Author: Nicole Sweeney

The OC S02 E09 – Use your words, people.

So I'm finally guest blogging for Snark Squad. I feel accomplished. That probably tells you all you need to know about me.
I love The O.C. and on first watch, I was completely #teamryan. On a later watch, #teamseth. So when I watch now, I find myself conflicted. It's a hard place to be. I'll keep a tally as I go to see where I'm at today.
Marines: This is kind of how my Myers Briggs has shifted a little as I get older. Like that, but way more awesome.
Sweeney: It says a lot about how we're not this show's target age demographic anymore that you're contextualizing it with Myers Briggs.

Gotham S01 E07 – In. The. Face.

The episode begins with the camera centered on Penguin's Umbrella. Does that mean that the cameraman gets the star? You know, I'll give it out again if somebody says it for real, but since the cinematographer is my favorite member of the crew, (s)he and the cameraman can share an honorary star. Here you go!
Marines: I feel like if there is anywhere where we can play fast and loose with the star rules it's with this show.

How To Get Away With Murder S01 E07 – Majestic Shoulders 101

Bonfire, but just for a sec, because then we cut back to 12 Grimmauld Place. Rebecca is drenched in a truly ridiculous amount of blood and Wes is carrying her into the bathroom. He cleans the blood off her her while she just stands there in a daze. She thanks him, and he kisses her. He says it will be fine, because people always say that when there are dead bodies around. We zoom in on Rebecca’s thoughtful face, so it’s clearly The Rebecca Episode.
Marines: The tender blood wiping made me feel icky. Spoiler alert: this is not the ickiest I'll feel this episode.
Sweeney: Giving you a soft introduction to the unpleasant emotions you'll feel is what the teaser's all about.

Veronica Mars S02 E19 – Save the puppies

The episode begins with Veronica being interrogated by Aaron Echolls's lawyer, asked about what she really saw on the video, with a side of slut shamey eyebrow waggles and questions about her contact with Duncan. He's the worst. Also, isn't it better to unsettle her with your gross questions on the stand? Or is this a "tear her down so she's weak up there" thing? Never mind, I'll stop trying to decode evil like this.
Democracy Diva: Seems like tearing her down before she's even on the stand is a waste of time/evilness, but I'll leave the evil to the experts like defense attorneys for the rich, famous, statutory rape-y and murder-y. 

Pretty Little Liars S04 E12 – Je ne comprends pas.

The Liars are gathered in the Hastings House watching the news coverage on the eye witness that has come forward in Wilden's case. The doorbell rings and Spencer goes to answer it while the remaining girls exposit that Travis is the cute eye witness. Hanna is legit worried that he might withdraw his testimony and Aria offers, "he's quite the dancer."
Sweeney: Aria, that is relevant to nothing at all. Your inability to differentiate the pertinence of information is part of why you never definitively solve anything ever.

How to Get Away with Murder S01 E06 – Unbelievable eyeliner

Improbable bonfire. We cut immediately to Asher, so the improbable bonfire was just to (a) - establish that we are in the future and (b) - keep the bonfire episode opener going on forever. Asher is in his Twlight-movie-blue-filtered apartment dancing around, throwing money, drinking, gyrating, and generally being a lot more carefree than his Dumbledore's Army counterparts in this uncertain future. He's mid-thrusting on the couch when he gets a phone call from someone named Alicia. He wants to go to the bonfire because he has the Murder Weapon Trophy and doesn't have to study. Except he just realizes that Murder Weapon Trophy is gone.

Doctor Who S01 E07 – A click of the fingers.

A TV screen (on my TV screen) is showing a news broadcast about solar flares. We pan away from it as we hear what my closed captioning describes as the "throbbing hum" of the TARDIS materializing. The Doctor and Rose disembark and he quickly gives her the lowdown: it's 200,000 and they've landed on a space station. He points out a gate in the corner and tells Rose to start there.
Before she can start whatever in the over there (I'm being as vague as the teaser so far, not trying to write best selling erotica, FYI), Rose knocks on the TARDIS door and tells Adam to come on out.

Dollhouse S01 E08 – Echoline

Paul is in his apartment without a shirt. (M: Very important detail. I like the way you recap.) Someone knocks at the door and it’s Echo in a very boobalicious black dress. She ditched an engagement to deliver a message. That message is that she has something Paul needs - her mouth on his mouth. Paul’s all pissy because he's not a client, but they move to the couch and make out a ton anyway. Mellie appears from the shadows to be jealous. Paul insists that he has something Echo needs (dem abs, dat back) so they keep with the kissing. Mellie interrupts again, saying Echo doesn’t need anything because she’s dead. Paul pulls away from Echo, who’s now pale and corpsified.

The More You Know October 2014 – Much busy.

This is our 900th post.
It's very apt that it came during this time because holy crap we're posting a lot which explains a little of why we fell off schedule this month. I write this having just landed in Florida after spending a weekend in New York with Sweeney and Lion, hence the silence on the blog. And even with that, we still managed to post more times this month than in September. To put it in perspective in July we posted 36 times, 34 in August, 52 in September and 61 in October.

The OC S02 E08 – The Power of Blah

I feel like I should start by saying that I remember very little about season two. I diligently watched the entire season when it aired and then once again a few years ago when I scored the DVDs at Target for $10. But pretty much the entire season is one big blur of now-dated bands, bland love interests, and me wondering when Seth and Summer are going to get back together. So "The Power of Love" should be a fun trip down not-really-a-memory lane.
Marines: A+. "Not really a memory," describes 95% of my OC experience. The other 5% is a mixture of adorable Seth, flying pool furniture and a certain alley in Tijuana.
Sweeney: Television's gold standard depiction of Tijuana, really.

Gotham S01 E06 – Eat the rich

The consensus last week seemed to be that the episode was about 2% better than the previous ones, so things might slowly be moving in the right direction. That said, this episode is called ‘Spirit of the Goat’, so don’t hold your breath.
Sweeney: I think the trick is in keeping our expectations nice and low. Terrible show, terrible titles, etc., etc. so that we end up pleased if it even achieves general mediocrity.

Doctor Who S01 E06 – Team Heartless Plunger

Sorry this post is late. I have Angel levels of, "I DON'T WANNA," feelings about this right now, but seeing the episode title, I'm moderately excited because I know that Daleks are A THING and literally the only reason I am watching this show is because I hate feeling left out of cultural references and this show I don't yet enjoy watching happens to be a BFD with my corner of the internet. "Ha! I get that joke!" I will say as I laugh into my internet martinis and choke them back a little faster so I don't have to share my true feelings.

Veronica Mars S02 E18 – Expository dreams

In what I thought was a flashback but is definitely a dream, Veronica envisions herself on the bus, with the bus crash victims. She's crying, and there's a girl in a tee shirt that says "I <3 DICK," so, um, yeah. I have absolutely no idea what's going on, and that's a feeling that will continue throughout this episode. Back in reality, someone wakes Veronica up and sends her to the school counselor. Veronica defends her bad behavior to the guidance counselor (namely, wearing headphones and sleeping in class, ripping down other students' posters, etc.) and jokes that she's being haunted by the bus crash victims. Except she's really not joking - she's seeing them every time she tries to fall asleep.

Pretty Little Liars S04 E11 – ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

At Rosewood High School for Processing your Stalkers, the Pretty Little Liars recap the last episode for us - the squatter in the DiLaurentis crawlspace and CeCe blaming all of these then-14-year-olds  for getting her 21-year-old ass kicked out of college.
Marines: I feel it's my obligation to say that one of the girls say that napping isn't living, which is just more proof that they are doing life wrong.
Sweeney: We just need to sit them all down and have a chat.

Dollhouse S01 E07 – Whedony humor.

Seven episodes until we got a episode named something Echo-ish. That's some self-restraint.
Sweeney: I only give them partial credit, since they named the girl with all the glitchy remembering stuff issues ECHO. Half points.
Mari: We're nothing if not fair.
We flashback to Caroline and Adelle, making the deal we first saw in Ghost. All Caroline wants is to be left alone, but Adelle says they are past that.

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