Previously: Christmas gifts and promise bracelets. — Catherine: This chapter opens with Bella sneaking out on Edward. Are we lucky enough for them to get a divorce? Probably not. Marines: If a...
Previously: Bella got some fake IDs. — Annie: Bella returns to the Cullens’ and she hears Edward at the piano. He starts playing her lullaby in case we needed reminding of...
Previously: The vampires sit up all night and worry? — Annie: Bella has a lot to think about. Mostly, it’s a bunch of questions about fighting, survival and Alice’s clue. Bella...
Previously: BARBARA! YOU DESERVE BETTER! — Holly, Jolly Marines: Barbara lands on her back. She’s in what looks like a snowy nightmare version of a woods. I hate it. She gets...
Previously: Will went missing and Eleven was found. — Chapter Two: The Weirdo on Maple Street Marines: We pick back up on the same rainy night. Eleven is on the couch...
Marines tried to watch this when it first came out, but it scared her in like 5 seconds, so instead she got friends to watch it with her and we’re...
Previously: Irina growled at Bella. — K: In typical Stephenie Meyer fashion, we pick up EXACTLY WHERE WE LEFT OFF. Edward and Carlisle can’t find Irina. They ring Tanya to let...
We’re making our way through Fall TV pilots to give your first impressions! — Ten Days in the Valley on ABC (Sundays at 10/9c) Recapped: The life of a messed up...
Previously: Bella sniffed out an outfit. — Marines: Hey, it’s been a hot minute but I’m confident that the awful is fresh in your mind and that we will fall right...
As we try to do every year, below you’ll find quick first impressions on this season’s pilots. Knee-jerk snark, if you will. — The Orville on FOX (Thursdays at 9/8c) Recapped: Star...
Previously: The boys thought they could be better than actual Supergirl. — The Martian Chronicles Marines: Alien Bar. Kara walks in and spots Mon-El behind the bar. He quickly supplies her...
Previously: Stick came into town and was a dick. — Shadows in the Glass Catherine: The episode begins with Fisk in bed, waking from a nightmare. He sits up and looks...
Previously: Interplanetary human trafficking. — We Can Be Heroes Samantha: The episode begins with Supergirl and Mon-El training at the DEO with a little beach ball robot. Remember ’cause Mon-El said...
Previously: The Dragonstone gang came up with the worst plan ever. — Beyond the Wall Catherine: Welcome, friends. Welcome to… this. This episode. Here we go. Democracy Diva: We’re really sorry you...
Previously: Fisk and Daredevil had a chat that didn’t go great. — Stick Marines: We open to a guy hurriedly running down several flights of stairs. He runs into an...
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