I saw approximately 2 people talking about this on TikTok, but in such a way that I was immediately sold on trying out this genre-blended movie.
We're taste-testing as many Fall TV pilots as we can get to and giving you our first impressions!
We're taste-testing as many Fall TV pilots as we can get to and giving you our first impressions!
There are few things Snark Ladies love more than starting new things and pilot episodes, so we're bringing back our Fall TV Roundup. Join us as we taste-test and grade as many Fall pilots as we can.
As you likely heard or saw if you're here, reading this blog, the Emmys were this week. When we noticed that Shogun led the pack in nominations and was still in its first season, that seemed like an obvious pick for our Emmy-week episode.
A Netflix show adaptation of a popular YA book? You should not be surprised to find Snark Squad at the scene of the crime.
We invited good friend of the pod, Paige Gunning, to join us this episode. In addition to having great insight into books and publishing, Paige is one of our friends most likely to enjoy a soapy teen drama and is currently living in London. Very fitting, if we do say so ourselves.
Our next couple of episodes were actually recorded out of order. We had an episode about A Good Girl's Guide To Murder ready to go, but when I recently visited Nicole, and we spent all of our TV couch time catching up on Love Island USA Season 6. Neither of us had ever watched any of the previous seasons or iterations, but we had been hearing a lot about the season on social media. Plus, we both got sick during my visit, so we were looking for the ultimate 0 brain cell TV, and Love Island felt just right.
Nothing is more Snark Squad's roots than a YA novel-adapted-into-a-show, so of course we had to cover this. We recorded another one recently too -- leave your guesses in the comments.
I have no idea if anyone is still here, reading these posts, but they are an important part of the tradition of this podcast, so I will continue to post them whenever a wild podcast episode appears. And what's that? A wild podcast episode has appeared!
These two podcast episodes are functionally just part 1 and 2 of our little "hey, we're still alive," check-in. We make no promises here except that if we both make it to the end of this year you might here from us again then. Bleak promises for bleak times.
Surprise! A post! Wow! Less surprising is the fact that I have genuinely forgotten how to do this? Writing to you from the blog's backend is a little surreal because I spent so many hours of my life typing into this little box but I had to copy and paste an old post just to know where to start. I had to cheat off my old paper in order to complete a basic task that used to be second nature.
Previously: Black Widow finally got her own movie and we were all very excited about it. — Sweeney: TWO PODCAST POSTS IN ONE WEEK. Wild given that we upload this...
Previously: We had a very meandering chat about our 2021 media and also the world I guess. — Sweeney: I keep failing to put these posts up in a timely...
Previously: We watched Shadow & Bone and the reviews were extremely mixed. I remember nothing else about this experience because it was 14 lifetimes ago. — Sweeney: At this point...
Previously: We watched (and loved) Wandavision. — Sweeney: Hello again! We have recorded another episode of the podcast and so I figured I should probably finish editing and uploading this...
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