We begin with something that is obviously some sort of dream sequence because everything is so happy and good and not broken but I don't even care, I'm fucking enjoying it. The whole Fang Gang, plus Connor, are sitting at a fancy table in the Hyperion lobby eating what appears to be Thanksgiving dinner and they're all laughing and happy and toasting to family and Wesley is there and Cordelia's hair isn't too awful and THEN THAT'S THE EPISODE! THE END! THANKS FOR COMING.
Kirsti: A+. Everyone go home. Nothing to see here.
Lorraine: I don't know about you, but I feel satisfied.
Because the show knows we are ready for a major change of pace from ALL THE THINGS, we decide to really get weird and kick off S7 in Istanbul because, "Why the fuck not?" also because it's the 2000s now and everyone noticed how incredibly white this show is. We see a teenage girl running through the streets of Istanbul being chased by hooded men. Unfortunately, this new PoC gets stabbed by one of the hooded men without even getting to say any words. Sorry, girl.
Kirsti: Womp womp. Also, when this episode first aired and opened in Istanbul, I was 1000% convinced that I'd gotten my days mixed up and was watching Alias instead.
Lorraine: I was convinced that we were going to start with Spike. Also, having seen this whole episode, I still don't know what this is. Being a Snow is still stupid in season 7. FYI.
Kirsti: Womp womp. Also, when this episode first aired and opened in Istanbul, I was 1000% convinced that I'd gotten my days mixed up and was watching Alias instead.
Lorraine: I was convinced that we were going to start with Spike. Also, having seen this whole episode, I still don't know what this is. Being a Snow is still stupid in season 7. FYI.
DECEMBER. It's already December. You know, we've been doing TMYK for over a year now. I just had a vague flash of writing the December 2012 TMYK so I went to check and was way surprised to discover that we actually did the first one (when we asked all of you to help us name it!) in September 2012. WEIRD. I'm sure I'll say this again when we do this again next month and add all the requisite NEW YEARS goodness, but this blog has come to occupy this strange space where I am equal parts confused by how long it's been and how it hasn't been longer because it's come to occupy such a big space in my life.
Our Pretty Liars are congregated in front of Spencer's locker at the Rosewood School for Discussing Secrets Loudly. They are discussing their secrets. Loudly. Emily wants to know how Spencer got $2000 for their informant so quickly, and she vagues about having a relative who helped.
Aria and Spencer are going to meet the informant, Jonah, at 6pm and they will meet with Hanna and Emily afterwards. Hanna wants to know why she doesn't get to go make shady money exchanges; Spencer explains that showing up four deep might freak Jonah out. Emily shouts about wanting to be there to learn the truth but Mona strides up and they have to cut their conversation short. The Liars greet Mona with a tepid, "hey," before she pulls Hanna away to chat about shopping plans
Aria and Spencer are going to meet the informant, Jonah, at 6pm and they will meet with Hanna and Emily afterwards. Hanna wants to know why she doesn't get to go make shady money exchanges; Spencer explains that showing up four deep might freak Jonah out. Emily shouts about wanting to be there to learn the truth but Mona strides up and they have to cut their conversation short. The Liars greet Mona with a tepid, "hey," before she pulls Hanna away to chat about shopping plans
Sweeney: This show. I’m not sure how I feel about this show. It has all these amazing characters, but they seem to outshine the show itself. I don’t know what to...
It's over. Remember when we finished S4 and we were all about the party gifs? It was all, "SHOTS, SHOTS, SHOTS, SHOTS, SHOTS, SHOTS, EVERBOODDDYYYYY!" and life was good, you know? This is more like wounded soldiers drinking at the bar, solemnly exchanging war stories and comparing battle scars. We're done. We survived.
Blogging this season has been rough. S6 is heavy and dark and it calls for a lot of breaks. Instead, we watched it twice a week, spending several hours with each episode. That has been a challenge. Admittedly, the other challenge has been the strong feelings of the existing fan base. This season has done some damage that I worry is irreparable.
Blogging this season has been rough. S6 is heavy and dark and it calls for a lot of breaks. Instead, we watched it twice a week, spending several hours with each episode. That has been a challenge. Admittedly, the other challenge has been the strong feelings of the existing fan base. This season has done some damage that I worry is irreparable.
We open with Groo walking into the Hyperion carrying a tray of glasses filled with...IDK, muddy water? He looks across the lobby to see Cordy standing in the office and I REALLY can't get over how ugly her hair is. He heads into the office, and Cordy's all "WTF is that drink?" He says that it's a soothing brew to help her chill out. She says that it looks like muddy water, and he's all "CORRECT!" Lor, does this make me a Snark Prophet?
Lorraine: Half of one, because I'm pretty sure you've seen this episode before. I love you.
K: I barely remembered the plot, let alone the tiny details!
Lorraine: Half of one, because I'm pretty sure you've seen this episode before. I love you.
K: I barely remembered the plot, let alone the tiny details!
We start exactly where we left off, because this aired as a two hour finale. Buffy and Anya both pull themselves upright, equal parts thrilled and confused to see Giles. Willow on the other hand says, "Uh oh. Daddy's home." He tells her calmly but coldly that she needs to stop what she's doing, but she replies that she's not done yet. She starts to stand, but Giles says "Stay down" and gestures with his fingers. She falls back to the floor, and informs us that no, Giles didn't go back to England become a crazy powerful warlock. He's using borrowed power.
Giles says that he's there to help, but she has no fucks to give. She uses magic to hover herself into the air. Giles makes his "stay down" gesture again, but Willow makes a gesture of her own, and remains unaffected. Giles looks worried.
Giles says that he's there to help, but she has no fucks to give. She uses magic to hover herself into the air. Giles makes his "stay down" gesture again, but Willow makes a gesture of her own, and remains unaffected. Giles looks worried.
We open up at a Rosewood Swim Meet, where Caleb is working on the Super Secret Cell Phone Files in the middle of a hundred people. Genius. The girls remind us of what happened last time (calling the number in Alison/Vivian's coat and setting up a meeting), which is actually a good thing this time because I had legitimately forgotten that this was happening. Aria is the one going to meet him, and she's worried but Spencer tells her they'll have her back. How has Aria not figured out yet that NOTHING BAD EVER HAPPENS TO HER EVER?
Sweeney: Right? They should be sending Aria in for all such shady missions. She's got some sort of magical immunity going.
Sweeney: Right? They should be sending Aria in for all such shady missions. She's got some sort of magical immunity going.
Do you have any idea how many times my fingers inadvertently wrote "Benedict Cumberbatch" while trying to write the name of this episode? (It was two. Which was still two too many, really.)
ANYWAY. We start in the lobby of the Hyperion, immediately after the end of the last episode. Fred says that Angel's still not answering his phone, and the Fang Gang debate whether they should go out looking for him. They're saved the trouble though when Angel walks in the door, limping on account of all the bullet wounds. The gang help him to a chair, and ask if Connor's responsible for his injuries. He informs them that Connor's name is Steven now, and that no, he wasn't responsible for the injuries. Fred asks where he is, and Angel's all "*shrug* He'll find me if he needs me." The gang are all "Um, wow. Way to parent," but Angel is familiar with the ways of Traumaland and knows that neglect is the best medicine.
ANYWAY. We start in the lobby of the Hyperion, immediately after the end of the last episode. Fred says that Angel's still not answering his phone, and the Fang Gang debate whether they should go out looking for him. They're saved the trouble though when Angel walks in the door, limping on account of all the bullet wounds. The gang help him to a chair, and ask if Connor's responsible for his injuries. He informs them that Connor's name is Steven now, and that no, he wasn't responsible for the injuries. Fred asks where he is, and Angel's all "*shrug* He'll find me if he needs me." The gang are all "Um, wow. Way to parent," but Angel is familiar with the ways of Traumaland and knows that neglect is the best medicine.
We get an entire season worth of previouslies which, much like the Scoobies, almost entirely ignores Dawn. Poor Dawnie. Once that's over with, Buffy's running through the woods followed by Anya and Xander. Xander stops running to possibly throw up, because OH GOD WILLOW JUST FLAYED A GUY. Buffy says that they can't afford to stop because of Willow's "one down..." line. Anya completes the phrase and earns herself a gold star.
Sweeney: Congrats Anya! I don't think she's received many of these!
Lorraine: Xander mentions the smell and sound of the flaying, which is something I hadn't previously given thought to. THANKS XANDER.
Sweeney: Congrats Anya! I don't think she's received many of these!
Lorraine: Xander mentions the smell and sound of the flaying, which is something I hadn't previously given thought to. THANKS XANDER.
Kaylee is doubting Simon's claim that he swears. She cutely asks if he does all this cussing when she goes to bed, and he retorts that he swears when it's appropriate. Kaylee thinks the point of swearing is that it's never appropriate. I get what she means, and I may have agreed with her more BEFORE I read the Fifty Shades series and was educated in the ways of the world: sometimes there ain't nothing more appropriate than a big, fat FUCK YOU.
nyhow, Kaylee and Simon pause their chatter when they spot Inara. Kaylee greets her and asks if she's off for a romantic night, and Inara says she hopes so. She tells them not to let Mal get them in trouble and that she'll see them soon.
nyhow, Kaylee and Simon pause their chatter when they spot Inara. Kaylee greets her and asks if she's off for a romantic night, and Inara says she hopes so. She tells them not to let Mal get them in trouble and that she'll see them soon.
We slow motion zoom in on Angel, who looks like he's trying very hard to emote, which means you know shit is going down; this episode starts one second after Connor has reappeared. The camera pans to the right and Groo jumps into action, swinging his battle axe, also in slow-mo. We keep spinning and land back on Connor in the background, as in the foreground, Angel yells for everyone to wait.
Kirsti: I think the slow motion yelling was my favourite on account of how spectacularly awful it was.
Kirsti: I think the slow motion yelling was my favourite on account of how spectacularly awful it was.
I actually just finished watching Seeing Red about 20 minutes ago. After unloading all of my WHY TARA WHY feelings on Twitter (and the last post), I decided to just finish off my emotions and watch this episode too. The point of all this is just to warn you that I wrote this while my emotions were freshly Whedon-ed. Also, WHY TARA WHY? An ambulance arrives at 1630 Revello.
Kirsti: I stop to have thousands and thousands of feels because the last time an ambulance was called to Chez Summers, it was in The Body.
Sweeney: And this episode makes plenty of allusions to that one. Thousands of feels totally called for.
Kirsti: I stop to have thousands and thousands of feels because the last time an ambulance was called to Chez Summers, it was in The Body.
Sweeney: And this episode makes plenty of allusions to that one. Thousands of feels totally called for.
Hanna is waiting outside the vice principal's office with her mother as well as her new stepsister and stepmother. Everyone is silent and in various degrees of feels over the mass message of naked Kate. Hanna's phone rings and Ashley gives her, "Don't you fucking dare look at that phone," face. The principal emerges and says, "Mrs. Marin," which awkwardly gets a response from both his current and his ex wife.
The other three PLLs are looking at a red coat that Spencer picked up with Ali's claim ticket conveniently tucked into Hanna's stolen copy of Lolita. Aria doesn't think Ali would wear it, but Spencer thinks that this is probably part of Wigison's special separate wardrobe.
Lorraine: Definitely have to have a wardrobe that goes well with a wig, you know? You have to respect Wigison for her commitment.
The other three PLLs are looking at a red coat that Spencer picked up with Ali's claim ticket conveniently tucked into Hanna's stolen copy of Lolita. Aria doesn't think Ali would wear it, but Spencer thinks that this is probably part of Wigison's special separate wardrobe.
Lorraine: Definitely have to have a wardrobe that goes well with a wig, you know? You have to respect Wigison for her commitment.
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