Previously: Varys found out Tyrion rolled into town with Shae, Gendry finds out Arya belongs to House Stark, Theon finds out his family is pretty much a bunch of douches,...
Previously: Buffy tried to get one up on the Mayor, but Willow ended up kidnapped, freaking spider things were released and the Mayor said that B and Angel weren’t going...
Dear Traumateers, Lorraine: This month I’ve loved noticing how the site continues to grow. Not only in numbers, but in style and in the way each series has its own...
Previously: Suddenly, everyone had a king and they were all preparing for war. — The Night Lands Lorraine: Sweeney basically called me a weather forecaster last post, thanks to my...
Previously: Buffy got demon cooties and almost went crazy and Jonathan, the context-less wonder, acquired some context. — Choices Sweeney: In the mayor’s office, we’re having another creepy daddy/daughter exchange, because...
Previously: Ana sucked at her job and it made her boss angry. Grey sucked at being a human being and it made Ana happy. — Lorraine: When we left Ana,...
Previously: Joffrey became king of incestuous crazy, NED DIED, the northern bannermen declared Robb king of the north, Arya is hiding out as a dude, and also DAENERYS AND DRAGONS....
Previously: Faith killed a not particularly evil demon, and tried to seduce Angel. When that failed, she and the Mayor stole his soul, but LOL NOPE Angel’s the best actor...
Previously: NED IS DEAD. — Lorraine: We are zoomed in on a sword dripping blood, as we are definitely picking up this episode one second after Ned Stark’s beheading. The...
Previously: Vamp!Willow magically poofed into town and made everything infinitely more fun. We know she likes to lick and bite and eat people but we were still sad to see...
Previously: Traumaland learned that a “cat” is a type of whip, and we all got a shared Questionable Google Search of the Day. Grey revealed his big not-secret that he...
Previously: Shit gets real for the whole Stark family. Ned learns he’s secured himself a death sentence, Sansa womans up on behalf of her father, Robb goes to war with...
Previously: Faith killed the deputy mayor and tried to pin it on Buffy, but then she saved her life. BUT THEN she went to become the mayor’s new go-to gal....
Previously: Robert died thanks to being drunk while hunting. He left Ned in charge, but Cersei had other plans and put her little douche-brat on the throne. Daenerys was almost...
Previously: A new Watcher came to town, Faith got her steal AND her murder on, and the Mayor became indestructible. — Consequences Kirsti: We open underwater to a whole lot...
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