Author: Marines

Wynonna Earp S01 E10 – Compound Problems

Previously: Doc and Wy buried Constance in a salt field. I’m sure that’ll be fine. — She Wouldn’t Be Gone Marines: Waverly storms into the bar, with apparently no plan except...

Twilight Chapter 02 – She’s the worst.

The chapter opens with the line "The next day was better... and worse," and I'm already pissed off.
The day was better for Bella because it wasn't raining yet and she knew what to expect on her second day of school, but worse, because she was tired. Bella complains about the rain, the people she has to attend school with, but she internal-monologues about how she is starting to remember some of her fellow students' names. This is the short list of complaints explaining how her day was better. Girl. Just. Lighten up.
Catherine: Honestly, she should just be glad that any of her 'fellow students' are willing to be friends with her. It's a sacrifice. 

Twilight Chapter 01 – Bell-waaaaaah.

It starts with a Bible verse.
Sorry, sorry, I just feel like this book is already taking itself too seriously, but okay.
Kirsti: Technically, it starts with a dedication to her sister Emily, "without whose enthusiasm this story might still be unfinished." DAMMIT, EMILY. THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT. 
Mari: Perhaps when we get particularly frustrated with the story, we can just yell, "EMILY."
Onward to the preface. An unidentified someone says she has never given much thought to how she would die, but had she thought about it, she wouldn't have imagined this. Let's just call this unidentified person Bella, okay?

Dollhouse S01 E03 – Stalker Anthem

This episode begins at a club with a girl dancing very sexily on stage on a cage I assumed it was a strip club, but it's much classier because she's a singer. Sorry girl. I had to Google her and it was a very confusing search because I was trying to avoid spoilers. The song is by Kimberly Cole but she is not acting in the episode, which is what I initially thought, because I'm stupid and identifying characters as a Snow is the hardest fucking thing. (L: Girl, I'm always an email away.)
Anyway, the character is Rayna Russell and she is singing a song called Superstar in a diamond bra with on-stage fireworks and other snazzy pop star trappings. I was just about to say something about how dangerous those fireworks seem when ONE OF HER DANCERS CAUGHT ON FIRE. Shit. Rayna is rushed off stage.

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