Previously: The Baby-sitters said goodbye to Stacey and then hello to Mallory. They also went on vacation which isn’t exciting as it sounds. — Sweeney: I think I’m going to...
Previously: Mallory was accepted into the BSC and Stoneybrook was a hot, racist mess. — Lorraine: Our first Baby-sitter Super Special! One million imaginary internet points to the reader who...
Previously: Nancy went undercover at a magazine, and somehow that meant we overloaded a post with Twilight gifs. Cool. —Sweeney: Filled with jealousy that Sara and Lor are reading the...
Previously: Stacey left and we said goodbye to her like 87 times. —Nugs: I feel like I should get this out before the Ladies of Snark make some kind of...
Previously: We jumped ahead in the SVH series and covered books 95-100 aka the Evil Twin mini-series aka baby Jesus’ gift to us all. Now that the holidays are over,...
For Christmas this year, we’re blessing you all with the best thing to ever come to Sweet Valley, “The Evil Twin” mini-series. Catch up with the links below before continuing...
For Christmas this year, we’re blessing you all with the best thing to ever come to Sweet Valley, “The Evil Twin” mini-series. Catch up with the links below before continuing...
We’re back with our third installment of A Very Sweet Valley Christmas, Childhood Trauma’s gift to you. Part 1 can be found here, and part 2 can be found here.—Sara:...
Previously: A new girl in a hippie skirt tries to break Claudia away from the BSC. All’s well that ends with a poorly crafted rhyming poem, however and the BSC...
Lorraine: It would be very ungrateful of us to let Thanksgiving pass by without acknowledging it in some way. Truth be told, Childhood Trauma has quickly become my favorite thing...
Previously: Another Nancy vacation ended in death. But really, she should’ve known better because she went skiing, and ew, snow. — Lorraine: There are two types of Nancy Drew books:...
Previously: Kristy’s cuntiness is rivaled when a snob in her neighborhood makes fun of her dead dog. Their book long hatred is solved, however, when Kristy throws pizza on the...
Happy Halloween Traumateers! Today we have the last installment of the “Night of the Living Dummy” series plus the winner of the our first ever giveaway, picked by none other...
Nugs: If you take a look at the “Notes” of the Goosebumps section of the epic Snark Squad Master List, you’ll notice that the Snarkmaster who often gets the brunt...
Happy Halloween Traumateers! Okay, well, not quite yet, but we figured we’d get a jump on celebrating every kid’s favorite holiday. In honor of Halloween, we’re bringing you three extra...
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