Author: Nicole Sweeney

How to Get Away With Murder S01 E05 – Magic Vagina Powers

Improbable Bonfire. Dumbledore's Army: Murder Unit (D: A+) jumps from being with the body and its pool of blood on the floor to being out in the woods - basically this is the bridge between the Grimmauld Place scenes and the woodsy Lying Liar Coin Toss. Up the hill from where they're lying low, two people are about to hook up - it's implied that they're a cheatery secret couple and needing to hook up with people in the miserable freezing cold is a great argument in favor of fidelity - but they stop when they hear a phone ringing. They leave rather than investigate, because nobody's trying to get murdered investigating shady noises in the woods. (M: Not even for sex.) Laurel silences her phone very slowly (gotta get those texting gloves, girl!) and Michaela starts whisper yelling at her for telling Frank all of this.

Veronica Mars S02 E17 – Felixback

Welcome dear friends. We've been a little less than consistent with these recaps in the last week or two, just due to crazy IRL schedules. Veronica recaps tend to take me longer than most, too, so unfortunately they suffer when things get hectic. Sincere apologies and on we go!
We open up in a classroom at Neptune High where a cheery teacher announces that Logan is the winner of Steven Guttenberg's essay contest on freedom. The teacher hangs up the essay in case anyone wants to read it. The bell rings and Veronica makes a beeline for the essay. She reads over a sentence or two and sasses back over to Logan. She quotes a bit of Logan's essay, but actually, she's quoting "Easy Rider," which Logan made her watch while they were dating. She's on to his plagiarizing ways.

Pretty Little Liars S04 E10 – Fake notes

The girls are trying to sneak back into school after leaving midday to try and see Jenna. They were turned away, and Hanna laments not breaking out their candy striper outfits again. Spencer is pretty sure their teacher noticed them all missing but on they sneak. And by "sneak" I mean walk at a leisurely pace and exposit loudly in the halls about figuring out who drowned Jenna.
Emily gets a text message.
Emily, girl, you need to get your priorities in order.

Dollhouse S01 E06 – Calm Down, Paul

We begin with an ominous fuzzy screen title card telling us that we're about to see Testimonial Documents in the DOLLHOUSE Interviews in Los Angeles. A reporter speaks into the camera explaining that some people in LA know of "The Dollhouse" as something seedy. Cut to an interview with a random super sketchy dude, insisting that "everybody knows" it exists. Continuing his report, the journalist explains that dating back to the 1980s, The Dollhouse is LA's most famous urban legend and he explains quite accurately what it is before clarifying that "most everybody" regards it as science fiction. This report isn't about the legitimacy of The Dollhouse so much as a series of MAN ON THE STREET interviews with people about their reactions to the idea of The Dollhouse. (M: You can't see me, but I've giving you an imaginary Title Star, girl. Good job.) (S: Since nobody actually gets it this episode, I'm just gonna go ahead an take it.)

Gotham S01 E05 – This show thinks you’re stupid.

The general consensus around #gothamsnark this week seemed to be, "ugh, I have to watch Gotham now." Let me just add, "UGH. I HAVE TO RECAP GOTHAM NOW." More importantly, though, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR WATCHING STILL.
Here's to you:
Sweeney: Someone on Twitter (a) was confused by my watching this show and then (b) admired our dedication. A toast to all of us who see things through to the end even as it defies our own self-interest so blatantly.
Alex: Thirded. I am so touched (and only slightly confused) by everyone's commitment to watching along with us. You guys are the best!

The OC S02 E07 – The Ties that B(l)ind

A little backstory, I grew up watching a ton of high school dramas: Saved by the Bell, California Dreams, The OC, and the more recent Gossip Girl. I spent my formative years in Nigeria and everything I knew about the American Education system, I learned from these shows, all of the Bring it On movies and the numerous college drama themed movies I cannot remember. Imagine my surprise and indignation when I came over to the States for college and it was nothing like Hollywood portrayed. College wasn’t an endless party filled with cute, flirty boys, I never became best friends with my roommate, and everything I had been lead to believe was a damn lie!
To be fair, I attended a small liberal arts college that also happens to be the first of the Seven Sisters, and one of the few women’s colleges still in existence. Had I really wanted an All American College Experience TM, I probably should have gone anywhere but there.

Doctor Who S01 E05 – Low achievement bars

We pick up exactly where we left off. The Doctor fights off the electricity and gathers it into a ball in one hand. "Deadly to humans, maybe!" he says, and shoves the electricity ball into the Slitheen's chest. It and MP Sugar writhe in pain.
After the credits, we see that the Slitheen in the Cabinet Room and the one in Jackie's flat are both writhing in electricity covered pain too.

Snark Squad Sentiments: On Getting It Wrong

Somewhere along the line, this blog transitioned from, "LOL, kids books are ridiculous when read as adults!" to, "Wow, there is a lot of dangerous, problematic messaging in our favorite media." It didn't happen on purpose and it didn't happen over night, but it definitely happened. Just as the blog has changed, it has also changed us in the process.
Marines: I don't think I'm ever approaching the material we cover with the mind-set, "let's find all the ways this is wrong." To be sure, our primary goal has always been about finding humor in the way we discuss the media we chose, and letting that be the common ground between us all as consumers. Things did change, though, as we found ourselves unable to look past problems without calling them out.

Pretty Little Liars S04 E09 – Christian Grey Lunch Dates

Mona, in her quest to make amends for her history of stalking and life-ruining, is in her interrogation, confessing to Wilden's murder. She says that she had known about Wilden's murder of Garrett, a fact that she claims she was trying to use to blackmail him into leaving our Pretty Little Liars out of his Ali-vestigation. Wilden got violent once he know that Mona knew about his murdering Garrett. When asked why she's confessing when she could have gotten away with it, Mona cries and says she couldn't let her best friend's mother go down for a murder she didn't commit.
Marines: As soon as the detective leaves, she stops crying and puts on a, "mwahahaha" face. I hope this isn't being recorded.

Dollhouse S01 E05 – Well Deserved Face Punches

First I need to share that when I realized I would have to recap this episode, I yelled out, “NO!” That should be enough to let you know how I feel about it.
Lorraine: A common Snark Lady problem. In fact, Kirsti was known to work out who would get what episode during entire seasons of Buffy. That moment of realization that an episode is yours is best drowned in Goblets of Win.
Sweeney: Not knowing what trauma lies ahead is one of the occasional perks of Snow Life.

The OC S02 E06 – Snow Elitism

Before we get into this recap, a little bit of context about my history with The OC. I watched seasons one and two when it aired on TV and actually own season one on DVD. I happen to think that season one is one of the greatest seasons of TV ever, and it definitely was my very favorite season of TV as a teenager. However, I haven't seen season two since it aired. In my mind, The OC ended during the season one finale.
So! With that, let's get into "The Chrismukkah that Almost Wasn't." (Full disclosure: I asked to recap this episode because Chrismukkah is one of the first things that come to mind when I think of Seth Cohen/The OC.) (S: And this is a great episode for any Seth Cohen Chrismukkah fan.)

How to Get Away with Murder S01 E04 – Who throws a shoe?

We begin, again, on Murder Night. At 12 Grimmauld Place, we rehash the Michaela is beyond terrified/Connor is verbally abusive and manic/Laurel is trying to stay calm and be helpful/Wes is snuggling Rebecca dynamic. Wes says he needs to get Rebecca out of here while the rest of them go to the woods, since she of all people can’t be found there.
Then there’s an angry knock on the door and everyone panics. It’s Asher, and he is PISSED. Not because of murder!reasons, but because Michaela stole his trophy. They all pretend not to be home, except Connor, who starts cackling like a sociopath. It’s not funny, except when Asher yells, “Are you bitches seriously trying to ignore me right now?” That was weirdly hilarious.

Doctor Who S01 E04 – Gas exchange

The TARDIS appears in front of Rose's less than fancy looking apartment complex. (K: For the Americans among us, allow me to teach you about council estates, otherwise known as "where Rose Tyler lives.") Rose and the Doctor get out and her first question is how long she's been gone. Only about 12 hours. Rose laughs and promises not to take long, as she just wants to check on her mother. She tells the Doctor not to disappear on her. He gives her a cute little smile in return.
Cute in a, "yeah, yeah, whatever you say," way.
Sweeney: I mentioned this last time, but to reiterate: while I'm still not really enjoying this show, these bits are cute.

Veronica Mars S02 E16 – Town of Indeterminate Size

he previouslies are loaded with Troy flashbacks, so, you know, that's a thing to prepare for. I have the vague feeling that I don't like this episode, but it wins a lot of points for continuity porn, which this show is full of and generally does quite well. Bringing back a character we haven't seen in 30 episodes is neat because it's a show's way of saying, "Yes, we know that when characters leave our immediate scope, they continue existing and being people!"
Marines: "And we realize that real people often have multiple interactions with more than 5 people." Good job, show. You are right.
Democracy Diva: For the resident Snow, these callbacks are often confusing, but even I remembered Troy as... uh... someone Veronica dated who did something fucked up to her? Right? Maybe? It's been a LONG TIME since Season 1, you guys. I know I'm supposed to hate him, I just don't totally remember why.

Dollhouse S01 E04 – Blue skies and snowy mountains

Mountains Somewhere. We hear a woman moaning and I'm pretty sure it's done specifically in a way so the first thing you think is, "sexy time." But no. Some woman is giving birth and now I just feel all awkward. (S: Best PSA ever! YOU THINK SEXY TIME FEELS GOOD, KIDS? WELL THIS IS WHERE IT LEADS.) Echo is the midwife and WHY? WHY WOULD ECHO BE THE MIDWIFE? Are these parents on the run from the law? Is that baby the second coming of some deity? Did part of the job include scaling the mountain before assuming midwiferly duties? NO? No need for a doll to be the midwife.
Stephanie: This show obviously takes place in an alternate universe where everyone is terrible at their jobs, thus dolls are necessary to keep society functioning.

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