Author: Marines

Supergirl S01 E07 – Dark and scary hallways

Supergirl is getting something like a super-physical. A voice-over of Holo-Mom explains that Kara's cells have drained after fighting that robot thing last episode. She's basically a real girl now and things will be able to hurt her. Her powers should return as soon as she's absorbed enough yellow sun power. (S: Thank god she doesn't live in Ohio. I haven't seen the yellow sun in a week.) We cut to the Back Room of Solitude, where Holo-Mom is wrapping up her handy information in a slightly impersonal, AI kind of way. Supergirl sighs.

Supergirl S01 E06 – Angry anger

Okay so the episode starts with Kara flying over the city. Alex beeps in to ask if everything is okay since usually flying = cheesy battles. But no, this time Kara is just flying to clear her head. But, of course, duty calls and Kara hears some trouble a brewing.
Marines: I don't want to start every episode with Supergirl flying and making some statement that then gets immediately negated. I DON'T WANNA.
Samantha: We cut to the spin off Fast and Furious show that Vin Diesel has been talking about and I get excited! Two guys are yelling at each other and banging their cars together. It's Fast and Furious: Road Rage, y'all. Of course they're doing this in a school zone and almost super murder a bunch of little kids crossing the street.

The OC S03 E22 – Misunderstandings waiting to happen.

Hello friends! I'm super excited to guest recap for my internet idols, the lovely Snark Ladies, especially since I, like so many of my predecessors, have never seen this show before. Away we go!
After the previouslies, we open with Ryan carrying a duffel bag into what I can only assume is a palace – no, wait, it appears to be the Cohens’ house. (M: 75% of that house is imaginary and unusable anyway.) He goes to the kitchen, where Seth is chilling out with his own duffel bag. He eyes Ryan’s luggage: “You taking all that? You only own like a wifebeater and 2 hoodies.” Ryan says he doesn’t know what you’re supposed to pack for a prospective student weekend, so he just threw everything in.

Supernatural S05 E04 – The angels have the phone box.

The previouslies remind us of the Croatoan virus and I suddenly get very excited because I just remembered which episode this is. Also how much of a bitch it was to find gifs for Croatoan when I recapped it JUST after Croatoan Day last year. BUT I DIGRESS. (S: Croatoan is one of my top ten favorite episodes so I also get excited for this one.) (K: Legit.)
Dean pulls the Bromobile up on a city street and hops out. An escapee from the Book of Mormon cast asks if Dean's taken time to consider God's plan for him. "Too friggin' much, pal," Dean says with an eyeroll.

Charmed S02 E19 – We are the librarian.

Halliwell Manor. Piper is preparing for a romantic night by lighting candles and picking up a vase and putting it elsewhere (?). Prue runs in and Piper asks her WTF she's doing home, because Pipers's supposed to have the house to herself. Prue totally forgot about this and is distracted by some pictures she took for an assignment. She wants Piper's opinion on them, and since Leo isn't there yet anyway, Piper tells her to make it quick.
Prue shows the horrible photos to her sister. (S: I will always laugh at her mediocre photos. Until this character trait suddenly disappears, of course.)

Sweet Valley High #015 “Promises” – Shared milk.

Okay, here we go. I haven’t read a SVH book in about 15 years, but I do remember that I was slightly obsessed with Jessica because I am a complete and utter nerdy Elizabeth and I thought Jess was SO COOL DUDE.
Marines: If nothing else, I hope this experiment changes your mind about Jessica because that bitch is CRAZY.
Laura: One paragraph in, I'm immediately told the girls have large blue-green eyes! As if I could ever forget. And Tricia is dying, for realz this time.

Grey Chapter 16 – Monopoly and lies, lies, LIES

The chapter begins with a scene from Grey's childhood, where he hides in the closet from “him” who often hits Grey and the Crack Whore.
Grey awakens from this bad dream, and as he gets ready for a run, receives a text from Ana saying she's arrived safely in Georgia. That she's safe makes him happy, but then he checks his email and of course, there's a really long one from Ana. It makes his scalp prickle (you know, like when a ghost is nearby?) and he sits down to read it.

Supergirl S01 E05 – Baby-sitters Club

If you want to know why this show is MEH to watch and painful to recap, let's take today's opening scene: Supergirl is flying around and all we see is her SHADOW. Her voice over says that she's always felt like a SHADOW of a person. Are the writers even trying?
Samantha: Maybe this is the first ever attempt at letting a computer write a show and all it has to go on is bad metaphors and cliches?
Catherine: Shut up, you guys. IT'S DEEP.

Supernatural S05 E03 – With these hungry eyes

We open at a Motel of the Week where Sam is sleeping all by his lonesome. And shirtless. Which I only point out because it’s super rare for the guys to be shirtless on this show. I think I remember reading somewhere once that J2 specifically asked for that to be the case. So I always find it interesting when it does happen. Anyway, yeah, Sam is sleeping and I swear he looks broody and troubled even in his sleep. Nothing is safe from manpain.

Doctor Who S04 E00 – Hark the herald angels kill

We start where we left off - with the Titanic crashing into the TARDIS. After his "What?"s, the Doctor fiddles with something on the console panel, and the TARDIS is pulled off the ship. The hole in the side magically fixes itself, and the TARDIS vworp vworps onto the Titanic. The Doctor dusts himself off and heads off to explore. It's all very Downton Abbey, with a piped orchestral version of Jingle Bells. There are also creepy animatronic angels standing around. Because, you know, we haven't had enough angel related trauma already on this show. (M: I just want to blink freely.)

The OC S03 E21 – Walls are for squares

Hello, everyone! It's me, you're O.C. newbie back again to recap an episode of a show that I do not understand and that scares me a little. Just as a refresher, I have seen two episodes of this show ever including this one. So I'm a Snow here in the vast, uncharted wilderness of teen angst.
This episode did not start with any previouslies. It was just a very abrupt shot of their house. So abrupt that I had to pause it and calm down and get a glass of orange juice it was very taxing, you guys.

Supernatural S05 E02 – Man jewellery and manpain

After a hundred thousand years of previouslies (M: One year for every current season of Supernatural...) (K: #accurate), we open in Bobby's hospital room. He's sitting in a wheelchair, staring sadly out the window. I find it hilarious that he's wearing a dressing gown and his trucker's cap. Sam watches from the doorway. Dean appears and says they have to cheer Bobby up. Sam says they need to prepare themselves for Bobby not bouncing back this time. Dean looks feelsy.

Doctor Who S03 Wrap-Up

I used to say that this was my least favorite season and my least favorite companion and now I'm not sure if that's true. I do know that I've found a newfound appreciation for Martha and what a capable, wonderful companion she truly is. What hasn't changed is that this season suffers a lot from some crazy plot lines and giant plot holes. Most of the time, and with only a few exceptions, the good episodes are good DESPITE some other bad stuff happening in the background.

Supernatural S05 E01 – Go read your books elsewhere.

Hi everyone! I’m crazy excited to be joining in with the Supernatural recaps! I’m in Kirsti’s "Jon Know" neck of the woods. I have super Winchester brothers love and feels, while also the major acknowledgment that this show and the boys can be incredibly misogynistic and frustrating. I, uh, also own a necklace with Dean’s face on it, because I’ve been in love with him since 2007. So. Just getting the embarrassing outta the way at the gate. And without further ado, lets start Season 5!

Supergirl S01 E04 – No points for effort.

This episode, a Thanksgiving episode, was supposed to air next week but because of the similarity between the Paris attacks and the content of this week's episode, CBS apparently switched the order. This happens occasionally and I consider it a credit to the shows writing if it's actually noticeable that the episodes are out of order. Usually it's not.
I don't normally like to refer to someone's face as 'messed up' but this episode opens on an alien with a face that's totally messed up.

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