Snark Squad Pod #123 – Bridgerton (2020– )

Previously: Our annual podcast episode about 2023 was uploaded a month late because time is fake.

Sweeney: I have no idea if anyone is still here, reading these posts, but they are an important part of the tradition of this podcast, so I will continue to post them whenever a wild podcast episode appears. And what’s that? A wild podcast episode has appeared!

We recorded this a couple weeks ago and have even recorded another episode and are tentatively back in your feeds biweekly on Wednesdays. We chose Wednesday because that was our day back in the beginning. We’re not making any plans to return to our 50 episodes a year cadence or anything, but we’re making a small nod to What Has Been.

This is only possible because Mari hired us an editor, who is not actually credited at the end of this episode in the place where credits go, but many, many thanks to Amber Amortegui for helping us bring this back to life.

We also of course have to thank our incredible guest, Princess Weekes who was able to bring the book reader perspective in addition to all of her other incredible pop culture insights. It was an absolutely joy and privilege to have her on the show and if you’re not already watching her incredible video essays (including the special pride video she mentioned in the episode) or following her on TikTok and Twitter and Instagram, please go do that! It’s for your own good!


We’d love to hear your thoughts about this episode! You can leave a comment below, find us over on our Twitter, or you can come talk to us about this episode on the Discord, which is an added bonus of signing up for our newsletter or joining us on Patreon.

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As always, this podcast is produced by Nicole Sweeney and Marines Alvarez, edited by Nicole Sweeney, transcribed Marines Alvarez, and the delightful theme music is by Stefan Chin.


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