Previously: The Punisher kidnapped Daredevil! — New York’s Finest Marines: We are looking at a window out of focus. A woman tells Matty to stay down and don’t get up, so...
Previously: Winter came and went. — Democracy Diva: The opening credits continue their reign as the best goddamn thing about this show. The blue ice tiles have stopped flipping over, but...
Previously: 99% of the named characters gathered at Winterfell and prepared to die. — The Long Night Marines: I could intro this for days, but I’ll just say that I’m looking...
Previously: No one is happy Dany is in town. — Catherine: After the previouslies remind us that Jaime shoved a child out of a window eight years ago, we’re taken through...
Previously: A zombie dragon blasted the wall down. — Democracy Diva: We made it. Welcome to the final season. Let’s fucking do this. Marines: There is only one correct gif for this...
Previously: The stupidest plan ever did not end well. — Marines: Hey all! Season 8 of Game of Thrones is premiering THIS WEEK. It’s been a long winter without it. Before...
Previously: Mon-El was a lying liar who lies. — Distant Sun Marines: The damn previouslies inform me that since I didn’t watch The Flash cross-over event, I missed Kara and Mon-El getting back...
Previously: Dean Cain was back but he was under cover evil. — Exodus Catherine: How are you all? Hope this review finds you in good health. I’m not stalling. Maybe I...
Previously: Mxzyptlk tried to force Kara to marry him. — Homecoming Marines: Mon-El wakes up in Kara’s bed, but she isn’t there. He wonders out loud if the night before was...
Previously: Lena went to jail and got broken out of jail but we’re not sure if she’s evil yet. — Mr. and Mrs. Mxzyptlk Marines: We pick up right where we...
Previously: They came, they talked, it’s over. — Catherine: Rather than write a compelling climax to the book, a scene in which every thread that she has been weaving together for...
Previously: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ — Marines: Aro calls over his bros so they can chat. Edward, Bella, Jacob and Emmett back up to join the rest of their side. Renesmee is grabbing Jacob’s tail...
Previously: Jessica lost her shit on a prejudiced client. — AKA The Sandwich Saved Me Catherine: After those trill, trill credits we open in a crowded office and the helpful on...
Previously: M’gann left for Mars after she killed her ex-husband. — Luthors Marines: I’m very curious if this extended break from Supergirl will be good or bad for my enjoyment of...
Previously: Bella wasted yet another chapter faffing about and doing boring shit like picking up fake ID for her insta-baby and her insta-baby’s future husband. — Kirsti: The Volturi arrive....
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