Sweeney: It’s a weekend bonus! Here are some of the things we left out of Wednesday’s Fifty Shades Darker Chapter 11 vlog. It’s a lot less cohesive, so it’s unlikely...
Previously: We met a ton of people in lots of places and winter was coming. — The Kingsroad Lorraine: We start with a minute forty-five second cut of “previously” scenes...
Previously: Anya rolled into town and Cordelia wished Buffy away. Shit got bad, so Giles destroyed her power center, effectively turning the entire episode into one giant “IT WAS ALL...
Previously: It was revealed that Taylor the bodyguard is actually the Red Power Ranger. Also, Ana and Grey play pool. — Sweeney: CRACK THE CHAMPAGNE, Y’ALL — IT’S THE HALFWAY...
Someone mentioned Game of Thrones in the comments so we decided to do the thing. — Winter is Coming Sweeney: I don’t want to spend too much time introducing what...
Previously: Spike came back!! Willow and Xander made out some more, and got busted, Cordy got impaled by rebar, and Buffy told Angel she couldn’t be friends with him. Basically,...
Previously: The Scoobies found out about Angel being doubly undead and they were not happy. Apparently your friends won’t appreciate it if your bf tries to kill lots of people....
Previously: I don’t really remember, but I think we spent forty years in a desert? With Grey making domestic violence jokes and something about boats which don’t belong in deserts...
Previously: The evil mayor conspired to make the grownups of Sunnydale regress to teenagerness and it was awesome. — Revelations Sweeney: We begin at the Bronze with Oz playing and...
I'm going to start out by saying that this is one of my all time favourite BtVS episodes. I love it so freaking much. Everything about it is phenomenal, and nothing you say can convince me otherwise.
We open in the cemetery at night. Buffy sits on a picnic blanket as Giles reads from a book: "'And on that day, an era came to its inevitable end'. That's all there is." Just when you're thinking big apocalypse-y prophecy, NOPE. SAT prep.
Lorraine: Same, same but different!
We open in the cemetery at night. Buffy sits on a picnic blanket as Giles reads from a book: "'And on that day, an era came to its inevitable end'. That's all there is." Just when you're thinking big apocalypse-y prophecy, NOPE. SAT prep.
Lorraine: Same, same but different!
The Culling by Steven dos Santos Release Date: March 8, 2013 Source: ARC Pre-Order: Powell’s || Amazon Lucian “Lucky” Spark has been recruited for training by the totalitarian government known...
Previously: Angel is back, and, well shit. — Homecoming Lorraine: We find our gang at the Bronze, and Cordelia is suggesting they rent a limo for the upcoming homecoming dance....
Previously: The arrival of Faith (!!) has left Sunnydale with two slayers. Also: naked Angel. Beauty and the Beasts Sweeney: The episode begins with a full moon, suggesting Oz/werewolf time....
Previously: Ana once again demonstrated her terrible sense of priorities by choosing shit-beating over being worshiped. She and Grey attend the most nonsensically elaborate charity ball ever. After, they find...
Previously: Buffy’s homecoming was less than happy but a little zombie killing later, all was right with the Scoobies. — Faith, Hope & Trick Kirsti: We open on the high...
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