The episode starts with a lot of shots of Los Angeles before taking us back to Brooding Hotel, where the gang is patching up the earthquake damaged hotel and Groo is pleading with Angel to heed his advice...on the new color selection. I won't lie, I'm kind of a fan of Groo. Not in the sense that I actually care a great deal what happens to him, but he's kind of precious and amusing.
Lorraine: He was a little off-putting at first, especially in the sense of the love triangle and cockblocking, but I'm warming to him as well.
Sweeney: Angel says no and stops Gunn from throwing away something that is seriously charred. He just wants everything “the way it was.” Hugs.
I grew anxious about recapping this episode months ago. I hadn't even anticipated how much drama would ensue in Traumaland before we reached this point. I was a little blindsided by that, to be honest. The bright side is that it actually makes this recap a little less scary for me. The stage has been well set, and many an argument has already been had much earlier than I expected. This, of course, isn't going to make this episode any more enjoyable to watch. But that's what we're going to do, so let's get to it.
Kirsti: I'm pretty sure that back in January when Sweeney and I hung out in LA for like four hours, one of the first things I said (besides "OMG, In n Out needs to come to Australia because this shake is magical") was "I'm scared of Seeing Red." So yeah.
Kirsti: I'm pretty sure that back in January when Sweeney and I hung out in LA for like four hours, one of the first things I said (besides "OMG, In n Out needs to come to Australia because this shake is magical") was "I'm scared of Seeing Red." So yeah.
We start out on an unknown planet, with a group of cowboys on horses stopping two strangers, a husband and wife, driving a wagon. The cowboys tell the guy driving that he's carrying something that belongs to them. He says that the stranger is going to give him everything he has in the wagon, including some one-on-one time with his missus. The stranger says he might want to reconsider that last one because he married him a "powerful ugly creature," and as he lifts his head, we can see that it's lovable, huggable Jayne.
Jayne says that if he could make him prettier, he would. Mal responds that Jayne is not the man he met a year ago. This is all happening with Mal still wearing the bonnet, by the way.
Jayne says that if he could make him prettier, he would. Mal responds that Jayne is not the man he met a year ago. This is all happening with Mal still wearing the bonnet, by the way.
We open at the Hyperion. Gunn and Fred are going through files, and it's awkward because there are a bunch that Wes was meant to be taking care of, but not so much any more. Lorne walks in, and asks how they're going before saying that it's important to keep busy and throw yourself into your work at times like these. He looks pointedly at the stairs as he says this. Fred reminds him that Angel's lost the only child he'll ever have, and Lorne says that he knows, but wishes Angel would talk to them.
Gunn doesn't want to find out first hand whether the rage has passed, and Fred says that she doesn't think Angel's planning on finishing the smothering. Gunn snarks that that's just because Wes is too smart to turn up at the hotel.
Gunn doesn't want to find out first hand whether the rage has passed, and Fred says that she doesn't think Angel's planning on finishing the smothering. Gunn snarks that that's just because Wes is too smart to turn up at the hotel.
After the previouslies, we're in one of Sunnydale's many cemeteries. A couple of vampires are running for their lives, but not from Buffy. No, they're running from the Trio, who are all riding quad bikes with stakes on the front of them and who are after the metal disc one of the vamps is holding. Because OBVIOUSLY to everything in that sentence.
One of the vamps stops and breaks a branch off a nearby tree, and uses it to knock Andrew off his quad bike. Warren and Jonathan swerve to avoid him and collide. The vamps run for it but only get as far as the gate before they're attacked by Buffy. Clearly not having a good night. Buffy knocks one vamp out, and starts pummelling the other. While doing so, the knocked out vamp comes to and starts creeping up behind her.
One of the vamps stops and breaks a branch off a nearby tree, and uses it to knock Andrew off his quad bike. Warren and Jonathan swerve to avoid him and collide. The vamps run for it but only get as far as the gate before they're attacked by Buffy. Clearly not having a good night. Buffy knocks one vamp out, and starts pummelling the other. While doing so, the knocked out vamp comes to and starts creeping up behind her.
Spencer, Emily and Hanna crowd around Caleb as he works on enhancing the video he found on A's cell phone. He's kind of annoyed at their hovering, though Spencer says they aren't even that close. They're close enough that he knows Spencer had a cheeseburger for lunch. I'm not ashamed to say that it reminded me of the episode where Chuckie Finster gained a super sense of smell and used it to get rid of bullies. One day, I will recap all of the Rugrats. (S: ONE DAY.)
As Caleb keeps working on the video, Emily gets a call from Hanna, which she quickly ignores. Then, Aria receives a call from Hanna, which she too ignores. Caleb's next, and finally Hanna calls Spencer. She jokes about being the low man on the totem poll, but at least picks up the phone.
As Caleb keeps working on the video, Emily gets a call from Hanna, which she quickly ignores. Then, Aria receives a call from Hanna, which she too ignores. Caleb's next, and finally Hanna calls Spencer. She jokes about being the low man on the totem poll, but at least picks up the phone.
Angel stands in his fire and earthquake destroyed room, staring at the charred and empty crib. We zoom in on his hurt face, which a lot of you seem to have very little sympathy for. You Heartless Cows can pretend he's thinking about how to get rid of smoke damage.
Cut to Wesley's apartment. Fred is sadly listening to several messages she left for Wesley. He has not been home. She's having a hard time accepting that he would kidnap Connor. Gunn is more on team, "well. It happened." They both know that if Angel reaches Wesley first, he's a dead man. Fred wants to stay in the apartment in case Wesley comes back, but Gunn doesn't think Wes is coming back. His toothbrush, razor and gun are gone, aka the essentials. I'm not sure what you would need to find gone from my house to assume I was gone forever. All my nail polishes and books probably wouldn't be conducive to running away, you know?
Cut to Wesley's apartment. Fred is sadly listening to several messages she left for Wesley. He has not been home. She's having a hard time accepting that he would kidnap Connor. Gunn is more on team, "well. It happened." They both know that if Angel reaches Wesley first, he's a dead man. Fred wants to stay in the apartment in case Wesley comes back, but Gunn doesn't think Wes is coming back. His toothbrush, razor and gun are gone, aka the essentials. I'm not sure what you would need to find gone from my house to assume I was gone forever. All my nail polishes and books probably wouldn't be conducive to running away, you know?
Buffy is walking alone at night, but today we find her not in a graveyard, but on a sidewalk, looking over some information on rental properties. From Buffy we transition to a computer screen that has her image. Video surveillance. Jonathan is asleep in front of the computer until Warren squirts him with a water gun and berates him for sleeping on the job again.
Kirsti: Having recently destroyed a laptop by spilling water on the keyboard, I strongly recommend that Warren NOT use that method again in the future. Course, he's a fucking sociopath and probably has no fucks to give about his computers, so whatevs.
Kirsti: Having recently destroyed a laptop by spilling water on the keyboard, I strongly recommend that Warren NOT use that method again in the future. Course, he's a fucking sociopath and probably has no fucks to give about his computers, so whatevs.
Just today, I was wasting time on Twitter, talking about how I would recap ALL THE THINGS if I could, when a Twitter friend joked with me not to forget to recap my recaps. BUT IT ISN'T A JOKE, FRIENDS, as dear Willie quickly reminded me. We are a couple of days into November, meaning it is indeed time to recap our recaps.
Sweeney: We're so meta like that.
Lor: Happy November! Happy NaNoWriMo to those brave souls who are participating this year (leave your profiles! Let's be friends!) and Happy No Shave November to those of you doing that. Never forget that Stalker Boyfriend came to us by way of a Movember ad. I mean that in the most encouraging way.
Sweeney: We're so meta like that.
Lor: Happy November! Happy NaNoWriMo to those brave souls who are participating this year (leave your profiles! Let's be friends!) and Happy No Shave November to those of you doing that. Never forget that Stalker Boyfriend came to us by way of a Movember ad. I mean that in the most encouraging way.
The girls are at Spencer's house, looking at the files Caleb has managed to decode. Hanna wants the Liars to stop using Caleb for help, because she doesn't want to involve him in their dramz. My feeling is, he's probably already involved, so you might as well use his magical wolfy hacking powers for good, right?
Sweeney: Definitely. Especially because it earns him more screen time, which really is a service to the greater good.
Sara: The file he's managed to decode is just the You Know You Wanna Kiss Me video, and the girls are like, SRSLY AGAIN because if this video gets any longer, it's going to be its own episode. But once we get to the end of it, the video cuts to a new location that we haven't seen before. Aria alerts us to it being Alison's bedroom, and we that Ian is setting this camera up in a secret place and WHAT IN THE ACTUAL FUCK. It only gets worse when Garrett and Blind!Jenna show up. They ask where New Jason is, and Ian tells them that weed + alcohol made him pass out.
Sweeney: Definitely. Especially because it earns him more screen time, which really is a service to the greater good.
Sara: The file he's managed to decode is just the You Know You Wanna Kiss Me video, and the girls are like, SRSLY AGAIN because if this video gets any longer, it's going to be its own episode. But once we get to the end of it, the video cuts to a new location that we haven't seen before. Aria alerts us to it being Alison's bedroom, and we that Ian is setting this camera up in a secret place and WHAT IN THE ACTUAL FUCK. It only gets worse when Garrett and Blind!Jenna show up. They ask where New Jason is, and Ian tells them that weed + alcohol made him pass out.
Today's episode begins with a flashback! We're at the Tam Estate, 11 years ago. Kid!Simon is sitting by the fireplace working on something while kid!River tries to play an elaborate role playing game with him. It is here that I do a double take because kid!Simon is none other than a young Zac Efron. LOLOLOLOL. I might giggle through this entire scene. (L: I'll have fingers crossed for a sudden musical number!) Hilarity aside, it's a very cute scene - kid!River is adorable and imaginative and kid!Simon is a pretty fantastic older brother. He sets aside his light-up tablet thing to engage/encourage kid!River further when she demonstrates her general brilliance by pointing out that his assignment (the problem itself, not his answer) is wrong. It's worth noting that her game is very us/them with "them" being the independents.
That point is driven home when their father enters. Zac Efron and his father chat about future technology and have a conversation that's sort of the equivalent of Zac Efron wanting his own, unfiltered internet account, but dad doesn't want him to have unfettered access to porn and other unsavory things. (He says it in Mandarin, btw, I'm assuming it was long-winded Mandarin for "porn and unsavory politics.") (L: He actually says, "heaven knows what." Heaven might not know, but Sweeney does! PORN AND UNSAVORY POLITICS.) Unfortunately, he was overruled by his wife who is OK with Zac Efron getting porn, anarchy, and The Real Housewives of the Outer Planets. (L: A+) Papa Tam adds, though, that Zac Efron had better use his "dedicated source box" to become a super genius doctor.
That point is driven home when their father enters. Zac Efron and his father chat about future technology and have a conversation that's sort of the equivalent of Zac Efron wanting his own, unfiltered internet account, but dad doesn't want him to have unfettered access to porn and other unsavory things. (He says it in Mandarin, btw, I'm assuming it was long-winded Mandarin for "porn and unsavory politics.") (L: He actually says, "heaven knows what." Heaven might not know, but Sweeney does! PORN AND UNSAVORY POLITICS.) Unfortunately, he was overruled by his wife who is OK with Zac Efron getting porn, anarchy, and The Real Housewives of the Outer Planets. (L: A+) Papa Tam adds, though, that Zac Efron had better use his "dedicated source box" to become a super genius doctor.
The episode begins with Wesley back to obsessing about the prophecy, which thanks to the earthquake happening as foretold by the hamburger, he's now sure is legit.
Kirsti: Would YOU doubt the word of a talking hamburger??
Lorraine: This is a trick question, I'm sure of it.
Kirsti: Would YOU doubt the word of a talking hamburger??
Lorraine: This is a trick question, I'm sure of it.
The episode begins with Willow telling Buffy how hideous something looks while lightning crackles. It's just their bridesmaids dresses that they're discussing. Willow is actually Best Man, though, which earns her some bonus terrible sleeve. Actually, it's sort of a nice analogy for the way bridesmaids dresses work -- your stupid dress highlights the special snowflake that is the bride. It figures, then, that the show's eponymous character would have the less stupid of the two dresses. Willow's thinking the traditional blood larva and burlap sounds less bad. No, Willow, it definitely doesn't.
Kirsti: Oh God, the dresses. They're SO AWFUL. Also, I've always thought that the tradition was "blood lava" because in non-US English, larva and lava are pronounced the same. I can't decide if it makes less sense or more sense now.
Kirsti: Oh God, the dresses. They're SO AWFUL. Also, I've always thought that the tradition was "blood lava" because in non-US English, larva and lava are pronounced the same. I can't decide if it makes less sense or more sense now.
With the third and final book now behind us, it's time to take one last, overarching look at just how stupid it really was, from the insane word counts produced by ELJ's limited grasp of the English language, to the nonsensical pacing in a book originally written as serialized fanfiction by someone without a proper understanding of "plot" or "reality."
Lorraine: We often marveled at how much bad E.L. James managed to stuff into her series, but because we spread our recaps out over so many weeks, we're afraid our readers lose sight of just how horrible this material really is.
Lorraine: We often marveled at how much bad E.L. James managed to stuff into her series, but because we spread our recaps out over so many weeks, we're afraid our readers lose sight of just how horrible this material really is.
The episode begins with Hanna still wet from her time in the lake, looking moodily into a fire. She has a blanket around her and Aria offers to make her soup. Emily says that while Hanna might not be able to talk, the police (LOL) are going to drag the lake. That's jumping to a pretty morbid conclusion, but I love when these girls support each other in times of trauma (which are always). Hanna's not buying the morbid conclusion because she can feel that he's out there.
Aria's stunned by the idea of Lucas helping A, because he doesn't seem that violent. This is when Hanna pipes up to out Lucas as destroyer of Ali's memorial.
Aria's stunned by the idea of Lucas helping A, because he doesn't seem that violent. This is when Hanna pipes up to out Lucas as destroyer of Ali's memorial.
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