Sweeney: Happy Friday, Traumateers! This is something of a half-assed post, because it’s the holidays and we’re feeling extra lazy and entitled to our laziness. It’s you know, the usual:...
Previously: Buffy ran away from home, but she couldn’t run away from her inner demons. …or something. — Dead Man’s Party Lorraine: Buffy is back in Sunnydale and seemingly unpacking...
Previously: Ana attends a charity event hosted by Grey’s parents with balls in her vagina. That’s not a metaphor for anything; there were actual balls in her vagina. — Lorraine:...
Sweeney: Hello, Traumateers! We’ve been having lots of holiday fun, but what with today being the hypothetical apocalypse and all, we figured that there was no better way to celebrate...
Sweeney: We’ve already covered the fact that The OC sits on dubious territory, straddling the line between our “Childhood Trauma” and “Ruined For Life” categories. On that note, my fauxCD...
Our Very Snarky Holiday continues, but today’s post comes from the in-house Snark Ladies. Enjoy! — A Rugrats Chanukah Lorraine: I love Rugrats. Or, I mean, I remember loving it...
This post is part of our Very Snarky Holiday Special. Today we welcome the amazing Gina of This is Not Your Blog. — Home for Christmas Gina: Some TV shows do...
This post is part of our Very Snarky Holiday Special. Say hello to our good friend and wonderful blogger, Ginny of Ginny in Boston. — Holidays Ginny: If you grew...
This is the first of several holiday guest posts here on The Snark Squad. We will be taking a slight break from our normal routine to snark a few new...
Previously: Joyce laser-removed her Non-Negligent Parenting eyebrows forever by telling Buffy to never return, Angelus opened the gate to hell right before Willow magicked his soul back, and then Buffy...
Previously: Ana called Grey out for taking her to a salon in his Empire of Domestic Violence Emporiums, but when the Ghost of Submissives Past got a gun, he insisted...
Lorraine: WHAT UP BONUS CONTENT. (One day, someone is going to take away my caps lock key.) (S: NEVER!) Anyhow, I figured it would be fun to rank the episodes....
Previously: Angelus found a big stone blob, containing a demon called Acathla, and is planning to use Acathla to suck the world into hell. Also, we got a whooooooole lot...
Previously: We found out that the Christian Grey Empire of Domestic Violence Emporiums has three salons. FANCY. Lorraine: Ana is trying get information from the receptionist and confirms that the...
Previously: Xander joined the swim team and we saw FAR more of him than we wanted to. Also, monsters. Becoming, Part 1 Kirsti: Brace yourselves, guys. It’s about to get flashback-y...
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