Author: K

Twilight Chapter 03 – Edward Cullen: Mushroom

Bella is sad again. I know you're shocked.
This time it's because she starts the chapter by waking up to fresh snowfall. As someone who hates snow myself, I can't really blame her for this. But, ya know... I'm going to.
But worse than the snow is that apparently all of the rain from the day before has frozen solid and now everything is icy. Bella's first thought is, of course, about how she's going to manage to walk on all this ice since she has so much trouble walking in general. What must it be like to be so clumsy that your first thought is always whether or not you're going to survive a walk to your driveway?

Twilight Chapter 02 – She’s the worst.

The chapter opens with the line "The next day was better... and worse," and I'm already pissed off.
The day was better for Bella because it wasn't raining yet and she knew what to expect on her second day of school, but worse, because she was tired. Bella complains about the rain, the people she has to attend school with, but she internal-monologues about how she is starting to remember some of her fellow students' names. This is the short list of complaints explaining how her day was better. Girl. Just. Lighten up.
Catherine: Honestly, she should just be glad that any of her 'fellow students' are willing to be friends with her. It's a sacrifice. 

Twilight Chapter 01 – Bell-waaaaaah.

It starts with a Bible verse.
Sorry, sorry, I just feel like this book is already taking itself too seriously, but okay.
Kirsti: Technically, it starts with a dedication to her sister Emily, "without whose enthusiasm this story might still be unfinished." DAMMIT, EMILY. THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT. 
Mari: Perhaps when we get particularly frustrated with the story, we can just yell, "EMILY."
Onward to the preface. An unidentified someone says she has never given much thought to how she would die, but had she thought about it, she wouldn't have imagined this. Let's just call this unidentified person Bella, okay?

Doctor Who S06 E05 – Almost People

Previously: The TARDIS was a woman. — The Rebel Flesh Marines: We start on an island monastery in the vein of Mont-Saint-Michel, which I once visited along with Sweeney so now...

Doctor Who S06 E04 – TARDISes are people too

Previously: Pirates!  — The Doctor’s Wife K: It’s been a hot minute (or like six months) since I’ve recapped anything, friends. Let’s see if I remember how, shall we?  Marines: It’s...

Doctor Who S06 E02 – The writing on the wall.

The previously ends on Amy shooting at the little girl spaceman and we cut straight to her running through The Valley of the Gods in Utah, pursued by men in Jeeps.

Kirsti: I hate to be That Person yet again, buuuut it's meant to be 3 months later and yet Amy's pregnancy appears to have not progressed at all?? I AM CONFUSED.

Doctor Who S06 E01 – Not My President

Marines: An angry man charges through a palace, yelling for people to get out of his way. He bangs on a closed door and yells for the Doctor. We pan and see the Doctor's clothes, paints, and then a painting of the Doctor in nothing but a strategically placed shroud and a trident. I'll give you a moment to groan because honestly.

Kirsti: Personally, I'm gagging, but to each their own.

Doctor Who S05 Wrap-Up

Marines: If we’re looking for bright sides, we finished this season before it took us a year! And while we are in the thick of Eleven’s run now, we finished a...

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