Previously: The Volturi, ruh-roh! — Marines: Bella tells us that they just sat up all night, being worried. We can all at least thank all that is good that we didn’t...
Previously: Irina growled at Bella. — K: In typical Stephenie Meyer fashion, we pick up EXACTLY WHERE WE LEFT OFF. Edward and Carlisle can’t find Irina. They ring Tanya to let...
Previously: Bella sniffed out an outfit. — Marines: Hey, it’s been a hot minute but I’m confident that the awful is fresh in your mind and that we will fall right...
Previously: Tragedy. — The Miserable Mill: Part Two Marines: I purposefully took a long break because I’m not joking about how much I was heartbroken by the last episode. I’m not...
As we try to do every year, below you’ll find quick first impressions on this season’s pilots. Knee-jerk snark, if you will. — The Orville on FOX (Thursdays at 9/8c) Recapped: Star...
Previously: Stick came into town and was a dick. — Shadows in the Glass Catherine: The episode begins with Fisk in bed, waking from a nightmare. He sits up and looks...
Previously: Fisk and Daredevil had a chat that didn’t go great. — Stick Marines: We open to a guy hurriedly running down several flights of stairs. He runs into an...
Previously: Charlie came for a visit and Bella didn’t eat him. — Annie: Charlie is going to leave, but pauses to remind us that Bella’s mother is useless and stupid. He...
Previously: Fisk went on a date. — Condemned Annie: We start right where we left off in the last episode. The cops have Daredevil surrounded and are shouting at him to...
Previously: Wilson Fisk went on a date and decapitated a man. — World on Fire Jessica: We open on Claire looking into a fogged up mirror in the bathroom as the shower...
Previously: Weird sex cult cabin in the woods. — Marines: Bella says that it only takes one word to remind her of her priorities: Renesmee. Congratulations. You only need to be...
SantinoPreviously: Matt and Foggy defended a bad dude who later killed himself. — In the Blood Marines: We start the episode eight years ago in the Utkin Prison in Sibera. A...
Previously: Bella didn’t handle the imprinting bullshit so well. Shocker. — Kirsti: Let’s start off with a little warning, because this chapter is fucking disgusting, y’all. We pick up literally exactly...
Previously: There was extra room in Bella’s brain. — Catherine: After the curbhanger of Bella lunging at Jacob because he gave her baby a stupid nickname last chapter, this chapter opens...
Previously: Matt got beat up and it brought us Rosario Dawson. — Rabbit in a Snowstorm Catherine: The episode opens in a bowling alley. A happy, smiley guy comes in and...
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