Author: Marines

After Chapter 50 – Saved by the bell.

Previously: IDK, Hardin’s parents were presumptuous and weird. — Samantha: I am considering getting out the good old brain bleach for this, another sexytimes chapter in like 3 chapters. Marines: No...

After Chapter 49 – A Hormance for October

Previously: Hardin broods. — Marines: Karen and Tessa make small talk about baking. Karen offers to teach Tessa how to bake. Tessa accepts the offer because apparently Karen is trying...

After Chapter 47 – The boo-boo on his soul.

Previously: Family dinner revealed that Papa Hardin is the Chancellor. — Marines: Tessa follows Hardin out after his outburst, for several reasons: 1- She’d rather be with angry Hardin than his...

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