Author: Nicole Sweeney

Snark Squad Pod #002: Bone Gap

Previously: Riverdale was kind of about a murder but really about TRUTH AND JUSTICE. — Marines: Hello Traumateers! First of all, we want to thank everyone for their support of this...

Inhumans S01 E07 – Parlay partay.

Previously: Thanks to Crystal creating lightning and some jungle shenanigans, the royal family is reunited, but Gorgon is dead. — Havoc in the Hidden Land Sweeney: Auran, Declan, and the...

Gilmore Girls S01 E09 – Out all night.

Gilmore Dinner. Emily tells Rory that Richard is bringing her something super special from Prague. Rory is excited about this and talks about an ex-cell, now hostel she would like to stay at. Lorelai is paying half attention because she's picking out avocados from her dish. This gets Lorelai and Emily snipping at each other, and it doesn't end when Emily asks Rory about the upcoming formal. Rory didn't mention it to either of them, but Emily read it in the Chilton Newsletter, which she thought it was only right to receive a copy of, being a major contributor of Rory's education. This only earns a mild eyeroll from Lorelai, though I feel like in the past (all 8 episodes lol) that may have earned a full on meltdown.

Gilmore Girls S01 E08 – Snow Presents

Oh hey, it's great to be back in Snark Squad HQ and it's even better that Mari let's me ramble about one of my favourite Gilmore Girls episodes.

Sweeney: Mari's out with a case of having the world's most inhumanly absurd schedule, but I agree that she is very great. (K: I have been wondering if she has a time turner somewhere.) Gif dance party for Mari in the comments. I'll start:

20 Reasons Buffy the Vampire Slayer Endures – #BuffySlays20

Almost five years ago, our baby website decided to expand from its usual fare (the terrible books we read as children) to cover a TV show. At the insistence of my friends, I'd watched the pilot episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer even before the founding of the blog. In fact, "Childhood Trauma" was the first name of this blog, thanks to the classic line in the pilot. When it came time to pick a show to cover here, it seemed natural to start with Buffy.

Gilmore Girls S01 E04 – Harsh Desserts

The episode's adorable expository banter leads us into school supply shopping which is a thing I miss. I wrote out a whole very long paragraph about the glorious nostalgia this scene gave me, but I deleted it because I don't want to blow my nostalgia quota before we even hit the intro. Moving on. There is adorable banter about how Rory needs serious school supplies for her serious school.
Where you lead, I will follow!

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