Author: Annie

Gilmore Girls S01 E16 – Boy, bye.

Previously: Christopher returned grumble grumble grumble. — Nell: New Guest Recapper here! I’m Nell, and I love Gilmore Girls. I’ve seen the first six seasons multiple times, owned them on DVD,...

Daredevil S01 E13 – Costume time!

Previously: BEN. — Daredevil Annie: Season Finale! Here we go. We open on the back of a hearse. Literally. It’s Ben’s funeral and I’m not ready for this. Sad montage...

Daredevil S01 E11 – Bloody, limpy.

Previously: Foggy was very angry that Matt was punching people in a mask. — The Path of the Righteous Marines: A snotty little girl is watching old cartoons and I am...

Breaking Dawn Chapter 31 – Confundus

Previously: The Volturi are a month away. Really gearing up for action here. — Marines: Apparently the last chapter ended in the middle of a damn scene I can’t even remember,...

Daredevil S01 E10 – V betrayed.

Previously: DD got fucked up. — Nelson v. Murdoch Marines: Matt comes to on his own couch, and I know we just called the last recap “grimacing bloodily” but YEP. Watch...

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