Previously: We watched Shadow & Bone and the reviews were extremely mixed. I remember nothing else about this experience because it was 14 lifetimes ago.
Sweeney: At this point I feel like we need a fun little tag for when we show up again, unannounced, after an extended period of silence. Whenever you think to yourself that Snark Squad dot com is really done, please remember that what is dead may never die. Or something like that. (Gonna be honest with you: I don’t really know what the fuck that’s supposed to mean except that the Iron Islands are full of angst.)
We talk a lot about how much we love nostalgia — or we did, when we said things around here at all. It’s ok if you don’t remember, just trust me. And as lovers of nostalgia, we also love a good friendship tradition, which is why after months of absolute silence, we are here again because it’s time for our annual media-year-in-review episode.
When we did our first year in review episode, it was partially so we could talk about all the things we watched and read that weren’t covered on the FIFTY EPISODES we uploaded that year. I cannot get over how absolutely unhinged that sounds to me, because we didn’t even get to 10 episodes in 2021 and still I sat down to record this and thought “I didn’t watch any other things. Nothing else entered my brain.”
Regardless, we got together and laughed and did our very best, which is basically crushing it in apocalypse-adjusted terms.
We’d love to hear your thoughts about this episode! Did you watch/read/listen to anything great in 2021? Does anything matter? Who can say. You can leave a comment below, find us over on our Twitter, or you can come talk to us about this episode on the Discord, which is an added bonus of signing up for our newsletter or joining us on Patreon.
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As always, this podcast is produced by Nicole Sweeney and Marines Alvarez, edited by Nicole Sweeney, transcribed Marines Alvarez, and the delightful theme music is by Stefan Chin.