Previously: We revisited the Buffy Halloween episodes and had a lot of feelings & nostalgia. — Sweeney: It is now a week after Halloween, but we hope you’ll entertain just...
Previously: We read My Brilliant Friend with mixed reactions, but great anticipation for the series. — Marines: Happy Halloween! Nicole and I have the one picture from the one Halloween we...
Previously: Pretty Little Liars try to do normal shit like prepare for college, but everything is ridiculous because Rosewood — Out, Damned Spot Sweeney: We open at Rosewood High, and...
Previously: We watched 9 episodes of The Dragon Prince and it wasn’t enough to figure our how we truly felt. — Marines: I first read this work, translated to English by...
Previously: Over a year ago, we recapped an episode with a suspicious storage unit. — Oh, What Hard Luck Stories They All Hand Me Samantha: Spencer, Emily, and Aria are standing...
Previously: We made it through the 4th A Song of Ice & Fire book, which we both loved and hated. — Sweeney: Long-time readers of the blog will have heard...
Previously: Maniac was weird… but we liked it. — Marines: For everything else I could say about A Song of Ice and Fire, this has become one of the media things...
Previously: Someone asked us to watch The Meg and exceeded our very low expectations. — Sweeney: Producing this podcast is a crapshoot sometimes. We try to record every Sunday evening,...
Previously: We recorded a live episode at BookNet Fest 2018 all about Pride and Prejudice. WHAT A BLAST! — Marines: Nicole often pokes fun at me for always having like 27...
Previously: Sharp Objects was unsettling and good even if “enjoy” wasn’t a word we could rightly use. — Sweeney: The fun thing about starting something new is that you get...
Previously: The Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling won our hearts. — Marines: Our recording schedule leading up to and in September has been kind of wild, as Nicole and I were both...
Previously: We gushed about Crazy Rich Asians, rom coms, fabulous dresses, and representation. — Sweeney: This post is a day late because I have been traveling and Mari has been...
Previously: Gravity Falls gave us a lot of feelings about children’s media, interactive storytelling, and siblings. — Sweeney: Whenever I assume that everyone in our little community is being inundated...
Previously: We had many feelings about siblings existing in fictional media. — Marines: Animated TV is really not Nicole’s thing, but after our success with Avatar: The Last Airbender, I added this...
Previously: We tapped an endless well of superhero feelings. — Sweeney: We’ve mentioned a time or 20 that this whole podcast thing is, in a lot of ways, something that...
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