Author: Marines

After Chapter 41 – Movie night

Previously: Tessa makes herself feel like less of a horrible person by calling Noah. — Marines: Tessa takes out her notes and her textbooks and very haughtily tells us that she does...

Gilmore Girls S01 E09 – Out all night.

Gilmore Dinner. Emily tells Rory that Richard is bringing her something super special from Prague. Rory is excited about this and talks about an ex-cell, now hostel she would like to stay at. Lorelai is paying half attention because she's picking out avocados from her dish. This gets Lorelai and Emily snipping at each other, and it doesn't end when Emily asks Rory about the upcoming formal. Rory didn't mention it to either of them, but Emily read it in the Chilton Newsletter, which she thought it was only right to receive a copy of, being a major contributor of Rory's education. This only earns a mild eyeroll from Lorelai, though I feel like in the past (all 8 episodes lol) that may have earned a full on meltdown.

Daredevil S01 E02 – Excuse me sir, you are stabbed.

Alley. Bloody dumpster. A young on his way to take out the trash finds a bloody guy in the dumpster instead, so he understandably drops the trash bag and runs. Hopefully for help, but I wouldn't judge the kid if not. This is an awfully murder-y alley. The bloody guy in the dumpster? It's Matt and he's not doing so well.

Designated Survivor S01 E13 – Clone Club

Tom asks Hannah, Forstell, and Mike (the Most Interesting Secret Service Man in the World) how the hell the Vice President was murdered while a team of FBI agents watched. Hannah says they didn’t choose the location, so their options for hiding were limited. (S: Lol no Tom, I was there, they didn't even try.) Also, she's less concerned with how than why. She says Beth had to have been deeply involved in the conspiracy. Tom wants to know what kind of fanatics they’re dealing with. Forstell urges Tom to keep as many details from the press as possible while the FBI investigates, and Tom agrees.

Daredevil S01 E01 – Punchy Kicky

A siren wails in the distance as a man walks in slow motion through a crowded street. Time catches up and the man pushes his way through the crowd. He pauses for a moment in shock when he sees his son on the floor. He kneels at Matty's side and tells him not to move. He yells for help and then takes a moment to gauge the chaos around him. Whatever accident happened, it involved a car, barrels of something shady and multiple pedestrians.

After Chapter 40 – A damn emotional vampire.

Once Hardin has successfully bullied Tessa into the car, they don't talk for a bit until Hardin asks her about her new look. He thinks its a little "over the top" and cool we're veering into the shaming and/or "you don't need all that make up" territory.
Tessa balls her hands into fists in her lap which is a detail that grabbed me because it's very "I'm afraid and trying to self soothe" to me. She tells him that he didn't have to drive her home and Hardin, being the aces guy he is, tells her to stop being so defensive, he's just saying the makeover is "extreme."

After Chapter 39 – Hold the ketchup.

We start just after Steph has finished plucking Tessa's eyebrows, so you know her sex appeal just went up by like 10 points. Steph does Tessa's make-up and she's all nervous about it. I'm almost certain that we've already had 3-4 scenes exactly like this?
Samantha: So. Many. Times. Has. This. Happened. Does this book take place in a time loop?

Breaking Dawn Chapter 22 – Infinity Stupid

We open the chapter with Bella talking about how her new special vampire brain is much bigger than her human brain because now she has room in there for questions about her daughter...
K: Dafuq?
Marines: She literally calls her brain strange, new and "roomy." ROOMY.
I... I don't think that's giving off the vibe you want, airhead.

Charmed S03 E10 – Dad = bad

P^3. White girl dancing. Piper and Phoebe are in the back room. Piper is made uncomfortable by a guy who is just staring at her. Phoebe thinks it's clearly flirtatious and the guy looks cute and innocent. For some reason, Piper has to remind Phoebe that she has a serious boyfriend. As if 73% of all the problems around here aren't Piper and her serious boyfriend.
Prue walks in with a problem of her own: she's got a song stuck in her head, but she doesn't know what it is.

Breaking Dawn Chapter 21 – Vampire Obstacle Course

Bella looks out the window, kind of hesitating about jumping from the second story. She says she isn't afraid of heights, but with her HD vision, she can now see the sharpness of the rocks below even better... What kind of MF rocks do they have below this second story window, for goodness's sake? I don't care how good your vision is, HOW SHARP COULD THEY BE?

Breaking Dawn Chapter 20 – Eat dust.

Annie: Still recovering from the birth chapter, so... I love you, but I do not have the emotional capacity to show sympathy for you rn.
Marines: On the brightish side, our readers will certainly be v sympathetic to our long bouts of silence, surely.
Catherine: I can't see how they wouldn't be. They are very charitable.

After Chapter 38 – Broken dishes.

Steph hugs Tessa, who finds her "frail" arms oddly comforting. That's a weird way to describe a seemingly healthy teenager but okay.
Marines: This is how you know the author hates women: she can't compliment Steph in ANYTHING without wrapping it in an insult. Steph just got Hardin out and is coming over to comfort her and Terrible Tess has to note how FRAIL she is before calling it comforting. 

After Chapter 37 – Disgusting.

Just to get your romance juices flowing (or whatever) here's the first line of this chapter:
"Being the disgusting person that he is, Hardin is sitting on my bed when I return." 

Wow. Much swoon.
Samantha: Oh no, my panties explo- oh wait, no they didn't. They're icy. 

Supergirl S02 E08 – Someone called the police!

Hello friends! It's Thanksgiving here on Supergirl, and the episode opens with Kara using her laser vision to cook a turkey. Weird, but also what I'd probably do too. Jimmy and Winn have an annoying conversation about who should be the one to tell Kara that Jimmy is Guardian. To be clear, they are having this argument in Kara's living room. To be even clearer, they are having this argument in the living room of the girl who has super hearing. But whatever.

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