Previously: The Tyrells got whooped. — The Spoils of War Democracy Diva: The previouslies take us back to early Season 1, with Catelyn saving Bran from a dagger, so you know...
Previously: Charlie came for a visit and Bella didn’t eat him. — Annie: Charlie is going to leave, but pauses to remind us that Bella’s mother is useless and stupid. He...
Previously: Euron attacked his niece and many people died. — The Queen’s Justice Catherine: The previouslies remind us that Ellaria killed Myrcella with that crazy lipstick, Yara got taken by Discount...
Previously: Fisk went on a date. — Condemned Annie: We start right where we left off in the last episode. The cops have Daredevil surrounded and are shouting at him to...
Previously: Wilson Fisk went on a date and decapitated a man. — World on Fire Jessica: We open on Claire looking into a fogged up mirror in the bathroom as the shower...
Previously: Weird sex cult cabin in the woods. — Marines: Bella says that it only takes one word to remind her of her priorities: Renesmee. Congratulations. You only need to be...
Previously: Haunted places and homecomings. — Stormborn Marines: The official previouslies remind us of these things: Ellaria, Olena and Varys teamed up; Samwell went home and his dad was a dick;...
SantinoPreviously: Matt and Foggy defended a bad dude who later killed himself. — In the Blood Marines: We start the episode eight years ago in the Utkin Prison in Sibera. A...
Previously: Bella didn’t handle the imprinting bullshit so well. Shocker. — Kirsti: Let’s start off with a little warning, because this chapter is fucking disgusting, y’all. We pick up literally exactly...
Previously: Cersei set everybody on fire. Like, EVERYBODY. — Dragonstone Democracy Diva: Welcome back to Game of Snark Thrones! I’ve missed you all dearly and am ready to cry in all...
Previously: There was extra room in Bella’s brain. — Catherine: After the curbhanger of Bella lunging at Jacob because he gave her baby a stupid nickname last chapter, this chapter opens...
Previously: Lena and Kara still have the most chemistry of all. — Supergirl Lives Marines: The good news is that we’re going so slowly, all the episode are now on Netflix…...
Previously: Matt got beat up and it brought us Rosario Dawson. — Rabbit in a Snowstorm Catherine: The episode opens in a bowling alley. A happy, smiley guy comes in and...
A siren wails in the distance as a man walks in slow motion through a crowded street. Time catches up and the man pushes his way through the crowd. He pauses for a moment in shock when he sees his son on the floor. He kneels at Matty's side and tells him not to move. He yells for help and then takes a moment to gauge the chaos around him. Whatever accident happened, it involved a car, barrels of something shady and multiple pedestrians.
We open the chapter with Bella talking about how her new special vampire brain is much bigger than her human brain because now she has room in there for questions about her daughter...
K: Dafuq?
Marines: She literally calls her brain strange, new and "roomy." ROOMY.
I... I don't think that's giving off the vibe you want, airhead.
K: Dafuq?
Marines: She literally calls her brain strange, new and "roomy." ROOMY.
I... I don't think that's giving off the vibe you want, airhead.
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