Previously: Jessica sees Kilgrave, for a brief moment. — AKA 99 Friends Jessica: First off, let me say that I just love this theme song. It’s got the noir style but...
Previously: BEN. — Daredevil Annie: Season Finale! Here we go. We open on the back of a hearse. Literally. It’s Ben’s funeral and I’m not ready for this. Sad montage...
Previously: Karen shot Wesley dead. — Jessica: We start with a closeup of the GUN THAT KAREN SHOT WESLEY WITH OH MY GOD. Sorry, still not over the shock of that....
Previously: Foggy was very angry that Matt was punching people in a mask. — The Path of the Righteous Marines: A snotty little girl is watching old cartoons and I am...
Previously: Gorgon’s second round of terrigenesis did not go well. — Dani: Surprise!Bunker. Maximus gloats because he enacted a failsafe wherein the dome protecting Attilan powers down (killing everyone) unless...
Previously: Thanks to Crystal creating lightning and some jungle shenanigans, the royal family is reunited, but Gorgon is dead. — Havoc in the Hidden Land Sweeney: Auran, Declan, and the...
Previously: Reunited and it feels so good! — The Gentleman’s Name is Gorgon Marines: Attilan. Max rounds a corner and suddenly the whole royal family materializes in front of him,...
Previously: DD got fucked up. — Nelson v. Murdoch Marines: Matt comes to on his own couch, and I know we just called the last recap “grimacing bloodily” but YEP. Watch...
Previously: Murder in the pot commune. — Something InHuman This Way Comes Marines: There’s always a story about why we fall super behind our own schedules. This time, I rage quit...
Previously: Fisk was abused as a child. — Jessica: Blood! Daredevil gets punched in the mouth and is fighting with a very flippy individual in red robes. The opponent pulls out...
Previously: Black Bolt escaped from prison. — Make Way for… Medusa Dani: The previouslies remind us that Lockjaw got hit by an ATV. (There’s other stuff, too, but I know you...
Previously: The royals are stuck on Earth and v sad. — Divide and Conquer Sweeney: The previouslies remind me that even Maximus, would-be liberator of the common man, describes the...
Previously: Ramsay Spaceton was v bad news. — Those Who Would Destroy Us Marines: Medusa is in a field somewhere. She touches her head tentatively and we flashback to Maximus shearing...
We keep letting you guys choose what we’ll watch in the fall, and here we are. — Behold… The Inhumans Marines: Marvel Logo, a long shot of the Moon from space...
Previously: Stick came into town and was a dick. — Shadows in the Glass Catherine: The episode begins with Fisk in bed, waking from a nightmare. He sits up and looks...
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