Previously: Christopher returned grumble grumble grumble. — Nell: New Guest Recapper here! I’m Nell, and I love Gilmore Girls. I’ve seen the first six seasons multiple times, owned them on DVD,...
Previously: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ — Marines: Aro calls over his bros so they can chat. Edward, Bella, Jacob and Emmett back up to join the rest of their side. Renesmee is grabbing Jacob’s tail...
Previously: Lorelai wanted Luke to paint and Dean wanted Rory to make a sandwich or something. — Annie: In the not-so-cold open, Rory is making a bed for her father on...
Previously: Bella wasted yet another chapter faffing about and doing boring shit like picking up fake ID for her insta-baby and her insta-baby’s future husband. — Kirsti: The Volturi arrive....
Previously: Christmas gifts and promise bracelets. — Catherine: This chapter opens with Bella sneaking out on Edward. Are we lucky enough for them to get a divorce? Probably not. Marines: If a...
Previously: BEN. — Daredevil Annie: Season Finale! Here we go. We open on the back of a hearse. Literally. It’s Ben’s funeral and I’m not ready for this. Sad montage...
Previously: Karen shot Wesley dead. — Jessica: We start with a closeup of the GUN THAT KAREN SHOT WESLEY WITH OH MY GOD. Sorry, still not over the shock of that....
Previously: Bella got some fake IDs. — Annie: Bella returns to the Cullens’ and she hears Edward at the piano. He starts playing her lullaby in case we needed reminding of...
Previously: Foggy was very angry that Matt was punching people in a mask. — The Path of the Righteous Marines: A snotty little girl is watching old cartoons and I am...
Previously: New vampires in town, so new offensive stereotypes too! — Annie: This chapter opens with Bella on the phone, reminding her father that they’re on a need-to-know basis and that...
Previously: Some other vampires met Renesmee and it was even more boring than you’d expect. — K: Life at the Cullen residence is suddenly hella complicated on account of a) the...
Previously: The Volturi are a month away. Really gearing up for action here. — Marines: Apparently the last chapter ended in the middle of a damn scene I can’t even remember,...
Previously: DD got fucked up. — Nelson v. Murdoch Marines: Matt comes to on his own couch, and I know we just called the last recap “grimacing bloodily” but YEP. Watch...
Previously: The vampires sit up all night and worry? — Annie: Bella has a lot to think about. Mostly, it’s a bunch of questions about fighting, survival and Alice’s clue. Bella...
Previously: Fisk was abused as a child. — Jessica: Blood! Daredevil gets punched in the mouth and is fighting with a very flippy individual in red robes. The opponent pulls out...
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