We watched Westworld for the podcast and it just was screaming to also be recapped. — The Original Marines: Listen, I don’t plan how to mismanage my time and take on...
Previously: We finally read A Game of Thrones and talked a lot about Ned’s honor. — Marines: The behind the scenes for this podcast episode were interesting. First, I’ll mention straight...
Previously: We talked about superhero stories, teen soaps, and a teen soap superhero story. — Marines: We’ve already dedicated thousands and thousands of words to this universe, though in the form...
Previously: We watched A Wrinkle In Time and had a lot of feelings about changes from the book and the many visual treats of the film. — Sweeney: This week...
Previously: We talked about adaptations and very human feelings. — Marines: The last two episodes we did– A Wrinkle in Time and adaptations– basically came about because Sweeney and I both really wanted...
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Previously: We loved Midge Maisel and Joel Maisel is a fuckboy. — Marines: Coming to children’s classics as an adult is always an experience. With the upcoming theatrical release of A Wrinkle in...
Previously: Bill Paxton was the best part of a vampire movie. — Marines: When I watched The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, a 2017 Amazon Prime Original, it was the first time in a...
Previously: A sex sonic boom sapped us of all happy feelings. — Sweeney: When we launched the podcast, we were careful to launch with a string of somewhat disparate media...
Many moons ago, when #snarkathon was consistent, some brave soul kept suggesting Highlander. When my dear friend Nick Jenkins mentioned covering the Highlander movies on his podcast, Reel Bad, I...
Previously: We read Krysten Ritter’s debut novel and decided it was OK but we all should have consumed it as an audiobook. — Sweeney: HELLO AGAIN. It’s the first podcast...
Previously: We took a break from specific media to talk about Chosen Ones with Ceri Riley! — Marines: Welcome back, friends! This continues to be a really exciting time around Traumaland...
Marines: I’m sure that there are some newer Snark Squad readers who are looking at this post like WTF is “The More You Know?” Well, dear friends, in our heyday of...
Previously: The Snark Ladies watched a Star Wars movie for the first time. — Sweeney: A little part of me still feels like every episode of this podcast is A...
Previously: The Snark Ladies read Bone Gap and had a lot of feelings about corn. — Sweeney: Hello again, friends. Today we have an episode of the podcast that I...
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