Author: Marines

Supergirl S02 E11 – Ex-husband drama

Previously: The boys thought they could be better than actual Supergirl. — The Martian Chronicles Marines: Alien Bar. Kara walks in and spots Mon-El behind the bar. He quickly supplies her...

Daredevil S01 E08 – Origin stories

Previously: Stick came into town and was a dick. — Shadows in the Glass Catherine: The episode begins with Fisk in bed, waking from a nightmare. He sits up and looks...

After Chapter 46 – As if.

Previously: Hardin and Tessa had a fight about family dinner. — Samantha: Tessa notices that Hardin seems tense for some reason as they drive to the family dinner he very...

Supergirl S02 E10 – Lamely ziplining in.

Previously: Interplanetary human trafficking. — We Can Be Heroes Samantha: The episode begins with Supergirl and Mon-El training at the DEO with a little beach ball robot. Remember ’cause Mon-El said...

Game of Thrones S07 E05 – Poor planning.

Previously: Reunited and it feels so good. — Eastwatch Marines: I’m so scared because so many good things happened last episode. WHO IS GOING TO DIE? SOMEONE’S GOTTA DIE. Catherine: Literally...

Charmed S03 E11 – Adult Babies

Previously: Prodigal fathers and an ice cream truck. — Blinded by the Whitelighter Stephanie: Morning in the Halliwell kitchen. Piper makes breakfast while Prue ruins the breakfasty mood with a stinky...

After Chapter 44 – Small dumpster fires.

Previously: Hardin and Tess went to the same coed shower to shower. — Samantha: The chapter starts with Tessa telling us she stopped to use the toilet. Cool. She then notices...

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