Helena is lying on the floor of her cell, bruised and bloody after being beaten by her captors for killing Parsons. Remember- she stabbed him in the brain? Yeah. Kinda hard to forget. Also, the Castor military folks weren’t too happy about that.
Marines: I mean, to be fair, they started it.
J: And Helena brought it! They seriously did not know what they were getting into when they allowed her into their picture.
We start in the TARDIS with the Doctor rigging Martha's flip phone so that it now has all-space-and-time roaming activated. Martha is impressed but before she can test it out, the TARDIS jerks and an alarm starts blaring. The Doctor announces that it's a distress signal and he's locking onto it.
After a bit more turbulence (thought it's an oddly quick series of events. Like AHH distress signal AHH we're here!) they land and the Doctor hurries out to investigate. Martha follows him out and they both comment on how hot wherever they've landed is.
After a bit more turbulence (thought it's an oddly quick series of events. Like AHH distress signal AHH we're here!) they land and the Doctor hurries out to investigate. Martha follows him out and they both comment on how hot wherever they've landed is.
We open to a bunch of car alarms going off. The cars are all smashed to shit. Castiel walks into the middle of them and raises a hand. The alarms stop, because he's...the car whisperer or some shit? I don't even know any more. (M: A little known and seldom useful angel power.)
Cas walks through the cars, looking like a sad puppy, and stops by the corpse of a blonde woman in a pretty white virginal dress. He pulls a piece of cloth away from her throat to reveal a bloody wound. "Goodbye, sister," he says sadly. Police cars speed towards him, sirens blaring.
Cas walks through the cars, looking like a sad puppy, and stops by the corpse of a blonde woman in a pretty white virginal dress. He pulls a piece of cloth away from her throat to reveal a bloody wound. "Goodbye, sister," he says sadly. Police cars speed towards him, sirens blaring.
Helloooooooo again, friends! We are late into Season 3 and I have to be honest. As much as I <3 this show, I have never re-watched this season. There are a lot of reasons for that but the simple one is: I thought it was a 9.9 disaster on the Richter Scale . So I may be a little fuzzy on specific details and I shall do my very best to keep my !feels! as non spoilery as possible.
Let’s get down to business.
Hogwarts for Assassins. We start with Arya washing a dead body very slowly and methodically. When she's all done, two men appear to carry the body away. She stares after them, curious about what the heck is happening with these bodies. She walks closer to the door through which they left, but Nameless Cunt appears and shuts that down. Arya wants to know what happens to the bodies but NC tells her to get back to work.
Democracy Diva: Isn't it weird that these bodies are mostly old people, when the average life expectancy in this universe is like an hour and a half?
Democracy Diva: Isn't it weird that these bodies are mostly old people, when the average life expectancy in this universe is like an hour and a half?
A couple of guys leave a bar, discussing fantasy football. As they pass an alley, a twitchy looking guy jumps out and asks if they have any change. Then he pulls a gun on them. A young dude in an apron is dumping rubbish in the dumpster and freaks, dropping the lid with a bang. Twitchy Guy starts, pulling the trigger and shooting the white guy, which makes for a nice change. Twitchy Dude runs. The black guy yells at the Apron Dude to call 911, and starts administering CPR.
Things around here continue to be as crazy as I say they are every time I write an update. We're basically behind on every series that we are covering, but it's difficult when you have so many different contributors to coordinate schedules and busy life times, especially when we are all working other jobs that actually pay us.
Point is that even though we know there is a ton of stuff we owe you, there are a couple of projects in the works and one that will bring in some new faces to help out around here.
Point is that even though we know there is a ton of stuff we owe you, there are a couple of projects in the works and one that will bring in some new faces to help out around here.
We open with a woman beating the shit out of some steaks with a meat tenderiser the size of Mjolnir. Her husband gets home from work and she's all judgey about how late he is. He snaps at her, then apologises. As he gets a beer from the fridge, she tells him that she ran into a friend and they've been invited to a 40th birthday party at the weekend.
So right off, Grey orders a glass of Sancerre at a bar. It appears he doesn't have the same level of hate for it as he does for Chardonnay, but with his volatile personality, who the hell knows.
The reason he's chugging (I assume) wine at the bar is he's waiting for Ana for their date. He's nervous, because he's never taken a sub out to dinner before, and that crazy Ana insisted on driving herself so he can't control her every movement from the house onward. Other than that, he's had a pretty normal day so far doing business stuff, including firing three people.
The reason he's chugging (I assume) wine at the bar is he's waiting for Ana for their date. He's nervous, because he's never taken a sub out to dinner before, and that crazy Ana insisted on driving herself so he can't control her every movement from the house onward. Other than that, he's had a pretty normal day so far doing business stuff, including firing three people.
The OC has a special place in my heart as one of those shows that I A LWAYS wanted to watch but just never got around to it. So like other guest recappers, this should be interesting. From the title alone I'm getting a biker gang vibe or some fighting in general is going to go downnnn. This episode features a very long winded preview of what’s been going down in the OC and whoa. I have missed so much. (M: It feels like so little when you are actually watching it.)
Grey really hates Detroit. He works real hard to suppress all of his memories from stupid Detroit, but we all know he's really unsuccessful at that. Exhibit A is those nightmares he has about once a chapter. All of this "matters" (I use that word loosely) because he is thinking of opening an electronics plant there. He tosses the report he's looking over aside and takes a sip of his wine.
"I toss it on the dining table and take a sip of my Sancerre. Shit. It's warm."
That is a really violent reaction to warm wine, Grey. Calm down.
"I toss it on the dining table and take a sip of my Sancerre. Shit. It's warm."
That is a really violent reaction to warm wine, Grey. Calm down.
Just a couple disclaimers for anyone who doesn't read the comments: I have been looking forward approximately forever for Willa Holland, because Thea Queen, and was so excited to get to her episodes that I kinda sorta wanted her to destroy the core four's world. THAT SHE DID MY FRIENDS. So I may be just a bit biased on rooting for Kaitlin's terrible decisions. Second - because she is not /technically/ part of the main cast yet, I'm totally calling her Young Thea.
We open with a preppy blonde cheerleader uttering the words "She's such a slut," so that we can get our misogyny shots out of the way early. The jock next to her at the lunch table says he's "pro-slut" (SHOTS!) and asks for further details. She provides them, then stops as the girl in question approaches the table and goes to sit in her usual spot. But LOL NOPE, society is the worst and all her friends fake-cough "SLUT!" at her until she storms off to sit at another table.
Marines: She can't see it now, but it's a better table, far from slut-shamers and almost equally as bad, people who would ever fake cough a word.
Marines: She can't see it now, but it's a better table, far from slut-shamers and almost equally as bad, people who would ever fake cough a word.
Prue is at the most 90's photoshoot ever (one of the posing dudes is wearing a metallic shirt), showing off her portfolio to an art director (?). He's impressed with her work even though she probably threw the whole thing together over the weekend. It's not enough to get her a job, though, because her resume shows she's an evil job switcher. Prue asks if she can have a shot anyway and the AD agrees to give her the job if she can get a photo of Amy Adams Maggie Murphy, an unlucky Irish woman (Haha! the irony!) who used to do good things until she got unlucky. He wants an artistic photo of Maggie's inner soul by 5 PM.
You know, it was way too fun thinking about who we would run around with at the end of the world.
Check out the videos below to find out who we'd start our apocalypse dream teams with!
Check out the videos below to find out who we'd start our apocalypse dream teams with!
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