Author: K

Dawson’s Creek S02 E08 – Happy endings are bullshit

Shrine O'Spielberg. Pacey is eating pizza and generally pissing Dawson off by noting that everyone in Mr. Smith Goes to Washington is totally dead right now. After a discussion about how Dawson is Richie Cunningham Jimmy Stewart every nice guy in film/TV history, Jen stumbles in and collapses on Dawson's bed, wasted. This scene basically just establishes that Jen is back to her hot mess Big City Girl ways, and Pacey likes pizza, because it's yummy.
Kirsti: That Pacey. Always the sensible one...

Supernatural S02 E05 – Use the force

The clock strikes 12.20pm (really?? It STRIKES at 12.20??). A guy answers his phone. We see hazy flashes of him picking up a shotgun and killing people, then back in reality, he says "Alright," and hangs up the phone as a bus drives past. He heads into a store and asks to look at a gun. The shopkeeper is startled because Doc's not the gun-toting type, but shows him a shotgun. Doc asks what kind of shells it uses, and the shopkeeper pulls out a box to show him. Doc loads the shotgun he's holding. The shopkeeper gets shouty. "It's all going to be okay..." Doc says before shooting the shopkeeper. Customers scream, but Doc repeats his previous statement before shooting himself.

Dawson’s Creek S02 E07 – Bad ideas all round

Shrine o' Spielberg. Dawson wibbles about Shakespeare while watching the Elizabeth Taylor version of The Taming of the Shrew. The camera pans out to show us that his post-break up movie watching partner is Gail. LOL. Gail cries over the movie, and Dawson expresses concern over her excess of emotions. She, in return, says she's worried about his LACK of emotions over Joey breaking up with him. Because apparently wallowing in being dumped makes you a better person. Or something...
Democracy Diva: Dubious advice, but it was nice to see these two have a cute bonding moment.

Supernatural S02 E04 – The pinnacle of the friendzone

A slightly nerdy guy (Neil) sits with a pretty girl (Angela) and says he's got all the supplies there to heal her broken heart, like booze and chocolate. She thanks him sadly. Someone bangs on the door, and Neil goes to answer it. It's Angela's boyfriend. He demands to see her, but when he talks his way past Neil, she's gone. Cut to Angela driving down a rainy highway, crying. Her phone rings and she answers. Her boyfriend apologises and tells her to listen to him. She gets shouty in response, misses a turn and crashes into a barrier. We get a close up of her staring, blood-covered face and hear her boyfriend's voice over the phone.

Dawson’s Creek S02 E06 – I don’t dance

We begin with Andie performing a flawless rendition of the Footloose dance for Joey, Dawson, and Pacey. It's the greatest thing to happen on this show since Pacey's Braveheart speech. I will take a moment to repeat what I say in every single episode, which is WHY ARE THERE EVEN OTHER CHARACTERS ON THIS SHOW BESIDES ANDIE AND PACEY. Oh, and Jack
Kirsti: Truth. At least at this point of the show. Some of the other characters would be permitted to return at certain points, but Dawson would be gone forever if I were running this show.
Diva: Any-tangent, Andie is trying to convince the three least school-spirited kids on earth to go to the homecoming dance.

Supernatural S02 E03 – Crossover headcanon

Red Lodge, Montana. A terrified girl runs through the woods at night, a man chasing her. She hides behind a tree, and the man runs past her. Or so she thinks. She peeks out from behind the tree, and he chops off her head.
After the Not!Credits, we're treated to the delightful strains of AC/DC's Back In Black as the newly remodelled Bromobile rolls down the road. There's like 30 seconds straight of car close-ups just so we can marvel at how shiny it is.

Dawson’s Creek S02 E05 – Full moon, empty brains

Shrine o' Spielberg. A werewolf movie plays on Dawson's TV as he talks about how romantic the full moon is. The camera pans up to show us that Dawson and Joey aren't on the bed, they're outside on the roof staring at the moon. Dawson wibbles some more about how romantic and peaceful it is, while Joey makes WTF faces and says that it's just "a natural satellite". Way to be a buzzkill, Potter. She starts talking about the full moon making people crazy and how she thinks it's because we're 70% water and the moon effects us as well as the tides. Dawson, meanwhile, is trying to swallow her head.

Supernatural S02 E02 – WHY.

Right. Now that's out of the way, let's get to the episode. Medford, Wisconsin. A young girl looks excitedly around a carnival while her parents look bored. She gets excited about clowns, and her dad's all "NOPE." She waves at one particular clown, which waves back, but neither of her parents can see it. Cut to them driving home. She sees the same clown out the car window. Cut to her getting out of bed that night and seeing the clown standing on her back lawn. She goes downstairs and lets it in because SHE'S A FUCKING IDIOT.

Dawson’s Creek S02 E04 – Return of the statutory rape

We open with Dawson and Joey making out on a blanket, which appears to be located adjacent to a sidewalk. It's a less than ideal location for sexytimes. Joey wants to stop because it's cold, and I'm like, girl, you are not allowed to even talk about the weather on this show because it DOES NOT MAKE ANY SENSE. (K: A+, girl.) Dawson thinks the location is beautiful and romantic but she's like, ew, bugs, and also, let's go indoors please. She calls him cheesy, but also "unbearably sexy," so I'm gonna need some brain bleach before the credits even roll. They make out, and this scene was totally unnecessary.
After the credits, Mitch and Dawson are discussing Mitch's meeting about buying a property.

Supernatural S02 E01 – Is this responsible parenting?

We pick up where we left off last season, with the possessed truck driver getting out of his rig. He rips the door off the Bromobile, only to find Sam pointing the Colt at his junk. The demon scoffs that there’s only one bullet left and it's destined for the Yellow Eyed Demon. Sam has no fucks to give. The demon bails, leaving the truck driver to stare in horror at the three people he's nearly killed.
Cut to a helicopter landing some time later. The Winchesters are all rushed to the helicopter on stretchers. Sam demands information but the paramedics tell him to stay still. Cut to a hospital. A pyjama-clad Dean wakes up and gets out of bed. He calls out, but there's no answer.

Dawson’s Creek S02 E03 – Playing house

Leery Manor. Mitch pulls down the ladder to Dawson's bedroom, telling Dawson that he's just taking precautions against late night creeping around. Dawson tells his father that he's just in denial about the fact that his kid is "a sexual being." I throw up in my mouth.
Mitch asks if he and Joey are having sex, and Dawson replies that they aren't but biologically they can. I throw up some more because EW NO. He says that Mitch needs to accept that someday, his son will have sex and stop locking windows and removing ladders because it won't do any good. He follows that up with the notion that Mitch should just let him and Joey hang out alone in his room. Mitch is all "LOL NOPE" and leaves. Joey steps out of the closet (LOL) and starts kissing Dawson.

Supernatural S01 Wrap-Up

It's been a long time coming, but we've finally finished recapping season 1 of Supernatural!!
Celebratory dance but not really because we still have nine seasons to go ohgod.
Celebrations aside, let's rank this shiz, shall we?

Dawson’s Creek S02 E01 – Bad decisions and bad hair

We pick up exactly where we left off last season, with Dawson and Joey eating each other's faces in the Shrine o' Spielberg. Shit gets monumentally awkward when the kiss ends and Dawson wonders aloud what this means for them now. Joey says they should sleep on it, and Dawson stares at his bed in terror. But no, Joey means they should sleep in their respective beds. Dawson says with a smile that it'll be a like a dream when he wakes up. Joey interprets this as him wishing it had never happened, and glares at him before heading for the window. He stops her and says that's the exact opposite of what he wants. They face-nom some more.
Democracy Diva: So much miscommunication! So much face nomming! I'm already exhausted.

Supernatural S01 E22 – Big Bad O’Clock

We pick up where we left off, with the boys phoning Papa Winchester and Meg answering. She tells Dean he'll never see his father again, and Dean hangs up. He starts grabbing his stuff and tells Sam they have to go because the demon knows they've got the Colt and now that it has Papa Winchester, it'll come after them next. Sam's all "GOOD. COME AT ME, BRO!", but Dean insists that they're leaving.
Cut to the Bromobile. Dean says that they need to work out where Papa Winchester's being kept so they can trade him for the Colt. Sam suggests that Papa Winchester might be dead already, and Dean gets angry. Sam backs down and wants to know how they'll find him. "We need help," Dean replies, and the Bromobile bros on through the night.

Dawson’s Creek S01 Wrap-Up

I feel a bit weird in celebrating the end of season 1, because it feels like we literally just started it and now it's over. Still, at the very least we should celebrate getting past Joey's awful rendition of On My Own, so let's have a dance party!
Yeah yeah, I know that's technically a spoiler because it's from season 2. But I feel like that's exactly how Dawson, Joey and Pacey would react to our celebratory dance, so it seemed appropriate to use it.
Democracy Diva: Totally appropriate. I approve.
K: ANYWAY. On with the rankings!

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