Author: Dani

The Last of Us S01 E03 – Love in the Time of Cordyceps

We open in the woods, 10 miles west of Boston. Gentle guitar notes play while Joel plunges his mangled hand (the one he injured beating the crap out of the guy at the end of the first episode) into a beautiful stream. I could gush over the way they film nature in this show all day.

The Last of Us S01 E02 – A kiss goodbye

We begin this episode in Jakarta, Indonesia on September 24th, 2003. People are eating in a restaurant when some uniformed officials walk in, and everyone suddenly goes quiet. The officials go up to a woman eating by herself and before anything is said, we cut to her in the back of a car, being driven away by them.

Doctor Who S06 E02 – The writing on the wall.

The previously ends on Amy shooting at the little girl spaceman and we cut straight to her running through The Valley of the Gods in Utah, pursued by men in Jeeps.

Kirsti: I hate to be That Person yet again, buuuut it's meant to be 3 months later and yet Amy's pregnancy appears to have not progressed at all?? I AM CONFUSED.

Doctor Who S06 E01 – Not My President

Marines: An angry man charges through a palace, yelling for people to get out of his way. He bangs on a closed door and yells for the Doctor. We pan and see the Doctor's clothes, paints, and then a painting of the Doctor in nothing but a strategically placed shroud and a trident. I'll give you a moment to groan because honestly.

Kirsti: Personally, I'm gagging, but to each their own.

Doctor Who S05 Wrap-Up

Marines: If we’re looking for bright sides, we finished this season before it took us a year! And while we are in the thick of Eleven’s run now, we finished a...

Doctor Who S05 E12 – Just shoot him.

Previously: James Corden guest starred, the Doctor was good at football, and Amy got stuck in the TARDIS. She also found her engagement ring though, so…there’s that? — The Pandorica...

Doctor Who S05 E11 – Kiss the girl.

Previously: We cried our way through a sad-romp with Vincent van Gogh. — Marines: The TARDIS lands in a suburb somewhere. The Doctor peeks out long enough to realize they haven’t...

Inhumans S01 E07 – Parlay partay.

Previously: Thanks to Crystal creating lightning and some jungle shenanigans, the royal family is reunited, but Gorgon is dead. — Havoc in the Hidden Land Sweeney: Auran, Declan, and the...

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