boring that even his desperate goodbye scene is a snoozefest. I just wanted him to get into his baby ship and fly the fuck away forever.
Mari: At the DEO, everyone is celebrating as they watch the news of celebrations happening on the streets. Superman finds Supergirl to say goodbye. He asks her if she’s okay, and she says she is because she did the right thing. Superman says this is beyond the right thing. If it came down to a choice between Lois and the world, Superman isn’t sure he’d be able to do it. He tells Supergirl that he is humbled by her and she is definitely stronger than he will ever be. She thanks him and sends a greeting to Lois. He smiles and takes off.
Catherine: UM. You wouldn’t have to. Lois would figure something else out because she is interesting and smart and not comprised entirely of week-old Wonderbread. Also, Clark you don’t want to like…hug your cousin before you leave? Just gonna fly off? Okay.
Mari: She really could’ve used that hug.
In the background, Hank J’onn is catching up with M’gann, amazed that she came to help and brought an army. She says that it turns out she’s not the only White Martian who are trying to change things. Hank J’onn asks how she knew to come. She felt his mind cry out. Hank hopes she didn’t come because of a sense of duty, so she kisses him to prove she came because of a sense of booty. I’m so sorry. (S: I’m so proud of that sentence.)
Next, Alex finds Supergirl and reminds of her an episode I don’t remember in which Alex was real sad and Kara went to visit her and hug her and say she was proud of her. It didn’t make her feel better at the moment but it was something to hold on to. Alex tearfully tells Kara she is so proud of her. Kara doesn’t reply, so Alex asks if she needs to spend the night. Kara says no. She should go home and be with Maggie. It helps her to know that all her friends are in love. Alex is such a good sister and asks what Kara needs right now, though. I’m honestly tearing up, I’m too emotional for earnest sister scenes. Kara says that all she wants is for Alex never to let Maggie go. Kara flies away. (S: Sister Feels x 1000.)
Maggie joins Alex and assures her that Kara will be okay. She starts to say more about how strong the Danvers sisters are, but Alex cuts her off with a marriage proposal. Maggie smiles.
Catherine: See, I’m bored by this relationship too but at least I feel bad about it this time. Also I can remember what Maggie looks like from scene to scene, which was not true of….uh….what was Kara’s bf’s name? I wanna say Josh or something?
Mari: It doesn’t even matter anymore. You never have to remember again.
The next day at Cat Co, Kara enters Cat’s office where in the background, a news report is saying that Lillian Luthor has claimed credit for the victory of the Daxamites. Cat calls it fake news and turns it off. She notices that Kara is sad, and when she asks about it, Kara shares that she fell in love but it didn’t work out. The Tinkly Music starts up as Cat shares a bunch of wisdom: she will get over it, women are strong because the are able to be vulnerable but overcome pain, she’s done great things this year in her career, and she is on a hero’s journey. So yes, this is an obstacle, but she will fly right over it. (S: DOES SHE KNOW????)
These expository news reports do the most work in this damn show, but we hear another one say something about a fire in National City. Kara says that she has something to do. Cat tells her to go ahead. Kara thanks her and heads off. Cat says “go get ’em Supergirl.” Because OF COURSE SHE KNOWS. OF COURSE.
Samantha: THANK GOD, FFS. Head canon that everyone knows, they just pretend the glasses work to make Kara and Clark feel better.
Mari: The final montage is Kara stepping out of the building and doing the iconic shirt pull to reveal her costume. She flies on and we cut to Mon-El in his lonely-ship-for-one flying through some sort of portal. Kara flies on.
Catherine: RIP Josh.
Mari: A cut to black and a title card take us back to 35 years ago to the day Krypton died. We watch Clark and Kara get sent from the planet. But then we cut to some baddies dressed in cloaks also sending their baby out in a ship. How many damn children got sent from this place??? One Cloaked Baddie tells the other that Cloaked Baby will survive on Earth and get strong and then it will reign.
Samantha: I know that at some point Clarke gets a dog. Maybe the baby turns into….the dog? I would just like the dog to arrive please.
Mari: New season wishlist!
Next time on Supergirl: Kara is still sad over her break-up in S03 E01 – Girl of Steel.